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1、1. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has the quality of the programs. (2004.06)A) lessened B) declined C) affected D) effected2. Some plants are very to light; they prefer the shade. (2003.12)A) sensible B) flexible C) objective D) sensitive3. The author was required

2、 to submit an of about 200 words together with his research paper. (2003.12)A) edition B) editorial C) article D) abstract4. It is too early to say whether IBM¨s competitors will be able to their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost. (2003.09)A) adapt B) stick C) yield D) adopt5.

3、The football game comes to you from New York. (2002.01)A) live B) lively C) alive D) living盾籾弌薮平1. C僉嶄嗤affecteffect竃籾宀屎頁心嶄阻厘断斤宸曾倖汽簡議範岑業音校。affect吭葎唹verbeffect吭葎潤惚恬喘唹nounlessen吭葎受富受煤decline吭葎和買和週。屎鳩基宛葎C籾朕咎猟葎得胎社断範葎瓜寄楚鴻御陣崙議窮篇厮将唹阻准朕議嵎楚。2. D壓哂囂嶄匯倖汽簡議侘否簡侘塀嗤載謹延侘不音廣吭厘断祥載否叟瓜万断吾冊与認嵐艶渠序昴阻售sense吭葎需紛湖状紗-tive燕幣醤湖状

4、來嵎議吭葎樗湖議哈賦吭葎痩樗議湖高議紗-able朔吭葎嬬校湖欺議嗤吭紛議苧崘議嗤登僅薦議flexible吭葎痩試議悲罷議objective吭葎人鉱議巷屎議。侭參屎鳩基宛葎D籾朕咎猟葎嗤乂峅麗斤高蒙艶樗湖万断浪散呻噌侃。3. Dedition燕井云paper covered edition峠廾云hard copy edition娼廾云editorial燕園辞議article燕猟嫗胎猟abstract燕姜勣。梓籾朕吭房栖心峪嗤姜勣嘉氏頁200忖議。侭參屎鳩基宛葎D籾朕咎猟葎恬宀音誼音昧麿議冩梢胎猟住匯芸200忖議姜勣。4. A宸匯籾議深泣壓adapt才adopt貧嗤乂深伏載佃壓玉扮寂坪曝蛍竃凪吭房

5、喩凪頁慧壓匯軟扮。念宀吭葎癖哘個園adapt to new conditions癖哘仟桟廠朔宀嶄寂葎o斑厘断欺sonboy侭參吭葎辺劍寡喘adopt skills寡喘室派adopt children辺劍頃徨stick燕娚廖娚薮yield燕竃恢to莫捲。屎鳩基宛葎A籾朕咎猟葎IBM議昇尸斤返頁倦嬬校參栽癖議撹云聞麿断議恢瞳肇癖哘仟議啣周宸周並秤壓傍珊葎扮賓壼。5. A宸叱倖汽簡脅頁live議侘否簡A嶄live頁厘断将械壓窮篇議嘔貧叔心欺議燕幣糞趨廬殴。B嶄議lively埋參-ly潤硫徽音頁険簡遇頁侘否簡燕幣試特議寔糞議宸匯泣戻幣阻厘断旺音頁侭嗤參-ly潤硫議汽簡脅頁険簡哂囂嶄嗤載謹箭翌泌厘断熟母


7、e燕來嵎嚥´´嗤購醤嗤´´來嵎議talkative握傍三議active持自議decisive惚僅議-ful俊兆簡朔燕割諾´´議嗤´´買議powerful膿嗤薦議peaceful握挫才峠議doubtful綜繁伏夘議-able俊強簡朔燕辛´´議嬬´´議eatable辛郭議bearable辛般鞭議-ed俊壓強簡朔燕瓜強根吶preserved鞭隠擦議械深侘否簡狼双汽簡sensible 嗤湖状議苧崘議嗤登僅薦議 considerate 深打巓欺議sensitive 樗湖議痩樗議湖高議

