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1、超越800帆船模型 中英文对照说明书When you attain the sailing ship which this is attractive and also is rich in challenges, please do not have eagerly to install the components below, asks you first to soak the cup coffee or the tea slowads the installment explanation carefully It is necessary in reading time takes

2、 up the components which corresponds to carry on the comparison, when you can basically below understand will explain installs the order later again to carry on the official installment Next you enjoy the pleasure which begins to install. 当您拿到这条漂亮而又富有挑战的帆船时,请不要急于安装零件,请您先泡杯咖啡或茶慢慢的仔细阅读一下的安装说明,有必要在阅读的时

3、候拿起相对应的零件进行对照,等到您能基本理解一下说明的安装顺序以后再进行正式的安装。下面请您享受一下动手安装的乐趣吧。一、ASSEMBLE THE STAND (安装支架)A the bore B wood that has a 3.2 mms has a 4 mms of bore, Cutting through the screw of the 4 x20s B wood is fixedly on the A wood.(Notice:A direction for open of two woods is contrary,Otherwise your ship shelf beat

4、s not to open)Stay a screw that uses the 3 x10mms fixedly at us in the AN and B wood of on-line, Is fixedly the screw that an E of cloth top and wood Cs align then use the 3 x10mms respectively on the ship shelf. Is shown as diagramA木条有一个3.2mm的孔B木条有一个4mm的孔,将4x20的螺丝穿过B木条固定在A木条上,(注意:两根木条打开的方向是相反的, 不然你

5、的船架子是打不开的)。将C和D木条用3x10的螺丝固定在我们留在 A和B木条的线上。将布条 E顶端与木条C对齐然后分别用3x10的螺丝固定在船架上。如图所示二、SSEMBLE THE HULL,KELL AND MASTER (船身、龙骨和桅杆的安装)Remove the lower thumbnut from the keel shaft and insert it into the hole on the ballast.旋下稳向板下端螺母,插入铅锤上的孔中。Replace the thumbnut and tighten firmly.重新装上螺母,用扳手拧紧。Remove the up

6、per thumbnut from the keel, and insert it to the bottom hole of the hull, install the nut in the round hole on the deck, and screw tightly enough with the spanner.旋下稳向板上端螺母,插入船底孔内,在甲板上的圆孔里装上螺母,用板手拧紧。Covers the circular the cover盖上圆形的盖子Twists or the petroleum jelly with the seal evenly spreads instea

7、dily to the board and in the hull slit, makes the extra seal protection 用密封胶或凡士林均匀的涂在稳向板和船体的缝隙里,做额外的密封保护。The rudder insertion ship bottom hole in, on the rudder mast gap in the quarter, it only can be fixed by one way .The rudder rocking shaft set on the rudder shaft, screws tight with the 3mm nut,

8、covers the lap, the paper pastes with the supplementary above.把方向舵插入船底孔中,方向舵杆上的缺口在船尾部,它只能以一种方式固定。把方向舵摇臂套在舵轴上,用3mm的螺母拧紧,盖上盖板,用附带的贴纸贴在上面。Inserts the about two masts tightens in the same place, tightens with the black 2MM screw After will advocate the sail to launch is suit the mast peak trough to inse

9、rt to under, then mast head in mast peak. (attention: A mast hat longer end in mast slot at the same time The mast lower extremity inserts the deck in the circular hole Separately launches various ties, will link up the hook to enter the deck in the hole, will adjust the recover of wire block, will

10、tighten the ties, will guarantee the mast vertically把上下两节桅杆插紧在一起,用黑色的2mm螺丝旋紧。将主帆展开后顺着桅杆顶端的槽向下插到底,然后把桅杆帽套在桅杆顶端(注意:桅杆帽较长的一端在桅杆开槽的一面)。桅杆下端插入甲板圆孔内。把各连接线分别展开,将挂钩钩入甲板上的孔里,调整收线块,收紧连 接线,确保桅杆垂直。Tighten the lines by adjusting the adjustment blocks (bowsies).调整收紧块如图所示Launching the jib sail carefully, links up

11、with the hook on the base block. The jib sail crown line passed through on the mast the base hole, after tightens the coiling in the mast on, tightens receives.把前帆小心的展开,将挂钩钩在前甲板的基座上。前帆顶部的线穿过桅杆上基座的孔,拉紧后卷绕在桅杆的夹片上,收紧收线块。Latter drives front end the throttle to put in on the mast to drive the throttle pl

12、ace in the trough, is fixed with the screw Will drive under the throttle the slanting tension bar card in on mast place ball Under in the main sail two sails angle line shows after the picture passed through on the components the hole to tighten the coiling on, after the main sail crown line passed

