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1、2021-12-2612021-12-262o引言 Introduction o中国园林*的种类 Catalogue of Chinese gardeno中国园林的艺术特点 Artistic characteristics of Chinese gardenso历史名园一瞥 A glimpse of historical gardenso中外园林的对比 Comparison with foreign gardenso江南园林的要素 Elements of the gardens in the southern part of Yangtze Rivero如何欣赏中国园林 How to appr

2、eciate Chinese gardens目目 录录 Contents *According to the dictionary of Chinese characters, the Chinese word for “garden,” yuan, refers etymologically to an enclosure with fruit and trees. 2021-12-263o壮丽的宫殿、雄伟的长城和曲折多变的园林,是中国建筑文化中的三大瑰宝,并一起构成中国古代建筑的主调。Introduction 引引 言言 p Magnificent Palaces, magnificent

3、 Great Wall and beautiful and various styles of Gardens are the three jewels of Chinese culture, they composing of the melody of ancient Chinese architecture.2021-12-264宫殿体现崇拜与信仰 Palaces Worship & FaithSymmetry-Balance-Justice-Authority-Power-Royalty Geo-feature Deductive Reasoning AttributionHall o

4、f Supreme Harmony and Its Square The model of the Forbidden City, Beijing2021-12-265太和殿太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony and Its Square , Beijing2021-12-266长城体现意志和力量 Great Wall Will & StrengthTerritory-Strongly Fortified-Strength-Defense-Safety-NationGeo-feature Deductive Reasoning Attribution2021-12-267园

5、林体现趣味和感情 Gardens Human Interests & FeelingsLeisure -Nature-Life-Enjoyment-Humanity-FamilyImperial GardenFolk GardenGeo-feature Deductive Reasoning Attribution2021-12-268The happy life of peoples of a nation comes from the inner effective rule of the ruler, and the independence, the strength and the

6、ability of the nation to repel any outer invasion, and the harmony relationships between the human race and the nature. This is the language of arts;This is the meaning of history;This is the spirit heritage of our architectures;Philosophy!宫殿宫殿- -长城长城- -园林园林 皇家皇家- -国家国家- -人家人家 Palaces - Great Wall G

7、ardens Royalty-Nation-FamilyThe Wisdom/Creativity of Our AncestryThe ancient architecture tells us:The Carrier The OwnerQ: Why didnt USA build a great wall?2021-12-269o皇家园林(主要分布在北方) Imperial Gardenso私宅园林(主要分布在南方) Private Gardenso寺庙园林 (广布全国) Temple / Monastery/ Mosqueo公共园林(主要分布在旅游胜地)Public Gardens 按其

8、所属,中国园林可分为:1. 1. 中国园林的种类中国园林的种类 Catalogue of Chinese Gardens2021-12-2610o中国最早出现的园林属于皇家园林,经过数千年的发展,已形成自己的特点,即合朝会、居住、游赏、狩猎于一体,成为一个多功能的处所。1.1 皇家园林皇家园林 Imperial Gardens p The earliest gardens in China were the Imperial Gardens. After thousands of years of evolution, the Imperial Gardens had formed their

9、 own characteristics, i.e. they became a multi-functional place which put assembly, resorting, travel tours, hunting and so on in one.2021-12-2611The Dune Garden,the relic is now located in the territory of Guangzong County, Hebei Province, was built by the Emperor Zhou, the last emperor of Shang Dy

10、nasty (11051046 B.C.), which is the first garden recorded in Chinas historical literitures, the earliest Imperial Garden as well. p 沙丘苑台沙丘苑台 商代最后一位帝王纣王在今河北省广宗县境内所修造,这是见于史书记载的第一座中国园林,也是最早的帝王园林。The relic of the Dune Garden, 11051046 B.C.2021-12-2612承德避暑山庄(典型代表)The Imperial Summer Resort,Chengde, Hebei

11、 Province (Typical example)World Cultural HeritageThe Mountain Hamlet to Escape the Summer Heat 2021-12-2613The Mountain Hamlet to Escape the Summer Heat ,Chengde2021-12-2614o始建于西汉(公元前207年-公元25年) ),园主人多为贵族、富豪。唐代以来,江南经济迅速发展,文人显贵多出江浙,大量私宅园林在南方出现。南方现存私宅园林大多是明清两代的遗物。1.2 私宅园林私宅园林 Private Gardensp Private

12、 Gardens were first founded in Western Han Dynasty(207 B.C. 25 A.D.), and the owners were mostly noble, regal families by that time. Since the Tang Dynasty (618907 A.D), society developed rapidly in the Southern part of Yangtze River. At the same time, the civilian dignitaries appeared as well like

