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1、人教版新目标八年级英语下册67 单元测试题一、单项选择。 (每小题 1 分,共 30 分)() 1. When did shehim ?In 2008A. get married withB.get married to C.marry withD.marry to( )2.It will remind the parentstheir daughter on the Malaysian AirIines planeMH370 A. with B.for C.in D.of()3.All the boys like Jinyu Team and they often play basketba

2、ll instead offootball A. playing B.play C.to play D.played( )4. The book is for us to read.A.good enough B.enough good C.too good D.too well( )5. If hefree tomorrow , heto see meA. will be ; will come B.has; comesC.is ; will comeD.is ; comes()6.The singer has a specialand he is famous for it Many yo

3、ung people like to listento his songsA.sound B.voice C.noise D.shout()7.Mo Yan is famous a writer and China is famous Mo Yan.A.for,for B.as,for C.for,as D.as,as( )8.weather it is! Let s go hiking!A.What a good B.How a goodC.What goodD.How good()9.Tom is always the first to school.A.come B.comes C.co

4、ming D.to come( )10.You should keepmath and shouldnt give up_itA.to study ;to study B.study ;study C.to studying ;to studying D.studying ;studying ()11 What s wrong?I can t do my homework now. I my homework in the classroom this morning.A.leave B.forget C.forgot D.left()12. The lady is so and she be

5、lieves the man who always tells lies.A. cleverB. smartC. stupid D. good.( )13.girls like beautiful clothes.A.MostB.Most ofC.Most about D.most the()14. What are you going to give your mother for her birthday.I m not sure.But Ill buy her.A.something specialC.anything specialC.special somethingD.specia

6、l anything()15. Can I the book?Yes, but you can only it for two days.A borrow ; keep B borrow ; lend C lend; keep D lend;borrow()16. Bill jumped than any other player at the sports meeting.A. tall B. taller C. high D. higher( )17. Traveling by train is exciting than a rushed trip by air.A. much B. a

7、 little C. much more D. little()18.is the population of Chi na today?A. How much B. How ma nyC. WhatD. Which()19. Is that park a big one? Yes, itfive differe nt parts.A. weighsB. in eludesC. loses D. drops()20. What happe nedJim? He ran too fast and.A. for, ran over B. of , walked into C. to, fell o

8、ver D. with, picked up( )21.What did Linda do last weeke nd? She succeededa model pla ne.A. makes B. for mak ing C. to make D. i n maki ng()22. Xia n is one ofcapitalin China.A. older; city B. the older; city C. oldest; cities D. the oldest; cities()23. Can I use your dict ion ary? .A. That s right

9、B. Don t worry C. Never mi nd D. Yes, feel free.()24. He is creative. He s going to turn his cara playroom for the children.A. withB. i ntoC. inD. from()25. One of the most endangeredin the worldthe gia nt pan da.A.a ni mal, isB. an imals, areC. ani mal,areD. ani mals, is()26.In the future I think c

10、ities will be crowded because there will be a lot people.A. moreB. fewerC. lessD. many()27. - is Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa?-Nearly 6,000 meters.A. How longB. How soo nC. How wideD. How high()28. -Which country has population, China, the USA, or Canada?-China, of course.A. the largestB. the smalles

11、tC. the most D. the least()29. -I hear some of the moun ta in climbers were killed in side Pakista n several mon ths ago.A. Glad to hear thatB.I m sorry to hear thatC. I hope soD.It doesn t matter()30. John is taller than boyin his class.A. the other B. any otherC. any one D. some other二、阅读理解。(共20小题

12、,每小题2分)AMy n ame is Betty San ders. I m a teleph on e话p务员g, and work for a compa ny.My job is very interesting. I love it very much. I work five days a week , and my hours arefrom 9 o clock to 5 o clock. I do a lot of Itpiage Iong-distanc长途)calls for people ;I answered questions, and I help people w

13、hen they are in trouble.Today , for example , I had an interesting experienee. At 11 o clock this morning , I gota call from a man. I don Cknow who he was. He was in trouble and I could tell that he wasworried about somethi ng. He gave me address and asked me to send an ambula nee(救护车)right away. I

14、asked him if somebody was hurt , but he didn t answer my question. He toldme he n eeded a doctor at once, so I said Id call an ambula nee for him but I still wan ted toknow what was wrong. Then he said , Our keys are gone! ” I didn t understand that! Whywould he need an ambulanee just because he cou

15、ldn t find his keys? Then I found out whatthe trouble was. The man and his wife left the ear keys on a coffee table , and later theycouldn t find them. Their little boy Johnny was playing in the room, and they thought he swallowed (吞咽) them.But before I could help him , he told me he wouldn t need a

16、n ambulanee anHisorewife found the keys in her bag. They were there all the time.()31.Betty San ders worksA. in a factoryB. in a shop)32.She works.A. forty hours a weekC. in a compa nyD. in a hospitalB. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.C. from Mon day to Saturday )33.The man called Betty becauseA. he thought Be

