1、Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark单项选择(共 20 小题;共 20 分)the city.A. used to live; livesC. uses to live; is livi ngD. was used to live; livestake you to con certs?-Yes, he did.A. Did; usedtoB. Did; used forC. Did; use forD. Did; use toto ride a motorbike?-Yes. But last month I sold it and bought a c
2、ar.and aga in.the room, because its too dark outside.A. dare no t leaveD. dare not to leave-Can you un dersta nd me?-Sorry. I can _ un dersta nd what youve said.A. n earlyB. easilyC. hardlyD. exactlyKan gka ng _ the math exam because he was not careful eno ugh.A. passedB. failedC. fini shedD. wonThi
3、s kind of pla nt is_ see n in our city because it lives4500m above sea level and is hard to find.A. com monlyB. alwaysC. seldomD. easily..9.10.My grandmain the coun try. Now sheinB. used to livi ng; livedyour fatheryouA. Did; useB.Are; usedC. Do; useD. Did; used-Hi, Ann! I won the firs
4、t prize in the En glish Speech Con test.-Con gratulati ons! And I guess your pare nts mustyou.A. be mad atB. be proud ofC. be angry withD. be impolite toIf you try your best, we willyou even you may fail aga inA. be pride ofB. take proud ofC. be proud inD. take pride inThe flowerssome water because
5、they have nt bee n wateredfor many days.A. gainB. requestC. rescueD. requireMy little sisterB. dare leaveC. dare to leave16.The flowers _some water because they have nt bee n wateredfor a few days.A. requireB. reachC. prepareD. order17.- The boy _ sing loudly before so many people.-Oh, maybe he feel
6、s shy.A. not dare toB. dare toC. dare notD. dares18.-I want to know more _ about how to use this word.-You can look it up in the dict ion ary.A. mostlyB. exactlyC. nearlyD. hardly19.- Whats the matter?-I studied for the math test for a whole ni ght, but I_.A. failedB. passedC. lostD. won20.This kind
7、 of flower is_see n in our hometow n because itgrows 4000 meters above sea level and is hard to find.A. com monlyB. seldomC. easilyD. always二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共 20 小题;共 20 分)21.Tom was ill yesterday, so he did nt take part in the meet ing.He wasa_.22. Mr. Hand has a great i _on his kids.23. Barry had a
8、 very successful i_ this morning. He will go towork n ext week.11My little brothershy, but now healittle outgo ing.A. used to; isB. used to be; isC. used to; hasD. used to be; has12.youto get up early?A. Did; usedB. Do; useC. Did; useD. Do; usedkeep dogs for protect ion, but now I keep them as pets.
9、13.I14.15.A. would ratherB. had betterC. used toD. have toJennys un cle is a scie ntist. She is proudA. fromB. atC. inhim.D. ofMr. Wang takes greatin the success of his two childre n.A.proudB. timeC. prideD. trouble24. What he said always made us laugh. We all thi nk he is very h_ .25. - What are yo
10、u doi ng?-I am study ing for the En glish e.26. Ann kept sall day because his little brother broke her toybear.27. Cold running water is h _ to treat a small bur n.28. Before the meet ing bega n, I made the n ecessary i_.29. In g _ , I agree to what you said.30. You cant use the car. Its p_ . Its ow
11、ner is Mr. Gree n.31. - How many stude nts are a _ today?-None. Every one is here.32. My En glish teacher had a great i_ on me.33. I know youll have an i_tomorrow. I hope you can get the job.34. The h _story made all of us laugh.35. Mr. Wu felt sick. The doctor gave him a careful e_.36. - Why are yo
12、u s _ ?-I dont want to talk because of the bad n ews.37. He is very h _. He ofte n helps us with our En glish study.38. The iof this kind of mach ines made it possible to makethings quickly.39. In g _ , he can get along well with his classmates.40. You cantgo into p _rooms if you arent allowed. That
13、simpolite.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共 20 小题;共 20 分)41. The man we saw yesterday is so_ (幽默)that we all like himvery much.42. The children went out and the room was_(寂静的).43. Lucy is polite and_(乐于助人的)and we all like her.44. You have to get at least 80_ (分数)to pass the test.45. After the _ (访谈),the boy beca
14、me happy and lively.46. Please make an _ (介绍)to Project Hope.47. David _(不及格)his math exam last term.48. His wife teaches physics in a_(私人的, 私有的)school.49. Hey, children! Dont make noise in the_(背景).It is on airnow.50. What is the _ (影响)of television on children?51. Jim is so _ (幽默的)that he is alway
15、s making us laugh.52. Everybody was active in the meet ing except Tom. He kept_(沉默的)all the time.53. Tom is such an honest and_(乐于助人的)boy that all then eighbors like him.54. They won the basketball match yesterday. The_(成绩)was 5:3.55. Sally became a member of the compa ny after the job_(面试).56. Plea
