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1、Our Visionof GuangzhouNew Railway Station Core Area广州新客站核心区将会是-V7- TimIS A DRIVLIFEST YLEFORSIGN.生活方式是设计的驱动力O三个关EKEY ELEMENTSWORK工作LIVE生活PLAY娱乐区域分析NAL ANALYSISThe new high speed rail corridor will create a new developme nt spine这个新的高速铁路走廊将创造一个新的开发链。它将连接珠三角地区,长江流域和京津地区。which will link the pearl river

2、 delta, the changjiang river corridor and thejin gji n together.The creation of the Pearl River Delta Initiative will link Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau with the souther n prov in ces of China. This regional tradi ng block will compete with other n ati onal regi ons in cludi ng Shanghai and the Yan

3、gtze River Delta and the Jing Jin Tang region of the no rth. While the developme nt of these zones links land locked provinces with the sea, the orientation of these areas creates horizontal bands of development from the east to the west. While this economic developme nt strategy will create wealth

4、and prosperity for the in la nd provinces, by nature it this will create a competitive nature for these 珠江三角洲发展战略将广州、香港、澳门与中国南方各省联系起来。本 区域将和上海及长江三角注入、北方的京津唐地区形成竞争之势。尽管 目前这些区域开发还是以沿海省份为主,但它们所形成的联合效应正逐 步带动由东向西的发展。这样的经济发展战略当然会促进西部地区的繁 荣,但同时也注定了上述三个政治和经济重心之间的竞争之势。在这三 个重要区域之间建立高速铁路的连接,将确立由北向南的经济繁荣,同 时将北京

5、和香港/澳门连成一体。three political and economic powerhouses. While this may be important for the three entities the creation of a high speed rail corridor which links these econo mic developme nt zones together will create a backb one of prosperity from the n orth to the south, li nking Beiji ng and Macau/H

6、 ong Kong together.The in troducti on of a high speed rail connection betwee n Hong Kong, Macau, Guan gzhou and Beiji ng, will rapidly tran sform the urba n fabric of Guan gzhou Prov ince and the n ati on. High speed rail li nks will create the opportunity for new satellite communities in which rail

7、 transport will serve as the primary means of transportation for residents of this new district. Throughout the world, new rail orie nted tran sportati on developments are being con structed to create livable mixed use com mun ities in which the train stati on becomes the gateway to the com munity a

8、nd 在香港、澳门、广州和北京间修建高速铁路,将迅速转化广州、广东及 至全国的城市结构。高速铁路沿线将出现新的居住社区,铁路将成为这 些社区的主要交通方式。从全球范围看,以铁路为主导的交通开发项目 带动整个社区的复合开发已成为常见模式,火车站则成为这些社区和更 大区域的门户。wider regi on.PEARL DELTA DISTRICT 广州的大区域DISTRICTS OF GUANGZHOU 广州的分区ECO STRUCTURE OF GUANGZHOU广州的生态结构TRANSPORTATION LINKAGE 广州的交通连接现状状分析图3 CONDITION基地分析NAI丫SIS革地


10、quarter or district. While the existing conditions have a unique setting with the mountains and distant Iandscapes it is the water ponds, ?sh ponds, steams and rivers which are the unique features for this area. Also the tran sportati on improveme nts, roads, highways, rail corridors which will shap

11、e and guide this new development and its organization.Our an aliysis of the site explores all aspects of the site in cludi ng the images of the exist ing physical structure, old and proposeed roads and utilities and exsit ing land use.We recomme nd that can be take n to in tegrate the stati on area

12、and surro unding con text into the masterpla n. Special atte nti on should be give n to preserv ing the river and canal uses and in tegrat ing the water con text into the overall com mun ity.从许多方面看,基地是一片空地,这为建立全新的区域或城区奠定了良 好基础。基地座落于群山和远处景观化环境之中,然而更具地域特色的,是这里的水池、渔塘、河流、小溪和村庄。当然,交通设施的改进,包 括道路、高速公路、轨道交通

13、,将决定并指引这一区域开发的方向和布局。我们对基地的分析是在探寻基地的各个方面。我们建议整合火车站地区和周围肌理到总体规划中。尤其要保留现有的 水道,整合水体肌理,融入整个社区。30体规划目标与愿望儿ANNING GOALS AND ASPIRATIONS低密度住宅用堪 LOW DENSITY RES 住商业复合用 COMMERCIAL / RE 酒店式公厲复合 SERVICE APART ME 文化建顼用地 CU-TURAL USc 商业建筑用地 COMFjIERCIALUSEIDEMTIAL USE 地 3IDENTIALUSE 用地.NT USE办公和卮住用地LIVE AND WORK

