1、 安徽省 2018 年中考英语导航模拟冲刺试题(二) 安徽省2018年中考导航模拟冲剌卷(二) 英 语 注意事项. 1. 本试髓駆四部分,十一大帆满分加九考试时间120分钟。 2. 余卷共有试题港8贞,絆题卷2贞。请将答案填埒在酱邇卷上: 乩占昭洙丿二请将试题卷和答题卷并交网。 第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分刃分) 1 .关键词语选择I共5小题;每小题I分,満分5分) 祢将听刘兀个旬子。请柱毎小題所给的A.BX三个选项中选出一个协所听到的单词或短语滋个句子读 两迪 1. A. choice B. voice C, nflise 2. ?V pricie Bprize CB praise 3.
2、A, fell B. fell C, (M 4- A. lonely B. lovely C, lively 5. A, lakf! up Br mulct1 up C,hmk n.短对话理解(共io小題;毎小题i分肃分io分) 你将听到十段对话.每组对话后冇-个小通, 请在每小题所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出一个最隹选頊n 禅凰対话读两遍, 6, Whern .*licc fwn pa from? 7- WJILLI was Helen doing whcin Lh士 necidenl happened? 9. WhaL is lhe man going 他 buy for hiw fath
3、er? (J, In New Yorku 11. Where is Toms father? A. Ln IjOiiilcm. 13, In Faris. I2 How long will Bnli stay in Jiis office h)morrow morning A. Sven houn?, B- Eighl h&urs 13- What did the nun think of the football gme yefitewlay? A, Hr Liked it verj* much B It wasn1? exriting. 14. qhiirt diK the con
4、veraalinn pnwfcbly tukr place? AP n a library B, In a tlipatrr- 15. Whtilr*. the relalin-nship hctwwn U比 hwj speakers? A. Husbund and wife. B, Dwhr and palienl DL长对话珪解(共疔小題海小駆丨分满分5分) C. Nine hours. C. HP regretted misbin the end. C. Ttfachtr and sludent. 协将听到两段对话, 每段对话厉有几个小题“诸在蒔小趣所蛤的A,BX三个选项屮选出一个圮佳选
5、项。 毎段对话盛两遍, 听下面.段对话屈容第历和门小题 16- Where does the woman waul to go? A, A pnrk. H- A hank. C- A hotel. 英语中考爭航模拟冲剌卷(二)第1页,共6页 2 A. On foul, B. Bv bus. 听下面段対话,冋答第18至20小题。 13. Whatfl wrong witli lhe woman? A, She ia a liRadnehe. B, Ht*r hank hurts. C, Shs htin u stomachiiche. 19* When did the vronun start
6、to feel that way? A. This morning. B. The day Ixrr yesterday. C、Yeslcnhy, 20. Wbafs the mans advice? A. To eul some fond she likes. B. Tn buy a warm coat. C* To have a gDod rest. IV.短文理解(共5小题;每小题1井,满分$分) 你将听到篇短文.短丈后右Ji个小题:请根据短文内容,在毎小题所给的A.B.C刁个选项屮选出一于皱 佳选项=短文读两遍 21. Who gave Tam one dollar al first?
7、 A, His riKither. B. His father. C. The old man- 22. Whs happened whn Tam went lo buy a toy? A. Janies was hrt badly by snuwhtdls. B. Iom mrt art olM man and helped him. Torn brake a * inflow of rhe? house. 23. Vi hy Hid Tom gu hack to the house? A. BecaLiM h wauled to play snowliailii again. BJ Bec
8、ause he wanted to pay for the window. C. Because he wuiittd to get liis toy back, 24. How much money did Tom gel at last? A. Two doHars, B. One dollar- C* Noihing. 25. What does the slory want to tell us? A, Working hard is very impthanl. B. Elclpinp others is to help ourselvesJ C. Beiiifi honest ra
9、n hrin us niore. V信息转换(共5小題;毎小题1分,満分于分) _你将听到-篇短文淆根据短文内容,写面表格中所缺的单问少空仗填-诃短文读阪遍 A trailic accident When THE accident happinesl HI 26 oclock Wlicre Two cdRi hiC each other neur a 27 . ViTiat happLTKxi One driver hurt hisi 28 badly. The windows of the varn 29 Too. How Thr olhtir driver drove too 30 Io
10、slop the car. 第二部分 芙语知识运用共两大题,满分厲分) 孔单项填空(共13小题;每小题1分,満分15分) 从毎小題所给的ADC四个选项中选出,个町以填人空白处的最住选项“ 31. Wt? an1 fiiiilt SUTL- to ncieve our itrearn- willi 山H of our leachers and paremis. A. extrude B. support C. disoverf* D fear 32” 一 Can vii tell lhe ditkrenci. between these livo pictures? * Difiemnces?
