



1、六年级英语期中检测试卷 ( )4. Sun day _ fun. A. are B. is 姓名 _ 级 _ 一 英汉互译.(每空1分,共30分) 毛衣 _ 鞋 _ 裤子 _ 连衣裙 _ 星期日 _ 卧室 _ 具 _ 旧的 _ 星期五 _ 新的 _ 寸衫 _ 短袜 _ 穿上 _ 们 _ 做家庭作业 _ 和.一起玩 _ 读书 _ 看电视 _ 在桌子上 _ 打扫 _ play on the computer write a stroy _ wash my face _ brush my hair _ an old skirt _ listen to music _ a birthday gift

2、fly kites _ play catch with a ball _make my bed _ 二。单项选择。( (每小题2分,共20分) ( )1. These _ my shorts. A. is B. are ( )2.She_ wearing a red skirt.A. is B. am ( )3.We wash the clothes _ a Sun day morni ng. ( )5.They are _ sweaters.A. she B.her C. he ()6. _ is a new shirt. A. These B.This C. They ( )7-Is it

3、 n ew? _ A. Yes,they are B.No,they arent C. No,it is old. ( )8.You_ a student. A. is B.are C. am ( )9.Jenny is wearing a red skirt. _ likes red. Red is _ favourite colour. A. She she B. She her C. She his () 10t was a birthday gift _ my mom. A.of B.o n C.from ( )11.Heis weari ng a red skirt _ a Sun

4、day morning. A.in B.o n C.at ( )12draw a picture _ my story. A.o n B.for C.with ()13put _ my clothes. A.in B.on C.up ( )14talk on the phone _ my frie nds. A. in B. on 三。选出不是同一类的单词。(每题2分。共10分) A.a nd B.of C.with ()15play _ the computer. A.at B.in C.on ( )1.A. shirt B.sweater C.shoes D. old ( )2.A. ca

5、p B.on C.in D under ( )3.A. Sun day B Today C Tuesday D Friday ( )4. A. he B.we C.are D.they ( )5.A.TV B. pho ne C.gloves D.computer. 四。 看图从方框中选出合适答语。(每空2分,共8分) A. Y es, it is B. No,it isn C. Yes,they are. D. No,they arent 4 t 1. Is this a scarf ? 2. Are they shoes? 六。从方框中找答语。( (每题1分,共10分) ()1.What

6、day is it ? ()2.What is she weari ng ? ()3.Are they Li Mi ng trousers? ()4.What do you do on Saturday? ()5.Are they n ew? ()6.Is this your dress ? ()7.What do you do in your bedroom ? ()8.Where is the computer? ()9.What do you do in the moining? ()10.What is it ? A. I make my bed in my bedroom. B. S

7、he is weari ng a gree n sweater C. No, it not mine. D. It below the picture. E. It Tuesday. F. No, they are Jennys pan ts. G I fly kites on Saturday. H. .No, they are old.3.1s this a cap? 4. Are these trousers? I. I read my book. J. It a teddy bear. 七。阅读理解。( (每题2分,共10分) ) My name is Jenny. I am wear

8、ing a pink and white shirt .It an old shirt. My favourite colour is red. I like to draw pictures.It is Sundaydo my homework in the morning and fly kites with my friends. ()1. What is Jenny weari ng? A. Jenny is wearing a pink and white shirt. B. It an old shirt. C. Jenny is wearing a red and white s

9、hirt. ()2.What colour is the shirt? A. pink and white B.red and white C.pink and red ( )3.What is Jenny favourite colour? ()4. Jenny likes to _ . A. draw pictures B. do her homework C.fly kites ()5. What day is it? A. It Tuesday B.Sunday. C.ItSunday. 八. 将下列词语练成句子。(15分) 1.is wearing he a sweater gree

10、n 2. shirt like I new my 3.I my play friends with_ 4. your do what do you in bedroon 5. dinner TV watch I after 九. 情景对话。(20 分)http:/ w ww .xkb1. com ()1.当你想知道一个人正穿着什么衣服时,你应该问: A. What is he weari ng? A. red B. pink C.white B. What clothes is he weari ng? ()2.当你想知道今天是星期几时,你应该问:A. What day is it? B. Which d


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