



1、七年级英语上册第 1-3 单元测试题()8. What is his name? A. Kevin Brow n.()9. What s his ID number? A. 8.()10. What is his pho ne number? A. 8504864. B. 8385374.二、听对话,根据其内容判断下列各句正(T )误(F)。 ( 5 分)() 11. This is a baseball.() 12. That s a computer.() 13. This is his notebook.() 14. That s her key.() 15. This is her r

2、ing.四、听对话及问题,根据其内容选择正确答案。(5 分)()16. A.A pen.B.A pen cil.C. A pencil sharpener.D. A backpack.()17. A.Lin Tao s.B.Yours.C. Mine.D . Mei Mei s.()18. A.Yes, he can.B.No, he can t.C. Yes, she can.D . No, she can t.()19. A.It is my bag.B.It is the man s Cagt is your bag.D . It is her bag.()20. A.He is in

3、the classroom.B. He is at school.C.He is at home.D. He is here.笔试部分一、单项选择。(15 分)()5. Your backpack is very nice. _ A. Thank youB. Yes, it isThat s right()6. You can look up (查询)the word (单词)in the_. A. pencil case B.()1.Tom and Jimin Class 3.A.is B.beC.am D.are()2.Whats your teleph one nu mber?-5557

4、78. A.This B.That C.ItD.Its()3.There isbasketball here. Do you like play ingbaseball?A.a; aB.a; /C.the; theD.a; the()4. You can(能)call Gina_ 234-5678. A. inB. atC. for、听句子,选出恰当的答语。(5 分)()1. A . Yes, it isn B . No, it is.()2. A . Yes, it is.B . No, it isn()3. A . P E N.B . It is a pen.()4. A . I am e

5、leven.B . I am a girl.()5. A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, here you are.C. Here you are.D.Yes, it is.t. C. It is a pen.D.Thank you.C. Yes, it is.D.Yes, I can.C. It is 2785645.D.This is 327 895.()6. What is her family name? A. Li nda.()7. What s his phone number?2786926.Con versatio n B:B. Jon es.C. Linda Jones

6、.B.5184936.C.2784936.B. Paul Brow n.C. Kevin Smith.B. 5.C. 6.C.8358784.C.听力部分二、听下面的两段对话,选择正确的答案(5分)C.R U L E R. D.Tha nk you, here youare.dict ionaryC. backpack()7. _you spell pen? P-E-N. A. How are B. What do C. How do)15.Hello! Are you Amy?_. A. Yes, I mB. No, ImC. No, Im not1、完形填空(20 分)(A)This bo

7、y is Peter Smith. His 1 name is Peter. His 2 name is Smith. This is _3_ school.His school 4_ number is 20048567. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White _5_ a good teacher.Li Min is a Chin ese boy. Li Min is his good _6_ at school. Look! _7_ a pencil sharpe ner. Is thepencil sharpener _8_. ? I _9_ kno

8、w. Let _10_ Li Min at 495-6548.()1. A.firstB. familyC. lastD.one()2. A. firstB.goodC. lastD.this()3. A.youB.thatC. hisD.it()4. A.computerB.n ameC. phoneD.ID card()5. A. noB.notC. isD.am()6. A. fatherB.frie ndC. boyD.class()7. A.WhatsB.This sC. That sD.The names()8. Li MinB.Li MinC. Li Min isD. The L

9、i Min()9. A. dontB.isntC. am notD. do()10. A. askB.callC. writeD. looks twelve years _2_. Shes my good friend. She is _3_. Mary5 name. 6 Green is her father. He is a doctor. Mrs.Green is a teacher. She _7_ English in China now. She _8_ her studentsvery much. Herstude nts all like _9_. Her_10_ number

10、 is 36482211.()1. A. girlB. boyC. manD. woma n()2. A. bigB.youngC. oldD. small()3. A. an En glishB. En glishC. En gla ndD. a English()4. A. lastB. familyC. firstD. middle()5. A. lastB. firstC. middleD. full()6. A. Mr.B. Mrs.C. Miss.D. Ms.()7. A. teachB. teachesC. teachsD. teacher()8. A. likeB. loveC

11、. likesD.lovi ng()9. A. sheB. herC. himD.he()10. A. carB. phoneC. roomD.ID三、 阅读理解(10 分)( my( at)8.Is that _ruler?No, its not her ruler. ItC.your)9.Whats that?_English book. A. Its amy ruler. A. heB.B. It)10.Is that your computer game _ the lost and found case?B. inC. ons an C. Thiss anYes, it is.A.I

12、D card.A.a n B.a C.the)11. This is)12.How do you do ?_you ? C. How do you do ?)13.Is this your book?_ . A Its a booB No, it isnt C Yes, it is)14.Is that her ruler?_ . ItAsYeis, rulerB No, it isn t 新 N课,i标 第网A.Fine ,tha nk youB. How are(B) Mary Green is a _1_. She isher 4 n ame. Gree n is her(A)My n

13、a me is Tin a. I m in Class 4, Grade 2.1 m in Row 2. Kate is my friend. She is in myclass, too. She is in Row 1. My father has a beautiful car. The number is B 047968. Her father has a beautiful car,too. The number is E 0 double 4 double 9 5. Her father often drives her to my home. We are good frien

14、 ds.We are both fiftee n.根据短文内容选择正确答案。()1. Are Tina and Kate both students?A . No, they aren B. No, they are.C. Yes, they aren Dt. Yes, theyare.()2. What row is Tina in?A . She is in Row Four. B. She is in Row Two. C. She is in Row One.D. Sheis in Row Three.()3. What s the number of Kate s father s