11、0hs .Thw hwk quite A. diffrint B, siniilur C strange DinlE阳Hiti関 33. Im sorry tliai I shouted at you this morning. but please dont get angry旳 afttn -* A. All right B. Nn problem C- Mever mitzl 1), With pleasure 34. Mo Vans h)k吕 are ven- populH匚 VDII can find are on sale many languages. A. in B, ID C
12、. with D. at 35. Arc you going to Davids birthday party? Not because 1 Au have in riled B. havent invited C. have been invited D. havent been 36. May 1 go out to phjr now, tmum? No. you r You mul make your bed first. A. neednt 13. woifl C. cant D. t:ouldnTt 37. Have a look at the new skirt. I think
13、it you verjr well OK. FI! take il” A. Lakes B. offers C- fits 0. leadft 3& Education will play t a more iniHrlaiit rale iiii the fuluh 4 1 agrre moire. A. Exclly B. EBpecinily C. Probably D. Generally 39, A smile costs t but gives so much- So we should karri Io sniile. A. something 1?. anything
14、C- nothing D. everjlliing 英语中考异航模拟冲刺卷(二)第2页,拱6页I7 How will the womun go there? C, By hike. 3 40, Do you _ your son a ft fir schciol? P(o. HK names back home UII lhe school bus. A- wnd for B. look after C, Atid out 41 r Do you have any plans for tonighl? Ves, ! _ ut the new Ilaiidn reatauiant in IOIA
15、TI. A. tat B. have eaten C. ate + 42. People ofleit wont realise the importance nf hr-uhh _ we lose it, A. after B. until C. because 43. Jean i? prettyt bill zht? has few friends. _ being beauLiful(loesn1t mean being liked- A. Above all B、That is to say C, For example D. On the other hacul 44. What
16、kind of books do you like? I Itku the books by Chinese wiiters _ are about successful people, A. which B. who C. whom 11. what 45. Hse too short to be a successful basketball pJayer. - _ . Every d(g has its day. A. I think so B. Its hard to say C. Thats 环hl D- Youd betler not VD.完形填空共20小题;每小题上分,備分30
17、分) 阅读F列短文,从毎小题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项巾选出个呆佳选项。 Once upon a time, the colors of the world argued. All of them thought that they were the best and most beautiful, Gteen said, 46 I tun lhe must important, I ain the sign of life and of hope. Tin lhe color of rass, tree# sod leaves. 47 met all animals vtrould die
18、. F, Blue interruptedT Donl just ihink alxiut the Earth. Whal is the ccJor of lhe sky and lhe sea? Isnt water the most 48 ihing for Yellow ,b You arf: all HO ftrimis. 1 49 auhter and hfijpniess into the ivurld, Every lime peuple lo k at H yellow sunflower h they start tn 50 Withoul me, there wuuh h*
19、: no fun. Orange said loudly, u carr lhe most irr屮urtunt vitHiiiins (纽14.素” Tliink of cam)tsT pumpkanii tinM oranges. 51 I fill the sky at sunrise ur sunset + everyorw? is amazed at my beauty Jin(! 52 another thnught io any of i? you. 53 could stand it no longer, SO he shouted, I am the color of fla
20、nger anti of courage. I bring fire into peoples bl曲I Tiicir voices became louder anti louder. IJUKI lhijnw me. ” fliey dii3 whal I hey were lold and together made the most heaulihil rainbow” 46. A, Hardly B. Clearly C. Possibly D, Luckily 47. A. With B. For C. Wilhoul D. Exrept 48- A. imptirtanl bca
21、uliful C. inkrpstin D. siiMe49. A. gel B drive C. Iirinj* D;invenl 50. A, dreain IL sleep C. sing D snnle SLA. Until Br Unless C. When D. TlloUgh 52. A. everybody E somebody C. nobody D. anybody 53. A. Red B, Black C. White 1). Brown 54. A. paint B. cool C. doubt D,shake 55. A, brsvc B. fcwilish C.
