1、浙江科技学院信息管理与信息系统专业培养方案一、培养目标本专业培养具备现代管理学理论基础、信息技术知识及应用能力,掌握系统思想和信息系统分析与设计方法以及信息管理等方面的知识与能力;具有创业创新意识与能力、企业家精神与素养的能在国家各级管理部门、工商企业、金融机构、科研单位等部门从事信息管理以及信息系统分析、设计、实施管理的国际化背景的高素质应用型专门人才。二、培养标准本专业学生主要学习管理、信息资源管理、计算机、信息系统及经济方面的基本理论和基本 知识,受到信息系统设计方法及信息管理方法的基本训练,具备综合运用所学知识分析和解决问题的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1掌握数学、管
2、理学、经济学和现代企业管理的基本理论、基本知识;2、掌握管理信息系统的分析方法、设计方法和实现技术;3、具有信息组织、分析研究以及开发利用的基本能力;4、具有较强的语言与文字表达、人际沟通以及组织管理的基本能力;5、了解本专业相关领域的发展动态;6、熟练掌握一门外语。7、具有创业知识和基本技能。三、知识、能力和素质实现矩阵主 套 配知识要求需从识 备知 具的商 子 电 计 会匕匕厶冃 合综命识 济知 经的 事需 从所 备的 具力学 运 § 管 济 经 观 宏息知 信的 与需 剳统 具系识杯产 吉 fe 纟 4 据、 数计自心理 倚数管能力要求毕步、逐0 ui0 口 过实高 通业提组
3、和 作 合 流 交 的力定能 理备管 具织团 程、 0 习力 实能 会理 社咔 社合 会僦 纵生 活学 者养 虧培 志以 过合 通队厶冃 新 创过新 通 创素质要求一四、主干学科管理科学与工程五、专业核心课程系统建模与仿真、信息资源管理、管理信息系统、管理学、信息系统分析与设计、数据结构、数据库原理与应用、生产与运作管理、运筹学六、主要实践环节金工实习、信息系统分析与设计课程设计、Java程序设计课程设计、生产管理软件综合实验、市场调查研究、认识实习、管理实习、毕业实习、创业实践七、学制、学位及学分要求1学制:实行弹性学制,本科基本学制一般为4年,可提前1年毕业,最长不超过 8年2、授予学位:
4、管理学学士学位3、 本专业毕业最低学分要求:170八、学分结构要求课程设置及修读类型学分及占比学分学分比例理论教学环节基础层次(必修)44.541.59%专业层次(必修)36.534.11%拓展复合层次(选修)2624.30%合计10762.94%实践教学环节必修6337.06%合计170100.00%Undergraduate Program inInformation Management and Information SystemsI. Training ObjectivesThe In formatio n Man ageme nt and In formatio n Systems
5、 program provides stude nts with adva needunderstanding and skills in information management and information systems, which involves the study of moder n man ageme nt andIn formati on tech no logy. It en courages the developme nt of an alysisand design skills in the subject, which can make a vital c
6、ontribution to the abilities to analyze, design, execute and evaluate complex problems in bus in ess sectors, gover nment and orga ni zati ons.II. Training StandardsIn formatio n Man ageme nt and In formatio n Systems:The aims of the program are to :1. Provide firm kno wledge in the theories of econ
7、o mics,man ageme nt scie nee, mathematics andnatural scienee ;2. Un dersta nd the an alytical skills, desig n skills and their applicati on in the discipli ne ;3. Develop a range of man ageme nt skills and compete nces in orga nizing, an alyz ing, research ing,commu ni cati ng, develop ing and utili
8、z ing in formati on;4. Develop the ability to solve problems ;5. Understand its current stage of development ;6. Beco ming flue nt in a foreig n lan guage ;7. Provide kno wledge about pion eeri ng work with stude nts.III. Realization Matrix of Knowledge, Ability and QualityContentsThe Main Courses o
9、r Education Training StrategyKno wledgekno wledge en gaged in en trepre neurial abilities requiredTheKABandBusin essIn troducti on ,Ec ono micLaw,Accou nti ng,Electro nic Commerce,Bus in ess practiceKno wledge en gaged in econo micman ageme nt capacity requiredMicroec ono mics,Macroec ono mics,Ma na
10、geme nt,Accou nti ng,Ope rati ons ResearchKno wledge en gaged in in formatio n man ageme nt and information system capacity requiredInformation Resources Management,Principles and Application ofDatabase,I nformati onSystemsAn alysisandDesig n,Man ageme nt In formati on SystemsAbilityHave stro ng eng
11、in eer ing practice capabilityCognition Practice,Metalworking practice, Social Practice,Course Design,Graduate Practice and scientific research and innovative practice activities and men tor ing activities, gradually in crease the ability of engineering practice.Have excha nges and cooperati on and
12、orga ni zati onal man ageme nt capabilitiesThrough participation in society Practice,engineering practice, volu nteer activities and so on to improvestude nts' capabilitiesof the excha nges and cooperati on and orga ni zati onal man ageme nt.Inno vati on capabilityThrough participati on in scie
