



1、1 / 4Section A第一课时教案设计教案内容Section A 中 1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c Grammar focus教案目标知识与能力1 Match the vocabulary: sales saaistant. doctor. actor. reporter. policeofficer. waiter. bank clerk. student2 Master and use: What do you do? What does he do? Doeshe work in hospital?过程与方法在教案过程中要注重教案的基本策略, 成功喜悦兴趣、 自 主

2、探索能力、合作互动共享。加强练习对职业的询问 以及回答,大面积练习,采用学生提出问题,学生解决问题,借助多媒 体教案手段来提高学生的主动性,调动学习的积极性。情感态度价值观教育学生树立远大的理想,并且要为之付出艰苦的努力去学习。教案重、难点及教案突破重点1The vocabulary2language: What does she do? She is a doctor.What does he want to do? He wants to be an actor.难点Use the language to ask for the jobs教案突破对于本课的单词短语通过卡片或图画来引出学习L

3、anguage: 对于本课出现的句型,借助图片和实物进行练习教案准备教师准备录音机、磁带、课件学生准备预习生词和课文教案步骤2 / 4教学步骤、时间教师活动学生活动媒体应用Step 1Orga ni zati onOrganizestude ntstoprepare for the class.Step 2Free talk(2)Talk about the weather andweeks.The stude nts talkaboutsometh ing.Step 3Prese ntatio n(15)1. Ask stud nets to look at thepicture and r

4、emember whatthey can see.2.Find four groups to saythe words thattheyremember.(教师板书,学 生说出)3.Talk about the picturethe n make a dialogue. Suchas: What is this? Its a store.What can you see? I can see asweater. What color is it? Itsgreen.How much is it?Its 50 dollars4 . Ask students:What isyour father?

5、He is aworker.(Tellthemano ther way of say ing:让学生合上书然后 默写岀有关实物英 语单词,考一考他 们的快速记忆。让学生表演练习对话。多媒体放映图一图二3 / 4What does your father do?板书)出示一张人物以及职业的图片,问学生:Is he a worker? No, he is nt.Whatis he? He is a doctor.或问: What does hedo?然后以同桌之间一问一答的形式来练习:Such as: A: What does he do?B: He is a reporter.5. Listen

6、to the tape: 1b.2a. 3b.Listenand number thepeople1-3i nthe pictureabove.Liste ncarefullythreetimes.Pointout the pictureinactivity 2a. Ask who each person is, say,Now work with your part ner.Askandan swerquestio ns about the pictures.(in pairs or ingroups)Callmore students topractisemore.让学生两人一组 或者是四

7、人一组 来练习这个对话, 充分学会询问职 业。争取让每一个 同学都有发言的机会。录音机Step 4Practice(6)Now, practise the things we have lear ned.They can talk about the jobs. Such as:What do you do?I am a stude nt.What does your father do?He is a farmer.给学生一定的时 间,让他们充分练 习。学生小组讨论 和练习。让大部分 的同学都能有机 会来表演。多媒体放映Step 5Summary(2)Words and phrases of

8、 this class.Language: What does he do? What doeshe want to be?He is a worker. He wants tobe a sales assista nt.以提问的形式来 进行复习总结,再 让学生有一个巩 固的机会。Step 6Text(4)Self check (见后面)让学生做后再讲 解答案。多媒体放映Step 7 Consolid ation (4)In this class, we have learned thesentence:What do you do? What does he do? Whatdoes he

9、want to be?Talk about the jobs. Pay attention to theusage of wa nt or wa nts大屏幕显示Step 8Homework(1)Pratice the dialogue accord ing to thepicture on Page 1.让学生写岀五个 询问对方职业的 句子。4 / 4本课小结本节课学习了 16 个生词,和 What dialogue do you do? What does hewant to be? 句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生 能熟练地用英语询问职业和工作。练习设计Fill in the bl

10、anks:1 What _ you (do)? I _ (be) a saleassistant.2He _ (want) to be a police officer.3What is his father?(同义句) What _ his father_ ?4That _(sound) really interesting.5My uncle _ (work) in that restaurant.本课总结1本堂课学生的自主活动做得比较好,大部分同学能够动起来,参与到学习中来例如:讲到让学生自由会话谈论职业的时候,没有想 到学生能想到那么多,能够拓宽思路,知识面比较广。2这堂课方法比较好,内容形式多样,丰富多彩,学生易于接 受。3在以后还要加大学生对读、说、听、写的训练。4


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