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1、第五册听力材料汇总第五册听力材料汇总Unit 1 Where Has All My Money Gone?Listening and Speaking AWhat 's the Matter?Jenny: Hey, Billy. You look worried. What 's the matter?Billy: Err. I need to buy a book, but I don'thave enough money.Jenny: Why? Your mum has given you the money of this month, hasn 'the

2、?Billy: Yes, she has. But I have spent it all.Jenny: But it 's been a week since she gave you the money. How did you spend it?Billy: Food, CDs, clothes, computer games I just don'tknow where all the money has gone?Jenny: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.Billy: Look, Jenny, will you lend me some m

3、oney?Jenny: OK. How much do you want?Billy: I think ten pounds will do.Jenny: Here it is. But I do suggest you make a monthly finance plan for yourself. You spend money too easily.Billy: I think you are right. Thank you very much, Jenny.Jenny: You 're welcome.Listening and Speaking BHow to Shop

4、Wisely?Woman: Welcome, Dr. Jones. Today we 're going toMan:talk about shopping. Many people feel regret about having bought something they don 't need. And some people are really unhappy about such buying.That 's right. One source of unhappinessfor people is feeling out of control of the

5、ir shopping.Woman: Do you have any suggestions?Man:Well, I 'll start with some tips on how to shop effectively in stores or supermarkets. First of all, make a list, and stick to it. With a shopping list, you know exactly what you need and avoid buying thoseyou don'tneed.Woman: Ok. Rule numbe

6、r one, make a list and stick to it.Man:Secondly, don 't bring too much money. Before going out, figure out how much money you need based on your shopping list. To stop yourself buying unnecessary thing, do not bring too much money.Woman:Hmm, that will definitely work for me. So rule number two,

7、bring money that 's just enough to cover your needs.Man:Next, don't stop when you 're in a hurry or when you 're hungry. In both situations, you focus more on finishing shopping quickly rather than on thinking carefully whether you need to buy an item or not.Woman: Fair enough. Don &

8、#39;t buy when you have limited time.Man:Lastly, get in and get out quickly. The more time you spend in a store orsupermarket, the more you're likely to buy.Woman: So be careful how much time you're prepared to spend in stores. Wonderful tips. Thank you very much, Dr. Jones. I believe if we

9、bear these tips in mind when we do our next shopping, we will spend money more wisely.Unit 2 I Just Couldn 'tGet Through to You!Listening and Speaking AIt Depends on the Question You AskJack: I 'm wondering if I should go to the manager and ask for a few days off. I 've been working real

10、ly hard for the last eight months.Max: Go ahead, it 's your right.Jack: Sure, I 'llgo right now. Max: Jack, what happened? I heard the manager yelling at you.Jack: He refused to let me take a vacation. He saidI chose the wrong time when everyone was busy with a new project.Max: How did you a

11、sk him exactly?Jack: I said, “Sir, may I take a few days off? I have been working very hard for the last eight months. I do need time off to have a rest. ”Max: Poor Jack, you asked the wrong question. Now, watch carefully, I 'll go to the manager and ask for a time off. Jack: How did it go with

12、the manager, Max? Max: He said I could have three days off.Jack: I can 't believe it! How did you do that?Max: I asked the manager, “Sir, may I work on this project while I 'm on vacation? As you well know, I have been working very hard for our company in the last eight months, and I never s

13、lack, but all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I need some time off to relax so that I can work better. ”Do You Know What It Was About?Beth: I heard the boss yelling at Max for some reason earlier today. Do you know what it was about.Sally: I heard that Max made a mistake and then tried to co

14、ver it, but the boss found out.Beth: Why didn 'the just own up and tell someone?Sally: He was too scared that he would be fired,Isuppose.Beth: But when you have make a mistake, it is important to tell someone so that it can be fixed.Sally: Maybe Max wished you had told him that earlier.Beth: He

15、won 't do that again Max is not a fool, and only fools make the same mistake twice.Sally: I can 't tell. Didn 't someone say that even the smartest person makes the same mistake sometimes?Beth: Surely the boss won 't fire him, will he?Sally: Someone told me that the boss wasconsideri

16、ng moving him down to a lower level.Beth: That 'stoo bad. But at least he stays.Unit3 Tell Me How To Do It?Listening and Speaking AYou Want Me to Move All of Them?Supervisor: You need to make room for a new shipment, Tom. Move the TVS from the platform in Building A, take them to Building C and

17、stack them up on the top level.Tom: We' vegot TVs in both Building A and B. You want me to move all of them to C?Supervisor: No, just the ones here in Building A. Tom: Ok. What else do you need me to do?Supervisor: Well. After you put the TVs on thetop level,youshould entertheinformationonthe in

18、ventoryforBuilding C.Tom: Update the inventory for Building C, right? Supervisor: Right.Tom: You want me to move them right away?Supervisor : Yes, just as soon as you can.Listening and Speaking BDo You Mea n ?Patient: Good morning, doctor.Doctor : Good morning. What 's the problem?Patient: My ba

19、ck hur ts and I can 't lie down to sleep at night.Doctor: How long have you been like this?Patient: About four days.Doctor: I ' ll need to do some test.Patient: Ok. (Pause)Is it serious?Doctor: Don't worry .It is nothing serious. Take the medicine three times a day. One pill each time.Pa

