



1、Task 1 Lets collect words,phrases and sentences.Un it 6 Whe n was it inven ted第六课时Section B(3a3b)&Self Check【学习目标】1 复习一般过去时的被动语态的用法。2 能够用英语讲述自己所熟悉的某一发明。【学习重点】掌握本单元所学的词汇、句型及语法知识,并能进行综合练习运用。【学习难点】用英语简要介绍某一发明。厂情毀导入?学习提示Review : Last less on we lear ned the inven ti on of basketball.What beni fits d

2、id it bring for us?Can you say some other inventions in our daily life, which benifits and harms did these inventionsbring?| 自塁互_Task 1?学习提示Review all the new words , phrases and sentences in Unit 6, then finish the form in 3a, thinkout something you dislike according to the tips in 3a, then think o

3、ut some invention to help youand com muni cate with your part ner.Task 2?学习提示Accord ing to the tips in 3a and the sentences in 3byour new inventions, introduce these new products and try to sell them to your classmates , thenchoose the best articles.Task 3?学习提示1 Complete the passage with the correct

4、 forms of the words in the box to read thepassage and check the an swers.2 Rewrite these sentences using the p assive voice.Ask five blackboard and checkthe an swers.情景导入生成问题T: It is very easy for us to think about the solutions for what we do not like doing inventing a thing that could helpus clea

5、n our room or a thi ng that will do our homework.En courage the stude nts to think about practical soluti ons.,students write an article that describe,then ask one studentstudents to write on the3 Find out informationsentences below.about an inventionyouwouldto know more about and write,such as2自学互研

6、生成能力1.I can use.(我会用)复习本单元重点单词、短语和句型,并掌握其用法。学习掌握本课时重点单词及短语:invent , inven tor , men ti on,special , doubt, all of a sudde n2.I can write.(我会写)翻译下列短语及句式:(1)take notes 做笔记_ (2)被用来做be used_for_ sth./to_do_sth.decide on决定,判定 (4)come up with 想到,想起(5)导致 lead_t _3.I can translate.( 我会译)(1) 这个特殊的钢笔是由刘杰发明的。T

7、his special pen was_invented_by Liu Jie.(2)很难断定是谁先想到这个主意。Its hard to tell who came_up_with the idea first.(3)他们认为这个发明家是借用其他人的想法来创造自己的发明。They thi nk that the inven tor used some on e _elses idea to create his or her inven tio n.Task 2 Writing.结合所学句型,创设情境谈论你所描述的一项发明。Task 3Fi nish Self Check.【写作素材】本单元谈

8、论的话题是“发明”。内容涉及到很多方面,如:介绍一位熟悉的发明家,介绍一项发明,评价一 项发明,设想一项发明等。谈论该话题有助于帮助学生了解科学的发展,培养科学意识和创造意识,也有益于学 生创新意识的发展,并学习发明家不畏艰难、勇于探索的精神。常用句型:was inven ted in .是在.发明的was inven ted by .是被.发明的is used for .被用来.I thi nk the most helpful inven tion is我认为最有帮助的发明是.was/were inven ted by mistake. .是在无意中发明的It is believed th

9、atinvented the first in 人们认为.在.发明了第一个.【备注】3交流展示生成新知4儀獭Show in groups.(Ti me six minutes)Task 1First the studentsread the words and phrases in groups , then read together and sum up theusage of the words in groups, mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(they canask the teacher fo

10、r help) . At last write them on the blackboard.Task 2First the students discuss and finish the chart in 3a in groups, then finish 3b according tothe contents in the chart.Task 3Students discuss the exercises in Self Check in groups, then mark the difficult ones.晨尬鋼MlClass show.(Time : fourteen minut

11、es)Task 11.I can use.Students review the key and difficult points in this unit by answering quickly; Sport test : Con solidate the usage of words and phrases by making senten ces.2.I canwrite. Students translate the phrases into Chinese or English by answering quickly;Read together : Spot test : Con

12、solidate the usage of phrases by making sentences.3.I can translate.Students translate the sentences into Chinese by answering quickly,Readtogether.Task 2Students sum up the writing skills and write key sentences on the blackboard.Ask one student ofeach group to finish the composition together.At la

13、st finish the composition in oral together in class.当堂演练达成目标假如你是茶文化博物馆的讲解员,明天你要向一批外国游客用英语介绍有关茶的发明史。请根据以下英语问 题,结合本单元所学内容准备一篇100 词左右的书面介绍。内容提示:1. When was it inven ted?2.Who was it invented by?3.How was it inven ted?要求:不要只简单回答内容提示中的问题,可增加相关内容。范文Tea is the most popular drink after water in the world.The story of tea bega n in ancient China4over 5, 000 years ago.Tea was inven ted by Shen Nong whe n he was boili ngdrinking water over an ope n fire.Someleaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.Shen Nong noticed that the water gave out apleasant sme ll , and he


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