2013年中考英语 知识点用法与特点 句型分类 关联指代句型分类及应用_第1页
2013年中考英语 知识点用法与特点 句型分类 关联指代句型分类及应用_第2页
2013年中考英语 知识点用法与特点 句型分类 关联指代句型分类及应用_第3页
2013年中考英语 知识点用法与特点 句型分类 关联指代句型分类及应用_第4页
2013年中考英语 知识点用法与特点 句型分类 关联指代句型分类及应用_第5页
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1、2013年中考英语 知识点用法与特点 句型分类 关联指代句型分类及应用1. 两相关联句型two: one, (and) the other/two: one, (and) another1.    there are two books on the table: one is chinese and the other, english.2.    every time you breathe, you breathe two different breaths. you take in one and give out anoth

2、er.3.    there are three balls. one is black and the others are white.句型one (thing), (and/but) another1.    it is one thing to flourish and another to fight.  2. to say is one thing, but to do is another.3.  it is one thing to learn, and another to teach. 

3、; 4. to know is one thing, to practise is another句型on (the) one hand, and on the other (hand)1.    on the one hand, i am your teacher, and on the other, i am also your comrade and friend.2.    they have been blamed on one hand and lauded on the other.3.   

4、0;on the one hand, you shouldn't be shy, on the other hand, you mustn't forget your manners.4.    on the one hand, there must be great enthusiasm in work, and on the other, labor must be alternated with rest.句型 two (both), the one (and) the other或the former (and) the latter或th

5、e first (and) the second或that (those) (and) this (these)1.    i have two brothers, paul and richard; the one (the former) is fifteen and the other (the latter) is eleven.2.    accuracy and expressiveness are the two requisites in translation; the one (the first) is to e

6、xpress the exact thought of the original article and the other (the second) is to make the translation readily understood.3.    to die or to yield? i prefer the former alternative to the latter.4.    in his lecture he dwelt especially upon ah q and kong i-ji, pointing o

7、ut that the second as well as the first was a type.5.    work and play are both necessary to health, this (the latter) gives us rest, and that (the former) gives us energy.6.    they keep horses and cattle, those for riding, and these for food.注 如果连举三件事物或人,然后加以说明时,可用152

8、句型的扩充式: " three, one (the one) another (the other/ the second) a third (the third)"。如:1.  there are three people. one is a worker, another is a peasant, and a third is a soldier.2.  once upon a time there lived three people: the one was deaf, the other (second) was blind, and the

9、 third was lame.句型some(and) some/others1.    some say yes, and some say no.  2. some like to play football, others are fond of basketball.3.  everyone of us has an engine, i.e. the brain, some people can use it, and some people cannot.4.  after we finish school, some of

10、 us will enter the universities to study, some of us will work in the factories; some of us will go to the countryside, and some of us will be soldiers in the army.5.  some are playing games under a big tree. some are dancing in a ring. others are rowing on the lake, and still others are singin

11、g on the playground.注 类似本句型的还有:1) " part of+名词, the rest (of+名词) 如: the graduates of our school number two hundred and thirty, part of whom are studying on while the rest (remainder) are going to the countryside or entering factories.2) "part part " 如: at home, i often speak a sentenc

12、e part in chinese part in english.3) " half half " 如:this alloy is half copper half silver. 先后顺序句型 first, , second, , third, , lastly, one, , two, , three, , four, first (firstly), , secondly, , thirdly, , lastly, 1.    tom brown is well known in this city. (first) he has be

13、en a member of the city council for many years. secondly, and far more importantly, he is a football player of national reputation.2.    first, i wish both of you good health. second, i wish both of you success in your work; and third, i wish both of you good luck in everything.3.

14、0;   what do we need in order to really win? we need three things: first-arms, second-arms, third-arms and arms again.句型 first / at first / first of all, soon/afterwards , then / later / lately, finally / eventually / at last1.    first think, (and) then speak.  2. at f

15、irst you may find it hard, but it will soon become easy.3.  i think this first day of our vacation is going to be very enjoyable for us. we'll probably first play a game of tennis. afterwards we'll take a shower. then we'll do some sun-bathing on the beach. eventually, we'll tak

16、e a walk into town.4.  first he goes to paris, then he goes to brussels, then he makes up his mind to go to paris again, and then finally decides to come home.5.  first, the senses are to be set to work; then, memory; and., at last, understanding and judgment.句型to begin with / at the begin

17、ning, next / secondly / the second point , furthermore / moreover , finally /the final point  / and to conclude 1.    to begin with, he is too young; secondly, he has not finished his studies.2.    they cannot agree. to begin with, they quarrel. next, they call eac

18、h other names. finally, they fight each other with their spears.   3. at the beginning he showed some reluctance, but finally consented.4.  taking the picture is mainly a question of speed, first in selecting the subject, next in focusing the camera, furthermore, in taking the actual

19、picture and finally in handing out the card.注 这种常见的呼应承接方式:1) 开头用语: to begin with, we may say that  i want to begin by sayingthe first thing i want to say   at first i want to say2) 中间承接用语: next, beg to point out that  the next point i must make is  another thing is: there st

