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1、Short Conversations1.听说教程2Unit 1W: Its tim& for International Clack Talk! Time to discuss how you feel about timel M: Well, since we all come from the same country, I think our views will be similar Q: Why does the man believe the people will have similar /iews?W: It annoys me the

2、 way my foreign friends treat time.M I just read a book 己bout this problem! Its entitled Internationa Clock Talk.Q; Which problem is the book about?M: Australians are so relaxed about time! It drives me mad!W: Thats ihe way they are. While yours here, youll have to g&t used to itQ: What advice does

3、the woman give the man?M Have you noticed differences between our cultures?W: Sure. In my country, people dont care about time v&r/ much. Here, you take it seriousl/Q How do people in the womarfs comtry feel about time?W: Can you explain why youre at/vays five minutes late for conferences?M Oh, Im s

4、oriy. In my country pecpls are aften lateQ: Why is the man late foconferences?W: What do mu appreciate most abcut life in Germany?M: German people are rarely late for meetings. I never have to deal with lateconners.Q. What does Uie man likt best about lile in Germany?M: Ive heard that Chinese people

5、 are very relaxed about lime.W That used to be true. Nowadays people are increasingly bothered by lateness.Q: According to the worran, how have Chinese people changed?M Why did you walk out o【the restaurant abruptly? We had just started talking.W: Just started? We w&re there for two hour! h my coLnt

6、ryr rreals 13k9 15 minutestQ Why di d the woman walk out of the restaurant so abruptl/?W: What did Mom think about her trip to Russia? fm so looking forward to hearing about it.M: She didnt say much. When I pi eked her up at the airport this morning, she was just eager tn gpt hnmp tn r总曰 Dad She jut

7、 KNid the fnnd was great thrtQ: What is the relationship between Ihe two speakers?M: It*sonly 6 30d and youre done: I wont finish work till 10. bu7e very efficient.W Well. Tom finished two hours eaierthan me Thats a siqn of eificiency in rnycountr/.Q: How many hours earlier did the woman finish her

8、work than the man?LongConversation-11 - / 17M; You travel a lot Which people do you think are the most tirre-conscious? W: I think its probabfy the Swedes.M; Really, what makes you say that?W: Well, on my last trip to Sweden, I ordered a taxi to pick me up at my hotel at 6:25 am. I got to tte street

9、 at 6:27, but the taxi had already left.Mt That,s a little hard to believe. Is it true?W: Ab so lute ly, everything runs on time there. Thare1s no rooni for mistakes. Everyone is very time-cx)nscious!Ml: They must seem very stiff and serious!W: Sure, but once you get to know them, you find kind, car

10、ing people behind their serious faces.M: This is very different from my ex3eri ences traveli ng ii SoirthAmenca. ers is remembered as an arnazirg man who fully expressed the Olympic spirit.Unit 3Short ConversationsM: Could you tell me about the pros and cons of mixed marriages?W: I can tell yvuthe p

11、ros, for sure. After being married to a foreigner for 20 years, Fve yet to discover any cons4i.2.Q: VVhat cant the woman tell the man?W: The wedding is next week but I still dont know if marrying a person of a different race is rightM: There are a. lot of pros and cons of mixed marriages, but overal

12、l the/re good.Q: How does the man feel about mixed marriages?M: The French have a lot of charm. I think youll enjoy being married to one.W: Not everything about them is charrninq And Im qo nq to have some trouble dealing with his cuhw,Q: What concern does the woman have about marrying a Frenchman?W:

13、 Has anyone criticized you for marrying someone of a different race?M: I expected people to. But they havent so far Besides, I dont care what people think. My wife and I hit itoff A-OK.4. QW.n8tdicUnEn、aEe大W: Thats great youre getting married, but do you have a clue about your new wifers culture?M:

14、Sure Learning about her peoples way of doing things was the first thing I did when I decided to many her.5.6.7.Q: What did the man do first when he decided to get married?W: IVe heard that you canceled your wedding plans. Whats the problem?M: Money is ery important to people from her cultire. She le

