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1、人教版英语必修二 unitl单元测试(带答案)必修二Unitl1、 文化的2、 遗物;遗迹;纪念物3、 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的4、 贵重的;有价值的5、 幸免;幸存;生还6、 花瓶;瓶7、 朝代;王朝9、 象牙10、龙11、琥珀;琥珀色12、寻找15、 使吃惊;惊讶16、 令人吃惊的17、 挑选;选择18、 蜜;蜂蜜19、 设计;图案;构思设计;计划;构思20、 奇特的;异样的;想象;设想;爱好21、 风格;风度;类型22、 装饰;装修23、 珠宝;宝石24、 艺术家25、 属于;为 的一员26、 属于28、作为报答;回报30、群;组;军队32、接待;招待会;接收 35、 处于交战状态36、

2、移动;搬开37、 少于38、 木制的39、 怀疑;疑惑 怀疑;不信42、 神秘;神秘的事物 43、 以前的;从前的44、 值得的;相当于的价值价值;作用古值钱的2 / 2345、 重建46、 本地的;当地的47、 分离地;分别地48、 拆开50、 绘画;画51、 城堡53、 审判;审讯;试验54、 目击者;证人55、 根据;证据58、 爆炸59、入 口61、 水手;海员;船员62、 下沉;沉下64、 少女;女仆66、 看重;器重68、 非正式的69、 争论;辩论 人教版英语必修二 unitl单元测试(带答案)I品句填词(用所给词的适当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词)1. We invite yo

3、u to join us on an (amaze) journey of language learning.2. He is the first student in our class to (select) to take part in the English competition.3. Jane and her husband do not dare to go out together for fear they might return to find their few (belong) stolen.4. Some drivers like to draw some sp

4、ecial patterns as (decorate) on their cars.5. There are many places in Wuhan worth (visit), but if you only have little time, you absolutely cannot miss visiting the Yellow Crane Tower.6. The plane crashed four days ago, but they're still holding out hope of finding more (survive).7. The 25-year

5、-old man said that after his sailboat (sink) during a heavy storm, he found himself on a tiny desert island.8. When she was in trouble, I did what I could to help her. (作为回报)for my help, she wrote me a letter of thanks.9. There is convincing (evident) that skin cancer is linked to exposure to the su

6、n.10. The famous professor who is(高度赞誉)is determined to go where he is needed most.I单句改错(含本单元的t汇和语法)1. It is surprising that the man suffering from cancer survived his wife by 3 years.2. The sign says that only children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activities designing for them.

7、3. What has been proved that learners learn better if they are able to take charge of their own learning.4. There is no doubt that we will not enjoy the sweetness of success without going through the ups and downs in life.5. In order to search the lost boy, the family and their relatives searched mo

8、st part of the town.6. Decorating with modern paintings, this hall looks extremely magnificent and more beautiful than ever before.7. Darling, good news for you! I have got a promotion today, so I have fancy for some wine tonight.8. Oh, for heaven's sake. Mother, the bad tooth I had it removed y

9、esterday is still there, making me terribly uncomfortable.9. The old lady has a strong wish that she could do something in the return for the kindness she received from me the other day.10. He wrote a small initial to indicate the book was belonged to him.I课文语法填空The Amber Room was a treasure 1. (dec

10、orate) with gold and jewels. The first King of Prussia, Frederick , ordered it 2. (design) for his palace and it took the country's best artists about ten years to make. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. Later, the Amber Room belonged 3. the next King of Prussi

11、a, Frederick William I . However, in order to form an alliance(联盟)with Russia, he gave it to Peter the Great, the Russian Czar as a gift in 1716. 4 . return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg. When Peter the

12、 Great died of illness, Catherine I had the Amber Room 5 (move) to a palace outside St Petersburg6. she spent her summers and had more details added to it. In 1770, the room 7. (complete) the way she wanted and became one of the great wonders in the world.Sadly, in September 1941, when the Nazi Germ

13、any and Russia were.8 war, the Amber Room was 9. (miss). After that, what happenedto the Amber Room remained a mystery. Recently, the Russians and Germans 10 (build) a new Amber Room much like the old one.I阅读理解A“Hungary " I looked at my school headmaster in confusion.“I never mentioned wanting