22、wonderful 1). dangerous lliailand is in lhe south of Asia. Every year, many Chines*? go on a visit (here. So its helpful to _56 the table manners in Hiailand. We can often see people put their elbows(肘部)OTI the table during a dinner in Thailand. Thais(泰国人)are very relaxed *bonl it. IIoweverT if ynu
23、are 57 wilh sotneone oldert vou should never do so. 兑 Thais will think y u dont respect the okler. Its impolite. Thai? seldom use 旳 to eat Iwds, Belbre lhe foods ai-e served. iht?y always cut them tritn small pi tee*. There na tird lo Use I hem. Spoons and forks are enough, Like Chinese, thiiy also
24、likft eating noodks and niher Chinese foods with 60 , If you go to a Thai dinner 6】 the firsl time* lon t hurry to Itegin ratings You must 62 until someone invites you im 1 Iff; impolite Io eat 63 in ThailantL Thais like to spend a lor of time oil a meal, s卩eakingT laughing and even fiannin. So dont
25、 hurry to 64 eating. Talking is OK. But remembfir not to talk with lho! in your 65 No one wautw l(i tier that. St empty your mouth before speaking. 1 If you cant remember lhe rule&, jitul du as Thai 5 du, 56,人 look after B. hear frum C- ksinw about D. wait for 英语中考导就摸拟冲刺卷(二)第3页,共6页I ), pick up D
26、. am going lu eal D. when 4 W.补全对话(共5小题;毎小題1分,满分于分) 檢据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空r I处的眾f上选项,M中有两个为多余选项 A : Hello t Wang Dong. B : Hello, everyone- Ynu arv alJ here. 66 A : are phnining fm a good - byt* parly hetiause the 3 - year mi山ih: Hfhonl Life will ht upcr, R:Thai houndfj guwl. Could 1 join in die part
27、y? A : 67 Everyone in nur ras sitting on my ninms sofa and waiting for lhe puin in my hark lo CHHCr A hek (缺 少)ol work and moiir-y forced niy svife, ori5 IL h.trks C. fijigers D. 61 A. at B. in C. on D. for 62H A. stand B. wail C, leave D. think 63 B A. qiiicldy B. slowly C. noisily D. quielly 64. A
28、. stop B. enjoy C. finish h. avoid 65*. A, mouth B, noEwt C. plate D. linger 第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分) At Do you have a cwrnrra B. What are you doing here1/ C HsiVC tl gCKMj trip I D. Yesfc Fd love g Eu Of cour&e, Al 7 clock tuniorrow 卩讥min幷. G, Tliank you niuth. Driver Gained Drive for busy restaur
29、ants, some evening and weekend work, AIL mtuls are free. Ring 33335678 1 - - . Hrmsr far Sale 1 00, 000 T buili in 2018 The house with 3 hednioms, a hatlirocm. n living room, a kitt ing xnnl a breakfast rnmn. on the souih side r)r lhe city. Y i ngh i JI Supermarket T Yingbin SupennarkeL, the biggest
30、 shopping criitrr in our city will open on June !7, 2018, Everybody with today Hefei Daily will gel a snudl pneseiil that rlay. You are welcome. Tel; 279S4321 Add: No, 6 Huanghe Road Hefei Daily May 291 201S Rasps 专period Concerl Time: 2 p. m. , July 2* 20J 8 T Sunday. Place: Pet屮Id Stadium. Ticket
31、Price; :RMB; 150 yuan for udulte; 70 yuan for studentH. 7J. If you work HH a driver in the restaurant, you may _ 英语中考导航樓拟冲剌卷(二)第5页,共6页 5 han( on h for balanceu Finally when he reached the end of it, he took hvo big steps and. made it in the waJL Tlwn ht- suurted walking down lhe hall with his hands
32、bahiiciiig on the wall lhe whole way. 1 laughed and cheH枫L Sudtlenly, being unemployed (艾业於0 wasnt 河 bad ? because my boy had learned lo walk, Jjeaming to love hi tliis work is a Jot liltE first kaniinp; tn walk. We often fall and city. Howevert 曰呂 lon 丹呂 w in a- gani ;, wu 讽 ill find our own fnet a
33、nd know how Io ksve Dont bp afraid, tn Alep ouL Dont be afraiy fell down, _ . A. he cried for help B. he lay on the ibor C. he pulled himself mp D. his falser pul Jed him up 79. Whal dues the writer learn from his sons experience? A. Learning how Lo walk is a hai卩卩y experieri-ce. B. Life 1A ami t?as
34、y for people who have no job. C Failun? as not terrible if VDU try ban! Lo glart again I). Katiieri etnd soils JITU likely to get along, 皂 Millions of Chinese have been playing a mobile game cal ltd Travel Frog recently. You play as lhe motherI of a fmg who livt-s alotie and enjoys travelings You ne