15、ft me whn she discov&r&d Te poorlQ: Why was the wedding canceled?M: I canpt believe how good your Chinese language skills are! How did you improve so qui ckly?W: I marri ed a Chinese man. We talk every day Hehs helped me a lot.Q. What does the womans husbarKi help her with?W: I have a question for y

16、ou. Would you ever marry a person from ariother culture?M: Thats a tough one! If I do, itll probably be to someone from a culture similair to mi ne.Q; What kind of woman would the man marry?8.W: Our marriage is falling apart. Didnl you know your family wouldnt approve of you marrying a foreigner?M:

17、I never expected lit to be problem Its not their marriage after all; its ours.9.10.Q: What is the mans relationship to the woman?M: Ive been thinking about getting married. Do you know what the divorce rate of rrixed marriages is?W: What do youmeand mixed races or mixed religions? The rate for the f

18、irst is 65 percent; the second, 70 percentQ: What is the divorce rate of marriages between people of different races?LongConversationW: Grandpa, Mem told me that you have been married twice. Is that true?M tfes, fm ifraiid 舁门W: Thats a surprise. What happened to your first wife?M: Vbur grandma was m

19、y first wifo.W: But .M: And your grarvirria is my second wife. You see, I met her while I was in Germany during the war We kriew we loved each othEfrom the moment we met, so we got married right away; But we werenl ready for the resistance we received from her family. Her mothe1r insisted thatAmeric

20、ans and Germans werent compatible. So, she divorced me.W: Too bad. What happened then?M: TTiree years late we met again in New brkr quiite byaccidert. Iwas working at the port and she was on a boat corning to the U.S When we saweach other mgain aflr all that time, we decided to overlook her parents

21、advice We got married again, and weve been happy ever since.PassageMarriage can change people a great deal, and marriage to a person of a different cultwe can change a person even more. As someone who has married a foreigner, I know. Im a Canadianwho marned 己 Chinese man At first, I harbored some re

22、servations I wasnt sure bow compatible wed be. Somehow, however, we made it work. And I found myself growing tc become more like him. I started picking up Chinese charactcristies and began speaking English with a Chinese accent? My brother joked, saying I was even beginning to look Chinese! My hisba

23、nd has changed a tot too. becomirg more like Canadians in attitude, (suppose th s is something of a compromise wherein we met each other in the middle, I suspect that we will continue to grow more alike as time goes by: that is exciting tome. A person, after all, should change during his or her life

24、time.Unit 4Short ConversationsW: Excuse me. Ybuve been he ne for six hours Are you waiting far someone9M: Tm afraid so. Fm supposed to meet my new girlfriend. I cant believe how late she is!1.Q: What surprises the man?M: I heard a song on the radio by Elvis, called ,A Big Hunk oLove .W: I know that

25、song. Its really happy Ihough, Mich is why I dont like it Love songs should be sad, like love.2. QM-r:es出。心nNO lW; Ybu found Lve in India9 How romantic! Il s my dream to fall in love in a foreign country!M: It 佻as rea ly excidng at first. After I got used to it though, it was kind of boring.Q: How d

26、id the marfs feelirig of love change?3.W: More than once, I thought about killing myself after Host my boyfriend.M: Just about everyone gets depressed, but you cant let those feelings get the better of yju.4. Q.AccodiR tothe-an. wnat Hoes曰罚忘ex.N,iece的曰a匕砥:户W: Xau look so happy! Whats going on to mak

27、e you smile like that?M: For th& first time in years, my sister has found love. Fm going to meet the guy today.Q: Why is the man happy?5. I ”W: I can help you find your aid girlfriend if you can give me more inforrratjon about herM: Name, old address, thats all I can tell you But maybe it doesnt mat

28、ter. I probably should tiy to forget her.6. Q. Wn) 二at比 “nan s old an飞廿W: Set, what makes you think that your marriage will last, when 50 percent fail?M: Fifty? Nah. That number is mor& like SO or 40 percent. And in my family, there are nodivorces.9. Q.Wnat e峰 Oce小:n峰小】sk”v?Mi Honey dont you have an