14、to gHungary. " And with that, my adventure started.My name is Jonathan Diamond and I just finished an amazing school exchange year in Hungary.Going on an exchange had always been my dream. When my high school offered an all-year program, I jumped at the opportunity. It would pay for almost ever

15、ything and all I had to do was to get a plane ticket. I knew where I wanted to go: Spain, the country of dancers wearing flowing red dresses. So when I heard that I was going to Hungary, I was pretty shocked. But I decided to make the best of it, since it was, after all, a once-in-a-lifetime opportu

16、nity. Before I knew it, I was on the airplane, leaving for Budapest International Airport, Hungary.I had times when I almost gave up. Hungarian is the hardest language on the planet. Cultural differences occasionally embarrassed both my peer teens and me. I had to give up eating carrots, my beautifu

17、l favorite, for they think carrots are rubbish in their country. The change in the landscape was amazing, looking nothing like skyscrapers, bullet trains, cars, and people in tiny houses that I had been accustomed to. Gradually, I fell in love with the relaxing lifestyle, the warm-hearted people, an

18、d getting home at 2 30 pm at the latest from school. And I was sad to leave on my very last day.Having the host family who took me as one of their own members was the best thing I've ever experienced. From my little sisters, I learned how to embrace life to its fullest. From my brothers I learne

19、d that it's OK for a boy to run around the house. From my host parents I learned to stay positive, to smile, and that when you pick the right persons and take their hands, suddenly, you become friends.语篇导读:本文为记叙文,讲述的是 我”在匈牙利做交换生的经历。刚开始,文化差异让我”无所适从,但是渐渐地 我”喜欢上了这里,并且从 我”的寄宿家庭成员身上学到了积极的生活 态度。1. How

20、 did Jonathan feel when he was told to go to Hungary?®节理解题。A. Excited and satisfied.B. Confused and shocked.C. Amazed and embarrassed.D. Delighted and interested.2. Why did Jonathan still decide to go to Hungary instead of Spain堂田节理解题A. He didn't like Spain.B . He wanted to learn Hungarian.

21、C. It was a rare chance.D. Going to Hungary was much cheaper.3. What can we learn about Jonathan during his stay in Hungary田节理解题A. He fell in love with eating carrots. B. He couldn't wait to leave.C. He was surprised by the landscape. D. He quickly got used to the life there.4. According to Jona

22、than, the host family.细节理解题A. changed him completelyB. taught him how to dance wellC. treated him as equally as a student D. showed him the good things of lifeBIt's difficult to think of a better-known work of art than Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam on

23、 the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel comes close, but that's a detail of a huge work, not a work of art on its own. Images by many 20th-century artists like Spain's Pablo Picasso and the US' Andy Warhol are also instantly recognizable. However, no other painting is nearly as famous as the

24、portrait in oils of a fashionable young lady of Florence, Italy.This painting isn't just famous because the image is now able to be reproduced over and over again.Its fame has at least something to do with the fact that it's a fine piece of work. Da Vinci was a leader in the revolution in pa

25、inting in the Renaissance period. The Renaissance was more centered around humans than previous European culture was, and the Mona Lisa is a fine example of Renaissance humanism. The work is about a person. The woman da Vinci painted does not represent a religious idea, but is an individual whom one

26、 feels that one could talk to and know.And the question of who the woman is has always interested the public. The earliest answer, from 1517, is that she was just a “certaFlorentine lady , 'but in 1550, famous historian and painter Giorgio Vasari said she was Mona Lisa, the wife of silk merchant

27、 Francesco del Giocondo. Over the centuries, a number of other women have been put forth as the model, including a suggestion that da Vinci used himself, looking in a mirror, as well as the idea that she was painted from da Vinci's imagination. The work invites the viewer/reader to discover for

28、himself or herself, perhaps invent, what it means.Leonardo kept it himself, and took it with him to Milan, Rome, and France, and used it as a what I painted! I can paint for you, too!card ; said Larry Feinberg from the Art Institute of Chicago sort of a n adveytisookent语篇导读:本文为说明文,讲述了为什么世界名画一一蒙娜丽莎具有

