1、英语导游考试口译英译中1. China takes One fifteen PerCent Of WOrld area 中国占世界而积的十五分之一 China is twice as big as EUrOPe/Europe is half Of ChineSe area 欧洲面积是中国的一半 COmPaSS 指南针 gun POWer 火药 Printing 印刷 PaPer-making 纸 human SOCiety 人类社会2. CreatiOn/origination Of dragon 龙的起源 ancestors, imagination 祖先的想象 Iegendary figu
2、re FUXi 传奇人物伏義 Iead this tribe 带领部落 SCttle in Central China 居中原 dragon City龙城3. marriage CUStOm 婚俗 Wedding 婚礼 bride新娘 bridegroom新郎 Set Off fire CraCkerS 放鞭 炮 Set Off firework 放烟花 COlOrfUl ribbon 彩带 festival atomosphere 喜庆的气氛4. SCentCd tea 花茶 natural fragrance 自然的芳香 elaborate PrOCeSS 详细过程 jasmine tea
3、 茉 莉花茶 green tea, OOlOng tea, black tea, dark tea* yellow tea, Whitetea 绿茶,青茶(乌 龙茶),红茶,黑茶,黄茶,白茶PUer普洱茶YellOW mountain fuzz tip黄山毛烽DragOn Well 龙井 Green SPiraI 碧螺春 JUn mountain SilVer needle 君山银针 White tip SilVer needle 白亳银 针 YellOW mountain fuzz tip 黄山毛峰5. ChineSe CIOiSOnne 景泰蓝 enamel 搪瓷 base-hammeri
4、ng 制胎 filigree SOldering 掐丝焊 enamel filling 点蓝 elaborate and COmPIiCated PrOCeSS 复杂的过程 gilding 镀金 enamel firing 彩烤,彩烧 COPPer-StriP inlay and SOldCring 铜丝镶嵌和焊接 distinguished guest 尊 贵的客人VaIUable gifts珍贵的礼物6. ChineSe embroidery 中国刺绣 embroidery Center 刺绣中心 PetiCUlar Style 独有的风格 delicate/refined 精 美的 WO
5、rkmanShiP 工艺 double-sided embroideiy 双面绣 distinct Pattern与众不同的图案different StitCheS WOrk不同的针法7. ChineSe POrCelain 中国瓷器 dominate POrCelain PrOdUCtiOn 以瓷器为主 SPeCial appeal 吸 引力CVCn均匀的doucai斗彩glazed上过釉的PraiSed as被誉为ClOSe testure紧密的纹 理结构PUrPle Clay紫土& IaCqUerWare 漆器 IaCqUre tree 漆树 df exposure to air
6、 风干 COlOring agent 着色齐IJ apply numberous COat 涂很多层 folding SCreeen 屏风9. SiIk WOrm breeding 养蚕 SiIk WOrnl is a delicate and hungry CreatUre 小巧的和食欲好的 InUlberry 桑树10. COnfUCiOUS 孔子 IhC COnfUCianiSm 儒家 PhilOSOPher 哲学家 Sage 圣人 ProdUCe influence 产生影响in turn依次neighboring邻近的teaching讲授学说disciple徒弟hand down传
7、下来 The FOUr BOOkS (The Great Learning, The DOCtrine Of the MealL The COnfUCian Analects, and ThC WOrkS Of MenCiUS) and ThC FiVe ClaSSiCS (The BOOk Of Songs, The BOOk Of HiStOryr The Bk Of Changes, The BOOk Of RiteS and The SPring and AUtUmn AnnalS)四 书(大学,中庸,论语,孟子)五经(诗经、史书、易经、礼记、春秋)Contain PrinCiPIe
8、包含原理PCrSOnal god人格化的神11. traditional Painting 传统绘画 highly regarded 高度评价为 theory 原理 expression and technique表现手法和技巧COnfined受限制的focuspoint焦点OffiCial SCriPt隶书Seal SCriPt 篆书 CUrSiVe handwriting 行书 the nning and CUrSiVe handwriting 草书 brushstroke 一笔一画CanigraPhiC书法的12. ChineSe SeaI-CaVing 中国的篆刻艺术 intangib
9、le CUItUre heritage 非物质文化遗产 an accomplished SChOlar 有成就的学者 be SUPPOSed to master 应该掌握 OraCle inscription 甲 件文 tortoise Shell 龟壳 engraved UtenSil 雕刻的器具 remarkable 出众的 SCUIPtOr 雕刻家 handwork 手工活 COInPOSitiOn 构图13. acrobatic 杂技 Wall Painting/mural 壁画 depict ViVidly 生动的描绘 troupe 剧团 CirCUS PerfOrnlanCe马戏表
10、演14. ChineSe theatrical form 中国戏曲形式 CIaSSiC drama 古典戏曲 dramatist 戏剧家 SPeCifiC CUStUme特定的服装 facial Inake-UPS 脸谱 tunc SySteIn 曲调体系 a SerieS Of role CharaCter 一系列的角色 known as XingtOlr行头 StyliSed acting 別具风格的表演 distinct OPeratiC effect独特的戏剧效果15. lunar/ SOlar new year 阴历新年/农历新年 autumn hafest Winter StOra