17、tty was a doctorC. he wan ted to take an ambula nee )34n fact , his keys.A. were swallowed by his little sonC. were left in the car)35. From the passage we can seeA. Betty San ders likes her workC. the manD. seve n days a weekB. he had lost his keysD. his son was illB. were on a coffee tableD. were

18、put in his wife bag sB. Betty s job is to place ledigtanees little boy likes playing with keys D. doctors can help people find keys BToday is the sec ond day of my trip aroundMount Annapurna.My legs are shaking , my feet are bleeding and they are really killing me , but Istill want to continue.Nepal

19、 is a wonderful country.These days I am trying to learn a little bit of the Ianguage here to make communication easier.Though I dont learn foreign Ianguages quickly , my Nepali (尼泊尔 语)is improvi ng.rm now traveling with Liam , a university student from England.Hes a nice guy, but impatie nt . He is

20、always walk ing ahead and say ing that rm too slow .I try my best to keep up with him but its hard for me , because hes much younger and stronger than me.Right now, Liam is talking with Tarn, the owner of the club.They are discussing thedifferences between life in England and Nepal.Tarn speaks Engli

21、sh very well and he tries to teachLiam some words in Nepali.Liam lear ns quickl y.I hope we can ask for direct ions in Nepali whe nwe get lost.()36.Whats the matter with the writer?A . His feet are bleeding.B . He has a sore back.C. He has a headache. D. He has a stomachache.)37.The writer is tryi n

22、g to learn.A . climbing skills B . some Nepali wordsC . traveli ng experie neeD . com muni cati on skills)38.The un derl ined wordimpatie nt”A.愚蠢的B.不耐烦的 C.体弱的)39 .What can we lear n from the passage?A . The writer learns foreign Ianguages fast.C . Liam is older tha n the writer.mea ns _D.自卑的in Chin

23、ese.B . The writer wants to give up the trip.D. Tarn is good at En glish.)40.Which of the followi ng is TRUE?A . Liam is a student in Nepal.C . The writer is traveling in Nepal.Liam is the owner of the club.The writer is youn ger tha n Tarn.No one can be happy all the time.When you feel unhappy, wha

24、t should you do? Here issome childre ns advice.TomGoing for a walk in n ature can made you happy.GraceFind a place to express (表达)your feelings by shouting.Move the bad mood ( 心情) out of your body and see how much better you feel.MikeHelp some one else.By help ing some people without homes, you may

25、find that your problems are not real problems.LauraThink about the good things in your life.Write these dow n and put them in a place where youll be able to read them ofte n.MarkWrite about your feelings.Dont hold them back , because expressing the truth can move the feeli ngs from in side to outsid

26、e.ClaireListen to your favorite music and dance to it.If youre feeling angry , listen to some rock music which will help you express your feeli ngs.()41.How many ways of cha nging your mood can you get?A . Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six. ( )42.What is Lauras advice?A . Trying to help more unhapp

27、y people.B . Practici ng dancing as ofte n as possible.C. Moving your bad mood out of your body.D . Writing down the good things in your life.()43.Who advises you not to hold your feeli ngs back?A. Grace. B. Mark. C. Mike. D. Claire.()44.Which of the following is TRUE according to the information?A

28、. No one can be happy all the time.B . When you feel angry , you should listen to light music.C . Finding a place to express your feeli ngsby shout ingcanmake you feel worse.D . Help ing people without problems are real problems.( )45.What can we know from the in formati on?A . Rich people are alway

29、s very happy.B . People without homes are happy all the time.C . Tom thinks that walk ing in n ature can make a pers on happy.D . A pers on should think about what he has lost in his free time.DWhen Abraham Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father to look after their farm. It was hard work

30、and there was nt anything in teresti ng for him. Abraham wan ted to go to school, but there was no school there. He was sad most of the time.Mrs. Lincoln loved the boy very much. She tried her best to make Abraham happy. One morning she got up early and went to the town. It was a long way so it took

31、 her a long time to get there. She bought someth ing there and went back. It was late in the eve ning whe n she got home.The next morning Mrs. Lincoln said to Abraham,Today is your birthday, so were going to have a party. She put some food on the table, and the n brought out a prese nt.A book!Abraha

32、m cried. It was an old book, but he liked it. A smile came on his face. He looked up at Mrs. Lincoln and said,Tha nk you, Mom.()46. Abraham Li ncol ns father was a.A. farmer B. soldier C. worker D. teacher()47. Abraham Lincoln could nt go to school because.A. his family had no money B. his mother wa

33、n ted to teach him herselfC. he did nt like school D. there was no school n ear his home()48. On the farm most of the time little Lin coin was.A. happy B. un happy C. worried D. angry()49. It took Mrs. Lin col nto make a trip to the tow n.A. a whole day B. a quarter of a day C. three hours D. two days()50. What was the prese nt for Abrahams birthday?A. A moon cake. B. A new book. C. An old book. D. A school bag.三、首字母填空。(每小题一分,共10分)One after noon, a man rode up to the US-Mexico border o


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