



1、英语口语900句:重启太空之旅以下是曲#整理的英语口语900句:重启太空之旅,希望大家 喜欢!bias t off 发身寸, 升空。The spaceship bias ted off. 宇宙飞 船发射上天了。BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan 一 A Soyuz rocket carrying an American astronaut Lu and Russian cosmonaut Malenchenko blasted off for the international space station on Saturday.拜科努尔,哈萨克斯坦一本周六,美国宇航员卢和俄罗斯宇航员

2、马伦岑科乘坐Soyuz宇宙飞船飞往国际空间站。space station : A large satellite equipped to support a human crew and designed to remain in orbit around Earth for an extended period and serve as a base for launching exploratory expeditions, conducting scientific research, repairing satellites, and performing other spacerel

3、ated activities. 一个大型的装备有支持宇航员设备的卫星,为能在沿地球 的轨道上运行一定时期而设计,被作为发动探测航行、实行科学研究 和修理卫星的基地,同时也实行其他的与太空相关的活动。With a roar and thundering sound, the rocket left a trail of fire as it reached into the blue sky. Onlookers applauded when the rocket finally reached orbit随着一声雷鸣般的巨响,火箭拖着一道火焰轨迹冲向蓝天。当火 箭驶入轨道时,旁观者都拍手喝彩

4、。roar : To make or produce a loud noise or din.发出或产 生出巨大的噪音或嘈杂声。roar sb. down大声喊叫得使某人停止讲话;轰下台。The singer was embarrassed when the audience roared him down thundering有两个意思,一是雷鸣的,打雷的,如a thundering voice雷鸣般的嗓音。另一种常用丁口语,表示非常的, 惊人的,极大的,异乎寻常的(谎话,错误,坏蛋等)的意思,如a thundering error 极大的错误。trail : Something that

5、is drawn along or follows behind; a train: 一连串沿着拉或跟在后面的某物;一列。例如the senator, followed by a trail of reporters被一长串i己者尾随tl勺 参议员。a trail of fire是指火箭发射完后拖曳在后而的烟火的痕迹。onlooker : One that looks on; a spectator.旁观者。汉语 有一个和这个词相关的谚语:旁观者清:The onlooker sees most of the gameJust before the launch, Lu and Malenche

6、nko received their final checks behind a glass wall to keep germs out Technicians pumped up their bulky white suits to make sure there were no leaks Asked how he was feeling, Lu, speaking in Russian, said, "Otlichno," which means ''excellent"为了避免飞船内存有细菌,卢和马伦岑科于发射前一会儿在玻璃 墙后而接受了

7、最后的检查。技师为他们庞大的白色衣服充满气体以确 保衣服没有漏洞。问卢感觉怎样时,他用俄语回答说很好。Launch的常用意思是发射,开始,发行,投放市场。木文中 Launch是发射的意思,这时候能够用fire来代替。其他意思讲时能 够说新产品投放市场launched new products launch a career:开创 一项事业。launch a business venture:开始一项冒险事业。keep out的意思是关在门外;不准入内。如to keep the smoke out 不让烟进来。This coat keeps out the wind.这大衣挡 风。"T

8、hey flew up norma 11 y. The parame ters of the orb it are perfectly normal. Thecosmonauts are feeling well, " saidRussian flight director after the launch俄飞行指挥专家在发射后后不久说:“他们飞行正常,轨道各项 指数也相当正常宇航员感觉良好。”Columbia disintegrated over Texas on Feb 1, killing all seven astronauts on board and raising qu

9、estions about what would happen to the space station, which is heavily reliant on the U. S vehicle2月1日德克萨斯的哥伦比亚空难事件使船上七名宇航员丧生,因 为航空站主要依靠于美国,这次事故给太空站的未来提出了问题。 on board在船上,在公共交通工具内We went on board the ship.我们登上了轮船。heavily : Greatly or severely:严重地,剧烈地:heavily in debt.身负重债大家较熟悉的是它做沉重地讲时的副词意思,如 heavily laden.装得重重地Lu and Malenchenko will replace U S. astronauts Kenneth Bowersox and Donald Pettit and cosmonaut Nikolai Budarin, who have been in space since November The trio will return to Earth in early May on another Soyuz after g


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