



1、vc+信息安全编程(4)创建windows服务microsoft windows 服务(即,以前的 nt 服务)使您能够创建在它们自己的 windows 会话中可长时光运行的可执行应用程序。这些服务可以在计算机启动时自动启动,可以暂停和重新启动而且不显示任何用户界面。这使服务十分适合在服务器上用法,或任何时候,为了不影响在同一台计算机上工作的其他用户,需要长时光运行功能时用法。还可以在不同于登录取户的特定用户帐户或默认计算机帐户的平安上下文中运行服务。请见代码注释分析windows服务ilude stdafx.h include myservice.h include myservicedlg

2、.h include winsvc.h ifdef _debug define new debug_new undef this_file ic char this_file = _file_; endif / / caboutdlg dialog us for app about class caboutdlg : public cdialog public: caboutdlg(); / dialog data /afx_data(caboutdlg) enum idd = idd_aboutbox ; /afx_data / classwizard generated virtual f

3、unction overres /afx_virtual(caboutdlg) protected: virtual void dodataexchange(cdataexchange* pdx); / ddx/ddv pport /afx_virtual / implementation protected: /afx_msg(caboutdlg) /afx_msg declare_message_map() caboutdlg:caboutdlg() : cdialog(caboutdlg:idd) /afx_data_init(caboutdlg) /afx_data_init void

4、 caboutdlg:dodataexchange(cdataexchange* pdx) cdialog:dodataexchange(pdx); /afx_data_map(caboutdlg) /afx_data_map begin_message_map(caboutdlg, cdialog) /afx_msg_map(caboutdlg) / no message handlers /afx_msg_map end_message_map() / / cmyservicedlg dialog cmyservicedlg:cmyservicedlg(cwnd* pparent /*=n

5、ull*/) : cdialog(cmyservicedlg:idd, pparent) /afx_data_init(cmyservicedlg) / note: the classwizard will a member initialization here /afx_data_init / note that loadicon does not require a subsequent desoyicon in win32 m_hicon = afxgetapp()- loadicon(idr_mainframe); void cmyservicedlg:dodataexchange(

6、cdataexchange* pdx) cdialog:dodataexchange(pdx); /afx_data_map(cmyservicedlg) / note: the classwizard will add ddx and ddv cal here /afx_data_map begin_message_map(cmyservicedlg, cdialog) /afx_msg_map(cmyservicedlg) on_wm_syscommand() on_wm_paint() on_wm_querydragicon() on_bn_clicked(idc_bservice, o

7、nbservice) on_bn_clicked(idc_bnotroot, onbnotroot) on_bn_clicked(idc_bdelser, onbdelser) /afx_msg_map end_message_map() / / cmyservicedlg message handlers bool cmyservicedlg:oninitdialog() cdialog:oninitdialog(); / add about. menu item to system menu. / idm_aboutbox must be in the system command ran

8、ge. assert(idm_aboutbox 0xfff0) = idm_aboutbox); assert(idm_aboutbox 0xf000); cmenu* psysmenu = getsystemmenu(false); if (psysmenu != null) cstring straboutmenu; straboutmenu.loadstring(ids_aboutbox); if (!straboutmenu.isempty() psysmenu- appendmenu(mf_separator); psysmenu- appendmenu(mf_string, idm

9、_aboutbox, straboutmenu); / set the icon for this dialog. the framework does this automatically / when the appliion's main window is not a dialog seticon(m_hicon, true); / set big icon seticon(m_hicon, false); / set small icon / todo: add tra initialization here schscmanager=openscmanager(null,n

10、ull,generic_write); return true; / return true un you the focus to a control void cmyservicedlg:onsyscommand(uint nid, lparam lparam) if (nid 0xfff0) = idm_aboutbox) caboutdlg dlgabout; dlgabout.domodal(); else cdialog:onsyscommand(nid, lparam); / if you add a minimize button to your dialog, you wil

11、l need the code below / to draw the icon. for mfc applications using the document/view model, / this is automatically done for you by the framework. void cmyservicedlg:onpaint() if (isiconic() cpaintdc dc(this); / device context for painting sendmessage(wm_iconerasebkgnd, (wparam) dc.getsafehdc(), 0

12、); / center icon in client rectangle int cxicon = getsystemmetrics(sm_cxicon); int cyicon = getsystemmetrics(sm_cyicon); crect rect; getclientrect( rect); int x = (rect.width() - cxicon + 1) / 2; int y = (rect.height() - cyicon + 1) / 2; / draw the icon dc.drawicon(x, y, m_hicon); else cdialog:onpai

13、nt(); / the system calls this to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags / the minimized window. hcursor cmyservicedlg:onquerydragicon() return (hcursor) m_hicon; void cmyservicedlg:onbservice() tchar szpath512; /cstring aa; /aa.foat( %s ,szpath); /cstring *bb=aa; :getmolefilename(null,szp

14、ath,512); if(schscmanager) :afxmessagebox( open servicemanager succeed! schservice=:createservice(schscmanager, myservice , myservice ,service_all_access,service_win32_own_process,service_auto_start,service_error_normal,szpath,null,null,null,null,null); if(schservice) :afxmessagebox( create service

15、succeed! /* service_table_entry distable = myservice ,(lpservice_main_function)myservicemain, /服务程序的名称和入口点; null ,null /service_table_entry结构必需以 null 结束; startservicectrldispatcher(dispatchtable); :queryservicestatus(schservice,ssstatus); servicestatushandle=registerservicectrlhandler( ntkrnl ,cmdco

16、ntrol);*/ :closeservicehandle(schservice); else :afxmessagebox( create service failed! :closeservicehandle(schscmanager); else afxmessagebox( open servicemanager failed! void cmyservicedlg:onbnotroot() :changeserviceconfig(schservice,service_no_change,service_disabled,service_demand_start,null,null,null,null,null,null, my service void cmyservicedlg:onbdelser() schservice=:openservice(schscmanager, myservice ,delete); if(schservice) afxmessagebox( delete service succeed! :deleteservice(schservice); :closeservicehandle(schservice); else afxmess


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