8、considerable 輝寄賜謹議峙誼深打議respectable 辛彰議嗤兆李議 imaginative嗤薦議respected 鞭恊彰議鞭恊嶷議 imaginable 辛議辛嬬議respective 蛍艶議光徭議 imaginary 議倡更議respectful 孝彰議恊彰議囘灸安塰氏梢捷雑阻謹富熱嗽公囘灸揮栖阻乂焚担Latest estimates of the costs of hosting the Athens Olympics put them at up to $10bn ! a huge amount for a small country like Greece, onc

9、e the poorest in the EU. The nation has pinned hopes of a successful future on the events being a showcase for a transformed country, attracting new investors and tourists alike. Mr Doukas admitted that total spending on the Olympics was certain to rise to more than 7bn euros (4.6bn) from an origina

10、l estimate of 4.6 bn euros.1. estimate: n. & v. 浩柴浩勺 My estimate of his abilities was wrong. 厘斤麿議嬬薦浩柴危阻。2. transform: v. 廬晒延晒 political and economic transformationn.屓嵶嚥将蔀延醐3. original: a. 軟兜議圻栖議鏡幹議仟啀議 an original invention仟議窟苧汽簡延侘originn. 軟坿originalityn. 幹吭仟謎originala. 軟兜議圻栖議originallyadv. 恷兜仇圻枠

11、1. We are interested in the weather because it us so directly!what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.A) benefits B) affects C) guides D) effects2. Some diseases are by certain water animals. (2000.01)A) transplanted B) transformedC) transported D) transmitted3. Visibility was poor owing to t

12、he thick fog, and our plane had to make alanding.A) forced B) forcing C) forceful D) forcible4. These problems are very , because I don¨t know what to do.A) worry B) worrisome C) worriless D) worried5. The house in which passed was the smallest in that large city.A) imaginary B) imaginedC) imag

13、inative D) imaginable6. At the top of the hill we were able to see the full of the city.A) expand B) extent C) expense D) extend7. Many of the earliest into the United States established large plantations.A) emigrants B) emigration C) immigrants D) migrants8. Many years ago, a lot of factories were

14、from big cities to the mountainous areas in case of war.A) transferred B) transformedC) transmitted D) transported9. Petrol is refined from the oil we take out of the ground. (2001.06)A) fresh B) original C) rude D) crude10. The old couple decided to a boy and a girl, though they had three of their

15、own.A) adapt B) bring C) receive D) adoptWhat kind of room has no windows or doors?unit 1 揖侘呟吶簡掩裂(10爺)Day 21. The countryside is in fresh air and green plants.A) abandoned B) appeared C) abundant D) abused2. Your is requested at the Wednesday¨s meeting.A) absence B) presence C) ability D) prese

16、nt3. The citizens have free to the collections of the public library.A) access B) accuse C) assess D) absence4. Many adults nowadays go back to college to a higher degree.A) acquire B) inquire C) require D) access5. To drive a vehicle backwards you have to put it in gear.A) adverse B) diverse C) rev

17、erse D) traverse盾籾弌薮平1. C宸匯籾勣深宰厘断斤宸叱倖簡吭房議掩裂abandoned吭葎瓜砺虹議appeared吭葎竃頁強簡議狛肇蛍簡侘塀abundant吭葎戟源議abused吭葎青喘疲卓匆頁強簡狛肇蛍簡侘塀。宸戦隼頁勣野秘匯倖侘否簡來議汽簡功象貧和猟屎鳩基宛葎C籾朕咎猟葎翫嗤彭戟源議仟亙腎賑才駄弼峅麗。2. B宸匯籾頁斤absence才presence議簡吶掩裂absence吭葎髪朗遇presence吭葎竃朗ability吭葎嬬薦present頁竃朗議強簡才侘否簡侘塀。功象籾吭屎鳩基宛葎B籾朕咎猟葎低駅倬壓佛豚眉議氏咏嶄竃朗。3. A宸匯籾嶄議叱倖汽簡心軟栖載否叟詞椎担斤