13、nee and tech no logy competiti ons, research projects to exercise and develop students' ability to inno vate.QualityPhysiological qualityUniversity sports class courses to enhance the physical qualities of the stude ntsPsychological qualitiesMen tal Health Educati on to improve the psychological
14、 quality of stude ntsIV. Major DisciplinesMan ageme nt scie nee and Engin eeri ngV. Core CoursesSystem modeling and simulation , Production and Operations Management, Management, Operati ons Research, In formatio n Resources Man ageme nt, Man ageme nt In formatio n Systemsnformation Systems Analysis
15、 and Design, Data Structure, Principles and Application of DatabaseVI. Main Internship and PracticeMetalworki ng Practice B , Course Desig n for Database ,Course Desig n for Operati ons Research, Course Design for Information Systems Analysis and Design,Synthetical Experiment for Production Manageme
16、nt, Synthetical Experiment for System modeling and simulation, Management Practice, Un dergraduate Practice, Un dergraduate Thesis and so on.VII. Len gth of Schooli ng, Degree and Credits Requireme nts for Graduati on1. Len gth of Schooli ng : The len gth of schooli ng is flexible, gen erally it las
17、ts four years. The stude nts can graduate one year in adva nee or withi n 8 years.2. Degree Conferred : Bachelor ' s degrein management3. The Mini mum Graduation Credits : 170VIII . Credits Structure and Ratio:The curriculum Provisio nand Study TypeCreditsCredits RatiosTheoryTeach ingBasic Level
18、 ( Required)44.541.59%Specialty Level ( Required)36.534.11%Expa nd and Recomb in ati onLevel ( Opti on al)2624.30%Total10762.94%PracticeTeach ingRequired6337.06%Total170100.00%课程设置与学时安排(表一)专业名称:信息管理与信息系统课程层次课程性质课程代码学分总学时考试学期备 注理论学时实验学时实践学时年一第年 二 第年 三 第1长2长3长4长5长6长7长8长周6周61周61周61周61基础层次必修中 823224812相
19、心ndw 息-FJ!34836223马InIpn34836233-em 主靑卿 绘onglsyse Mine 特 oorech 国虫eohC 冲Thwit刃 專onand器 思体cthtalw 东论duugocirac 泽理tranosha 毛义InThbfc464486442叵如硼soil166112 A nEdu /al 育ys丄urn8212丄222 間 语eE 英eg 学OHe 大coIL2912914.4.实施 分级 教学-535is3-ngl 语eE 英eg 学丽 大co192192nnnnn2e Bh - 卄 B M 学ce 数an 等亠咼M8Um丄口Beb 数A 代ar 性1e
20、 线LmE2c c4644024丄LLUUUU10111043概率论与数理统计BProbability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Level B232323225215069大学语文College Chinese23232206131201信息技术基础Foundation of InformationTechnology2.540403318113049科技文献检索Scientific Documents Retrieval1168813111708231117083大学生职业发展与就业指导1-2Career planning and guidanc
21、e for college students 1-2116162和622基础层次合计53.59207122418417191460300课程设置与学时安排(表一续一)专业名称:信息管理与信息系统课程层次课程性质课程代码学分总学时考试学期备 注理论学时实验学时实践学时年一第年 二 第年 三 第年 四 第2-2阿专业层次必修学rat 筹pe 云亍3.4n3.n亠一斤nf虫232284122322844264EE2n丄nnn02562(M| 学ag mi 一 1 理汕3Id33-nnn法nom 济co 经EE3E43n46446834kr nn 夕og 统也e 房Ed 匱InfBn52404054i
22、on "5 m s d n a g 真册 仿de 与w 模T1IT 建em 统国26.2生proMM3484863n学st 计aa 统Bt3一 3nn3 一nnn学Oun 计cco 含c3nn3nnn48482-K宏虫1u。573丄45 一oo拓展复合层次拓展复合层次专业拓展 专业拓展选修 选修e 语nm (Mom23322/L6L1一 72nnn/ e m e aa anM 理hhi 管c 链pp 应upp 共32冋F| -4.- ( 23322421 433334nn4nnnn348633323333743DOLaJLaJ0n3命xga23322621 1B BE EIL2222pgp R.nR 二-D二-3484263计 r416226110。 o37578o口330226114。:EH345三8H拓展复合层次专业复合跨专业选修>3nnnnnnn7nnnmi 一理R 管eCt 目.OJ 顷pr2DOnnnn4s s eV n 论s u胃B创和a Bow3DOn4nn3nnn3482224nnn3nnnn1c 4 o231y g 呎tof echrne Tlnte 用of 应on Maao 术.Q 技PPI 网Apgg23322o12mnhonet 络血仙 冈ren2332262- ( J/348332323333丄g n a 词
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