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1、六年级期中测试题号一一二四五六七八九十总分得分听力部分(30分)( ( ( ( ( (四、(五、(I(听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是)1.Your feet are smaller than mine.)2.How heavy are you?)3.I cleaned my room and watched TV .)4.Did you do anything else yesterday?)5.It's taller than both of us together.听录音,根据所听内容选择相应的答语。(T)否(F)相符。(10分)(10 分)1.A.I'm 50 k

2、ilograms. B . I'm 12 years old.)2.A.I watched TV . B . I'm watching TV.)3.A.Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes )4.A.Size 37. B. My feet are bigger. C.C. I'm 1.62 metres.C. I often watch TV .I am.No.37.)5.A.I'm fine. B. It was good. C. I was good.笔试部分(70分)选出下列每组中不同类的单词。(10分))1.A.saw)2.A

3、.stronger B. heavy )3.A.larger B. had C. )4.A.smart B. thinner )5.A.washed B. drink单项选择。(10分)B. slept C. tallerC. showwentC. youngerC. rode)1. 一 What did you do last weekend? TV.A . saw B. looked at C. watched()2. - Did Zhang Peng his homework last night?Yes, he did.2.I stayed at home andall day3.An

4、n isJenny.1114.I'm 1.5 metres.My cousin isthan5.Lilyherlast night.八、从n栏中找出i栏各句的相应答语。(10分))1.How tall are you ?A . Yes, it was.A. did B .do C. does( )3.Peter is 45 kilograms. I'm 46 kilograms. So I'm than him.A. bigger B. stronger C. heavier()4.Li Ming is 1.75 metres. I'm than him.A.

5、smaller B. shorter C. longer()5.I wanted to watch TV but the TV work.A. didn't B. doesn't C. do六、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. . We(have) a good time yesterday.2. They(see) a tiger in the nature park last weekend.3. My cousin is(heavy) than my brother.4. The elephant is(big) than the panda.5. She(

6、read) a storybook last night.七、看图片,补全句子。(10分)1 . It was cold yesterday.My grandpa()2.How heavy are you? B. I'm 1.65 metres.()3.How was your weekend? C. I'm 46 kilograms.( )4.Did you do your homework? D. Yes, I did.( )5.Was the film interesting? E. It was OK.九、连词成句,注意首字母大写和标点符号。(10分)1 . you,

7、do, last, did, what, weekend (?)2 drank , in , tea, we, the, afternoon (.)3 your , what , shoes, are, size (? )4 schoolbag , smaller , his , my , is, than (.)5 watched, I , the, before , yesterday, day, TV (.)十、阅读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。(10分)Jack was busy last Sunday. His parents were not at home. He wa

8、lked to the park in the morning. He read English books and did sports there.Then he visited his friend Tom. Tom is his best friend. He is younger and shorter than Jack.They played puzzles together.After lunch, Jack went back home. In the afternoon, Jack cleaned the room and washed the clothes. After

9、 finishing these things, his parents got home.Jack had a nice dinner with his parents. At 10 o'clock, he went to bed.6 )1.Jack's parents stayed at home last Sunday.7 )2.Jack walked to the park in the morning.8 )3.Tom is stronger and taller than Jack.9 )4.Tom and Jack played football together

10、.10 )5.Jack went to bed at 9 o'clock.期中测试听力原文一、1.stronger 2.longer 3.smaller11 had a cold 5.watched TV二、I.Your feet are smaller than mine.2. I'm heavier than you.3. I washed my clothes and watched TV.4. Did you do anything else yesterday?5. It's taller than both of us together.三、I.How ta

11、ll are you?2. What did you do on the weekend?3. Did you see a film last night?4. What size are your shoes?5. How was your weekend?参考答案一、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A5.B1 .T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T六年级英语下册期中练习、找出不同类的单词()1.A、easilyB、hardC、heavyD、light()2.A、catchB、sportsC、hitD、throw()3.A、skinB、boneC、bodyD、muscle()4.A、peaB、ve

12、getablesC、 cabbageD、onion()5.A、donutB、hamburgerC、sandwichD、hand二、单词大变脸。1. buy (过去式) 2. easy (副词)3. teach (过去式) 4. light (反义词) 5、 win (过去式) 6. health (形容词) 7. teeth (单数) 8. week (同音词) 9. our (同音词)10. strawberry (复数)11. after (反义词)12. ride (现在分词)13. wash (单三形式)14. eat (过去式)15. play (名词)三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1