14、USE办公和商业用地OFFICE AfD COMMERCIAL USE酒店和裔业用地NOTELAND COMMERCIAL USE鉄昂车砧用堆RAILWAY STATION USE绿化广场SQUARE USE铁膳车站辅助用地 STATION RELATED USE 水城 WATER兹园 PARK保化用地 GREEN USE核心区城市设计范国URBAN PLANNING SCOPE AREA要实现这些目标,这一总体规划必须:?提供商业教育机会,服务经济发展?对本地、地区和全国的发展做出均衡贡献?促进广东和全国的可持续发展It is our desire that the overall mast

15、erpla n for this area create a new urba n core for Guan gzhou. The creati on of this new stati on will prese nt a new face for the prov ince and the com muni ty. Our project goals are to create a com mun ity of disti nction, a huma n city, one that creates the transport related development for the f

16、uture, a city district where future generations of China' s citizens will enjoy the opportunity to live, workand play.We offer to you this masterplan. A masterplan which we believe will offer an exciting and successful mixed use development; it will be a masterpla n which will shape a dense, vib

17、rant and distinctive urban quarter.It will be a masterpla n which will bring many ben e?ts to the local community and economy and will make a lasting contribution to future developme nt in China.Our masterpla n has an importa nt role to play in the future developme nt of Guangdong Province. As China

18、 continues its economic growth, The Pearl River Delta, Hongkong, Guan gzhou, Macau will become continue its role as an engine or prosperity in both real and ?nancial terms. Therefore this development has an important role. The challenge and the role is to create a dense, vibrant urban quarter, an en

19、vironment with a unique and disti net ide ntity, one which will:? Accommodate world class fun cti ons while address ing local n eeds,? Blends and bala nces functions in a successful mix, and,? Provides ?exibility to accommodate new modes of transportation which will be in troduced now and in the fut

20、ure.In order to accomplish this masterpla n must:? Con tribute to the economy in its provisi ons for bus in ess educati onaln eeds,? Must be equal in its contribution to the local, regional and national developme nt strategy,? Must enhance and con tribute to the creati on of a susta in able en vi- r

21、onment for the future of Guan gzhou Prov ince and China.我们期望,对这一区域的总体规划能为广州塑造一个暂新的核心城区。 新客站的建设将整个社区甚至全新树立新的门面形象。我们的目标是建 立一个与众不同的社区,一个人性化的城区,带动与交通运输相关的项 目开发,从而为未来的居民们提供一个全新的生活、工作和娱乐环境。我们呈现给您的总体规划方案,将展示一个成功而令人激动的复合开发 项目,它将规划出一个高密度、有活力、卓然不同的城市生活区,为当 地社区和经济发展作出贡献,并为中国未来的发展产生持久效力。我们的总体规划对于广东省未来的发展将产生重要影响

22、。在中国经济进 一步发展的过程中,珠江三角洲、香港、广州和澳门仍将继续作为拉动 引擎,在实业和金融两大领域继续保持繁荣。因此,本项目具有极其重 要的地位,其作用和存在的挑战是:如何创造一个高密度、有活力、有 特色的城区,以便:?既具备世界水平的功能,又适应本地区的需求?综合并平衡各种功能,形成成功的复合开发?考虑现状并着眼未来,为各种新的交通模式预留灵活性总平面TRATIVE SITE PLAN工N*总平面图ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN100200500bi1四、o r/LiWHL总体规ER设L概念ning and desgn conceptsIn order to accom

23、plish these above men ti oned aims our masterpla n- ning strategy for the regi onal pla n, district pla n and core area pla n we must create a huma n orie nted developme nt which will:Good access will add social and econo mic value and help make this area a real place, well in tegrated into the loca

24、l con text and surrounding com mun ity.Create a vibra nt mix of usesCreate a robust urba n frameworkvarious aspects of the devtelupses all leads to the past history of the site and its con text. It isUrban districts are about people! We must create a robust urban framework which promotes a high qual

25、ity of urba n life for the people who will live work and play here. Ultimately the success of our masterpla n will be the pedestria n routes, parks and ope n areas and urba n spaces that will li nk, shape and mold our developme nt. This atte nti on to the public realm will be more importa nt tha n t

26、he buildi ngs and land uses which the developme nt serves. In order to create a huma nly scaled en vir onment we must recog nize the importa nee of:? The size scale and den sity of the urba n blocks, the gen eric arran geme nt of the buildi ngs and land uses and the relati on ship betwee n the build