13、through the mast the hole to tighten the coiling in the mast on后驶风杆前端放入桅杆上的驶风杆座的槽里,用螺丝固定。将后驶风杆下面的斜拉杆卡在桅杆座的球头上。主帆下面的两个帆角上的线按图片所示穿过零件上的孔拉紧后卷绕在夹片上,主帆顶部的线穿过桅杆帽的孔后拉紧卷绕在桅杆的夹片上。Cut a certain length of receiver lead wire and tread through the eyelet of the mast, and then trough the hole on the deck to conne

14、ct with the receiver. 剪一节接收机天线穿过眼孔,再穿入甲板上的孔以便和接收机相连三、The remote control device installment (this installs way only to be restricted in original factory necessary remote control model installment, if you must use other remote controls please to refer to pertinent data)遥控设备的安装(此安装方式仅限于原厂配套遥控器的典型安装,如果您

15、要用其它的遥控器请参考有关资料)Installs the servo like chart on the support, clamps the rudder tension bar after the servo rocking shaft aims the hole the tighten the screws. 将舵机如图安装在支架上,把方向舵拉杆夹在舵机摇臂上对准孔后旋紧螺丝。Will receive the rope machine like chart to install on the support, in will install in front of the recove

16、r of wire system, please first will receive the rope machine connection remote control on the second channel and turns on the power source.Operate the poleadvances the most upper extreme, causes to receive rope machine counter clock wise rotation to the end. After switches off the receiver power sup

17、ply under, you were allowed to continue the operation.将收索机如图安装在支架上,在安装收线系统前,请先将收索机连接到遥控器的第二通道上并打开电源。把遥控杆推到最上端,使收索机逆 时针旋转到头。关掉接收机电源后,你可以继续下面的操作了。A received the string (about 90cm) first formerly the deck to commit a foot fault the hole to cut through the deck to put on from the hatch way,then passed

18、through a turn of cover to compare the bottom troughly. B receives the string (about 60cm) first to commit a foot fault from the quarter deck the hole to cut through the deck to put on from the hatchway, then passed through a turn of cover higher. Like the chart shows 。A收索线(90cm左右)先从前甲板的过线孔穿进甲板从舱口穿出

19、,再穿过轮罩较底的槽。 甲板从舱口穿出,再穿过轮罩较高的槽。如图所示B收索线(60cm左右)先从后甲板的过线孔穿进First receives A the string to pass through the capstan lower level slot B to receive the string to pass through the capstan upper formation the slot, thenis tightens two ends of a thread in the same place.(Attention: Is the tight after end of

20、 a thread must as far as possible short somewhat)先将A收索线穿过绞盘下层的槽孔 B收索线穿过绞盘上层的槽孔,然后将两根线头系紧在一起。(注意:系紧后的线头要尽可能短一些 )Shows according to on chart, anti-clockwise twines the angle two lines which needs, capstan advancement turn of cover. 按照上图所示,将两根线逆时针缠绕到所需要的角度,将绞盘推进轮罩。After the advancement pinches tightly

21、a turn of cover slightly to make an effort to the outside string the line, inspects and determined whether two ropes are natural putting in the capstan trough.推进后捏紧轮罩稍微用力向外拉紧绳索,检查并确定两根绳索是否是自然的放在绞盘的槽里。Will install well receives the sail system to fix in receives on the rope rack (the attention: First

22、 pinches tightly a turn of cover to fix in receives on the rope machine, then the fast pulley covers)After above completes the installment, turns on the remote control and the receiver the power source operate the pole pulls the second channel to under, receives rope machine clockwise rotation (the

23、attention: Keeps in the deck the line to be able to take in a turn of cover, please slight tightens them, like this can guarantee takes in a turn of cover the line not to be able to have too many errors).When receives the rope machine stops revolving, switches off the receiver power supply. Under yo

24、u were allowed to continue the installment.将装好的收帆系统固定在收索机架上(注意:先捏紧轮罩固定在收索机上,再固定轮罩)完成以上的安装后,打开遥控器和接收机(receivers)电源将第二通道的遥控杆向下拉到底,收索机顺时针旋转(注意:留在甲板上的线会收进轮罩,请轻微的拉紧它们,这样会保证收进轮罩里的线不会有太多的误差)。当收索机停止旋转时,关掉接收机电源。你可以继续下面的安装了。四、onnects the pilot wire (连接控制线)Main sail the pilot wire with drives under the throttl