11、ge 秋收冬藏 SPring PlOWing 春耕 SUInmer Weeding 除草 CeIebratiOn 庆祝 4Niaifdevils 年曽 fire flames/WOrkS 烟火 COme into existance 形成 ChineSe ZOdiaC 生肖 The ChineSe ZOdiaC assigns an animal to each year Of a 12-year cycle, beginning With rat and COntinUing through ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, mon
12、key, rooste匚 dog and finally Pig 解说生肖 auspicious 吉祥的 POCtiC couplet: two SlICCeSSiVe rhyming IineS in Poeiry 对联 SPring FeStiVal COUPletS 春联 do SPring FeStiVal ShOPPing 买年货16. PCrfOrm Iantern 玩灯 fall On 在天 fancy Iantern 有趣的灯 affection 感情 SymbOl Of family reunion 家庭团聚17. dragon boat festival 端午 VJ ded
13、icate to 献给 PatriOtiSm 爱国主义;爱国心,爱国精神 in an attempt to 为 了 throw ZOngZi (Pyrainid-ShaPed dumplings made Of glutinous rice WraPPed in reed IeaVeS ) WOrld PeaCe COUnCil 世界和平理事会 CUltUral figure 文化人物 be COmInemOrated by 被纪念18. Iniddle autumn festival 中秋节 full moon 满月 mooncakc 月饼 OdC 讴歌 inspiration 激 励灵感m
14、yth神话Signify象征VieW the round moon赏月19. DaOiSm 道教 Came exclusively from the root Of China/Chinese root and grow to maturity in ChineSe SOil中国独有的/中国土生丄长的WitChCraft巫术formulas Of immortality神仙方 术 SUPreIne god 最髙神 CanOn 经典 dao de jiCanOn 道徳经 detailed COIInt 详细陈述 believers,bible 信徒的圣经 in a broad SenSe 广义上
15、 UniVerSe function 宇宙运行 elementary POWerS Of Yin and Yang 阴阳 function by reciprocal action 相互作用 by COrPoratiOn通过合作20. buddhism in China 佛教在中国 CthniC group 民族 mahayana buddhism 大乘佛教 hinayana buddhism 小乘佛教 existance Of many buddha 多佛共存 the authority Of tripitaka三藏经的权威21. gateway 门户 trade ShOW 商业展览 COn
16、fIUenCe 汇合处 be COmPOSed Of 由组成 burn incense and WOrShiP the gods 烧香拜佛 Can be easily accessible by Waterway 容易由水路进 入22. Simmering 炖煨 frying 炒 boneless eel 鳍鱼 broth/SteamCd StUffed bun 肉汤包23. battlefield 战场 COfferdam 用堰 USe the few to defeat the many/ defeat (enemy troops) With a force inferior in num
17、ber 以少胜多 ChineSe StUrgeOn 中华窗寻 Painted POttery 彩陶 a ideal holiday escape 避暑胜地 State national Park 国家公园 forest resenfes 森林保护区 UndUlating mountain 绵延的山 fauna flora 动植物群24. ShUttIe bus 班车 StOne Of SWOrd testing 试剑石 On her father's behalf Of to join the army 代 父从军 ruins and relic 遗迹文物 be Cradled in
18、摇篮 birthplace 诞生地 Winding road 崎 岖的山路 Stir your imagination 激发想象 theory that man is an integral Part Of nature 天人 入口 _25. InUItilayered PCakS重岩叠嶂的山峰racing CUrrentS奔腾的水流roaring WaVeS怒吼的波 涛 ShOal 浅滩,沙洲 WhirIPOOl 漩涡 the harnessing Of main rivers and IakeS 江河湖泊开发 整治 the earthly WOrId 人间 dcnse-grown tree
19、s and bushes 草木茂盛 ShaiP turns 急拐弯 torrent 急流 the SeCret WOrkingS Of nature 大自然的鬼斧神工 moumain range 山脉 dancing WaterfalI.splashed Waterfall 飞溅的瀑布 rock tomb 岩棺 a tranquil retreat 安静的居所 the meandering trails 弯曲的小路26. SOCial ChaOS 社会动荡 forge a United alliance With Other neighbouring Weak StateS to fight against qin State联合临近
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