1、跨文化交际常见问题解答“跨文化交际课程常见问题解答说明:下面是“跨文化交际课程网上讨论中学生及教师常常提出的一些问 题及中央电大主持教师的回复,供大家参考。1. 怎样学好这门课?重点是中西文化比照及如何得体地交际。2. 跨文化交际是不是就是了解各国的文化和风俗?That is part of the story. The real purpose is to learn how to communicatein that country.3. 英美国家概况对跨文化交际这门课有帮助吗?Sure!英美国家概况中好多内容都和跨文化交际有联系。4. 什么是跨文化交际?我学的是行政管理,我需要学吗?跨文
2、化交际就是如果你和外国人打交道,应该注意什么问题,应该如何得体地去交流。不管学的是什么专业,都应该学习一些这方面的知识。5. 学习这科有什么好处?是否对我们进行交际有帮助?Absolutely yes. It will help you communicate appropriately.6. 跨文化交际的主要内涵是什么?中西文化差异及由此而来需要注意的交际技巧。7. 跨文化交流这门课好学吗?怎样提高学习效率?Yes, if you work hard on it.同时要制定一个切实可行的学习方案,然后坚持下去。8. 我们学习此课程时需要什么参考书?导学、录音和录像。9. 在学习该课之前我可以
3、做些什么准备工作,使自己学得更好呢?可以看一些有关中西文化比照方面的中文书籍或刊物。17. We must do good rather than evil on however humble a scale.10.关于这门课程能提供一些相关的英文网站吗?比方说非言语性交流、习语等知识的网站。请浏览中央电大外语部的网站,通过电大在线进入,那里有许多相关链接。11. Howto translate “Culture Shock? Howto understand this problem?I amnot sure howto translate Culture Shock into Chines
4、e, but it means you areshocked or greatly surprised in a different culture. The reason is due to differenttraditions, customs, ways of thinking and doing things, etc.12. What can we gain in comparison of human communicative model and animalcommunicative model? Is it necessary?Yes, I think so. By stu
5、dying animals, we can think of better waysof enhancing human communication.13. Noware there any changes in communication between menand women? Is it a trendfor women to be dominant in communication?In China it is. In the West, it depends on whether the lady is orboss. If she is, she is dominant in c
6、ommunication.a leader14. Is the pattern of making friends different in China and inthe West? What are the differences?The way we treat friends is different. eatout with friends in the West, you will rare inChina.A typical example is:split the bills. Thiswhenyouis quite15. Is non-verbal communication
7、expression, eye contact and space? Are there any others?limited to gestures,facialI think they are the major ones.refers to body language.Generally,non-verbalcommunication16.Arethereanyrelationscommunicative behavior?betweensituationalschema andYes, there are. Wehave differentbehaviorsin differentsi
8、tuations.句话如何理解?不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之。18. Please talk about the characteristics of culture.Culture has a shared background (e.g. national, ethnic, religious) resulting froma common language and communication style, customs, beliefs,attitudes,andvalues. It refers to the informal and often hiddenpatterns of
9、 human interactions, expressions, and viewpoints that people in one cultureshare.19. How to distinguish between cultural observation and cultural judgment?Judgment is based on observation. Observation is the pre-condition of making ajudgment. They are different, but closely connected.20. 请问怎样区别男名和女名
10、?There is a detailed explanation about the difference between male and female namesin English on Page 122 in your textbook. Please read it carefully and then you willsurely get an answer to your question. However, the safe way is to consult thedictionary when you are not sure.21. How to talk with fo
11、reigners? Are there some appropriate topics?It depends. When in cross-cultural communication, make sure of your owncommunicative purpose. If it is just a small talk, then some common topics, such asweather, travel, work and sports, will be appropriate. But if you intend to makefurtherrelationships,
12、then try to find something in common between you a nd your foreignfriend. What s more, the better way is to introduce someinteresting Chinese culturesin your conversation, for example, Chinese cuisine (food culture) and eating habits,typical Chinese ways of friendship, politeness, etc. All those are
13、 interesting topicsthat are exactly the main topics of our course. Our course tries to help you in howto make a successful intercultural communication. In conclusion, in addition togetting to know about other cultures, you should also learn howto introduce your ownculture to the others. Remember, gi
14、ve and take always works well in every situation.22. I want to know how to use the idioms correctly. Can you give me someadvice?Whenwe communicate with others, we often don t know their meaning. I don t knowhow to do it well?Memorize the idioms first as you memorize new words, but better in a senten
15、ce,then try to use them in your assignments. Remember in formal writing, we do not usethe oral idioms very often.23. 怎样处理不同文化背景下的语言表达形式?感知、体会、记忆。24. ?形成性考核册?总体设计比拟好,但其中八个 CASE STUDY 相对其 它课程来说,学生写作量增加了一倍,对教师的批改量也相应的增加了。形成性考核册中的八个 CAS 旧 TUDYt 要是为了提高学生跨文化交际的意识,这也是本课程的重点。学生的写作量增加了一倍,我认为是值得的,况且这也是 考试的重点。
16、对于教师的批改量问题,教师没必要全批全改,可选择局部批改, 集中讲解。25.本书共八章,复习时,哪几章是重点?应注意哪些方面?每章都应复习,复习时重点掌握在待人接物等日常生活方面中西不同文化的 差异,以及由此引起的交际障碍和困难。26. 跨文化交际考题中,Language Appropriacy and Accuracy 是否只限于 Unit 7 中的内容?Not really.27.关于这门课程,能提供一些相关的网站便于复习吗?你可以到浙 7 工电大网站,浏览该课程的网页://bmwy/wyx/CCC/home.htm ,希望你能有所收获。其他 特别的网站没有,不
17、过中央电大出版了该课程的多媒体课件,大家可以订阅。28.请问怎样进行案例分析?分析案例,可以采取三步法:首先描述问题是什么;然后分析原因所在;最 后给出解决方法。具体地来说:第一,说明原因;第二,阐述案例中涉及的西方 文化;第三,阐述案例中涉及的中国文化;第四,比拟中西方文化的异同。29. 请问考试的分析题是不是来自教材?话题与教材内容接近。30. 我想知道如何找到模拟试题和考核说明?请见?期末复习提要?,内有考核说明、考试重点和模拟试题31.教材当中提到的由于语言文化差异的不同而引出的类似情景、对话肯定是很多的,像打手势、或者送礼品等等都有可能引起误会,我们再怎么复习也 难复习得全面啊?请问
18、,我们该怎么办呢?Because of the time limit, I would suggest you take a good look at all thetapescripts of the conversations and dialogues at the end of each unit. They are themost important and the right topics which every unit revolves around. They help youimprove your listening comprehension as well as your or
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