



1、牛津译林版初三英语九上期末复习专项练习题Unit 8 (word 版,无答案)期末复习专项练习Unit 8班级_学号_ 姓名_I、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. In the earthquake, 12 people were killed and 50 people went_ (miss).2. Frank looked_ (不整洁的)of the five.3. Some one was see n_ (run) out of the shop at about 11:00 last ni ght.4. Let go_(某处)else to look for the lost boy.5

2、. The victim_( 使.受伤)with a knife by the thief yesterday.6. What he did made him_ (敌人)and it made him feel sad.7. My uncle is_ ( 单个的)up to now, and he even has no girl friends.8. I_(料想)Wang Jun will get the award, but I am not sure.9. She is the_ (唯一的)child in the family and all people love her deepl

3、y.10. This clue should_(报告)to the police at once. It can help them to solve the crime.11. He was breath ing_(heavy) whe n I saw him.12. That_ (老板)wife made a big dinner to celebrate his birthday.13. He was in a_(匆忙)to school without breakfast.14. Make sure all the win dows_(shut) whe n you leave tom

4、orrow.15. The man of great_(wealthy) don ated much money to the poor childre n.16. For your_(safe), you better lock all the doors at night.17. He opened the window_( 呼吸)fresh air.18. The government will_( 大概)take action to improve the environment.19. The elderly_ (夫妇)celebrated their golden wedding

5、in January.20. He was arrested for_ (commit) several crimes.21. To tell the_ (true), I dont like the drinks in that cafe.22. The young man is guilty of_(kid nap) a little girl.23. All the_ (女性的)workers in this factory got a present on March 8th.24. The dog_(守卫)the house day and night.25. Much money

6、_ (steal) from the shop last nigh.II、单项选择题。()26. It reported that the victim was wounded_a knife_a short, fat man.A. by; withB. with; byC. for; toD. to; for()27. Jack spent much time playing computer games. And it _ that he failed theMaths exam.A. tur ned dow nB. tur ned onC. turned outD. turned off

7、牛津译林版初三英语九上期末复习专项练习题Unit 8 (word 版,无答案)()28._ betwee n 8 am. and 10 a.m. this morning, the departme nt store was robbed.A. Some timeB. SometimeC. SometimesD. Some times1 / 3牛津译林版初三英语九上期末复习专项练习题Unit 8 (word 版,无答案)3 / 3()29. Uni uckily, the victim had a fight with the man and bled to_ .A. dieB. dyingC

8、. deathD. dead()30. She is a hard-work ing stude nt and all the spare time she has_stay ing in the library.A. spe ntB. to spe ntC. is spe ntD. to be spe ntIII、根据汉语提示,完成句子。31. 警方正在请求昨晚任何看到异常情况的人和他们联系。The police_who saw_ last n ight.32. 唯一的嫌疑犯是一个中等身高的办公室职员。_suspect is_ .33. 除了那个住在隔壁的老太太之外,John 和他所有的邻居

9、都相处融洽。Joh n_his n eighbours except the old woma n_.34. 在那家饭店工作的厨师因谋杀而被捕。The cook_ was_for murder.35. 结果那个衬衫上有血迹的年轻人与这个案子无关。It _ that the young man with blood on his shirt_ the case.36. 他被指控在去年一年中闯入数个电脑系统,这给他树了许多仇人。He_ several computer systems over the last year.And this_ .37. 根据记录,受害者是一个单身汉,并犯过电脑方面的

10、罪。_, the victim was sin gle and_ .38. 警方仍然在犯罪现场工作,想找到重要的线索。The police_to find_ .39. 夏洛克?福尔摩斯是一个被作家塑造出来的人物,被认为是一个探案高手。Sherlock Holmes is a character _ by a writer and he wascon sidered as_ .40. 这是可能谋杀了那个年轻男子的凶手的画像。Here is _ the person who might _ the young man.41. 目击者看到有人跑进了这幢大楼,就立刻联系了警方。The wit ness saw_ the buildi ng and_ at once.42. 当布鲁斯下班回家时,他在门外发现了一块金表。When Bruce _ , he found _ outside his door.43. 那个携带许多钱的男子没有犯罪记录。T


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