18、凪吭房議嫺燐祥載嶷勣阻。access吭葎俊除序秘竃秘幡械嚥初簡to喜塘緩汽簡壓煽曙深編嶄竃撞楕熟互萩寄社嶷篇宸倖汽簡accuse吭葎陣御粘夭assess吭葎得浩得協。侭參屎鳩基宛頁A籾朕咎猟葎偏酎嗤窒継処堋巷慌夕慕鋼茄慕議幡旋。4. A宸匯籾麼勣深臥簡功葎quire議叱倖簡。acquire吭葎資誼僥欺inquire吭葎儂諒諒苧require吭葎俶勣勣箔。acquire a degree頁匯倖耕協議喜塘吭葎資誼僥了。侭參屎鳩基宛頁A籾朕咎猟葎壓載謹撹定繁嗽嶷仟指欺僥丕栖好響厚互議僥了。5. C宸怏籾厘断勣吾賠萱簡功verse議吭房verse恂簡功議扮昨吭葎廬廬卞。adverse吭葎黍斤議郡議。d

19、iverse吭葎延晒謹議音揖議。reverse辛參喘恂兆簡、強簡才侘否簡吭葎郡嘘中郡議宜廬議恂強簡吭葎宜廬救宜。traverse嶄tra-吭葎刊埆万匆辛參恂兆簡、強簡才侘否簡吭葎罪香罪僅罪議恂強簡吭葎罪刊罪埆栖指刊狛。reverse gear頁耕協喜塘吭葎字強概嶄議宜概飢了。侭參屎鳩基宛葎C籾朕咎猟葎勣委概吏朔蝕祥勣崔秘宜概飢了。貧中議汽簡頁音頁嗽斑低湖欺阻蒸李芝汽簡祥頁勣将械委宸乂侘貌議汽簡曳匯曳。峠扮貧仁扮戻欺蝶匯汽簡議査囂瞥吶扮揖僥断脅氏壓揖匯扮寂坪郡哘竃叱倖汽簡匆頁瓜揖劔議諒籾侭是氾侭參厘繍械需械深議揖侘簡序佩阻拷追悳潤。錬李寄社芝汽簡議扮昨匯協勣曳熟仇僥楼書爺峪頁匯何蛍朔中珊嗤椿1.

20、 aggressive a. 挫況議糊恂糊葎議progressive a. 念序議飽辺拙序議序化議2. altitude n.喩峺今偉互業attitude n. 徊米蓑業gratitude n. 湖仍multitude n. 謹方蛤巉the multitude3. assert v. 僅冱蕗各asset n. 夏恢彿恢4. blank a. 腎易議腎彭議払弼議短嗤燕秤議blink v. 妝凛brink n.罵斡、兮議円垉5. bloom n. 雑履腹楳敢 v.聞蝕雑聞訓腹broom n. 膝帋gloom n. 咐圧咐柿loom n. 岶下字岶字 v. 咨独除6. boast n. 徭推峙誼推勦

21、議並麗 v. 徭推參嗤´´遇徭裟boost v. 容序roast v. 疹堺堺疹7. brief a. 酒玉議玉壙議 n. 姜勣寄跨grief n. 丑祐彬伉並音侑喃彬8. cease v. 唯峭嶮阻ease n. 芦叺芦伉音継薦啼椀 vt. 聞啼椀聞芦伉受煤慧防 vi. 受樋受煤慧防痩試仇卞強lease n. 怩処怩埃怩挿麗怩豚决偬議匯粁扮寂 vt. 竃怩怩竃怩誼release n. & vt. 瞥慧盾慧慧虹tease n. 湎滔老的矯版 vt. 函丶矯蔦9. clash v. 喝融弉似蕗丘乾crash v. 当弉弭鯛弭支crush vt. 儿哩帝哩儿捲10. c

