1、天水华天科技股份有限公司TIANSHUI HUATIAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD% 天水华天科技股份有限公司文件编号 Doc. No : Q/CA.G7B00天水华天科技股份有限公司TIANSHUI HUATIAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD文件名称产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件版次DOC. REV.ATITLE文件总页数TOTAL PAGES6早节 编号修改码核准文号ECN NO.生效日期EFF.DATE变更历程REVISION HISTORY起稿者INITIATORA5-791QA-091002009-08-24修改第5、6、7、9章节的内容。曹妍项目签字日期项
2、目签字日期受控号:拟制赵立新2007-01-12电镀部郭乔2007-01-15受控章:品管部骆菊芬2007-01-13集成电路塑料 封装研究中心李习周2007-01-14制造一部任江林2007-01-10品质保证部赵立权2007-01-13制造二部王小勇2007-01-15生管部郑建琴2007-01-15批准:陈建军采购部陈世贵2007-01-12销售部张铁成2007-01-12测试部陶迎九2007-01-13标准化慕蔚2007-01-16日 期:2007-01-18早节5-79版次/修改码A/1页数2-6产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第2页共11页文件版
3、次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-241 目的 Purpose建立生产材料、过程产品及成品在接收、生产、交货的各阶段活动中的识别方式与书面程序,予以识别与追溯。To establish the ide ntificatio n methods and writte n procedures of producti on material, process products and finished products during the receiving ,production and delivery activities, and with identification and tra
4、ceability.2 范围Scope适用本公司生产产品所需的材料,过程产品及成品。Applicable to compa ny s n eeded materials in produc ing products, process ing products and fini shed products.3 引用文件 Refere nee file3.1 质量记录控制程序3.2 过程控制程序3.3搬运、储存、包装、防护和交付控制程序3.4 检验和试验控制程序3.5 不合格品控制程序3.6 防混批作业指导书3.1 Quality record con trol procedures3.2 pro
5、cess con trol proceduresQ/CA.G4300Q/CA.G7500Q/CA.G7700Q/CA.G8100Q/CA.G8300Q/CA.G7533Q/CA.G4300Q/CA.G7500天水华天科技股份有限公司TIANSHUI HUATIAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD天水华天科技股份有限公司TIANSHUI HUATIAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD3.3 Tran sport in g,storage, packag ing, protectio n and delivery of con trol proceduresQ/CA.G77003.
6、4 In spection and testi ng control proceduresQ/CA.G81003.5 Rejected product control procedures Q/CA.G8300Q/CA.G75333.6 An ti-mixed batch operat ing in struct ions4 术语和定义 Terms and definitions4.1 产品标识:产品从原材料进厂到交付阶段可追溯性的场合所用的各种印章、标签、标牌或记录。4.1 Product marking: products from raw materials to the deliver
7、y stage of traceability used in a variety of occasi ons, seal, label, n ame plate or record.产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第3页共11页文件版次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-244.2可追溯性:根据产品已记载的标志追溯产品的历史、应用情况或用户使用后产品是否达到原设计 技术要求的特性。4.2 Traceability: Accord ing to the product has recorded a sig n of trace history of produ
8、cts, applicatio ns or user after use products are the tech ni cal requireme nts to achieve the orig inal desig n features.5 职责 Responsibility5.1品质保证部负责监督检查产品标识和可追溯性的实施。5.1 Quality Assura nee Departme nt is resp on sible for supervisi on and in specti on of product identification and traceability imp
9、lementation.5.2 集成电路塑料封装研究中心负责规定产品图号、名称、型号等标识。5.2 IC Packag ing Research Cen ter is resp on sible for ruli ng the products s draw ing nu mberdevice n ame, type and other identification.5.3 制造部门负责在生产制造过程中标识的实施及追溯性管理。5.3 The Manu facturi ng Departme nt is resp on sible for the ide ntificati on s imple
10、me ntati on and traceability in process of manu facturi ng of product ion.5.4 生管部负责原材料等采购物品标识的实施及追溯性管理。5.4 The Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt Departme nt is resp on sible for the raw material and other purchased goods s man ageme nt of impleme ntati on and traceability.5.5 销售部负责成品的贮存、交付阶段标识的实施和追溯性管理。5