27、i ngs and the ope n spaces that they create.? The “ urban grain ” of the resulting built environment. The compo- siti on of the ope n space and buildi ngs, the mass and void of the scheme, will be key in develop ing a huma nly scaled en vir onment.? The permeability of the scheme. We must create a p

28、lace that is easy to un dersta nd and n avigate. The creati on of a rich series of streets and connections that links the stati on to the parks, ope n spaces, canal side and dista nt ope n spaces. Our new en vir onment must be in terest ing and enjo yable.? Provide a lasti ng new placeSuccessful spa

29、tial orie nted masterpla n are Ion g-lasti ng because they ack no wledge and accommodate cha nge, withi n a cohere nt framework. Our masterpla n will be adaptable at every level. To respond directly, our masterpla n allows for a phased developme nt, one that will allow the impleme ntati on of our sc

30、heme to occur over time as the economy and social needs dictate. We must“ ?xThe stati on area pla n should have a vibra nt mix of uses. This will help to create a place for people, which is varied, enjo yable and attractive. The mix should capitalize upon the sites proximity to the major metropolita

31、 n areas of the regi on. However the mix should be bala need to con tribute to the intern ati on al, n ati on al, regi onal and local n eeds. These objectives will guide the evoluti on of a spatial masterpla n. Our masterpla n is likely to in clude:? A sig ni ?ca nt developme nt of hous ing, cateri

32、ng to a wide range of reside nts in the regi on,? An in tegrated of?ce developme nt which will be ?exible to accommodate a wide range of end users both intern ati onal and n ati on- al,? Leisure and retail uses which provides for local , regi onal anbd in ter nati onal patr ons and users.? In dustri

33、al, warehous ing and bus in ess uses which will cater to a wide range of bus in ess types who are curre ntly located within the Pearl River Delta.The future evoluti on in Guan gzhou must accommodate the n eed to facilitate cha nge within the workplace en vir onment. Our masterpla n must be able to a

34、ccommodate cha nges in use and tech no logies so that this area can evolve as future forced require it to cha nge.? Harn ess the value of the siteThe site offers an en vir onmen tal value for this developme nt. The hills and mountains in the dista nee, the exist ing can als and river, the local high

35、ways and roads, the developme nt of the ?sh pens and wa-ment to allow for cha nge. These eleme nts should resp ond in tellige ntly to the texture of the surro unding area and con text.? Promote AccessibilityWe must promote accessibility and permeability. The creati on of an urba n fabric which is ea

36、sily un derstood and man euvered will be a key comp onent of our scheme. These issues in clude:? Providi ng access from the rail and metro links to our new community pla n,? Providi ng access to various modes of tran sport in cludi ng bus, metro and automobile systems,? Access to an in tegrated tran

37、 sport system which provides genuine choice,? Putt ing people before traffic with an emphisis on pedestria n, bicycle and tran sport systems,? Creati on of a clear de?n iti on of public and private areas,? A huma n scaled structure and series of spaces.? A safe and welco ming place,? Meet ing the n

38、eeds of all reside nts of the district and regi onour aim to address this fabric of the con text and in tegrate it into the rich story of this site and the future developme nt of this area.? Work for Guan gzhou and Guangdong Prov inceThe Pearl River Delta is one of three econo mic engines for the fu

39、ture growth of China and Asia. The developme nt of this area must assist in furtheri ng the growth pote ntial for this regi on. The masterpla n must have a visio n for the future and how it will facilitate cha nge and evoluti on for the people and cities of the regi on.? Commit to the long term deve

40、lopme nt strategyThe impleme ntati on of this masterpla n must be for the long term future. The delivery of a vital and robust mixed use quarter is attractive to bus in esses, gover nment leaders, reside nts and visitors alike. Susta ining the right ble nd of uses and activities which will require o

41、ngoing, high quality stewardship of the buildi ngs, spaces and an un dersta nding of how each part of the developme nt in?uences the whole.为了实现上述目标,我们的总体规划力足于地区、城区和核心区三个层?创造欣欣向荣的城市框架面,力求创造以人为本的开发项目。城市归根到底是为人服务的!我们必须创造一种有活力的城市框架,提 高人们的生活和工作质量。总体规划是否成功的最终取决于连接、塑造 整个项目的人行步道、公园、开放空间和城市空间。对公共领域的关注 应当远甚于项

