1、Scarborough Fair 英国民谣起源于英国民谣起源于1212、1313世纪世纪, ,兴盛于兴盛于1414、1515世纪世纪, ,复兴于复兴于1818、1919世纪世纪, ,它以它以自身古朴率真的特色流传于世自身古朴率真的特色流传于世, ,同时同时又受到启蒙运动与浪漫主义的影响。又受到启蒙运动与浪漫主义的影响。英国民谣中的自由主义和人性化,对英国民谣中的自由主义和人性化,对诗歌产生了重要的影响。诗歌产生了重要的影响。ScarboroughScarborough最早在大约一千年前最早在大约一千年前因因VikingViking人在英人在英格兰的西北部格兰的西北部North Yorkshir
2、eNorth Yorkshire登陆,而逐渐成为登陆,而逐渐成为一个重要的港口一个重要的港口。中世纪时期,。中世纪时期,ScarboroughScarborough是来是来自全英格兰甚至还有欧洲的商人经常聚集的一个自全英格兰甚至还有欧洲的商人经常聚集的一个海边重镇。海边重镇。 Scarborough Fair Scarborough Fair在历史上是一在历史上是一个从八月十五日开始延续个从八月十五日开始延续4545天的交易集市。在那天的交易集市。在那个年代持续如此之长的集市是很少见的。个年代持续如此之长的集市是很少见的。后来这后来这个集市逐渐冷清衰落,个集市逐渐冷清衰落,虽然虽然现在现在Sc
3、arboroughScarborough只是只是一个默默无闻的小镇一个默默无闻的小镇,但作为歌曲,但作为歌曲,Scarborough Scarborough FairFair作为作为一首古老的一首古老的riddle songriddle song,像民歌一样流,像民歌一样流传,直到传,直到(WellWell,很遗憾,源于中世纪歌曲大多无法考证,很遗憾,源于中世纪歌曲大多无法考证,真正作者也无从得知了。)真正作者也无从得知了。) 这首歌能够传到现在,要归功于真正这首歌能够传到现在,要归功于真正让这首歌曲名扬四海的让这首歌曲名扬四海的Paul SimonPaul Simon了。了。他在英国旅行的时
4、候,无意中从他在英国旅行的时候,无意中从The The Long HarvestLong Harvest一书里面收录了这首歌一书里面收录了这首歌曲,并最后把它收进了他的组合曲,并最后把它收进了他的组合(Simon & GarfunkelSimon & Garfunkel)在)在19661966年发行年发行的专辑的专辑欧芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百欧芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香中。作为了里香中。作为了2020世纪世纪6060年代美国年代美国最受大学生欢迎的电影、最受大学生欢迎的电影、19681968年奥斯年奥斯卡获奖片毕业生中的主题曲卡获奖片毕业生中的主题曲。 【莎拉布莱曼有翻唱的版本,收于2000年的
5、专辑La Luna(月光女神)】Picture show timeThe singer莎拉莎拉布莱曼布莱曼 “ Scarborough Fair ” is a traditional ballad of Great Britain .The song tells the tale of a young man, who tells the listener to ask his former lover to perform for him a series of impossible tasks , such as making him a shirt without a seam and
6、then washing it in a dry well(渗水井渗水井), adding that if she completes these tasks he will take her back. Often the song is sung as a duet(二重唱二重唱), with the woman then giving her lover a series of equally impossible tasks, promising to give him his seamless shirt once he has finished. The melody is ver
7、y typical of the middle English period.Are you going to Scarborough FairAre you going to Scarborough FairParsley sage rosemary and thymeParsley sage rosemary and thymeRemember me to one who lives thereRemember me to one who lives thereH He once was a true love of minee once was a true love of minePa
8、rsley sage rosemary and thymeParsley sage rosemary and thyme欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香,百里香欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香,百里香Tell hTell himim to make me a cambric to make me a cambric( (细棉布细棉布) ) shirt shirtParsley sage rosemary and thymeParsley sage rosemary and thymeWithout no seams nor needle workWithout no seams nor needle workThen
9、 he will be a true love of mineThen he will be a true love of mineTell hTell himim to find me an acre of land to find me an acre of landParsley sage rosemary and thymeParsley sage rosemary and thymeBetween the salt water and the sea strandBetween the salt water and the sea strandThen he will be a tr
10、ue love of mineThen he will be a true love of mineTell hTell himim to reap it with a sickle of leather to reap it with a sickle of leatherParsley sage rosemary and thymeParsley sage rosemary and thymeAnd gather it all in a bunch of heatherAnd gather it all in a bunch of heatherThen he will be a true
11、 love of mineThen he will be a true love of mineAre you going to Scarborough FairAre you going to Scarborough FairParsley sage rosemary and thymeParsley sage rosemary and thymeRemember me to one who lives thereRemember me to one who lives thereH He once was a true love of minee once was a true love
12、of mineAre you going to Scarborough FairAre you going to Scarborough FairParsley sage rosemary and thymeParsley sage rosemary and thymeRemember me to one who lives thereRemember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mineShe once was a true love of mineParsley sage rosemary and thymePa
13、rsley sage rosemary and thyme欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香,百里香欧芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香,百里香 Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme are four kinds of flowers, they appear in the song several times, they are the eyes of this song. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme is said to represent the sweetness of love, strength, loyalty and courage.诗经体译词诗经体译词问尔所之,是否如适。问尔所之,是否如适。蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。彼方淑女,凭君寄辞。彼方淑女,凭君寄辞。伊人曾在,与我相知。伊人曾在,与我相知。嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁。嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁。 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。勿用针砧,无隙无疵。勿用针砧,无隙无疵。伊人何在,慰我相思。伊人何在,慰我相思。嘱彼佳人,营我家室。嘱彼佳人,营我家室。 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷。 良田所修,大海之坻。良田所修,大海之坻。伊人应在,任我相视。伊人应在,任我相视。 嘱彼佳人,收我秋实。嘱彼佳人,收我秋实。
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