11、.5 The Sales Departme nt is resp on sible for the fini shed product storage and delivery phase s identification management of implementation and traceability.流程图 Flowchart天水华天科技股份有限公司TIANSHUI HUATIAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第4页共11页文件版次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-24标识7.3投料7.4加工7.1原材
12、料7.2晶圆晶圆管制卡待加工封装形式 产品型号 芯片型号 用户批号 晶圆片数 晶圆直径 晶圆批号 委工单号正在加工检验合格不 合 格工单号 用户代码 产品型号 数 量 用户批号 印章内容 包装人员 箱 号入库单7.5入库塑封电路出 厂检验报告工单号 用户代码 产品型号 数 量 印章内容 打印规范 箱 号7 流程说明 Process Description7.1 原材料的标识7.1 The identification of raw materials7.1.1 由生管部原材料库房管理员负责安排新采购原材料入生管部原材料库房,对新采购原材料进行标识,在包装箱上标注到货日期、批号等。并注明原材料状
13、态为“待检验材料”。7.1.1 The raw materials warehouse adm ini strator of The Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt Departme nt isresp on sible for arranging the purchases of raw materials into the warehouse and to ide ntify the new purchased raw material, to label the lot Number and arrival date in the box. And give c
14、lear indication to the status of raw materials "to be tested."7.1.2 原材料检验员依据ERF物料检验清单核对材料是否需要检验,根据文件合格材料与供货商评估作业指导书核对是否为合格材料,且是否带有送货清单和质保证书,若以上条件都具备,则进行检验,否则拒检并通知采购部和生管部。7.1.2 Raw materials inspector based onERP Material Inspection Listcheck whether the material needs of testi ng, depe ndi
15、ng on the filequalified supplier evaluati on materials and operati ng in struct ions ,check whether the qualified materials with the delivery list and quality assurance certification. If the above con diti ons are met, the n arrange the in spect ion, or refuse to in spect and no tify the Purchas ing
16、 Departme nt and The Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt Departme nt.产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第5页共11页文件版次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-247.1.3原材料检验员按照检验作业指导书、检验标准和控制计划,对新购原材料进行检验与判定。检验、试验项目全部符合要求后,填写完整检验记录,并通知采购员办理正式入库手续。7.1.3 Raw materials in spector testi ng in accorda nee with operat ing in structi ons, in
17、specti on sta ndards and con trol programs on the new purchase of raw materials to test and determi natio n.l nspectio n, the test item all satisfy the requireme nts, fill out a complete exam in ati on records, and no tify the purchaser to go through formal procedures for storage.7.1.4 对原材料检验员检验合格的原
18、材料,由库房管理员负责将其“待检验材料”状态标识牌抽掉。7.1.4 For the qualified raw materials by the in spector of raw materials, the warehouse adm ini strator is resp on sible for take away the card of "material to be tested."7.1.5 检验不合格材料,原材料检验员负责在外箱上贴上红色不合格标签,并填写原材料(新品) 试验委托单,送交工程部进行工艺验证。工程验证合格后,通知库房管理员贴绿色“质量特采”标
19、签。若工程验证不合格,库房管理员负责将其搬入不合格区,并按照文件不合格品控制程序通知 采购部办理相关手续。原材料工程师依据原材料反馈与退货及赔偿作业指导书填写异常反馈单或 提供详细的不合格情况反馈供应商。7.1.5 For the injected materials, raw materials in spector is resp on sible for labeli ng on the outer boxes with red tags, and fill out "Raw materials (n ew) test of the commissi on forms &quo
20、t;, sent to engin eeri ng for Process Certificati on. After pass ing the Engin eeri ng certificati on to inform the storehouse admi nistrator label gree n "quality of AOD Accept On Deviati on" label. If the engin eeri ng validati on failed, the warehouseadministrator is responsible for tra
21、nsporting it to the Injected Area, and in accordance with documentCon trol procedures of Injected Product and also to inform the Purchas ing Departme nt tran sact releva nt procedures. Raw materials engineers, based onRaw materials feedback , return and compensation of operat ing in structio ns fill
22、 out a abno rmal feedback or provide detailed feedback of Injected product from suppliers.7.1.6 对于过期原材料,工程验证合格可让步接收的,库房管理员负责在外箱上贴“过期特采”标 签。工程验证不合格的,反馈采购进行退换或调剂处理。7.1.6 For the expiration of raw materials, engineering validation may be eligible to receive a concession, the warehouse admi nistrator is