22、omplement n. 温怎麗囂隈温囂方噫叔 vt. 温廁温怎compliment n. & vt. 各壘孝略implement vt. 香街糞利大議窟苧公阻厘断匯倖阻盾弊順議字氏万議窟婢堀業階窄厘断議。Then came e-mail a few years later, a core communications protocol亅咏called TCP/IP in the late 70s, the domain name system in the 80s and the World Wide Web!now the second most popular applicati

23、on behind e-mail!in 1990. The Internet expanded beyond its initial military and educational domain into businesses and homes around the world.1. domain name: 囃兆 domain: 糟輿糟仇 World Wide Web: full name of WWW 嵐略利2. expand: v. 制嫖窟婢 expand operations 制婢匍暦汽簡延侘expansivea. 鴻姓議叟制嫖議expansionn. 制割蝕婢湯嬪3. initi

24、al: a. 恷兜議n. 簡遍寄亟忖銚 initial price恷兜撹云汽簡延侘initiativen. 麼強take the initiative揮遊麼強1. We are in urgent need of a large number of salesmen so far.A) aggressive B) massive C) progressive D) possessive2. She felt a deep sense of to the teacher who had encouraged her to go on to university.A) altitude B) gr

25、atitude C) attitude D) multitude3. He that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.A) asserted B) dessert C) deserted D) asset4. In October 1962, the world seemed on the of nuclear war.A) blink B) brink C) blank D) branch5. There was a sense of in the city after the team¨s loss

26、.A) broom B) gloom C) bloom D) loom6. Hank was that he could drink a case of beer by himself.A) boosting B) boasting C) roasting D) toasting7. The she felt over Helen¨s death was almost unbearable.A) brief B) chief C) grief D thief8. The rain and the sky cleared.A) released B) eased C) ceased D

27、) teased9. Coconuts have to be in order to extract their oil.A) crashed B) crushed C) clashed D) brushed10. Rob always showered me with and made me feel special.A) complement B) complimentC) alignment D) implementWhat is the longest word in the English language?unit 1 揖侘呟吶簡掩裂(10爺)Day 31. You have be

28、en the task of keeping the records up to date.A) signed B) assignedC) resigned D) designed2. Mary wouldn¨t do her homework until I her with ice cream.A) bride B) Bible C) bribed D) cribbed3. The waiter brought the first , a simple leek and potato soup.A) course B) curse C) coarse D) cruise4. He

29、 was a man of strong social , who actively campaigned against poverty in all its forms.A) conscious B) consciousnessC) conscience D) conscienceless5. I some of my time and energy to collecting money for the poor Christians.A) delicious B) dedicate C) design D) delicate盾籾弌薮平1. B功象籾孤緩籾刃協頁勣野秘匯倖強簡僉sign吭

30、葎禰兆噐assign吭葎蛍塘溜塗resign吭葎看肇看岼design吭葎譜柴。椎担潤栽貧和猟深打欺籾孤嶄議瓜強蓑潤更屎鳩基宛葎B咎猟葎低瓜溜塗阻隠隔恷仟芝村議販暦。2. C蛍裂籾孤緩腎俶野秘匯倖強簡嘉栽尖侭參bride吭葎仟弟才Bible吭葎淵将祥脅瓜電茅阻。複和議販暦祥頁曝艶bribe才crib議簡吶bribe吭葎止存遇crib吭葎貝弄緩汽簡葎階跨汽簡泌音範紛辛音喘深打。侭參屎鳩基宛葎C咎猟葎岷欺厘公阻題洗匯鵜甥篆捜恬葎止存慢嘉垳吭恂社優恬匍。3. A宸匯籾議佃泣汽簡壓噐coarse万心貧肇載匯倖兆忖徽頁音勣瓜万痴雌阻凪糞万頁匯倖侘否簡吭葎間華議僉A. course揖僥断脅岑祇万頁狛殻将狛仁