13、mushrooms in Jiangsu Province. Therefore, a large number of private-owned gardens emerged. Existing gardens in this region mostly were constructed between the Ming Dynasty (13681644 A.D.) and Qing Dynasty(16161912 A.D.), which now become valuable common cultural heritage of the human race.2021-12-26

14、15狮子林狮子林 元代 The Lion Grove (Lion-like Stone Collection Garden ), Suzhou, Built in Yuan Dynasty (in 1342 A,D.)2021-12-2616狮子林狮子林 元代 The Lion Grove, Suzhou2021-12-2617扬州个园扬州个园 The Half-bamboo Garden, since 1818, Yangzhou “There is no rule without some exception”, Yangzhou is located in the northern.20

15、21-12-2618o出现于佛教传入和道教产生以后,典型代表山西晋祠,最早是纪念晋国创始人唐叔虞的祠庙。1.3 寺庙园林寺庙园林 Gardens Attached to Religions Temple / Monastery/ Mosquep Temple gardens appeared after the introduction of Buddhism and the establishment of Taoism. Typical one is Jin Temple (466/472 ?527 A.D.) in Shanxi Province, which originally wa

16、s used to commemorating Tang Shuyu, founder of the Jin Dynasty.2021-12-2619布达拉宫The Potala Palace, Buddhism, Lassa, The Tibet Autonomous Region2021-12-2620武当山 Wudang Mountain, Daoism, Shiyan, Hubei Province2021-12-2621曲阜孔庙大成殿Confucianism. The Dacheng Hall, the main hall of the Temple of Confucius in

17、Qufu, Shandong Province 2021-12-2622o出现于唐代,长安城外的“曲江池”是典型代表。另有杭州西湖和济南大明湖等。1.4 公共园林公共园林 Public Gardens (Public Parks)p Public gardens emerged in Tang Dynasty, the typical one is the “Pool by Curved River” , Xian, Shaanxi.Besides, there are “West Lake Park” in Hangzhou, Zhejiang and “Grand Ming Lake Pa

18、rk” in Jinan, Shandong, etc.2021-12-2623杭州西湖 The “ West Lake” in Hangzhou, Zhejiang2021-12-2624济南大明湖 The “Da Ming Lake” in Jinan, Shandong2021-12-2625o2.1 追求人与自然的统一和融合2.中国园林的艺术特点中国园林的艺术特点 Artistic Characteristics of Chinese Gardens 中国园林的根本造园思想可以概括为八个字:“虽由人作,宛自天开。”反对任何的牵强附会和故意雕琢。这一造园思想实际上是“天人合一” 的哲学观

19、念在园林艺术中的体现。所以中国园林多从自然界中寻找美感。Chinese gardening idea can be summarized into the words: Nature-oriented, though artificial-made . The designers dont like any far-fetched and deliberately carving, which has actually become the philosophy of Chinese garden arts, namely, “Embodying Heaven and People into

20、One. So a good Chinese garden designer should always put it as first things first to search for aesthetics sense from the nature.p 2.1 To pursue the unity and the fusion between people and the nature2021-12-2626People and the Nature in One2021-12-2627o中国园林虽然是艺术地再现自然,却不似无目的地再现,而是在自然景物中寄托一定的理想和信念,借助自然

21、景物来表达园林主人的志向和趣味,以满足人的某种精神追求。2.2 2.2 体现人的志趣和精神追求体现人的志趣和精神追求p 2.2 To reflect human interests and spiritual pursuit The arts of Chinese garden aim to reproduce the nature, but not simply to reproduce it without any other purposes. The gardens owners tried to sustain certain ideals and beliefs via the n

22、atural scenery. By collecting and reproducing natural scenes in gardens, they express their ambitions and interests to meet the needs of humans certain kind of spiritual pursuit.2021-12-2628 苏州拙政园,为明代御史王献臣所建。其因不满朝政,退而居家,取晋代潘岳闲居赋中“拙者为政”之意命名,寄托了娱山水而避朝政的愿望。拙政园拙政园 The Humble Administrators Garden, Suzho

23、uThe “Humble Administrators Garden” in Suzhou was built by Wang Xianchen, the Minister of Supervision of Ming Dynasty. Wang Xianchen was not satisfied with the state affairs, so he resigned his position and stayed at his hometown. He named his garden by taking the meaning of a poem “Stay at Home” by