25、e the host sail the coupling is tight. Front sail pilot wire according to picture way connection, when you move the recover of wire block front the sail angle can carry on the adjustment, meets time the navigation need.把主帆(mainsarl)控制线与驶风杆下面的连接器系紧。把前帆的控制线按图片方式连接,当您移动收线块时前帆的角度能够进行调整,以适 应航行时的需要。五、 Acc

26、ess panel use(舱盖的使用)Mentions from the cabin the oak muscle the hook to enter under the access panel in the suspension hook, gently puts in the hatchway.从船舱内将橡筋提起钩入舱盖下的挂钩中,轻轻放在舱口上。六、reading the wind (读风向) When you get to your favorite pond,take a few momentstoobserve wind direction,speed,andfrequency

27、 of gusts and adjust your sailboat's rigging as necessary What follows are guidelines for tuning yourship's sai|s and rigging,but with experience you willgain the ability to fine-tune your sails and rigging foroptimalperformance,regardless of conditions.For light wind conditions(1-5MPH):Use

28、the adjustment blocks (bowsies) located beween the topsof the sails and the masthead totighten the sails SO they willrespond tothe slightest push from the wind.For medium wind (6-1OMPH):Loosen the sails slightly in order to find the most efficient combination of sail shape and tension. As a rough gu

29、ideline, you will want it somewhere in between the light and high wind set-upFor high wind conditions (11-15MPH):Loos-en the jib and main sail further. They will be better able tohandle the high winds and your hull will be less likely to lie over on its side当你到了你喜欢的水域旁,花一点时间观察风向、速度和阵风的频率和根据需要判断你的帆船的

30、绳索。你应该根据经验适当地对你的帆船和绳索进行调整,而不是什么条件下都用同一种调整状态。接下来的是有助于你的船进行航行和装配帆的导向图表微风条件(每小时的英里数是1-5):收紧帆,这样它们将会对来自风的最微小的推动有反应。中级风条件(每小时的英里数是6-10):稍微放松一下帆这样可以发现最有效的帆布形状和松紧程度。作为一张粗略的导向图表,你会在起微风和大风时需要它。大风条件(每小时的英里数是11 - 5):进一步放松船首三角舷和主船帆。它们能够更好地处理大风,同时你的船身也尽可能少地来回倾斜。七、getting where you need TO GO (到你想去的地方)Sailboats c

31、an easily sail downwind but sailing againstthe wind can be quitechalienging.ln fact,sailboats cannot sail directly into the wind and attempting to do sowillleave you in irons.Sailboats can sail at up to a 45 angle against the wind,movements against the wind are known as tacking.Take a moment tostudy

32、 the diagram below as you read through these definitions.DOWNW1ND:Sailing with the wind coming from stern (a.k.a.running and sailing free).IN IRONS:A sailboat is said to be “in irons” ,when the boat stalls with its bow pointed directly into the wind with its sails struggling to fill with air (luffin

33、g), keeping the boat from moving.lf you find yourself in this position,simply move the rudder stick to either side and hold it until the sails catch some air.You will need to adjust the tension on the sails with the sail control stick to get the b at moving.Release the rudder when the ship reaches t

34、he desired heading.LUFFING:When the sails are unable tofill with wind and begin flapping wildly (like a flag).TICKING:Sailing towardsthewind in a series of maneuvers diagonal tothewind source.There are basically two tacking directions.Starboard ckoccurs when the wind comes from starboard and the sai

35、l boom hangs overtheport side.Port tack is just the opposite,with hanging erthestarboard side.Themare varying degrees oftackangle and it is important to learn wheneach will be useful and how toget your sailboat into sition,especiallywhen racing.For instance,when trying to reacha specific position up

36、wind, sailing close hauled may be the most direct. In any case, you sically want the sails to be full of air and just on the verge of luffing. Here are some terms that describe different sailing positions in relation to the nd:CLOSE-HAULED:You can sail up to a 45 ° angle against the wind.Think

37、ofit as sailing "close"to the wind with the sails "hauled"in tight.CLOSE-REACH:Nearly the same asclose-hauled,but at less of an angle toward the wind.This allows the boat to reach greater speed. BEAM REACH: Sailing with the boat at about a 90 ° angle tothe wind.BROAD REACH:

38、Sailing with the wind coming diagonally from behind (a.k.a.sailing large or quartering wind).PLEASE READ BEFORE RUNNING THE SURMOUNT R/C800 SAILBOAT帆船很容易顺风而走但是逆风而行却很有挑战。事实上,帆船不可能直接航行到风中,试图这样做的话会使你逆风而行。帆船可以以45度角度逆风而行。逆风而行的运动被称为抢风行驶。下面的这些解释和图表会对你有所帮助。Downwind:顺风的In irons:顶风Luffing:上下摆动Tacking:抢风行驶Clos