16、se write a letter of_ (介绍)for me, Sally.57. If you _ (失败)for the first time, you will have a secondcha nee to do it aga in.58.Its impolite to read others _(私人的)letters withoutpermissi on.59. Volunteers from different_ (背景)feel like part of one bigfamily.60. This book has a great _ (影响)on the childre
17、n.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共 10 小题;共 20 分)61.她年轻的时候常常把钥匙忘在家里。(词数不限)She _leave the key at home whe n she was young.62.过去你在周末上课吗?_ _ _ _ haveclasses at the weeke nd?63.是时候采取措施治理污染了。Its time to take measures to_ _pollution.64.在公共场所不要大声说话。(词数不限)Dont talk loudly _ .65.今天我以学校为荣,明天学校以我为傲。Today rm _ of my school an
18、d tomorrow my school willtake _in my success.66.他们过去不常看电影。They _ films.67.我过去总是想的太多。(词数不限)70.每个中学生都应该为自己感到自豪,因为每个人都有优点。(词数不限)I _think too much.68. - Its importa nt for us stude nts to develop good habits.(词数不限)-And we should also learn_ (女 M 可对付)the bad ones. (deal)69. Its polite to keep our voice d
19、own_ (在公共场合).( 词数不限)Every middle school stude nt is supposed to_ in themselves becauseeach of them has good poin ts.五、完形填空(共 10 小题;共 15 分)On May 27, 1995, our life was sudde nly cha nged. It happe ned a few minu tes past three, 71_my husba nd, Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over afence. Chr
20、is was paralyzed ( 瘫痪) from the chest down, unable to breathe normally. As he was throw n fromhis horse, we en tered into a life of 72with lotsof unexpected challenges. We went from the “ haves” to the “ have -nots ” . Or sowe thought.73_ what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out ofs
21、hari ng difficulties. We came to lear n that someth in g won derful could happe n in a disaster( 灾难).Allover the world people 74_ Chris so much that lettersand postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week in a medical center in Virginia, about35,000 pieces of _75_ had been received an
22、dsorted.As 76_ , we ope ned letter after letter. They gave us comfort andbecame a source of stre ngth for us. We used them to 77_ ourselves. I wouldgo to the pile of letters marked withFunny” if we needed a78_ , or tothe “ Disabled ” box to find advice from people in wheelch airs or even in bed livi
23、 ng happily andsuccessfully.These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so here we offer one of them to you.Dear Chris,My husba nd and I were so sorry to hear of your 79_accide nt lastweek. No doubt your family and your friends are giving you the strength to face this 80 challenge._People ever
24、ywhere are also givingyou best wishesevery day and we are among those who are keep ing you close.Yours Sincerely,Nancy Reaga n71. A. since72. A. disability73. A. So74. A. wrote for75. A. newsB. beforeB. possessionB. ForB. cared forB. paperC. whenD. whileC. inconvenienceC. OrC. hoped forC. equipme nt
25、D. experieneeD. YetD. sentforD. mail76. A. patie ntsB. a familyC. nu rsesD. a group77. A. en courageB. expressC. con trolD. treat78. A. cryB. laughC. chatD. sigh79. A. drivingB. flyi ngC. runningD. riding80. A. tech nicalB. differe ntC. difficultD. valuable六、阅读理解(共 18 小题;共 36 分)I used to hate my mot
26、her because she worked a lot and did nt spe nd much time with me. Then oneFriday morning I took part in a three-day self-help program for tee nagers. Whether you believe it or not, thatweeke nd cha nged my life.About 100 otherteenagers were there. During the first two days I met alot of great people
27、. I was glad because I made so many friends there.On Sun day, theleaderdid an in teresti ngexercisecalled Chocolate orToys.He asked a girl whichshe liked better,chocolateor toys. She chosechocolate. Then he asked her to choose aga in betwee n chocolate and chocolate. Of course, she did nthave a choi
28、ce.This exercise told us that sometimes we dont have a choice in life, and that sometimes we have toaccept something, rather than complaining(抱怨).A girl stood up and started talk ing about her mom who was a drug addict(吸毒者)and how much she hated her mother.I want a new mom, she cried.Uni uckily, you
29、 cant have on e, the leader replied.You have to accept the mother that you have.This hit me hard. I realized that, for better or worse, my mom was my mom.I could nt choose ano ther mom, but I could try to make the best of the situati on.81. The writer used to hate his mother because_.A. she did nt c