13、、Li Ming (need) a T-shirt.2、Can you teach ( I ) to play ping-pong?3、After breakfast , he brushes (he) teeth.4、A healthy body (have) clean skin.5、How often do you play (sport) ?6、 (run) is exercise.7、I think you need (get) more exercise.8、I ' m (show) you the skin on my arm.9、What sports (do) he

14、play yesterday?10、There are sixty (minute ) in an hour.四、智力总动员。()1、I don ' t have a T-shirt .A、too B、either C、to()2、Do you like these runners those runnersA、and B、or C、with()3、You hit the ping-pong ball Jenny.)9五、A、 toB、withC、fordo you play basketball?Once a week.A、 How often B、 How muchWe yelle

15、dBob ' s teamA、 onDannyA、 in7、 HowB、toforateB、breakfastonceonatdid yougoC、Howyesterday.Tuesday.to the park?oldA、 manyB、 muchoften8、WhereWeA、doEveryoneA、wants,is10、A、Eat连词成句ohealthyyougo ?went to theB、 doestoB、want,vegetablesstore.C、didD、 arestrongare C、is goodand healthy.wants,befor you.want,beB

16、、AteC、EatingD、Eatsyour makes good body food2、like play badmintonyou to would3、is, playingexercisebasketball4、how , a, often , you , go , do , to , school , week5、I five watch times in TV a week六、选择合适的答句,将其序号填入问句前的括号内。()1.Howmanyminutesdoyou walk?()2.Howmuchexercisedoyou need?()3.What do you do after

17、 breakfast ?()4.Howoftendo youplaybasketball?()5.Where did you go yesterday ?A.I need about twenty minutes of exercise.B.About five minutes.C.Three times a week.D.I went to the store.E.I usually go to school.七、句型转换。1. I have fun today.(改为一般疑问句) have fun today?2. The balls are twenty yuan.(对划线部分提问)ar

18、e the balls?3. This boy is strong.(改为否定句)This boystrong.4. Does she wash her face in the morning?( 作出肯定回答)八、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正( T)误(F)。Bob isawaiter. He worksat abig hotel. Bob oftenwakesupat6:00 in themorning,and getsupat 6:30.Hehas breakfast at7:15. Bob getstothe hotelat7:45.Heis neverlate(晚).Bob hasl

19、unchat 12:00.After lunchhesometimes has acupof tea.In the evening, Bob likes to watch TV. He often has a late supper. Bob goes to bed at 11:00.()1、Bob usuallywakes up at six in the morning.()2、Bob has breakfast at seven every day.()3、After lunchBob oftenhas a cup of water.()4、Bob likesto watchTV int

20、he evening.()5、He oftenhas supper late.一、ABCBD二、1. bought 2. easily 3. taught 4. heavy 5. won6. healthy 7. tooth 8. weak 9. hour 10. strawberries 11. before 12. riding 13. washes 14. ate 15. player1. needs 2. me 3. his 4. has5. sports6. running 7. to get8. showing 9. did 10. minutes四、1-5 BBAAC 6-10B

21、CCCC五、1. Good food makes your body healthy2. Would you like to play badminton3. Playing basketball is exercise4. How often do you go to school a week5. I watch TV five times in a week.六、1-5 BAECDt 4. Yes, she does七、1. Did you 2. How much 3. isn八、1-5 TFFTT六年级期中英语测试题I.听力部分(20分)听音,选出你所听到的短语,每个短语念两遍(5分)

22、)1.A last Monday)2.A 1st January)3.A boil water)4.A a bag of rice)5.A climb a treeB last SundayB 3rd JanuaryB boil milkB a carton of milkB climb a hill听音,选出你所听到的句子,每个句子念两遍(5分))1.A We are swimming.)2.A It was ten yuan.)3.A It ' s salty.)4.A I like jeans.B They are singing.B They were ten yuan.B I

23、t ' s sour.B I like boots.)5.A Turn left.B Turn right.三、听每小题一段小对话,选最佳答案,每段小对话念三遍。(5分)()I.Are you strong now?()2.What do you like doing?()3.What subject do you like?A. Oh, yes. B. Oh, no.A. I like painting.B. singing.A. Chinese.B. maths.()4.How much are these apples?A. They are ten yuan.()5.Where

24、 do you live?B. They are nine yuan.A. Country.B. City.四、听短文,从相应选项中选出最佳答案,短文读二遍(5分)()1. Jack is a()2. His face is a()3.Is he tall?()4.His nose is A. doctorB. teacherA. circleB. squareA. Yes, he is.B. No, he isn t.A. big.B. small.()5. How many pupils are there in his class? A. fifty B. fifteenII写(20分)

