



1、教学设计一、教学内容人民教育出版社PEP小学英语五年级上册 Unit 4 What can you do?B Read and write二、教学目标1 、学生能听、说、认读want,send,email .2 、学生会使用句型 I can.,Ican听、说、读、写。 t.3、能综合运用本单元的核心词句,并参考范例,在有意义的语境中填充单词或短语,完成写给Robin 的电子邮件。4、能积极参与课堂活动,正确认识自我,找到志趣相投的朋友。三、教学重点和难点重点:1、学生能够读懂电子邮件,找出关键信息,完成读后任务。2、能够综合运用本单元的核心词句,并参考范例,完成个性化书写。难点:学生能够建立起

2、关键词组和相关事件的联系,提高阅读效率,培养阅读的自信心,同时渗透阅读策略。四、教具准备:课件五、教学过程(一) Pre-reading1 .GreetingsGood morning, boys and girls! This class we will learn Unit 4 What can you do? B Read and write.2 . Sharp eyes.3 .Free talkT: Can you swim? What can you do?Ss ask and answer in pairs .(What can you do ? I can / Can you ?

3、 Yes , I can . No, I can' 1(设计意图:复习本单元核心词句,激活图示,为阅读做准备。)4 .Something about Robin.What about Robin? Do you remember Robin?What s Robin like?Robin is short and strong. He is clever. He can speak English andChinese. He is hard-working. He is strict. He can cook. He can speak English and Chinese.(设计

4、意图:感知情境,预测文本,为阅读做铺垫。)While-reading.1.Show the picture of Robin.Guess: What s Robin doing? He s writing an email.教授:emailHere ' s Robin ' s email. Why does he write an email?1. Read silently quickly and answer the questions.Underline the key sentences.What' s Robin like?What can Robin do?

5、(设计意图:快速默读,初步理解,让学生在文中找到关键词句,找出相关信息,寻找问题答案。)学生回答后,PPT逐一呈现答案。2. Read again. Please read the email loudly by yourself . Finish the exercises: Tick or cross .(设计意图:细读文本,找到关键词句,完成练习,让学生体会阅读技巧,使学生意识到不同的任务需要不同的阅读方法。在训练阅读策略和阅读技巧中,学会阅读语篇。)3. Do you have any questions?(1)Do you want a new friend? What' s

6、 the meaning of'汕ant”(2) send(3) How to send Robin an email? This isrobin 'em ail address.出示文中Robin的邮箱地址,教学与邮箱地址有关的知识。Please send me an email at Robin4. Listen and imitate , pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation . Read loudly with your deskmate.(设计意图:跟读模仿语篇中,体会语音语调及停顿,培养语感。 )(三)

7、Post-reading1 . Let' talk.Let ' s introduce ourselves.I ' m I can But I can ' t (设计意图:内化语言知识,深化本节内容,为下一步的书写活动做准备。)2 .Let' write.Do you want to be Robin ' s friend?If you want to be Robin' s friershould send an email to him . Now, let' s learn how to write an email .(向

8、学生介绍写电子邮件要注意的六点:填写收件人地址,寄件人地址,主题,收件人和寄件人的位置;正文顶格写。)OK, please write an email to Robin .Dear Robin,I am (姓名).I am. I can. I can. I can, but I can,t. I want to be your friend. Try me! We cantogether.(your name)(设计意图:先说后写符合语言学习规律,以给 Robin写一封电子邮件为情境,循序渐进地进行语境化书写,充分降低了学生个性化书写的又t度.)3 .Read and write.There

9、 is a Robot Show in our school. Those students are excited(奋).They are talking with the robot.Robot: Hello! Boys and girls. I' m a robot. Can I be your friend?Students: Yes, you can. What can you do?Robot: I can speak English. I can speak Chinese, too.Students: Can you dance?Robot: No, I can 

10、9; t. But I can sing.Students: Can you play sports?Robot: Yes, I can. I can play football well. I can play basketball, too.Students: Can you play ping-pong?Robot: No, I can ' t. But I ' d like to have a try.Students: No problem. We can help you.CANCAN TRead and judge. (“T" or"F” )(

11、 )1.The robot can speak English and Chinese.()2.The robot can' t dancegor()3.The robot can' t play footbbasketball.()4.The robot can play ping-pong.()5.The students can help the robot to play ping-pongStep 3 SummaryWhat have you learned this class?Homework:1. Listen to the tape ,read the email.2. S


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