35、ed prepay fnuxl and tools fiir his tripst The frcig will send you poL- eirds while? hrs i 兽 away- Hie gm眦乜 popularity may have sotnethirig W do with how lonely people are ihese days Wany players liave said dil the lonely fnjg 祜 just like lliem. But playing with the frog helj) 卄代阳 forei I heir lonelh
36、iess for a short time. Lonelineas seems to be a comimn problem, tvday- About 40 percenl uf Aitaericarl 也dulls say Qieyrt! lonely. And in the UK, alx)ut- one in five people in die couniry are Ma.iways or often lonely This might be why the UK govemnienl declined (宣布)the couMry冷 very first hfcMinister
37、of Lonelinieas, (孤独大 臣)in Januarj Ttie minister s job is to find ways to help UK citizens feel less lonely. Th# nainisler office wil! provide more money for actiiritie3 that connccrt people togethert This lonsliness pjoblem m.ay lie partly because osocial mecJia. When we see pictures of frierids. hv
38、iriig inn or puy ling ( |J 4fl)wilhuul us,讥贮 may curnpair thrir h, pcrfeclH lives with uur own and feel worse and lonely- But we should remsmber that no one is destined (注定)to he lonely. As UK pnet John Donne once wrote, ND man is an inland t cnlirc of itself ; cverj man is a piece of the continent
39、(陆地)卡 a part of the main 80. What do playere do while playing Travel Frog? B.卩r匕Lire and tools for their frogs Irip&t. D Wrilti puslcanls lo 由世if frogs, B. Becaj&e it can be played on mobile phones. D, Becans people have more spare time, these days. B. created the Minister of LoHEline沸 D.射op
40、pecl peopled 咏 M social media B. We should not cDnipare nurslveA to others- D. ND one should live alone Many ldh hslp junuils to do churls(家务扌舌)in the house. rFliey may do dishes7 sweep the floor or take out the Lrash. In return, wine kids get mone)1 nr other rewards from lheir parents s such 朋 2()
41、minutrs to play compultr games, Bui sdiFie jjeople dont think lhal kids 呂houhd get rewards for doing ;bores. One of theiiii is Susie Wat(bn ? a parpnting educator and family rzoach. She beiieves if kid$ gel rcvards t they will think th al work 討9 worth doin 百 unless they grl wiEiftliiily an relurna
42、For examplet kids wont sweeip ths fl(K)r if 油已y ii is d.irtyt But thfy will cd栏m the floor if their parents reward them it. M Every house h a team effortWaltoti said. ,B A home is a living space for KviRryone in th familyIfs important for kids ID see that they el have o poribiliiy io kep ihtdr homes
43、 dean. Other people hold do chores. The zipps givt* kirls 卩oinls: nd 数字弁勺)蔓 I hope my am rame buck homet wiih tetirs in his ryes. bb What*s lhe matter, Tom? HOW?B your trip? his mother asked with a big Hmile. I failed. The mountain is HO high HHH full of big or fimall stones on the way, I still go a
44、head. But 1 wub tired and il v/酹 M) late I hat 1 h&d to come bank. 】”m crier, LtJi doesnt mat ter t you are only 14 years aid afh-r a!L You will htivc aiuilher tihunce. his rnolher said. But, $(Hilding at the top uf the nuHintMin is my dream Tom nai(|r lli$ father came over and asked + Dhl you s
45、ee the green iRes on your Viay lo the mountain? uSurtt at)d there: are a lot nf Ijeauliiul flowers by the of ilw mad. Tom replied- 1 II Did you hear the birda singing? his father aaked. Thun: were many kinds nf hirrh singirig in lh day. 95. Our playera will fijrht far lhe h _ (荣of our country, XL书面表
46、送(共1小题;满分25分厂 假如枷是李华,你的笔友血區给你发来一封电子邮件佶诉你她觉得自C的妈妈太啰嗦.这il:自已很烦恼, 希望你给一些建议::情祢根据以下提示给她回一封邮件 ( 1 学会倾听$ 2. 意见不-一时雾交流; 3. 不要争吵 注意词数80-100; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3, 邮件中不能出现与本人和关的信息; 4-幵头和结尾已为你写好.不计入总诃数。 Dear Anna, A呂 H teenager p I had the stne problem as youP But now i get along well with rny mothrr. Hen?祜 s
47、onre advice for you. IJ Hua A. Lids should he rewarded for doin; chores B. parents decide what kids C- kids should hflp thrir parrnh do somt thojVH without paying IX kids can get extra fomputcT time- for doing(4i 85. The underlined word 4 responsibilUy in lhe passage means A. duly U. chance can do f