25、一、按要求在四线三格中写出字母大小写:(5分)1、字母表中,小写字母只占上、中格的字母是:2、字母表中,小写字母只占中格的字母是:三 * : ! 3、字母表最后一个字母是: 二、根据汉语意思写出正确的英话币而(5分)6. There is a(机器人) on the desk.7. She is buying five(罐) of fish.8. Let' s a bicycle after school .9. We(去)to the Zoo with my teacher last Sunday.10. My mother s birthday is in (三月).三、根据问句选

26、出恰当答语并抄写在四线三格里。(10分)()11.Who is that girl?() 12.Is there any garlic?' I I3BBB IIBBtl UBBtl ! UBBI !、! 9 ! * B n Vn VI 13 B 13 B 9 I : HBB UBBtl HBB tl H tl HBB tl U tl ! 1 I I I I I I I ! H B ! : II B 9()13.Which ice cream do you like best? ()14. What subject do youlik ()15.Whose bike is this?A.

27、 English.B. Her sister.C. It s his bike.D. Yes, there is.E. Strawberry ice cream.III单项选择(35分)、选出下面每组中不属于同一类的词(5分)()1.ArodeBhadCwashes()2.AsaltyBsweetCpepper()3.AjeansBsocksCpack()4.AsunnyBcheeseCcloudy()5.AstrongBsmallCswim二、根据情景选择正确的表达方式(10分)()6.当你想表达需要帮忙时,你可以说:A. Can you help me, please ? B. hurry

28、 up.()7.我用眼睛看。”用英语应该说:A. I see with my eyes. B. I hear with my eyes.()8.当别人向你致歉时,你应该说: A. OK. B. That' s allright.()9.当你做了好事别人感谢你时,你应该说:A. Don ' t thank .B. You are welcome.()10.当你看见前面有危险需要提醒同学时,你应该说:A Be careful.B. Take care of him .三、从A、B两个答案中选出一个可以填入横线且意思正确的选项(15分)()11.-does Ann go to sch

29、ool? -By bus. A. How B.What()12. Mr li like chicken.A. don' t B. doesn' t()13.在单词 make和take中字母“ a”的正确读音是 A. /ei/B./ai/()14.My aunt' s birthday is the secondJune. A. onB.in()15. Is there here? A. anything hot B. hot anything()16. It strong .It ' s garlA. smell B. smells()17. Where are

30、 your books? They are the door. A. in B.behind()18. Excuse.Where is the bus stop? A. me B.I()19.I in the pool last Sunday. A. swimed B. swam()20. The monkeys want bananas. A. to eat B. eat()21. Uncle Wang fat before. A. wasB.were()22. Amy arrived the beach. A. inB. at()23. Don "t in class. Let

31、' s to the teacher.A. talk, listenB. talks, listens()24. He the dishes at home yesterday. A. wash B.washed()25. You keep quiet in the library. A. shouldn ' t B.should四、找出下列各题中错误的一项并将序号填在提前括号内。(5分)()26.I go tothebeachyesterday.A BC()27.The weatheriscold atwinter.AB C()28.She likes eats chocol

32、ate ice cream.A BC()29.Paul is not playing of the water now.AB C()30. Mary takes care in her sister?A B C五、句型转换(10分)1. That is an onion.改为复数句) are.2. Did she fly a kite yesterday策定回答), she.3. There were some pickles.(变 为否 定句)There pickles.4. They go to school on foot every da油为同义句)They school every

33、day .5. A bottle of coke is five yuan twenty对戈U线提问) is a bottle of coke?六、汉译英(5分)1 .我害怕辣椒。I afraid chillies.2 .星期天你们做了什么?What you do Sunday?3 .贝蒂想要两碗粥。Betty two of congee.4 .我们去动物园吧。 to the zoo.5 .一个男孩正在做饭.A boy dinner.七、阅读短文,按要求完成文后练习题,将正确答案的序号填到题前括号内(10 分)Dear David,Thank you for your letter. I &#

34、39; mvery happy in Beijing. I ' min Class One, Grade Six. There are twenty boys and thirty girls in my class.My father is a teacher in my school. He teaches English. He likes playing football. My mother is a housewife, she cooks meals for us. I love my family and school.Yours Charlie()1. Charlie is in.A. Shanghai B. Beijing()2. Charlie is in. A.


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