七年级英语下册 Unit6 Reading (2)导学案 牛津版_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit6 Reading (2)导学案 牛津版_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit6 Reading (2)导学案 牛津版_第5页




1、初中英语导学案(7b unit6 pets)reading ii【学习目标】1. 知识目标: 重点单词: (略) 重点短语: most of the time,no trouble, ring the door bell, do amazing things, look around for  , feed much. 重点句子: (略)2. 技能目标: 掌握并学习宠物诗能够让我们能更加了解宠物3情感目标:通过学习让我们能够更好地与人类的朋友-动物,友好相处! 学习过程【预习指导与检测】 一、 预习导航 (背景知识介绍)二、预习成果(一)翻译下列短语。1. 按门铃_ 2.

2、我最好的朋友 _3. 环顾_ 4. 最聪明的学生_5. 做某事直到 _ 6. 不在意,不在乎_7. 大部分时间_ 8. 在中央 _9. 害怕 _ 10. 既不吠也不咬 _ (二) 用动词的适当形式填空。1. _(come) here tomorrow, please!2. id like _(play) table tennis with you.3. she always asks her son _(not be) late for school.4.they _ (build) a new school in the village next year.5. would you plea

3、se _ (ring) the doorbell for me?6. my dog is the _ (clever) animal of all.7. we _ ( not need ) to feed them too much .8. did you watch an old man _ (walk) into that shop?9. i can hear someone _ (sing) in the classroom.【课堂导学与互动】任务一:导入1. 教师说:. yesterday we learned the rhymes “my dog” and “my goldfish”

4、. today, ill tell you another pet i like. can you guess what it is?学生猜测老师还喜爱什么宠物。 2. 呈现猫的图片,教师说:we always think cats are lazy, because they like sleeping any time anywhere. where can you find cats sleeping? 学生讨论猫可以睡觉的地方,然后分享答案。任务二:呈现1. 教师说:lets look at these place. 呈现下列地点:table, chair, top of piano,

5、 window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge, open drawer, empty shoe, somebodys lap, a cardboard box, cupboard.2. 完成练习。为下列名词选择合适的介词。 the table the chair the top of the piano the window edgethe middle of the edge of the open drawer the empty shoesomebodys lap the cardboard box the cupboard in:_ _on: _

6、_任务三:活动1. 学生听诗歌cats的录音,按照诗歌中的顺序给下列地点排序(在括号内写1-11)。in the cupboard( ) on the table ( ) on the window ledge ( ) in a cardboard box ( ) on the chair ( ) on the top of the piano ( )on somebodys lap ( ) in the middle ( ) in the empty shoe ( ) on the ledge ( ) in the open drawer ( ) 2. 学生跟录音朗读诗歌cats.3. 再次

7、阅读诗歌cats, 完成96页c3部分的练习。4. 再次听录音,寻找诗歌cats的韵脚,完成95页b1的第七和第八小题。5. 给学生三分钟时间背诵诗歌cats,准备开展下面的活动。6. 将全班分成两组,开展诗歌接龙比赛,背诵完整优美的小组获胜。7. 完成95页b2部分练习。8. 四人小组活动,写诗歌。【总结提升】1. 你是如何掌握本课的学习内容的?_【当堂反馈】一、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. my dog never _(worry) because we take good care of her.2. if you love beijing opera, why not _(visit

8、) our local theatre?3. dont make any noise. my mother _(sleep) in the next room.4. the robbers tried to run away but the police _(catch) them in the end.5. i hear our teacher _(return) from nanjing in a week.6. last night i heard someone _(shout) “fire! fire!”.7. can you tell me when _(have) a meeti

9、ng?8. its necessary _(clean) the fish tank every day.9. you should practise _(speak) english often after class.10. she wants _ (keep) a pet.二、 单项选择。( )1.my grandpa has poor eyesight. he has some trouble _books without glasses.a. read b. reading c. to read d. to reading( )2. i looked for my pen _,but

10、 i cant find it_ .a. everywhere, anywhere b. anywhere, everywhere c. somewhere, everywhere d. everywhere, somewhere.( )3. nobody _about the price.a. care b. careful c. cares d. carefully( )4. tom fights _his brother_ food sometimes .a. for, for b. with, with c. with, for d. for, with( )5. he _ finis

11、h his homework _ his dad came back. a. not; until b. didnt; until c. wont; before d. isnt; after( )6. who is _ student _ your class.a. cleverest; of b. the cleverest; in c. clever; in d. more cleverer; of( )7-where is mr. wu, do you know?-well, its hard to say. but i saw him _ a football game just n

12、ow.a. was watching b. watchingc. had watchedd. watched( )8. mary runs _ of all the girls in her school and she won the 100-meter race last month.a. fastestb. slowestc. nearestd. highest( )9. -_ i return the mp3 player to you today, tinna?-no, you neednt. tomorrow is ok.a. shallb. mustc. willd. can(

13、)10. -whats your problem? -i have trouble _ these words in english.a. talkingb. sayingc. tellingd. speaking 【课后拓展】一、阅读理解: “ well, were in our new house. lets get a new pet to get along with it,” mrs brown said&

14、#160;to her husband.  “ that sounds like a pretty good idea,”he answered. “do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?”“ lets go to the animal shelter. many

15、60;pets there need homes. since tomorrow is saturday, we can both go,” she said. next morning the browns met mr snow at the animal shelter. “we want to be sure&

16、#160;that the pets here go to good homes,” mr snow said, “so i need to ask you some questions.” after they talked for a while, the browns decided(决定) to get a small dog .

17、 it wouldnt need a big house or a big yard. a small dog would bark and warm them if someone tried to break into their house. after mr snow gave the browns a book on pet care, they chose one 

18、and wanted to take her home right away. but the animal doctor hadnt checked her yet. so mr snow told them to return on sunday. on sunday afternoon the browns

19、60;went to the animal shelter. the animal doctor said, “ shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). she will be healthy.” the browns thanked the doctor and took shadow home.( )1. from the reading we l

20、earn that _. a. the browns have never had a pet before. b. the browns knew about shadow from the newspaper. c. shadow is a small and healthy dog. d. mr brown di

21、dnt quite agree with his wife. ( )2. mr snow asked the browns some questions to _.a. see if they had moved to a new house b. find out how rich the browns&#

22、160;werec. know where theyd keep their new pet d. make sure theyd take care of pets ( ) 3. the browns thinks that a small dog _. a. doesnt need any room to keep

23、 b. can help them watch their house c. eats less food than a bigger one d. usually has a beautiful name ( )4. its clear that _. a. shadow will not be easy to

24、60;get ill b. the browns were not satisfied with shadow c. mr snow didnt check shadow at all d. shadow likes barking a lot二、完型填空here is a story about a clever dog. it was a seeing-eye dog. a seeing ey

25、e dog can help blind(瞎的) people walk along the streets and do many other things.one day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man 1 on a bus together. the bus was full of 2 and there were 3 seats left. but one man soon stood up and left his seat. the dog 4 the blind man to the seat, but there was little spac

26、e(空间) for two people. the dog began to push the people each side 5 his nose. he pushed and pushed until the people moved and 6 there was 7 space. the blind man then sat down and the dog got up on the seat at his side. the dog lay down and 8 his head on the leg of the 9 man. he was very comfortable and soon fell asleep(睡着的). everyone on the bus 10 at the dog.( )1.


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