48、or the family ares S6, KicJs【口 use app* C. hobby D- vhoicr A. help (hem do chnre呂 B. get real rewards C change llintr innwh 87. What i肾 the title of 山忙 passage? A. HOW (O DO Chores C- Kids Shouldnt Do Chores 阅读下面短文并用英语回答问题(请注意毎小题后面的词数要求人 D get digital piiinis B, Should Kiris Gel RewartN for Dninf; C
49、holies? D. Kids Should Get Rewards from Their Parenls 英语中考导航模拟沖刺卷(二)第2页共2页 8 安徽省2018年中考导航模拟冲刺卷(二) 英语参考答案 听力部分录音文字 一、 关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五个句代 请在每小题所给的A.BX,三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单-词或短 语二每个句子读陶遍。 1, The noise woke me up in the middle of the night, 2, Neither of us buys it because of its high price. 3,
50、 She became unhappy after she failed the exam ill math, 1. We all spent a lovely holiday in Shanghai month. 5, You can look up the new word in the ciictitmary, 二、 短对话理解(共10小题;毎小题1分,满分10分) 你将听到十段对话,每组对话后有一个小题“渤在每小题所给的A.BJ:三于选项中选出 一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍口 ” 6, M: Where is your pen pal Alice? W She is from the
51、USA. 7, M: What were you doing when the accident happened* Helen? W: I was playing the violin. & M: Jenny- could you please come to my birthday party on June Sth? W i Sure. Id love to. 9. W: Father Day is coming. What arc you going to buy for your father? M: 1 think I can buy him a T-shirt. His
52、is too old. 10. M; Its raining outside now. How can you go home without 也n umbrellaJane? Wj Don t worry. Fl亡adl a taxi. 11. W- Where is your father, Tom? M: He came back to London from l5aris yesterday. 12. W: BobT will you be in your office aT 8 00 oclock tomorrow morning? M: iNo, 1 will be there f
53、ronri nine in the morning until five tn the afternoon 13. W i Paul T you went to watch the football game yesterday evening. How did you like it? M: Oh, they played so badly. And 1 left at the half-time. 1 t M: Excuse where are the novels? W: Let me see+,. Er, theyre over there. Turn left thereT and
54、then right. They are next to the dictionaries, J 5+ W: You were not here for class yesterdayt Peter? M: I m sorry that I couldnt comc Miss Yan+1 had a bad headache, 三、 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题】分,满分5分 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有儿个小题“请在每小题所給的AJC V 个选项中选出 一个最佳选项.每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。 W:Excuse me, where is the bank? M
55、: The bank? Oh, its not far from her色 W: Shall I take a bus? M No. Just go straight down this street and turn right; Then you can see a restaurant I he bank is across from it It takes you about five minutes to walk. W: Thank you very much M: Youre welcome. 听卜单一段对话,回答第讯至20小题。 M: Whats The matter with
56、 you, madam? W: 1 have a headache, 9 M: How long have you been feeling like this? 英语中考导航模拟冲剌毎(二)第1頁共2贾英语中考导航模拟沖刺卷(二)第2页共2页 10 W: It started the day before yesterday after 1 swam in the river. M; And you seem to have a temperature. W * What should I do? M: Ils nothing serious. Take a few days off fro
57、m work and stay tn bed for a day or two. W: Is there anything else T should pay attention to? M: Yes* Drink as much water as you can. 四、 短文理解(共5小题;每小题1芬,满分5分) 你将听到-篇短文芋短文后有丘个小题请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A.BX3个选 项中选出一个最佯选项。短文读两遍。 Tom was happy to get one dollar from his father. He wanted to buy a toy with it. So
58、 he put on his hat and ran into the street. There he met some boys ihrowing snowballs. Soon Tom joined them. He: sent a snowball at James, but he missed him, and broke a window on the other side of the street, Tom was afraid ard ran as fast as he could. But soon he stopped. He said to himselft Tl wa
59、s wrong to break the window, I will go back and pay for it. ” He went back to the house and saw an old man, fom told him what he did, th亡n he gave thu nian the dollar he had. he old man took the doltar, and asked lorn his name and where he lived. At last* the old man 帥id, OK. ” At dinner Time Torn I father told hitn to go and
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