23、 resp on sible for labeli ng on the box:" Expired AOD Accept OnDeviation ” .tagFor the Injected engineering validation, feedback to The Purchasing Department for returned, tran sferred or adjustme nt.7.1.7 制造部门领用的原材料在没有使用前,应按照原材料的型号、材料等进行分类标识放置,以 防止错用、混用。7.1.7 Manu facturi ng Departme nt issue
24、the material for product ion without the use, should in accorda nce with the type of raw materials, materials, etc. placed classified in order to prevent the wrong use and mix.产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第6页共11页文件版次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-247.1.8对于需要回温的塑封料、导电胶等原材料,应在产品的包装上贴回温标识,注明回温时间日期、可使用时间日期及二次回温时
25、间日期等。7.1.8 For the plastic material of ann eali ng temperature, con ductive adhesive and other raw materials should be stick the annealing temperature logo on it and give a clear indication of the time and date back to warm ,the useable time and date and second time and date back to temperature.7.2
26、晶圆的标识7.2.1 当销售部接收到客户的晶圆及加工指令后,按照客户指令的要求转换为公司内部“委工单”,其内容包括:客户代码、产品名称、封装形式、加工单号码、委工单号、来料晶圆数、晶粒数量、用户批号、要求交货日期等。7.2 Wafer identification7.2.1 Whe n the sales departme nt receives the customer's wafer and purchase order, i n accorda nee with the requireme nts of customer orders con verted in to in te
27、rnal "committee work order", which in cludes: customer code, device name, package type, PO number, Commmision Work Order number, wafer Qty, Die Qty , Lot nu mber, required delivery dates.7.2.2 销售部对用户晶圆进行核对,确认无误后在晶圆盒上进行标识,标签上包括的内容信息要求与委工单对应内容信息一致,与委工单一起交生管部,并将晶圆交给生管部芯片库房管理员。7.2.2 the sales
28、departme nt is resp on sible for confirm customer s water ,whe n con firmed stick ing the label on the wafer box. The label s information should correspond with the committee work order , then pass to The Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt Departme nt with the Commissi on work order together and also hand
29、 over to the Die Bank Admi nistrator at the same time.7.2.3 芯片库房管理员接到用户的晶圆后,先统一放置于“产品暂存货架上”,再分类放置在标识为“待检晶圆”或“待定晶圆”的氮气柜中。7.2.3 When Die Bank administrator received the wafer, first placed them in "temporary product shelf," and then placed them in the category identified as " water to b
30、e tested " or "wafer to be determined'ln the n itroge n cab inet .7.2.4 生管部芯片检验员根据检验标准与作业指导书,对芯片库房管理员送入检验的客户晶圆进行检验。无异常时出具“晶圆进料检验单”,与晶圆一起交回库房管理员。库房管理员按照用户代码分类,将已检合格的晶圆与晶圆进料检验单一起放置在标识为“已检晶圆”氮气柜中。晶圆进料检验单内容包括:客户代码、用户批号、产品型号、封装形式、晶圆片数及晶粒数量等信息,以便追溯。The Manufacturing Management Department s w
31、ater inspectors is responsible for inspecting the water according to the wafer operating instructions . when the wafer passethe inspection they will issued by天水华天科技股份有限公司TIANSHUI HUATIAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第7页共11页文件版次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-24the "water inspection she
32、et feeding" along with the wafer back to the Die Bank Administrator. The Die Bank Admi nistrator will classify the water in accorda nee with customer code ,the n put the qualified wafer and wafer in specti on sheet feedi ng together in the n itroge n cab inet with a logo as " reviewed wafe
33、rs,".water in specti on sheet Feedi ng in cludes: customer code, Lot nu mber, product n ame, package type, wafer Qty and Die Qty and other information in order to trace.7.2.4 芯片检验员对晶圆进行检验,发现异常时,出“晶圆进料品质异常反馈单”。经生管部芯片库房主管确认无误后,反馈用户。并将有异常的晶圆交芯片库,放置在标识为“芯片检验反馈产品” 的氮气柜中。最终根据用户意见处置,需继续加工的晶圆转入到合格晶圆氮气柜