39、e-hauled:迎风Close-reached:和Close-hauled差不多,不过有一个向风的角度,这样能使船的速度更快些Beam reach:正侧风行驶Broad reach:后舷风行驶 请在航行SURMOUNT R/C 80帆船之前阅读 NEVER attempt toswim after a stalled or stuck boat!Wait patiently for the wind currents toreturn the boat toshoreor use a tennis ball attached tothe endof a fishing rod toretri

40、eve it. Sailing thesurmountin windsover15MPHis not advised.1f you wish tosail in conditions where wind speed is above15MPH,you may want toinstall ahigh-torque sail servo. lt is dangerous to operate any R/Cvehicle at any time that there isnot sufficient light. R/C models produce vibration ns which wi

41、ll cause screws,nuts,bolts, etc, onyourmodel tobecome looseovertime.It is impo-rtant tomake sure that all hardware is secure beforeoperating yourmodel. 永远不要在船失速或被卡住的时候游泳。耐心地等待风向使船靠岸或者是使用一只网球附在钓杆的末端来拿回它。 建议不要在超过时速 15英里/小时以上的大风中航行 SURMOUNT R/C800船。如果你希望在超过15MPH勺大风中行的话,你需要安装一个高力矩的航行舵机。 如果没有足够的光线在任何时间操作

42、一个R/C模型都是危险的。 遥控模型上的螺丝、螺帽、螺钉等等,随着时间的推移都会发生松动。所以在操作你的模型之前确保所有的硬件都固定是很重要的。 CAUTION: Windy conditions cause rough water that will affect theperformance of yourthe wind coming from port with the sail boom sailboat and increase the chances of taking on water. Your Paradise sailboat may occasionally take

43、on small amounts of water, especially when running in high winds,rough water,and when making tight turns.keep a roll of paper towels handy anddryout the hull interior after everyrun.Check for leaks if you notice excessive amounts of water in thehull. After running,remove the hatch covers and allow t

44、he interior of the boat to dry out completely. Ifyou neglect to dothis, itmay result in corrosion of the electronic components. IMPORTANT: lf,for whatever reason,your boat takes on a large amount of water causing the electronics to get wet,you must dothe following immediately:Remove the radio equipm

45、ent from the boat.Allow the components to air dry completely before reassembling. Reinstall the components and check for proper operation before running the boat in water. Totalrun time oftheSURMOUNTR/C800sailboat is approximately45-60 minutes (assuming you begin with new batteries in the receiver b

46、ox).Whenyou notice a decrease in power or sluggish response,it means the batteries are nearly-drained and it's time to head for shore.As soon as the boat reaches shore,turn offthe power to the boat and transmitter (in that order).警告:风速变化会导致水面起波澜会影响帆船的航行,也会增加进水的机率.你的帆船可能会偶尔溅到水,尤其是当在大风中航行,在波涛中行驶和急

47、转弯时。在你手头边放一卷纸巾,在每次航行完后擦干它在.行驶完之后,拿掉舱口盖让船的内部暴露出来使之完全干燥。如果你忽略了这 样做,很可能导致电子元件的侵蚀。重要:假如不管是什么原因,你的船浸了大量的水导致电子元件潮湿,你必须立即按照以下的步骤来做:把接收、电池设备从船上移走。在重新安装之前使零部件在空气中完全干燥。重新设置零部件并且在把船放到水中行驶前核察一下适当的操作。SURMOUNTC800帆船的总行驶时间大约是45-60分钟(假设你放在接收机盒中的是新电池)。当你注意到电源减弱或反应迟缓时,那意味着电池已经耗尽是时候驶向岸边了。只要船到了岸边,关闭船的电源,然后是发射机的电源(按照这样的

48、次序)。八、LAUNCH PROCEDURE (下水过程)1. Turn the power "ON" to the transmitter and boat (in that order).2. Gently place the boat in water that is at least 12"deep and free of obstacles (weeds, rocks, sticks, ducks, muskrats, etc.).Themast of the SURMOUNT R/C800 sailboat is NOT A HANDLE. Donot

49、 hold the boat by the mast.3. lnitially you will want to launch the boat downwind and note if the boat has a tendency to turn right or left. Adjust thesteering trim lever on yourtransmitter until the boat runs in a straight line when the steering control stick is at neutral.4. When finished running, be


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