24、 Pan Yue of Jin Dynasty, by which he found sustenance in his desire to avoid state affairs and enjoy natural landscapes.2021-12-2629退思园退思园 The Retreat and Reflection Garden, Tongli, Suzhou 2021-12-2630 2.3 造园手法上含蓄、曲折、变化,反对僵直、单调、一览无余 造园要充分表现自然的活力,要在有限的空间里显示出自然景物的无限层次,要在造园时小中见大,虚实相间,主次分明,高低互现,远近相衬,动静宜

25、变。园林面积越小,要求变化越多,而在变化中又不失为一个有机的整体。中国造园艺术之难就在这里。p 2.3 To pay attention to subtle, twists and turns, and varying in gardening methods, rather than stiffness, monotone, and lack of imaginationGarden design should fully reflect the vitality of the nature, and show unlimited natural scenes in a limited sp

26、ace and at different levels. Due to garden designers distinguished main scenes and minor ones very clearly, people can see big from small, real from virtual; high-low mixed, and the contrast between far and near, moving and the still. The smaller the garden area, the more the variety is required; bu

27、t finally the garden should be integrated and looked as a whole. These are the essence of Chinese garden arts.2021-12-2631拙政园平面图拙政园平面图 The Plan of the Humble Administrators Garden 2021-12-2632留园留园平面图平面图 The Plan of the Lingering Garden, Suzhou2021-12-2633o三大皇家园林(Three Famous Imperial Gardens): 承德避暑山

28、庄、颐和园、北京三海(中海 南海 北海 ) The Mountain Hamlet to Escape the Summer Heat ; The Summer Palace; Three Sees in Beijing (Middle See, Southern See and Northern See)p苏州四大名园(Four Famous Gardens in Suzhou): 拙政园、留园、沧浪亭、狮子林 3. 历史名园一瞥历史名园一瞥 A Glimpse of Historical Famous Gardensu Humble Administrators Gardenu Linge

29、ring Gardenu Surging Waves Pavilionu Lion Grove Garden The Old Summer Palace 2021-12-2634The Mountain Hamlet to Escape the Summer Heat,Chengde, Hebei Province 2021-12-2635The Mountain Hamlet to Escape the Summer Heat, the ancient Chinese imperial palace and garden, located in Chengde of Hebei Provin

30、ce in the northern part. Its construction started in 1703, and completed 89 years later, via three Imperial generations, i.e. the Emperor Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. Now, it is one of the four most famous gardens in China. In December 1994, it was included in the list of worl

31、d cultural heritage.2021-12-2636颐和园颐和园 The Summer Palace (Garden of Perfect Brightness), BeijingSummer Palace, the Qing dynasty Imperial Palace and Garden, Started in 1750 by Emperor of Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, finished in 1764, with an area of 290 hectares, about three of fourths of its area is wa

32、ter.2021-12-2637A Scene in the Summer Palace, Beijing2021-12-2638颐和园石舫颐和园石舫The Stone Boat in the Summer Palace, Beijing2021-12-2639北京三海之北海北京三海之北海 The Northern See Garden, Beijing2021-12-2640拙政园拙政园 The Humble Administrators Garden, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province 2021-12-2641留园留园 The Lingering Garden , Suzh

33、ou, Jiangsu Province http:/ 宋代 The Surging Waves Pavilion , Suzhou2021-12-2643狮子林狮子林 元代 The Lion Grove, Suzhou2021-12-2644 外国园林具有代表性的是东方的日本园林,15世纪中叶意大利文艺复兴时期后的欧洲园林,包括意大利、法国和英国园林等,近代又出现了美国的国家自然公园。它们在风格上各有特色。4. 中外园林的比较中外园林的比较 The Comparison with Foreign GardensRepresentatives of foreign gardens are Ja

34、panese gardens in the East, Europium gardens by the middle of 15th century after the Renaissance in Italy, including Italian, France and British gardens. In modern times there have been the National Natural Parks in United States. All of them have their own characteristics in style.2021-12-2645 日本庭园

35、特色的形成是与日本民族的生活方式与艺术趣味,以及与日本的地理环境密切相关的。日本庭园在古代受中国文化和唐宋山水园的影响,后又受到日本宗教的影响,逐渐发展形成了日本民族所特有的“山水庭”,十分精致和细巧。它是模仿大自然风景,并缩景于一块不大的园址上,象征着一幅自然山水风景画,因此说,日本庭园是自然风景的缩景园。园林尺度较小,注意色彩层次,植物配置高低错落,自由种植。石灯笼和洗手钵是日本园林特有的陈设品。4.1 日本庭院2021-12-2646Japanese Gardens2021-12-2647 意大利是古罗马中心,经过15世纪中叶文艺复兴,造园艺术成就很高,在世界园林史上占有重要地位,其园林