29、经久不衰的魅力5. Why does the author refer to three other artists?隹理判断题A. To show the Mona Lisa is very famous. B. To compare da Vinci with other painters.C. To introduce different great painters. D. To prove no other painter is equal to da Vinci.6. What is stressed by mentioning the Renaissance推理判断题A. Pai

30、nting skills of the Mona Lisa. B. Different attitudes to the Mona Lisa.C. The economic value of the Mona Lisa. D. The tradition-breaking idea of the Mona Lisa.7. What helped the Mona Lisa's popularity according to Paragraph 3?隹理判断题A. Its being painted from imagination.B. Its being open to interp

31、retation.C. Da Vinci's using himself as the model.D. Many women's claiming to be the model.8. What does Feinberg say about da Vinci堂田节理解题A. He was eager to paint for people.B. He fell in love with the Mona Lisa.C. He made a fortune through the Mona Lisa. D. He used the Mona Lisa to earn a re

32、putation.CHow to avoid a boring conversationWhat excuses should you use to avoid talking to people you don't want to talk to? Here are tips and inoffensive ways to get out of unwanted conversations.i. Go for a re削(续杯).It is natural for anyone at a party to be excused to get a refill.9.And once y

33、ou excuse yourself, make a move fast before the person requests you to get a refill for him as well.i. Pretend bad mood.Cut off the conversation before it starts by saying something along the lines of "I'm not in a good mood. Can I talk to you later if you don't mind? ”10. Say it firmly

34、 so that people get the message loud and clear.I .Ask your friend to save you.11. Simply text your friend and ask him or her to come for apparently something important. You will be able to skip a boring chat with a seemingly reasonable excuse.I .12.You are advised to look away from that person and d

35、on't make eye contact, so that you can give powerful hints(暗示)that you find the conversation extremely boring.13. Be sure to tune in to the conversation every now and then so you don't come across as rude.A. Behave in an obviously careless way.B. Just be sure that the person you are talking

36、to does not offer to accompany you to do so.C. Don't act too polite in an attempt to draw sympathy.D. Use body language to indicate boredom.E. Your friend is bound to perform brilliantly in coping with the dull one.F. Look elsewhere and pretend that something else has caught your attention.G. St

37、uck in an unwanted conversation, how do you get out of it?语篇导读:本文为说明文,介绍了怎样避免无聊的谈话。DA minister was on a long flight from China to London. The first warning of the approaching problems came when the sign on the airplane flashed on: Fasten your seat belts. Then, after a while, a calm voice said, “We s

38、hall not be serving the drinks at this time as there is going to be something unexpected. Please be sure seat belt is fastened.”Soon the storm broke out. One moment the airplane was lifted on terrific currents of air. The plane dropped as if it were about to crash.The minister believed that he share

39、d the discomfort and fear of those around him. As he looked around the plane, he could see that nearly all the passengerswere upset and alarmed. The future seemed ominous and many were wondering if they would make it through the storm. Then he suddenly saw a little girl.Apparently the storm meant no

40、thing to her. She was reading a book and everything within her small world was calm orderly. Sometimes she closed her eyes and then she would read again. Then she would straighten her legs, worry and fear were not in her world. The minister could hardly believe his eyes.It was not surprising therefo

41、re that when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers hurried to leave, the minister walked up to the girl he had watched for such a long time. Having commented about the storm and the behavior of the plane, he asked why she had not been afraid. The girl replied,“ Because my

42、dad is the pilot, and he's taking me home.语篇导读:本文为记叙文。一位牧师乘坐飞机时遇到了暴风雨,他发现所有乘客都很恐惧,只 有一个小女孩丝毫不受影响地看书。原来她的父亲是飞行员,她坚信父亲会带着她回家14. Why did the staff stop offering drinks?细节理解题A. The plane was just taking off.B. The plane might be out of control.C. The plane was going to crash.D. The plane might run o

43、ut of drinks.15. When the plane flew through the storm,.推理判断题A. everyone was extremely frightened B. the minister felt fearful and upsetC. most of the passengers cried all the time D. the little girl still drank and read16. The underlined word “ ominous " probably refers to 词义猜测题A. badB. hopefu

44、lC. challenging D. lucky17. What is the best title of the passage淅题归纳题A. From China to LondonB. Ignorant, FearlessC. Good Luck from Pilot DadD. Faith in Pilot DadI语法填空Qiang Shuping was so busy making cloth shoes 1 she didn't even rest during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. The woman from Baipu