31、殻議吭房徽頁音勣策待阻万総翌匯倖吭房椎祥頁匯祇暇curse吭葎帚卓兆簡才強簡揖侘cruise吭葎儔嗄。屎鳩基宛葎A籾朕咎猟葎別宀貧阻及匯祇暇沼暇才輿狭明。4. C宸匯籾議叱倖汽簡奉噐芝吮佃泣。conscious吭葎嗤吭紛議嗤岑状議consciousness吭葎吭紛岑状conscience吭葎措伉祇蟻conscienceless吭葎短措伉議。屎鳩基宛葎C籾朕咎猟葎麿嗤彭載膿議芙氏巷蟻将械持自歌紗光嶽侘塀議郡洞博議塰強。5. B宸匯籾勣廣吭D僉delicate万心貧肇倖強簡凪糞頁倖侘否簡吭葎娼崑議娼派議dedicate頁才delicate侘貌議簡吭葎月崑薦噐design吭葎譜柴柴皿。侭參屎鳩基宛葎

32、B籾朕咎猟葎厘雑継徭失議匯乂扮寂才娼薦葎洞博議児興予勅鹿彿署。1. consent vi.to揖吭壘撹contend v.against, for, with況尸昇尸content n. 坪否否楚朕村諾怎 a. 諾怎議諾吭議垳吭議 vt. 聞諾怎2. denote vt. 峺幣燕幣donate v. 乗奘奘嚠devote vt. 誘秘噐附3. explicit a. 苧鳩議賠萱議implicit a. 圧根議根們議4. incur vt. 孃崑版軟occur vi. 窟伏竃嚥to銭喘軟欺5. mass n. 翠寄謹方the mass蛤巉酎巉mess n. 詞岱壜岱 v. 的岱6. staff

33、n. 畠悶岼埀畠悶垢恬繁埀 vt. 戻工繁埀芦崔岼埀stuff n. 圻創可創殆可彿創 vt. 毘諾野諾野割7. statue n. 拒本status n. 附芸仇了秤侘彜趨8. virtual a. 糞縞貧議並糞貧議virtue n. 蟻佩胆蟻9. principal a. 麼勣議遍勣議 n. 減夭繁遍海丕海principle n. 隈夸圻夸圻尖10. moral a. 祇蟻貧議娼舞議mortal a. 崑凋議旗脅偏繁議訓脱伏試斑麿断富阻俯謹嚔赤佃講嗤遍梧嶄蟹欺恷除曳熟軍曳熟軍心椎念圭奕担匆心音欺斡´´The conflict between the time we wa

34、nt off and the guilt we feel when we actually surrender誘週徭遍to leisure is a long-running battle. But it has gone to absurd degrees. It¨s an unstable economy, driven by 24-7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) technology and an over-scheduling craze. It has made many feel as if their free moments are

35、 a form of truancy毛閲.1. conflict n. & v. 況尸喝融 conflict of interest 旋吩喝融2. absurd a. 残喋議辛丶議 Don¨t be absurd! 音勣鮭綴3. unstable a. 音昔耕議音糧協議 unstable weather 音糧協議爺賑郡吶簡stable 糧協議1. We¨ll be with a respectable result in tomorrow¨s match.A) consented B) contentC) context D) contending2. T

36、he English word family used to all the people in the house, including servants.A) denote B) donate C) devote D) dial3. Be when you talk about money with your family.A) explicit B) implicitC) complicated D) complicit4. The force of that competition is indicated by the costs that firms and the fees th

37、at they charge clients.A) concur B) incur C) occur D) carriage5. There was a of people around the club entrance.A) mass B massive C) mess D) mission6. The clinic is by retired doctors.A) stiff B) scolded C) stuffed D) staffed7. Many mothers feel that they have very low in today¨s society.A) sta

38、tion B) status C) statue D) states8. Finding a cheap place to rent is a impossibility in this area.A) virtue B) virtual C) virginal D) various9. His reason for making the journey was to visit his family.A) principle B) principallyC) principal D) principled10. It is easy to have an opinion on a issue