30、are for himB. she had no time to be with himC. she was a drug addictD. she was too strict with him82. The self-help program for tee nagers lasted_.A. a weekB. two daysC. three daysD. only one day83. The writer started to cha nge his thinkingA. during the first two days of the programB. after the exe
31、rcise n amed Chocolate or ToysC. as soon as he came to the programD. after he left the program some time84. From the end of the passage, we can know that_ .A. the writer used to love his mom for yearsB. the writers mom is a very bad pers onC. the writers mom loves her son very muchD. the writer will
32、 try to get along with his mother85. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Choices can be made as we like.B. Every one should take part in a self-help program.C. Chocolate can in flue nee on es attitude toward thin gs.D. We should try to accept things in stead of compla ining about them.BWhen eve
33、r the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used toclimb the mountain n ear my house. Walk ing together, my father and I used to have alot of con versati ons through which I lear ned less onsfrom his experie nces.Healways told me, “You should have goals like climbing the mountain.” W
34、ithout themountain-climb ingthat we both enjoyed, we could nt have eno ugh time to spe ndtogether because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from the mountainclimb ing. It gave me time totalk with my father and to be in deep thought as wellas develop my patie nee.Once we climbed a very high
35、 mou nta in .It was so challe nging for me becauseI was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climb in g, I enjoyed theflowers and trees, and the birds singing. But as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wan ted to quitclimb ing, but my father said to me,“You canalways see a
36、beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you cant see it beforeyou reach the top. Only there can you see all of the nice thin gs, which is justlike your life._ ”At that time, I was too young to understandhis words. But later afterthat, I got to know the meaning of hope in life. I found myself s
37、ta nding at the top of the mountain, and thesky was as clear as crystal. _86. The passage tells us that mountain-climb ing was_for thefather and the son.A. hardB. enjoyableC. painfulD. comfortable87. The underlined word “ crystal ” in the passage meansA.岩石B.火焰C.水晶D.寒冰88. Which of the following is th
38、e closest in meaning to the fathers words in thesec ond paragraph?A. You will get all you n eed at the top of the mountain.B. The sky is always as clear as crystal.C. You can find life is full of nice thin gs.D. Never give up half-way.89. We can infer( 推断)from the last paragraph that_.A. the writer
39、was very successful in his lifeB. the writer reached the top of the moun ta inC. though the writer was young, he could un dersta nd his fatherD. the writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain90. The best title for the passage is_.A. Reaching the Top of the MountainB. Standing at the T
40、op of the MountainC. Con versati ons Betwee n Father and SonD. How to Get to the Top of the Moun tai nCWhen you visit Taiwa n, Gree n Isla nd is a won derful place not to be missed.Gree n Isla nd, with clear blue water around it, is an isla nd in the PacificOcean, 33 kilometers east of Taitung. The
41、old name for Green Island was Huoshandao,meaning fire-burning island. The island got its name because people on the island used to set up fires atnight to help people who went fishing home. Anotherstory goes that in the Qing Dynasty there was a fire and most of the islands trees and grass died. Thec
42、oastline(海岸)of the island is only 20 kilometers long,the tallest mountain is only 281 meters high and the isla nd is only 15 km2, but itis attract ing(吸弓丨)a grow ing nu mber of tourists.Gree n Isla nd has a lot of in terest ing that makes it a place where peoplelike to go: seaside, a clear white bea
43、ch, green grasslands, seawater, hot springs,beautiful un dersea sights, and a great many pla nts and ani mals. Ano ther thing ofGreen Islandthat people are interested in is its rocks in different shapes.Sleepi ng Beauty and Pek in ese Dog are the two most stra ngely shaped on es. Thereare also other
44、 interestswith one cannot miss. The green hills, blue sea, clearDI know what youre thinking: pizza(比萨饼)? For breakfast? But the truthis that you can have last ni ghts leftovers in the a.m. if you want to.I know lots of women who skip breakfast (不吃早饭 ),and they have a tonof differentexcuses for doing