20、tient: Sorry. Do you mean three pills a time?Doctor: No. You should take one pill each time, three times a day.Patient: Ok. Should I take it before or after a meal?Doctor: After a meal.Patient: Three times a day. One pill at a time after a meal.Doctor: That ' s right.Patient: What else should I

21、do?Doctor: You' dbetter take several days off work and have a good rest. Remember, whatever you do, don 't lift heavy objects.Patient: Ok. I ' llsee to that. That you, doctor. Goodbye.Doctor: You' re welcome. Goodbye!Unit 4 There Might Be Some IssuesListening and Speaking AHanding Co

22、nflictInterviewer: Today we have invited Jeremy Collins, the writer of Working with Conflict to talk about how to handle conflict in the workplace. Jeremy, could you give me an example of how conflict was handled badly?Jeremy: Yes, I can. The example I ' mthinking about is of two managers in a t

23、eam, erm, who were constantly arguing with each other. The rest of the team avoided the problem and eventually things got ugly and there was a huge fight with lots of things said that shouldn't have been saidand the reason the conflict was badly managed was that everybody avoided the problem .Ev

24、erybody tried to make everybody feel better rather than actually saying look , we have an issue here . Let sit down and find a way out.Interviewer: Could you give me an example of how conflict was handled well?Jeremy: Yes. I can use my own example. One of my colleagues and I had certain problems wit

25、h each other. She had a way of working that I wasn' tcomfortable with and once we had a major disagreementand both sides got angry. But we didn ' t start yelling at each. We decided that the two of us needed a real talk and when we did start talking things out, we understood each other '

26、psroblems, and then we worked out a way together quickly.Listening and Speaking BThere Might Be Some IssuesGerry: So, Sally, I sense there might be some issues with work that you are not 100 percent satisfied with. And I just want to sit down with you informally and talk things out.Sally: OK.Gerry:

27、So I can see that you have been working really hard and that might be an area of concern for you.Sally: Well, yes. You know, I am the last one out of here almost every night and I have got to admit it is getting to be kind of a strain.Gerry: Uh-huh, last out every night. Yeah, that could be frustrat

28、ing.Sally: Yeah, it is not that I mind putting in the extra hours, but it is just the . it feels a little unfair when everyone is leaving at five every day.Gerry: Yes, that ' s understandable.Sally: And it seems to me that we are short of hands in my area.Gerry: Right. I think that is true. As y

29、ou know, we are working on getting someone in here.Sally: Yes, and I know it is just taking longer than usual.Unit 5 What 's It Like in Your Company?Listening and Speaking AWhat 's It Like in Your Company?Owen: So, Carol, what 's it like working for a large car company?Carol: Well. You h

30、ear so much about competition in my type of company, but in fact, I got a lot of support from my co-workers. We help each other a lot.Owen: And you, Henry?Henry: Well, as you'd expect working in the hospital. We have to stick to the rules carefully because people's health is very important i

31、n our job.Owen: And Sally, what 's it like working for a software company?Sally: Well, it really suits me, you know, I nearly always turn up at work wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and everyone talks to everyone else in a really relaxed way. What about you, Owen?Owen: My company, as you know, is a

32、consumer products company. Our pay is dependent on how much profit we bring into the company. All that matters is the performance in comparison with others. Some may say there 's too much competition, but for me, that 's business.Listening and Speaking BWhy Bother to Change?Woman: So what &#

33、39;s your problem, Vincent?Man: Well, I 'd like to talk to you about a big project. I need to change the culture in my company.Woman: Well, as far as I know, you have been running a really successful company. You have great clients, you have hard-working employees, and you make a lot of money. W

34、hy bother to change anything?Man:You're right in a way. But there issomething wrong. It turns out that our people are working hard, but they are not happy.Woman: Your company does have a reputation as a terrible place to work. Then what do you think led to that reputation?Man:I think our managem

35、ent works our peopletoo hard. I met one of our managers recently. He told me, a meeting had been scheduled on the day one of his employees was getting married. He said, “I told her she needed to be at the meeting and that the meeting was early enough for her to get to her wedding on time. ”Woman: Th

36、at certainly sounds unreasonable to the employee.Man:Look, I 'm not proud of this story, but it 'show we do things here in the company.Woman: Then why do you want to change the culture?Man:Because it won 't go far. Eventually we'll lose our best people. No one will want to work here.

37、 I wouldn 't want to work here either. So, what should I do to change the workplace culture?Woman: My suggestion is toUnit 6 It Changed My LifeListening and Speaking AWhat a Special Day!Man: Are you ready to go, Kate? We'll be late for the graduation.Woman: I 'm waiting for my family. Th

38、ey should have been here half an hour ago. I wonder what 's keeping them.Man: They may be stuck in a traffic jam.Woman: Is your family coming?Man: No, they can't make it. There is a strike going on in South Africa. No planes are flying.Woman: You must be very disappointed.Man: Well, I 'm not going to be honored at the graduation anyway. It doesn 't matter.Woman: You are so easy-going.Man: I have to be. There is no need to upset myself about


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