45、 county, Jiangsu province, 2. (make) shoes since she was 19 years old, and this year marks her 31st year making cloth shoes.She spends the entire day in her tiny studio, which 3. (measure) less than 10 square 10 / 23人教版英语必修二 unitl单元测试(带答案)meters altogether, filled with cloth shoes in 4 (variety) sta

46、ges of completion.Nowadays, many stores make cloth shoes 5. (use) machines, but Qiang sticks to the technique of making shoes entirely 6 hand. She says the shoes. 7 (produce) by machine are not of the same quality as handmade ones. The handmade cloth shoes are more durable(而寸用的)and comfortable, 8. (

47、soft), and absorb sweat better.Some people buy cloth shoes out of nostalgia旧),while others trust 9. (they) quality. Making shoes isn't a profitable job, but Qiang still insists as she wants to preserve the craft and pass it down to the younger generation.Handmade cloth shoes are also called qian

48、 ceng di (shoes with a thousand layers), 10. can date back to the ancient Zhou Dynasty(1050221 BC). In 2009, the making technique of qian ceng di was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage.语篇导读:本文为说明文,通过讲述江苏的强淑萍在端午节期间忙着做布鞋的故事向我们介绍 了已经被列入国家非物质文化遗产的布鞋的特点和历史。I短文改错Never shall I forget the fir

49、st English lesson giving by Miss Liu. On this day, when she entered the classroom, we found out she was a young and beautiful lady. Then she introduced herself said we shouldn't call her Teacher Liu but Miss Liu. Late, she let us go to the blackboard and say something about ourselves in English

50、on turn. When it was my turn, I felt too shy that I didn't dare to say a word before class. She went up to me and said kindly," Don't be afraid. I believe you can do it.went to the blackboard. She praised me for that I had done.11/23人教版英语必修二 unitl单元测试(带答案)答案I .品句填词(用所给词的适当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词

51、)1. We invite you to join us on an amazing ( amaze) journey of language learning.2. He is the first student in our class to be selected (select) to take part in the English competition.3. Jane and her husband do not dare to go out together for fear they might return to find their few belongings (bel

52、ong) stolen.4. Some drivers like to draw some special patterns as decorations ( decorate) on their cars.5. There are many places in Wuhan worth visiting ( visit), but if you only have little time, you absolutely cannot miss visiting the Yellow Crane Tower.6. The plane crashed four days ago, but they

53、're still holding out hope of finding more survivors ( survive).7. The 25-year-old man said that after his sailboat sank/(had )sunk ( sink) during a heavy storm, he found himself on a tiny desert island.8. When she was in trouble, I did what I could to help her. In returnfor, my help, she wrote

54、me a letter ofthanks.9. There is convincing evidence (evident) that skin cancer is linked to exposure to the sun.10. The famous professor who is thought highly of is determined to go where he is needed most.n .单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1. It is surprising that the man suffering from cancer survived his wife f

55、or 3 years. by2. The sign says that only children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or other activities designing for designedthem.3. What has been proved /A that learners learn better if they are able to take charge of their own learning.4. There is no doubt whether we will not enjoy the swe

56、etness of success without going through the ups and thatdowns in life.5. In order to search A the lost boy, the family and their relatives searched most part of the town. for6. Decorating with modern paintings, this hall looks extremely magnificent and more beautiful than ever Decoratedbefore.7. Dar

57、ling, good news for you! I have got a promotion today, so I have A fancy for some wine tonight. a8. Oh, for heaven's sake. Mother, the bad tooth I had -it- removed yesterday is still there, making me terribly uncomfortable.9. The old lady has a strong wish that she could do something in the retu

58、rn for the kindness she received from me the other day.10. He wrote a small initial to indicate the book was belonged to him.m .课文语法填空The Amber Room was a treasure 1 . decorated ( decorate) with gold and jewels. The first King of Prussia, Frederick I , ordered it 2 . to be designed ( design) for his palace and it took the country's best artists about ten years to make. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. Later, the Amber Room belonged 3. to the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I . However, in order to form an alliance( 联盟)with Russia, he gave it t


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