36、风格影响波及法国、英国、德国等欧洲国家。意大利独特的园林风格台地园,一般依山就势,分成数层,庄园别墅主体建筑常在中层或上层,下层为花草、灌木植坛,且多为规则式图案。园林风格为规则式,规划布局常强调中轴对称,但很注意规则式的园林与大自然风景的过渡,即从靠近建筑的部分至自然风景逐步减弱其规则式风格,如从整形修剪的绿篱到不修剪的树丛,然后才是大片园外的天然树林。 意大利花园的美就在于它所有要素本身以及它们之间比例的协调,总构图的明晰和匀称。 4.2 意大利园林2021-12-2648Italian Parks2021-12-2649 法国民族独特的园林风格精致而开朗的规则式园林。路易十四建造的宏伟的

37、凡尔赛宫苑,是这种形式杰出的代表作。这种园林在水景方面,多系整形河道、水池、喷泉及大型喷泉群。为扩大园林空间,增加园景变化,取得倒影艺术效果,常在水面周围布置建筑物、雕像和植物等。 4.3 法国园林2021-12-2650France Palaces and Gardens2021-12-2651 18世纪出现的英国风景园,崇尚自然,为世界园林艺术作出了重大贡献。英国园林大多数以植物为主题。英国风景园的特点是以发挥和表现自然美出发,园林中有自然的水池,略有起伏的大片草地,在大草地之中的孤植树、树丛、树群均可成为园林的一景。道路、湖岸、林缘线多采用自然圆滑曲线,追求“田园野趣”,小路多不铺装,任

38、游人在草地上漫步或作运动场。善于运用风景透视线,采用“对景”、“借景”手法,对人工痕迹和园林界墙,均以自然式处理隐蔽。从建筑到自然风景,采用由规则向自然的过渡手法。植物采用自然式种植,种类繁多,色彩丰富,常以花卉为主题,并注意小建筑的点缀装饰。 4.4 英国园林2021-12-2652British Gardens2021-12-2653 18世纪90年代,美国先后开辟了四个国家公园,到现在美国国家公园共有40处,占地五六百公顷。国家公园内严禁狩猎、放牧和砍伐树木,大部分水源不得用于灌溉和建立水电站。在大自然景区,有便利的交通条件,有多处宿营地和游客中心,为科学考察和旅游事业提供了很大便利。

39、4.5 美国园林 Parks in US2021-12-2654National Natural Parks, US2021-12-2655凡尔赛宫凡尔赛宫 Versailles, France“Reflect the city life”承德避暑山庄承德避暑山庄The Imperial Summer Resort, China“Forget the city life”4.6 风格的差异风格的差异 The Difference in General Style2021-12-2656人工水景,喷泉瀑布 Artificial Spraying自然水景,溪池滴泉Naturally Flowing

40、 or Still WaterWater Methods2021-12-2657图案花坛,重色彩Bed-Pattern and Color orientedObviously Mans design and will 盆栽花台,重姿态Bonsai and Posture orientedNatures ReproductionFlowers2021-12-2658自然型孤植、散植Naturally planted整形对植、列植Formulistic Plant MatrixPlanting2021-12-26595. 江南园林的要素江南园林的要素 Main elements of garden

41、s in the Lower Reaches of Yangtze River a 假山(洞) Cavernous Rockery b 池塘/流水 Pools or Running Water c 亭台楼阁榭 Pavilions d 小桥 Small Stone Bridges e 廻廊 Corridor / Turn Gallery f 月洞门 Moon Gate g 配植 Planting matches5.1 Main Elements:2021-12-2660a. 假山(山洞) Cavernous Rockery2021-12-2661b. 池塘/流水 Pools / Running

42、Water2021-12-2662c. 亭台楼阁 Pavilions2021-12-2663d. 小桥 Small Stone Bridges2021-12-2664e. 廻廊 Corridor / Turn Gallery2021-12-2665f . 月洞门月洞门 Moon Gate2021-12-2666g. 配植配植 Planting matches2021-12-2667Garden Plantings2021-12-2668p 家具摆设 Furniture & Ornamentsp 绘画书法 Drawing/Painting & Calligraphyp 匾额楹联 Inscribe

43、d board & Couplets hung on principal columns of a hall/ Pavilions p 藏 书 Collect books & Classics 5.2 5.2 内部内部 Interior2021-12-2669室内室内 Interior2021-12-26702021-12-26716. 如何欣赏中国园林 How to Appreciate Chinese Gardens 类别属性皇家、私家、寺庙 Catalogue & Attribution: Imperial / Private / Religious 历史地位建造人;年代;地点;背景 Historical Position: Who; When; Where; Why 布局特点占地面积;景观:山、水、树、花 Main C


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