20、ill another thing:   i want to make one more point3) 结束用语: i will sum up by saying   i will conclude by saying  the final point isthe final thing i want to say is this修饰限制句型 the same+名词+as / that+从句1.  this is the same bag as(相似)/ that (同一) i lost yesterday.2.  is this

21、the same as you showed me before?  3. i am of the same opinion as you (are of the opinion).4.  he is of about the same age as you (are of the age).5.  this is the same (=very) man that i met the other day.6.  a good book may be among the best of friends. it is the same today that

22、 it always was, and it will never change.7.  this is but an expression of revisionism, the same revisionism that lenin fought.注 本句型中as有时可以当that用, 如: we drove out of the town by the same road as we had entered by.如果the same表示"同一"时,后接with+名词, 如:i came in the same bus with him.they are i

23、n the same class with us.句型 such+名词+as+名词或从句1.  there is no such place as you dream of in all this world.  2. i like such fine city as beijing.3.  this was such a mere platitude as almost to go without saying.4.  nowhere in the world is there such a place for an idle man as londo

24、n.5.  the waves were such as i never saw before.6.  " we can't believe you. there is no such country in the world as the one you have told us about."注 本句型中as不可以用that, which或who取代。如: (错) do not talk about such things that/which you do not understand. 应说: do not talk about such

25、 things as you do not understand. 或do not talk about those things that/which you do not understand.句型 one/ he; those/ they+who(定语从句)1.    he laughs best who laughs last.  2. he who would search for pearls must dive below.3.  they who are full of themselves are very empty.4.&

26、#160; there is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.5.  those who understand this formula hold up their hands.句型all+who/ that(定语从句)1.    i remembered that all who took part i

27、n the evening dance for joy.2.    all whom i saw here were diligent at their work.  3. all is well that ends well4.  all that he does, he does it well.5.  all that you do, do with your might, things done by halves are never done right.注 英语中有专用以指物的句式,如: it is that that (

28、多用which) i need.  those that succeed are mostly correct.句型a person等+who定语从句1.    man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.2.    do not blame the one who speaks but heed what you hear3.    a person who meets with difficulties may ask his comr

29、ades for help.4.    people who are liberals look upon the principles of marxism as abstract dogma.5.    a person who does not do his duty will not succeed.6.    people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.注 以上句型都含有"条件"意味,不过不能在句子前加if,

30、不然就用条件从句来表示, 如: (错) if a person who does not do his duty will not succeed.  应说: if a person does not do his duty, he will not succeed.句型the day/time+when(定语从句)1.    i shall never forget the day when i entered the university.2.    the time will come after all when w

31、e are victorious.3.    the day will come when history will speak.4.    he had seen the day when there were no motorcars on the roads.5.    gone forever are the days when the imperialists could do as they pleased in asia, africa and latin america. 两相连接句型no

32、t only/ not enough/ not merely+also/ but also (too) / but(as well ) 1.    i not only heard it, but (also) i saw it. = i not only heard it, i saw it, too (as well). = i not only heard it, but saw it as well.2.    we've come a long way to your country not only to give

33、 performances, but, what's more important, to promote mutual understanding between us.3.    it is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.4.    if your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleas

34、antly but thankfully.5.    it is necessary for us to learn from the veteran workers not enough their skill but also their noble revolutionary spirit and good proletarian qualities.注1 注意本句型中连词所连接的是两个同等成分,连词的位置应摆在两个同等成分的前面。如:(误)he not only speaks english, but also french. (正)he speaks n

35、ot only english, but also french.注2 如果本句型中连词所连接的是两个主语,其谓语动词应与靠近的一个名词保持人称和数的一致。如:not only the children but also their father is in the town.  not only the man but (also) his children are in the town.注3 so far from 不而 so far from the rain doing any good, it did a good deal of harm.句型名词a +as well

36、as+名词b/ 名词b+and+名词+a as well1.    he as well as you is very diligent.2.  you as well as he are very diligent.(cf. not only you but also he is very diligent.)3.  these pills are good to prevent disease, as well as to cure when one is sick.4.  the child is lively as well

37、as healthy.  5. they learn french as well as english.注1 注意 as well as 用在肯定句中与否定句中的含义不同,如:he, as well as his sister, has joined the party.  he, as well as his sister, has not yet joined the party.he has not yet joined the party as well as his sister. (他还没有像他姐姐那样入了党。)注2 如果连接的成分较多,还可以将句型166,1

38、67结合起来用, 如: this project not only has come into full play in irrigation, but also played an important part in developing water power, navigation and fishery as well as in providing industrial water supply.句型both+ a (名词)+and+ b (名词)at once+a (名词) +and+b (名词)1.    both my wife and mrs.

39、baker are very fond of music and both play the piano very well.2.    the book is alike (=both) agreeable and instructive.  3. he has both ability and principle.4.  dickens' language, at once rich, colorful and varied, is like a fine and sensitive musical instrument.5.  a child is a responsibility both to its parents and to society.句型neithernor1.


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