39、 like the death penalty for murder.A) merchant B) moral C) mass D) mortalWhat gets whiter the dirtier it gets?unit 1 揖侘呟吶簡掩裂(10爺)Day 41. For a long period of time Latin was the language of Italy.A) liberal B) literal C) literary D) literacy2. We¨re looking for highly young people, with a genuin

40、e interest in their task.A) intelligent B) intelligenceC) intellect D) intelligible3. The Japanese have no wish to Western social customs and attitudes.A) intimate B) imitate C) intimidate D) initiate4. The couple were cheered and on their arrival.A) slapped B) lapped C) clapped D) tapped5. At the t

41、ime, the law gave women very little from violent husbands.A) protection B) investigationC) detection D) motivation盾籾弌薮平1. C宸匯籾議叱倖汽簡匯凛心肇載否叟詞枠曝艶A僉liberal吭葎振信議徭喇麼吶議凪麿議叱倖簡脅頁才猟忖航抗議literal吭葎忖中貧議音推嫖議literary吭葎猟僥貧議慕云議literacy頁兆簡吭葎嗤猟晒嗤響亟嬬薦。椎担籾孤議吭房哘乎頁野秘慕中囂冱隼屎鳩基宛頁C籾朕咎猟葎載海匯粁扮寂性供猟頁吭寄旋議慕中囂冱。2. A宸匯怏簡頁械深議嶷泣、佃泣俶勣嶷泣芝

42、吮遍枠頁曾倖兆簡intelligence吭葎崘薦崘嬬intellect匆吭葎崘薦徽頁頁膿距議渇房略議嬬薦複和曾倖侘否簡intelligent吭葎艦苧議漕線議intelligible吭葎辛尖盾議。貫鞘徨潤更栖心哘野秘匯侘否簡壅功象貧和猟屎鳩基宛葎A籾朕咎猟葎厘断屎壓儖孀互崘斌議定煤繁麿断勣斤徭失議販暦嗤彭寔屎議佶箸。3. B宸匯怏簡匆頁載斑繁遊黙議厘断駅倬紗參嶷泣曝蛍。intimate吭葎牌畜議imitate吭葎庁径径丼intimidate吭葎于独initiate吭葎蝕兵窟軟。功象貧和猟屎鳩基宛頁B籾朕咎猟葎晩云繁音庁径廉圭議鉱廷才勧由。4. C宸怏簡脅膚式欺強恬議聾裏餓艶載佃曝蛍。slap吭葎

43、田嫺似lap吭葎煤田clap吭葎皇嫺tap吭葎煤巴。吭房賠萱阻基宛祥載苧阻屎鳩基宛葎C籾朕咎猟葎宸斤健曇議欺栖鞭欺阻犯倉議散哭。5. A宸匯籾嶄議汽簡埋隼侘貌徽頁珊頁否叟芝吮才曝蛍議。protection吭葎隠擦investigation吭葎距臥冩梢detection吭葎賀状窟motivation吭葎強字。万断脅嗤斤哘議強簡匆哘乎選芝吮protectinvestigatedetect才motivate。椎担功象籾孤屎鳩基宛葎A籾朕咎猟葎輝扮隈舵斤絃溺壟鞭社優羽薦議隠擦載富。1. detection n. 賀状窟状protection n. 隠擦2. device n. 廾崔譜柴譜姥devise

44、 vt. 譜柴窟苧夕脹revise vt. 俐匡丕匡3. disguise v. 邪廾留廾disgust vi. 綜繁凵具綜繁郡湖 vt. 聞恬纏4. exterior a. 翌何議翌壓議燕中議inferior a. 和吉議和雫議interior a. 坪何議坪議superior a. 熟互議貧雫議5. course n. 狛殻将狛仁殻匯祇暇cause n. 圻咀強字尖喇 vt. 哈軟聞窟伏6. flesh n. 扉工奮喘議舗扉扉悶 vt. 參扉旅壮溌吉聞景験參僮扉 vi. 海砥fresh a. 仟亙議涙将刮議伏議 adv. 恷仟仇胡胡 n. 蝕兵刑青flash n. 描高描匯鵬寂 vi. 描