15、car?A. It s047968 B. It s3)32143. C. It s032146.D . It 国一044995.()4. How old is Tina?A . She is fifteen. B . She is thirteen.C. She is fourteen.D . She istwelve.()5. What s the number of Tina s car? It s_ .A . B, zero, three, two, one, four, threeB. E, zero, six, four, two, eight, fourC. B, zero, fo

16、ur, seven, nine, six, eightD. E, zero, seven, seven, nine, nine, five(B)Hello! I m Tom. Here is a photo of my friend. His first name is Mark. His last name is Hand. He is En glish. Hisschool ID card number is 19922. My school ID card number is 12299. That in terest ing. Look at the photo! He is in a

17、black and red jacket .His backpack is blue, and his watch is yellow. A white baseball is in his hand. His telepho ne number is 235-3577.()1. Tom is Mark sA. brother B. cousin C. friend D. sister()2. The boy in the photo is _ A. Tom Hand B. Mark Ha nd C. Tom Black D. HandMark()3. Tom s school ID card

18、 number is_ A. 12299 B. 19922 C. 19292 D. 12929()4. Mark has(有)a _ A. green watchB. black and red jacket C. yellow jacket D.red baseball()5. Mark s backpack is _ A. yellow B. black C. blue D. white(C)()1._ lost her school ID card.A. Mary B. To ny C. Mike D. Kim()2. The ruler is_ . A. red B. black C.

19、 yellow D. blue()3. Mike found a_ A. card B. ruler C. watch D. jacket()4. Kim stelephone number is _. A. 445-6767 B. 556-7892 C. 332-4768 D.665-7359()5. Which one is right?(哪一项是正确的)A. Mary sD card is foun D. B. Tony found a ruler. C. The watch is white. D. Mike s pho ne number is 665-7359.四、 根据句意和首字

20、母提示填空。(10 分)1._ What s this irE?2._ How do you spencil?3.Call Jane a_ 635 2469.4.Is this y_ eraser?5.My b_ is big. I can put many things in it.6.Is that your c_ game in the case?7._ P spell your name.8.A set of k_ is on your desk.9.Is your watch in the l_ and found case?10. He can t find the word in

21、 th _ .五、 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 分)1._ (I) name is Lisa Barnes.2.Jenny is a girl._(she) family name is Green.3._What s(you) name, please?4.He is a boy and she is a_ (boy 的对应词 ).5.Nice_ (meet) you ,too.6.I have_ (yes 的反义词)notebook.7.That is_ (Jim) watch.& My friends_ (be) Gina and Sonia.9.I_ (be

22、) an English schoolgirl.10. _ (he) pencil is in the pencil case.六、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(10 分)LostMy school ID card.My n ame is Mary.Please call 443-6676.Fou ndA ruler.Is this your ruler? ItPho ne Tony at 665-7359.Fou ndIt s a black watch.Is this your watch?Call me at 556-7892. My name is Mike.LostA gree n

23、 jacket.My n ame is Kim Brow n.Please call 322-4768.s blue.(A)句型转换。1.Is this your computer?(改为肯定陈述句 )_computer.2._You, do, game, how, spell?(连词成句)_ you_game?3.He can spell baseball.(改为否定句)Hebaseball.4. This is an apple.(改为否定句 ) _ _ an apple.5. I m Alice Green(.变为一般疑问句)_ _Alice Green?6. These are era

24、sers.改为单数形式 ) _ _ _ _ .7. They are his brothers.(改为单数形式 ) _ _ _ _ .8 That bike is black.(对划线部分提问)_ _is that bike?9.Is this a blue ruler?(否定回答) _,_ .10._ My friends are fine.(对划线部分提问)_your friends?(B)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。2.那个是玛丽的学生证。_ That isID card.3请拨打 453-8641 给大卫。 Please_ David_ 453-8641.case.10.让我们一起去玩电

25、脑游戏吧。 _ go and play_,书面表达。(10 分)假如 David 丢了手表,他的联系电话是2458085。Kelsey 捡到一本英文词典,她的联系电话是 532 8668。请你为他们俩设计一份失物招领和寻物启事。听力材料一、 听句子,选择恰当的应答语。(keys: 15: DCACB)1.Is this his eraser? 2.Whats this in English? 3.How do you spell it?4.What is your telephone number?5.Can I use your eraser?二、听长对话,选择正确的回答Con versat

26、io n AW: Good morning. My n ame is Lin da. What s your n ame?M: My name is Jim Green. What s your last name?W: Oh, it is Jones. I am Linda Jones. My phone number is 2786926.M: And my phone number is 5184936.Con versati on BW: Good morning. What s your name, please?M: Kevin Brow n.W: Nice to meet you

27、, Kevin. What s your ID number?M: It s No.5.W: Number Five? Ok. And what s your phone number?M: It is 8504864.W: Tha nk you.1.打扰一下,简。这是你的笔记本吗?_?Jan e. Is this4. 你手里的橡皮擦是什么颜色的? _5. 你的游戏机在失物招领橱里。 Youris the_ in your hand?_ is in the_ and_7.今天晚上你能给我打电话吗?Can youthis_ ?&把你的笔记本放在你的背包里。Put youryour bac

28、kpack.9.你的棒球在书桌里吗? _ yourthe desk?三、 听对话,根据其内容判断下列各句正(T)误(F)。(keys: 1115 FTTFT )11M: Is this a watch? W: Yes, it is.12M: Is that a computer? W: Yes, it is.13M: Is this your notebook? W: No, it isnt. Its his notebook. 14M: Is that yourkey, Maria? W: No, it isnt. Its your key.15M: Is this your ring, Susan?W: Yes, it is.四、听对话及问题,根据其内容选择正确答案。(keys: 1620: BDABC ) 16W: Is thisa pen?M: No, it isnt. It is a pencil


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