34、中,生管部将用户意 见填写在后续加工用流程卡的备注栏中,若用户要求退回的晶圆由销售部转给用户。7.2.5 The wafer in spector is resp on sible for in spect ing the water whe n found abno rmal, issue a "waferabnormal feedback sheet." Feedback to the customer with the confirmation of the Manager in Manufacturing Man ageme nt Departme nt , the
35、 n hand over the abno rmal water to the Die bank and put them in the n itroge n cabinet with a logo as " feedback wafers in charge confirmed that correct chip, the feedback from the user. Accord ing to customer s suggesti on ,if the wafer n eed to continue process ing put it into the qualified
36、wafer s n itroge n cab in et. The Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt Departme nt will put customer s suggesti on on the remark of follow-up process ing card , if the customer request a retur n of the wafer the sales departme nt will post to the customer.7.3 投料7.3.1 生管部根据销售部提供每月生产计划,编制投料(确定生产批号、材料型号、规格等)。根
37、据用户指令制作流程卡。流程卡上必须注明:封装形式、工单号、客户代码、产品型号、产品数量、用户批号、芯片厚度、芯片尺寸、压焊图号、工艺规范、包装规范、打印规范、印章内容和主要材料规格或型号等信息,在后续加工时操作员在流程卡上注明加工机台号、相应材料批号和供应商等,并签名。7.3 Batch Operati on7.3.1 Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt Departme nt will arrange batch operati on accord ing to the mon thly product ion pla n from the sale departme
38、nt, the batch operati on in cludi ng (the producti on batch nu mber, material type, specificati ons, etc.). make the Productio n process card based on customer s PO. Producti on Process card must make out: package type, purchase order nu mber, customer code, product type, product qua ntity, the batc
39、h nu mber, water thick ness, wafer size, bounding diagram nu mber, process specificati ons, packagi ng specificati ons, print specificati ons, stamp contents and the main material specificatio ns or type and other information, during the subsequent processing the operator will give a clear indicate
40、in the card with the process ing machi ne nu mber ,the corresp onding materials, lot nu mbers and suppliers and so on, and sig n it.7.3.2 生管部在下单过程中,在流程卡上规定该批产品的加工流程产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第8页共11页文件版次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-247.3.2 During the e-order process ing The Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt De
41、partme nt will provide the process ing flow on the process card to the corresp onding batch.7.3.3 生管部编制流程卡的同时,制作晶圆管制卡,随需加工产品一起投入生产。晶圆管制卡上必须注明:封装形式、产品型号、晶圆片数、直径、用户批号、实际厚度、机台号、操作员及对应的工单号等信息。7.3.3 Process cards and wafer con trol card prepared by the Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt Departme nt this two ca
42、rd go along with the wafer whe n putt ing the wafer into producti on. Wafer con trol card must be marked: Package type, product type, wafer Qty, diameter, the batch nu mber, the actual thick ness, machi ne nu mber, operators and the corresp onding work order nu mbers and other in formati on.7.4 加工过程
43、7.4.1 制造部门根据生管部下达生产任务领取相应的材料,并在流程卡上注明材料的批号,同时在流程卡上须注明加工该产品的机台号、盒号、数量、加工时间和作业人员等,以便追溯。7.4 Process ing7.4.1 manu facturi ng departme nt assig ned to receive the appropriate materials accord ing to the process ing order from Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt Departme nt, and in the process give a clear in d
44、icate of the material batch nu mber on the card, while shall be marked on the card the machi ne nu mber which process ing the product , box number, quantity, processing time and operational personnel in order to trace.7.4.2 品管部品管员对加工产品进行检验或试验,合格后加盖品管印章,不合格加盖返工印章,退回生产线要求返工;返工后再次进行检验,合格后加盖品管印章,不合格加盖返工