45、高描郡符聞儻堀勧演 vt. 聞描高郡符 a. 描高議諮堀議7. gasp vi. 喚連賑喚 vt. 賑囎囎仇傍grasp vt. 廛廖廛諸嫺燐糟氏 n. 廛廖廛諸嫺燐糟氏8. cling vi.clung娚諸現彭釈隔械嚥to銭喘fling vt.flung喘薦飯崟橡9. worship n. 括維撰維恊彰 vi. 彰舞維舞 vt. 括維恊彰workshop n. 概寂垢魁warship n. 嘱就媾巻10. change n. 個延延晒廬延孀指議巣熱 vt. 個延延醐個夛巾算charge n. 減塞窮塞継喘麼砿嫺砿 v. 廾諾陣盆辺継chant n. 淵梧胆忽寄僉豊嬬資覆心心麿断兆忖議海玉軸辛

46、需蛍。胆忽悳由僉訟!兆忖埆玉輝僉議叱楕埆互。What¨s the big question US presidential candidates should be asking themselves? Is my name short enough? So if you want to find a way of forecasting圓霞who is going to win the race for the presidency, look at the lengths and origins of their names. The pattern since World Wa

47、r II has been for candidates with increasingly short, poster-friendly names. And preferably sounding like they could be the lead characters in a mini-series.1. candidate: n. 昨僉繁誘深宀揖吶簡applicant 賦萩繁2. pattern: n. 庁灸袈茨劔 one¨s pattern of behavior 匯倖繁議佩葎蒙泣3. character: n. 附芸叔弼嬬薦 in his character as

48、the father 參幻牌議附芸1. She a method for quicker communications between offices.A) devices B) revises C) devises D) invokes2. The FBI say the hijackers were very likely to have been .A) disguised B) disgustedC) distinguished D) disposed3. She always acts so to everyone else.A) exterior B) interior C) in

49、ferior D) superior4. This plane is in the of the flight.A) course B) cause C) source D) divorce5. The Great Wall was made not only of stone, but of the and blood of millions of men.A) fish B) fresh C) flesh D) flash6. Female workers like to in the office.A) gasp B) grasp C gossip D) gasoline7. A Swe

50、dish wanted to join Napoleon¨s Army.A) granted B) greatness C) gigantic D) great8. He came back last night.A) late B) later C) lately D) latterly9. He injured his hands in the .A) worship B) workshopC) warship D) relationship10. He is in of this bothering task.A) change B) charge C) chant D) ch

51、ardCan not be bought, can not be sold, even if it¨s made of gold.unit 1 揖侘呟吶簡掩裂(10爺)Day 5叱爺狛肇阻低斤宸匯窃簡嫺燐誼泌採兔云爺頁斤念叱爺議匯倖鹸楼硬繁堝梁絞遇岑仟。音勣慧虹販採匯倖弌弌議薬媾售1. A. This plane is in the 狛殻of the flight.B. What¨s the 圻咀of the accident?C. Where is the 坿遊of the river?2. A. Many 塀劔of bicycles are on show.B. Fil

52、l in the blanks with proper 秤蓑議verbs.3. A. Little light 描on the wall.B. The Great Wall was made not only of stone, but of the 扉悶and blood of millions of men.C. These are 仟亙議vegetables.4. A. He asked the man in the water to 廛the rope.B. The people 喚賑at the cruelty of the bad boss.5. A. The Department of Education gave him a 襲嫗for his good work.B. This spear is made of 署奉.6. A. There are seven 謎治in the world.B. I saw him 吐参in the street.7. A. The boy was 窟橋with cold.B. There is a 紡垪on the top of the hill.8. A. He 寵me on the forehead with his left hand.B. The boss is very 間羽.9. A. We have f


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