42、目中涉及的建筑和土地的使用。要创造人性化的环境,就 必须充分认识以下要素:?城市街区的规模和密度,建筑物和不同性质用地的一般布局,建筑 与开放空间的比例关系。?建筑物构成的城市空间环境,开放空间与建筑体的组合,方案中的密集与空旷部分的分布,将是建立人性化环境的关键。?方案体现的渗透性。我们创造的环境应当易于识别和通行。多样化 的街道和通道连接车站、公园、开放空间、运河岸和郊外的旷野, 体现出丰富有趣的整体环境。?创造全新的、持久的场所注重空间环境的总体规划方案是持久、成功的方案,因为这些方案承认 变化并适应变化,同时又保持总体框架的一致性。我们的方案在各个层 次上都具有适应性,符合分阶段开发的

43、要求, 允许在相当长一段时期内, 根据经济和社会发展的要求,逐步实施方案各组成部分。在实施过程中, 我们必须不断地“修改”方案的局部内容,以使之对相邻区域的机理 做出更恰当的呼应。?增强通达性我们必须增强通达性和渗透性,创建清晰、灵活的城市结构是关键。?建立地铁、铁路交通进入我们规划中的社区的接口?建立社区与各种交通模式间的衔接?综合交通系统允许人们自由选择出行方式? “行人优先”的交通理念,强调行人、自行车和公交优先?清晰划分公共与私人空间?人性化架构下的多种空间形态?安全、亲和的场所?满足区域和地区各种居民的要求良好的可达性将增加本地块的社会和经济价值,使之更好地融入周边区 域。?复合而兴

44、旺的多种功能车站区域必须具有多种复合功能,以吸引不同层次、不同类型的人们。功能的组合应充分利用本地块邻近市中心的优势,同时应充分平衡本地、地区、全国和国际层面上的不同需求。这些原则将指导我们进行注重空 间环境的总体规划,我们的方案可能包括:?占有相当比重的住宅项目,服务于更大范围内的整个地区。?综合办公开发项目,其灵活性可为国际、国内不同的终端用户服务。?休闲和商业项目,为本地、地区和国际顾客服务。广州未来的发展必须满足办公环境的变化需要。我们的总体规划应当能 够适应使用方式和技术方面的变革。?利用基地的价值基地的自然环境为项目开发提供了价值。远处的山脉、现存的河流、当 地的高速和普通道路、渔

45、塘和其他水利开发,都蕴藏着这一地域的历史 内涵。我们希望利用这样的环境构造,将其与本地块的历史和未来开发 联系起来。?为广州和广东省提供服务珠江三角洲是中国和亚洲未来发展的三个重要经济引擎之一,开发本项 目应当置于开发整个地区潜力的大背景之下。总体规划应当面向未来, 促进变革,促进人民和城市的演进。?致力于长期发展的战略实施这一总体规划应当服务于长远发展。一个充分活力、丰富多彩的复 合功能区将吸引商机、政府官员、居民和游客。合理搭配各种功能需要 不断地、熟练地掌握建筑体与空间的关系,并深刻理解局部功能对整个 的影响。>JilI iNGZHOU NEW RAIL'STATION R

46、EGION超打Jr i/MASTER P.LANNING-FOR ' G_/-URbAn design FoRThE core翎REaOOD四*i'tJJ MJ-2I、二s:7广州新客站地区规划设计宇二核心区城市设计-u 1_ _rilrA空间BAN概念设卩吐 CONCEPTNOi.它主宴辅址?JOk AXIIH:?厂州呈4t京TO DOxVWTQWN G'jAHOU _Q W<空间结构概念设计URBAN STRUCTURE CONCEPT设计SFAL DESIGN concepts灵活度与可变性我们的方案以街区为基本组成单元,这样可以为创建复合型社区保留广 泛的

47、灵活性,为建立富于生气、丰富多彩的城市生活空间奠定了基础。Our masterpla n is desig ned aro und the aims of creati ng a dyn amic and susta in able mixed use tran sportati on orie nted developme nt.Our con cepts serve as the framework for creat ing a robust and vibra nt urba n en vir onment which will have a sense of place and pu

48、rpose. It represents the future of China, a community which has excellent transportation underpinnings, a dynamic public realm, a flexible development strategy which will accommodate a wide range of uses and creates a com mun ity which is last ing and Tran gen erati on al.Our com munity is based upo

49、n the follow ing con cepts.Our com munity is a civic place.The rail stati on is the gateway to the com munity and creates civic spirit and sense of place. The creati on of public plazas and cultural buildi ng is an importa nt eleme nt of our masterpla n as they are timeless in their desig n.Our com

50、munity is people orie nted.Our masterpla nned com mun ity is desig ned to accommodate a five minute walk. Each no de, park or ope nspace is desig ned to create linkages for ?ve minute walk ing dista nee for all reside nts of the community.Create a dyn amic waterfr ont,People enjoy waterfro nts. The existi ng river and canal system should be treated as an asset


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