《I Ride a Bike》的教学设计范文_第1页
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《I Ride a Bike》的教学设计范文_第5页




1、I Ride a Bike的教学设计范文作为一名默默奉献的教育工作者,常常要根据教学需要编写教学设计,借助教学设计可以让教学工作更加有效地进行。你知道什么样的教学设计才能切实有效地帮助到我们吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的I Ride a Bike的教学设计范文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。教学内容Lesson5 IRide aBike教学目标:1、能说放学以后的日常活动。2、能说自己喜欢的活动。3、能说乐器名称。教学重点:1、What doyou do afterschool?I play theviolin.2、She goes do the library.She likes re

2、ading.教学难点:一般现在时第三人称实义动词用法:She goes to the library.She likes reading.教学过程:一、组织教学。T:Good morning,everyone!Ss: Good morning,Miss yang!T: How are you today?Ss:Im fine,thanks,And you?T: Im fine,too .thank you.二、复习。T:What day is it today?Ss:Its T:Look at the screen. Whats the first class?S1:Chinese.T:Do

3、you like Chines?S1:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:Do you like apples?Ss:Yes,I like apples.T:Me,too.Lets sing a song“I like apples.”OK?Ss:OK.三、讲授新课。T:Lets learn Lesson 5 I Ride a Bike . Now,please look at thepicture. How many people can you see in the picture?Ss:Four.T:Who are they?Ss:Lili,Jess,Ken and Robo.T

4、:Where are they going?Ss:I dont know.T:Dont worry.Listen to the story,youll know the answer.T:Where are they going?Ss:Theyre going home.T:If Im Jess,youre Lili,What would you say?S1:What do you do after school?T:Right.(边写板书,边领读)T:If Im the person in these pictures, you can ask me “What do youdo afte

5、r school?”,Ill answer you ,Clear?Ss:Yes.T:One,two!Ss:What do you do after school?T:I play the violin.(边板书,边领读)(play computer games、go to the libray、sing方法同上)T:Now ,Look at these pictures and answer my question.T:What do you do after school?S1:I play the violin.T:We can say:She plays the villin.Remem

6、ber:We must say“plays”,not“play”(并领读)T:What do you do after school?S2:I go to the library.T:We can say:He goes to the libray.四、Lets Chant!五、分角色对话。六、做游戏。Instruction for Games:游戏规则说明:T:Im going to single out (choose)3 studernts from Group A, First,students from Group B ask questions and 3students do t

7、he actions respectively.Then thestudents of Group B must guess the actions insingular form of the third person.Finally , students who do theaction must make a positive or a negative answer given by thestudents from Group B by saying Yes or No .Thosewho made the right guess will be awarded a star to

8、the group he belongs to .(我要从A组中选出3名同学,先由B组同学提问,3名同学分别做动作,然后B组同学要以第三人称单数的'形式回答,做动作的同学要用Yes或No肯定或否定B组同学的答案,猜对的同学,将给他所在的组奖励一颗星星。)Group A: What do you do after school?S1:(做出拉小提琴的姿势)S2:She plays the violin.S1:Yes ,I play the violin.T:Very good . Group A got a star.七、Check it out !八、自由操练。T:First,plea

9、se make up dialogues with your deskmate or with thosein front or behind. Then those who have made up thedialogues,please come to the front to act them out.(先和你的同桌或前后桌编排对话,然后请编排好的一组同学到前面表演对话。)九、总结。T:Thats all for today. Todays homework:1、Review thedialogue.2、Write two words.Do you have any questions?Ss:NoT:You did very well today. Each of you will be awarded a littlered flower .Lets keep trying.OK?(你们今天表现的很好,每个人都会得到一朵小红花。让我们继续努力!好吗?)Ss:OK.T:Are you happy?Ss:Yes,we are ver


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