45、 it. Some say they dont have time, others thinktheyre“saying ” calories( 卡路里 ),still others just dont like breakfast food.But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when youre trying to lose weight.“ Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than no
46、thing at all,” saysKatherine Brooking, R.D., whodeveloped the super- easy eat ing pla n for this years“ SELF CHALLENGE And evenpizza can be healthy if its loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece.Breakfastis one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weightloss success stories
47、.Research shows thateat ingbreakfast keeps you fromovereat ing later in the day. Researchers at the Uni versity of Souther n Califor nia found that breakfastskippers have a biggerchanee of gaining weight than thosewho regularly have a morning meal.sky, and ocea n gen tle winds make a must for you.91
48、. From the article we know Gree n Isla nd isA. very largeC. i n the In dia n Ocea n92.Accord ing to the two stories,to _ .A. meet a lot of visitorsB. set fire to get warmC. make a liv ing by fish ingD. cut dow n too many trees and grass93. The sight Peki nese Dog is_A. a cute livi ng dogC. a dog-sha
49、ped pla nt94. The last passage is mainly about theA. sightsB. historyB. 281 meters longD. 33 kilometers from Tai tungpeople on theGree nIsla nd used_on Gree n Isla nd.B. a rock like a dogD. a dog of Sleep ing Beauty_of Gree n Isla nd.C. peopleD. cultureSo eat someth ing in the morning, anythin g. I
50、know pie nty of friends who end up havi ng no breakfastaltogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heati ng up last ni ghts leftovers it maysound crazy, but if it works for you,do it! I find if I tell myself,“You can always eat it tomorrow. ” I put away theleftoversin steadof eati n
51、gmore that ni ght. Try it you may save yourself somepre-bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat-bur ning effects.95. The word “leftovers ” in paragraph I probably means_.A. food rema ining after a mealB. things left undoneC. meals made of vegetablesD. pizza topped with fruit96. What ca n
52、we infer from the text?A. Work ing wome n usually have breakfast i n a hurry.B. Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.C. There are some easy ways of cook ing a meal.D. Eat ing vegetables helps save en ergy.97. Accord ing to the last paragraph, it is importa nt toA. eat someth ing for breakfas
53、tC. heat up food before eati ng it98. The text is written mai nly for thoseA. who go to work earlyC. who stay up late七、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等)(共 4 小题;共 8 分)Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey live in Iowa. They have a big family. Mikaylais the oldest child in the family. She is six years old. The other children are
54、Brandon, Joel, Kelsay, Kenny, Natalie, Alexis and Nathan. They are all five years old. Why are they all thesame age? 99._ They are septuplets!Itis hard work to look after seven babies at the same time.100._ In the begi nning, many people helped them. They helped tofeed,clean,and dress the babies. Ev
55、ery week, the septuplets used about 170diapers(尿布).1_Now the childre n are older. The septuplets started school this year. Butthey go to school at home, like their big sister, Mikayla. When Mikayla was readyfor school, Kenny and Bobbi decided to teach her at home.102._ Now Bobbi is the teacher for a
56、ll eight of her childre n.A. They drank a lot of milk, too.B. be careful about what you catD. cat calorie-c on trolled foodB. who want to lose weightD. who eat before sleepB. Because they were born together.C. Last year, Bobbi was Mikaylas teacher.D. Kenny and Bobbi are in terested in cook ing.E. Bu
57、t Kenny and Bobbi did nt look after them alone.八、阅读与表达(问答式)(共 5 小题;共 10 分)An old man lived alone in a tow n. He wan ted to dig up his potato garde n, but it was very hard work.His only son who would have helped him was in pris on. So the old man wrote a letter to his son and said:Dear Son,I am feeli
58、ngpretty bad because it looks like I wont be able to plantpotatoes in my garde n this year. Id hate to miss doing it, because your mother always loved planting time.Im just getting too old to dig up a garden. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you woulddig up the garde n for me if you were nt in pris on.Love, DadSoon the old man received a let
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