29、y objections to our daughter having a boyfriend?W: None whatsoever? Hawing a boyfriend will teach her how to become a lowing wifesomeday,10. 一Wl ;I. -,r I,rLong ConversationW: Another letterM: For me?W: Who else? Its from.-M: Hey, dont look at that! Its private! Give it here!W: OK! Sorryl Iwas just

30、a bit curious Youve been getting a lot of these letters latefy. And the/re always in these pink envelopes, ft makes me wonder if yoi/ve got a girlfriend. Thats alLM: If you must know, yeah, I have a girlfriend.W: I thought so! So, what does she look like?M: I dont really know. So fan weve only commu

31、nicated by maiL fve never seen her.W: Not much of a girlfriend, then, is she?M: I think fm in kjve with he. Isnt that what it means to have a girlfriend?W: Wellt that wouldnt have been enough for your fattier and me. We wouldnt have fallen in love without meeting, lb be in love, you have to see a pe

32、isond at least.M: The love I have for my girifnend is spiritual; I dont have to see her. Yqu wouldnt understand.PassageGoing to war was the greatest thing to have ever happened to mesaid Albert Thomson, a former soldier. Some people might find this strange, especially considering that Thomson lost a

33、n arm and the use of both legs in combat Of course didnt like the fightingThomson said. What he did like was that, by going to war, he met the woman who wuud btcuine hi wife diicl tliu motlici of his four chiklrsn.One effect of World War II was that it brought many young people from different cointr

34、ies together. When peace was achieved, these people often fell in love with people of different nationalities. During World War lln an estimated 1,000,000 American soldiers married women from over 50 diferent countries. In the Pacific, 16.000 of the 1,000,000American soldiers married Australian and

35、New Zealand women. Of these 12,00。went to the U.S. Many of the relationships failed, but some were as happy as Thomsons.Unit 5Short ConversationsM: I have just found out that my teenage daughter is pregnant! I dorft know what to do!W: It s too late for tears. Sounds like all you can do naw is to com

36、fort her and tell her youll support hen1. Q. VVhi is tnc 归Anans 工仃广g t。t,=仃7W: Have you read this book called No More Worries or Tears? Ifs full of advice on raising children.M l sure have! It has been a big help. Now. I understand my two sons much better thanc before.Q; What does the man thi nk abo

37、ut the book?M: I took our daughter to the doctor The doctor took one look at her lungs, and he knew she had been smoking,W: I knew it! But why wont she listen to us? I tell her all the time thal smoking is bad.3 . Q: Wnat日。弓s昨wt笳回r的四节曰?W: Im very impressed by your daughter! She has such good manners

38、 and seems so well- behaved!M: Shes a good girl. Weve 合帆已/ had a good relationship Were able to talk about things4 inat uw ms 版II: What do the man and woman agree upon?M: Thank you for meeting with ma. Gan you tell me how my daughter is doing in class?W: Since our last meeting, there has been a grea

39、t improvement in her work.Q: What has taken place since the man and the woman met the la st time?M: I canl believe that you bought our daughter eye-lin&L Didn t we agree she was too young for it?W: Titi sorry Bui she just kept asking and asking. I coddnrt stand the constant begging and it made her h

40、appy5.6.Q: What is the argument between the man and the woman about?M: Everytime I teach my son a lesson, he sees something on TV that undermi nes what Fve saidW: Maybe you should think about getting rid of your television. TV often has 己 bad influence7. c;:n FeoDle,Q: What does the woman think abou

41、t televi sion?M: My parents are very generous with me. Sometimes, I wonder if their generosity has been bad for my character.W; You seem all right - not too greedy or seffish. I dont thmk it has done you any harm8. 二:二. Qu.;,:卜二 w,n二:二仙 一,W: De you think our son is getting into trouble? Is he violent?M: Oir son? No way? He krx)ws right from wrong. Weve made it dear to him that violence is never the


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