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1、文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.Unit 2 Healthy eatingSection m Learning about Language & Using Language1 .单句语法填空1 I(think) it was easy to deal with , but a lot of problems have arisen.答案:thought2 Many people have come to realize that they should have a(balance)diet and make room in their day for exer

2、cise.答案:balanced3 They promised to make people(energy) by using their products.答案:energetic4 He has no(strong) to stand up , for he is very weak.答案:strength5 He was born in a poor family , and only received(limit) education inhis childhood.答案:limited6 After released from prison , the young man earne

3、dliving by runninga small restaurant.答案:his7 As students , we should(combination) book knowledge with practice.答案:combine8 It can be(benefit) to share your feelings with someone you trust.答案:beneficial9 Having been disturbed , the manlooked up from his notes to glarethegirl standing out of the door.

4、答案:at10 The English play in which my students acted at the New Year s party wasa great(succeed) 答案:successn.阅读理解ASundays, I walk to the supermarket.Mother hands me the grocery list and putsmoney in my pocket , hoping it will be enough.She s had a hard day , and I ve had a hard week.Nothing out of th

5、e ordinary happens when I get to the store.I grab thebread , some milk , and other things on the list.As I turn to head out , I see a beautiful dress in the window.I turn away , bitter that I could never own such a dress.Outside , I cannot stop thinking about that pretty dress.It s not fair that Ica

6、n never have what I want.I work so hard to help my family and yet I get nothingin return , just another list to do.In my anger, I fail to realize the apples arerolling across the road.Suddenly , I see a pair of hands, offering mean apple.Looking up, I see the tanned ( 晒黑的 ) face of this stranger.His

7、 clothes are mismatched,borrowed or stolen.But his eyes are soft and kind.“ Thanks,”I say.No other words are spoken as he continues to help me.I tellhim “ thank you ” one more time and am on my way because I have many other thingsto finish.Suddenly , he says,“ Have a good day, ma am.” And then he gi

8、ves me the biggest smile I have ever seen.Right then , he looks years younger and I feel a fool.Look at me, feeling sorry for myself because I don t get what I want! Do I not think others are in the same boat , or worse? There are worse things than not having a beautiful dress.My mother will hand me

9、 the list today.I will make the same journey and probably see something I want but cannot have.But before I start to feel sorry for myself,I will remember the kind stranger with the big smile , and I will grab the last item , and check out.语篇解读本文是夹叙夹议文。一次寻常的购物途中遇见的陌生人对作者影响深远。1 What can we learn abou

10、t the author from the first paragraph?A She is rushing to get home.B She comes from a poor family.C She never buys herself new clothes.D She enjoys doing the family shopping.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的hoping it will be enough.She s had a hardday, and I ve had a hard week 和 I turn away , bitter that I could nev

11、er own such a dress 等可推测,作者的家境不是很好。答案:B2 Why does the author feel angry as she walks home?A Her apples drop on the road.8 She gets nothing for her effort.C She is expected to do too much.D Her family pay little attention to her.解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段中的I work so hard to help my family and yet Iget nothing i

12、n return 可知,作者感到气愤是觉得自己的努力没有得到相应的回报。答案: B3 The author speaks very few words to the man because.A. she thinks he is a bad manB. she has never met him beforeC. she is in a hurry to do other workD. she doesn t like the way he s dressed解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段中的 I tell him thank you one more time and am on my wa

13、y because I have many other things to finish可知,作者只对帮助她的那个陌生人说了两遍“谢谢”是因为她还有其他事情要做。答案: C4 What s the best title for the text?A. A difficult daily jobB. Learn to understandC. My greatest influenceD. Save money for the future解析:标题归纳题。作者为帮家里购物这件事发牢骚表示不满,然而购物途中一个陌生人的所言所行改变了她。因此C项作标题概括了文章主旨。答案: CBCar needs

14、 gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you.Eating the right kind of food is very important.It can help your body grow strong to take care of what you eat.There are four main food groups altogether.The dairy group has food like milk , cheese and sour milk.The other three groups are the

15、 meat and fish group , the fruit and vegetable group , and the bread and rice group.Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups.With all these food together , you will be given enough energy during the day.It is easy to get into bad eating habits.You may eat your breakfast in a

16、 hurry to get to school on time.Or you may not have time for a good lunch.It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time.But you will find yourself fatigued in these days and you cannot think quickly.Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong.It is als

17、ogood to take some exercise.It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air.Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.语篇解读本文主要介绍了人们的饮食类型和饮食习惯,以及身体锻炼的作用,这对人们的身体健康有利。来了解一下吧。5 The underl ined word “ dairy ” in the second paragraph means.A the foo

18、d made out of cows such as milk and butterB the shop that sells milk and butterC a farm where cows are keptD a place where milk products are made解析:词义猜测题。由该句中的milk , cheese and sour milk 可推知 dairy 的含义是“用奶牛产出的像牛奶和黄油之类的食物”。答案:A6 Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?A Eggs, tomatoe

19、s and chicken.B Milk , bread , cabbages and beef.C Corn , fish , cream and pork.D Rice , beancurd , apples , fish and chicken.解析: 细节理解题。从第二段前四句,尤其是第四句“Ea ch meal should have at leastone food from all four main groups. ”可以得出答案。答案:B7 In this passage the writer mainly tells us that.A every person needs

20、 food to grow well8 taking exercise can keep our body strongC right kind of food with exercise will keep us healthyD enough energy helps people think more quickly解析: 主旨大意题。文章最后一句是主题句,“ Having a good eating habit with someexercise is the key to your health. ”根据主题句可知选C。答案:C9 The best title for this pa

21、ssage is.A The Four Food GroupsB A Healthy DietC Your Body and FoodD The Key to Your Health解析:主旨大意题。本文谈到了饮食类型和饮食习惯, 还谈到了锻炼的作用,而这些都是人身体健康的关键,故选 Q答案:D出.七选五What do you do in a situation like this ? You re eating dinner with friends in a nice restaurant.You re having a great time when a pho ne rings at

22、the table next to you.A mantakes out his phone and starts talking loudly about problems he s having with his girlfriend.He talks for almost ten minutes! _1_Many people find cell phones useful in their day-to-day lives.But we ve allsat next to someone talking too loudly on a cell phone.You may want to tell the loudmouth to end the conversation , but let the management take care of noisy customers._2Here are a few rules :?Off means off ! 3 If a sign says “turn off cellphones , don t use yourphone.?4 Speak softly and for a short time.Try to move


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