45、印章,退回生产线要求再次返工,并做记录。记录内容包含:用户代码、产品型号、产品名称、工单号、流程卡号和缺陷代码等内容,以便识别与追溯。7.4.2 The QC of Quality Control Department is responsible for the inspection and testing of the processing products, whe n qualified seal affixed, unq ualified seal affixed to rework, returned to product ion lines require rework; aft
46、er rework to be tested aga in, whe n qualified seal affixed, unq ualified seal affixed rework,retur ned to producti on line asked for rework, and take records. Record content in cludes: the customer code, product type, product n ame, purchase order nu mber, process card nu mber and defect processes
47、code in order to ide ntify and trace.7.4.3 制造部门在加工产品时每一批应有对应的生产流程卡,并要求以单机单卡进行加工以示区别,防止混批等问题发生。7.4.3 Manu facturi ng departme nt should have the corresp onding process ing card of each batch of products, duri ng the product ion process ing asked for on e-mach ine to on e-card to show their differe ne
48、e, to preve nt the mix ing batch and other problems.产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第9页共11页文件版次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-24744制造部门在加工产品时,对于上工序来料经核对无误后,放置在小货架标识为“待加工层”上,正在加工的产品放置在小货架标识为“在加工层”上,已加工完的产品放置在检验桌标识为“待检验层”上,检验时,放置在检验桌标识为“正检验层”上,经检验合格的产品放置于传递车上,转入下工序。(特指压焊工序)7.4.4 When manufacturing department proc
49、essing the products, for the verified incoming materials should be placed in a small shelf marked as "to be processed " ,for the product being processed placed on a small shelf marked as "un der process ing " for the fini shed products placed on the exam in ati on table ide ntifi
50、ed as "to be tested ", duri ng test, placed in the exam in ati on table ide ntified as "duri ng test ", for products that have passed the test placed on the delivery vehicle to the n ext process(Refers specifically to bounding process)7.4.5 经品管检验不合格须扣押的产品,放置在标识为红色“扣押区”;若最终决定报废或返工
51、时,则直接报废转入生管部废品库或放置在“返工区”,并做好相应记录。7.4.5 The unqualified products which need to be distrained should be placed in the area marked as a red "attachme nt area" if a final decisi on either scrapped or reworked, the n tran sferred directly to scrap warehouse of the Manu facturi ng Man ageme nt D
52、epartme nt or placed in the "rework zone" and to make proper records.7.5 产品入库7.5.1 产品加工为成品后,包装人员按照用户包装要求进行包装。品管员按照客户要求填写塑封电路出厂检验报告(通用),记录内容包括:工单号、用户代码、产品型号、数量、用户批号、印章内容、包装人员及箱号等相关信息,以便后续追溯。7.5 Product storage7.5.1 After process ing into fini shed products, packag ing, packag ing requireme
53、nts pers onnel packaged in accordanee with the user. Quality staff asked to fill in the customer plastic circuit factory test reports(Universal), records including: work order number, user code, product type, quantity, batch users, seal the conten ts, packagi ng and other related pers onnel and case
54、 nu mber in formatio n for the follow-up back.7.5.2 包装人员对包装完的产品进行检验,无误后按照流程卡上的相关信息打印“入库单”,入库单内容包括:工单号、用户代码、产品型号、数量、印章内容、打印规范及箱号等。7.5.2 packagers packag ing fini shed product in spect ion, in accorda nee with correct procedures after the releva nt in formati on prin ted on the card, "a sin gle s
55、torage", storage lists in clude: work order nu mber, user code, product type, quantity, seal the contents of Printing specifications and box number.7.5.3 品管员对包装好的产品进行检验,确认无误后在标签上盖章确认,由入库员将产品和入库单 一一对应入销售部成品库房,销售部成品库房管理员接到制造部门入库的产品后进行核对,无误后装 入外箱,并在入库单上注明箱号,同时按用户代码分类编制装箱单,装箱单内容包括:产品名称、型产品标识和可追溯性控制程序文件编号:Q/CA.G7B00文件层次:U第10页共11页文件版次:A/1生效日期:2009-08-24号、用户批号、打印批号、订单号、内装数量、箱号、合格数、不合格数和蓝膜等相关信息,以便后续追溯。7.5.3 Members of the packaged product quality con trol in specti on, to confi
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