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1、译林牛津 8BUnit 1 Past and present 同步练习(有答案)一、选择填空:()1. Theyin Beijing when theymarried.A. live, get B. lived, have got C. lived, got D. have lived, got()2. Now, this small villagea big modern city.A. is turning into B. turns into C. has turned into D. turned into()3. After resting for a long time, Mr G

2、reen looks than before he left thehospital.A. unhealthier B. healthier C. more healthily D. health()4. The doctor looked him over and said there waswith her.A. nothing wrong muchB. much wrong nothingC. much nothing wrongD. nothing much wrong()5. Sorry, I haven t finished the work.A. already B. befor

3、e C. yet D. ever()6. My sonup yet because he to bed very late last night.A. hasn t got, has gone B. didn t get, wentC. doesn t get, went D. hasn t got, went()7. Look at that new model plane. It musta lot of money.A. cost B. pay C. spendD. take()8. Thanks to the cleaners, the environmentin our city r

4、ecently.A. improved B. improvesC. has improved D. had improved()9. Since he started high school, he s come to school by bike.A. on his ownB. by his ownC. in his ownD. with his own()10. You relate, the meeting has been over.A. terribly B. nearly C. terrible D. near()11. The fans are very sorry to hea

5、r that famous actorfor half an hour.A. has left B. has been away C. has gone D. has gone away()12. I have bought a Chinese - English dictionary? When and where youit?A. have, bought B. did buy C. will, buy D. do , buy()13. What a nice T-shirt! How much did youfor it?Itme twenty yuan.A. pay, cost B.

6、pay, paid C. cost, pay D. cost, cost()14. Where is Jack ?Sorry, I don t know. Go and ask his brother. He know.A. can B. may C. must D. need()15. When you do eye exercises, you must keep your eyes.A. close B. closed C. open D. closing()16. Don t worry, these toys arethan those.A. safer B. more safely

7、 C. safeD. more safety()17. I can t buy this coat, because it isexpensive.A. much B. a few C. few D. a bit()18. This is the most interesting story I haveheard.A. never B. ever C. once D. always()19. Every morning, he listens to English newsthe radio.A. fromB. overC. inD. to()20. Did Tom study at No.

8、 8 Middle School three years ?A. before B. after C. ago D. then()21. Since the studentshere, let s have the meeting.A. all are B. all C. are all D. all not()22. What did the teacherMary toat the meeting yesterday?A. tell, say B. ask, speak C. tell, speak D. told, say()23. Don tthe cat, let ssome com

9、puter games.A. play, play with B. play, playC. play with, play with D. play with, play()24. The twin sistersunder the tree, chatting happily.A. lied B. are lying C. lying D. lain()25. The filmfor 5 minutes.A. has begun B. has on C. has been on D. began二、词形变换:1. In the past, most of people here(ride)

10、 bikes to work.2. Today, Tom(have) a lot of work to do. Hejust(have)hisbreakfast and he(leave) for school.3. You needn t(worry) too much about your son. He(be) wellsoon.4. you(put) away my book? I can t find it anywhere.5. The Green family(live) here for ten years. They(come)here in1998.6. Why not s

11、ee the film with me? I(see) the film. I(see) it last weekwith my sister.7. What you(do) with those old books yesterday? I (give) themto others.8. I (watch) TV while Mary(read) newspaper between 8:00 to10:00yesterday evening.9. My brother (be) born in 1983. since then, he(live) in thiscity.10. The TV

12、 play(be) on for 2 hours.11. Be quick! The plane(take) off in a short time.12. it (rain) last night? Yes. It(rain) everyday so farthis week.13. Where s Simon? He (go) to the library already. He(go) out 5minutes ago.14. I (not finish) (read) the novel yet.15. How many times you(visit) Nanjing?16. Don

13、 t make much noise, the baby(sleep).17. He is surprised(hear) the(surprise) news.18. Mary is one of the best(woman teacher) in our school.19. Don t worry. There is a little time (leave).20. Help(you) to some pies, my children.21. The boy is the(nine) to make the speech.22. It is(good) to teach a man

14、 to fish than to give him fish.23. Please take another way. This road(mend).24. I can t draw as(better) as Mary does.of(write) a旅行)to another town. He1 things with. He25. Why not(sand) an e-mail to her instead letter.三、完形填空:Once upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip ( tried not only to take

15、things to sell but also to take money to2_ to take ten servants with him. They would3 the things to sell and the foodto 4 on their trip. Before they started, a little boy ran up to5 and asked to6_ with them.The rich man said to the little boy, “Well, 7 may go with us. 8 you are the smallest, the thi

16、nnest and the weakest of all my9 , you can t carry a10load (担子).You must 11 the lightest one to carry. The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest load to carry. That was bread.“You are12 . “ said his master, “That is the biggest and the heaviest one. Theboy said 13 and lifted the load gladly.O

17、n the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town. All the servants were tired 14 the little servant. Do you know 15 ? Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived at the town.()1. A. eatB. buyC. changeD. get()2. A. decidedB. likedC. hopedD. trie

18、d()3. A. takeB. bringC. carryD. borrow()4. A. cookB. eatC. buyD. drink()5. A. themB. the servantsC. the roadD. the rich man()6. A. stopB. stayC. goD. talk()7. A. youB. heC. ID. they()8. A. SinceB. IfC. BecauseD. But()9. A. familyB. guestsC. servantsD. things()10. A. heavyB. lightC. smallD. difficult

19、()11. A. eatB. chooseC. pick upD. understand()12. A. braveB. rightC. cleverD. foolish()13. A. sorryB. nothingC. angrilyD. good-bye()14. A. besidesB. ofC. exceptD. with()15. A. whoB. himC. thatD. why四、阅读理解:Have you ever seen the day begin? The dark sky starts to look brighter. Thensuddenly the sky is

20、 all pink( 淡红色的 ) and red and gold( 金色的 ) even a little green.The earth has turned until the sun is shining on the place where you are. This iswhat makes it day.The sun is always shining. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at a time. Itcan t light the side that is turned away from it. Wh

21、en the sun is shining on the otherside of the world, it is night where you are. At night, you can see the stars.All day the stars are in the sky, but the light from the sun is so bright that youcan t see them. When the sun is gone, the stars are bright enough to see. Stars lookas tiny( 微小的 ) as pinh

22、eads( 针头 ) , but some are even bigger than the sun. Big thingslook little when they are far away. In the sky, planes look like toys(玩具 ), but on theground you can see that they are big. Stars are millions of times bigger than planes.They look very small because they are so far away. The sun is close

23、r than the otherstars. So it looks bigger.()1. The dark sky.A. is getting brightB. Looks brightC. is getting longD. is beautiful()2. When the sun is shining on the other side of the world,.A. it is brightB. it is nightC. it starts to look brighter D. it looks brighter()3. We can see the stars in the

24、 sky .A. without the sunB. when the sun is goneC. when they are big enoughD. when they are bright enough()4. The light from the sun is too bright .A. so we can see the stars B. that we can t see the starsC. not to see the starsD. for us to see the stars()5. Stars are millions of times bigger than pl

25、anes. What does the word“ times mean?A.时间B.次数C.倍D.时刻Unit 1: CCBDC, DACAA, BBABB, ADBBC, CADBC :1.rode 2. has, has, had, has left3. worry, will be4. have put 5. have lived,came6. have seen, saw 7. did, lived10. has been 11. will take14. haven t finished, readingdo, gave 8.was watching,12. Did, rain, has rained15. have visitedwas reading9. was, has13. has gone, went16. is sleeping17. to hear,surprising18. women teachers19. left 20. yourselves 21. ninth22. better 23.


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