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1、后一片叶子剧本 ( 初稿 )作者:日期:2THE LAST LEAT( O Henry ) 剧本初稿一:时间:November(主要时间)二:气候: cold, rainstorm三:地点:In a little district west of Washington Square四:角色: JohnsySueOld BehrmanDoctorNurseJanitor(门卫)lucy( 邻居甲 )Linda(邻居乙)五:其他:旁白控制人员第一幕:起。(布景:舞台前部偏右置折叠床一张,上附暖色床单并被,床头向观众席,尾向内,指向台左后部,床脚置椅一张,椅左一桌,桌上一镜。台中床中轴线上置一窗台,

2、 大小适度, 窗向台后开放, 上挂便于更换之暖色窗帘,下置一画板并笔。台左后置一白版, 上附纸绘斑驳, 灰暗墙面及一条枯萎, 衰败,腐朽之常青藤,于绘藤处开孔,取叶十二,细线系之,取纸编号于末端,穿孔而悬,设一人于白版后,配合 Johnsy扮演者口中数字, 依次剪断第 12-5 条细线,另于风雨之夜 Old Behrman 画叶之前依次掉落余下四叶。)幕起,只一束光打在旁白处, 若灯光不可控则闭灯, 旁白持一手电立于台左前部朗读,字幕打于大幕上。3旁白: In a little district west of Washington Square, the quaint old Greenwi

3、ch Style of the buildings attracted a lot of young artists. They came prowling, hunting for north windows and eighteenth-century gables and Dutch attics and low rents. Sue and Johnsy are two of them, one from Maine, the other from California. They found their tastes in art and became good friends, t

4、hen made up their joint studio at the top of a squatty, three-story brick.But in the cold November, Johnsy fell ill seriously, coughed continually.Sue was very anxious so she sent for a doctor旁.白毕,灭灯下场。灯亮, Johnsy躺床上,垫高枕头, Sue 立床尾面向观众,医生穿白衣,持听诊器立床旁,护士在一旁。护士: takeyourtemperature,please.Johnsy取出温度计,护士取

5、过观看,做记录并传达给医生。医生: It s ok, just some kind of normal cold, take a rest and youll get fine soon.Johnsy闭眼睡去。医生向 Sue 招手,两人走至舞台左前部。 接过护士递来的记录表,边走边与 Sue 交谈。医生: It s Pneumonia, so terrible. Shehas one chance in-let us say, ten. And that chance is for her to want to live. This way people have of lining-up o

6、n the side of the undertaker makes the entire pharmacopoeia looks silly. Your little lady has made up her mind that she s not going to getl.Haswelshe anything on her mind?Sue: She-she wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day.医生: Paint? -bosh! Has she anything on her mind worth about thinking twice

7、-a man for instance?4Sue: A man? Is a man worth- but, no, there is nothing of the kind.(表情不屑)医生: Well, it is the weakness, then. I will do all that science, so far as it may filter through my efforts, can accomplish. But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I s

8、ubtract 50 percents from the curative power of medicines. If you will get her to ask one question about the new winter styles in cloak sleeves I will promise you a one-in-five chance for her, instead of one in ten.医生叹气, Sue感谢并与医生握手,医生护士下。Sue(表情悲伤)从衣兜中取出面巾纸做拭泪状,随后从窗台边取画板与铅笔,坐到床脚椅子上, 作素描状。(面向台左前部, 以示其

9、不见 Johnsy 之醒与数叶。)Johnsy缓缓睁眼,看着窗外叶子。Johnsy: Twelve.(控制人员剪落第十二片叶子)Eleven.(控制人员剪落第十一片叶子)Ten.(控制人员剪落第十片叶子)Nine.(控制人员剪落第九,第八片叶子)Eight, Seven.Sue 抬头望 Johnsy,之后不解地望向窗外。Sue: What is it, dear?(控制人员剪落第七片叶子)Johnsy: Six, They re falling faster now. three days ago there were almost ahundred. It made my head ache

10、 to count them. But now it (控制seasy人员剪.落第六片叶子)5Johnsy: There goes another one. There are only five left now.Sue: Five what, dear? Tell your Sudie.Johnsy: Leaves. On the ivy vine. When the last one falls I must go, too. I veknown that for three days. Didn t the doctor tell you?Sue: Oh, I never heard

11、of such nonsense. The doctor told me Just now that yourchances were ten to one! Why thatt sasalmosgood a chance as we have in NewYork when we ride on the streetcars or work past a new building. Try to take some broth now, and let Sudie go back to her drawing, so she can sell the editor man with it,

12、and buy port wine for her sick child, and pork chops for her greedy self.Johnsy: You needn t get any more wine(.控制人员剪落第五片叶子)Johnsy: There goes another. No, I don t want any broth. That leaves just four. Iwant to see the last one fall before it gets dark. Then I ll go, too.Sue:Johnsy, dear, will you

13、promise me to keep your eyes closed, and not look out the window until I am done working? I must hand those drawings in by tomorrow. I need the light, or I would draw the shade down.Johnsy: Couldn t you draw in the other room?Sue:I d rather be here by you. Besides, I don t want you to keep looking a

14、t thosesilly ivy leaves.6Johnsy:Tell me as soon as you have finished(.闭上双眼) Because I want to seethe last one fall. I m tired of waiting. I m tired of waiting. I m tired of thin want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves.Sue: Try to

15、sleep, I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermitminer. I ll not be gone a minute. Don t try to move till I come back.Sue 关上两扇窗户,拉上窗帘,取画板与笔,从台左前部下场。Lucy 和 Linda上场。Lucy: Have you heard that Johnsy hadPneumonia?Linda:Really? I m so sorry to hear that .Lucy :So am I .and I also heard that

16、 when the last leaf falled she would died.Linda: My godShe is a painting genius, what a pity.Lucy 和 Linda 退。幕闭。第二幕:承。(布景:窗帘,床单换为冷色调的,床上放一军用绿被,脏破为佳,取走桌子,取走床脚椅子,换为小凳子,窗与床间支起画架,上设空白画板一,调色板一,油笔一。 Johnsy带被下, Old behrman 斜靠床坐在地上,面向台左前部,手拿酒瓶,撕去标签。)7旁白: Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floo

17、r beneath them.He was past sixty but still a failure in art. Forty years he had wielded the brushwithout getting near enough to touch the hem of his Mistress s robe. He had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. He earned alittle by serving as a model to those young ar

18、tists who could not pay the price of a professional. He drank gin to excess, and still talked of his coming masterpiece. For the rest he was a fierce little old man, who scoffed terribly at softness in any one, and who regarded himself as especial mastiff-in-waiting to protect the two young artists

19、in the studio above.幕启,弱灯。Sue 上台,作欲敲门状,发现门未关好,即走进来。Sue: Mr Behrman, would you please pose as model for me? It s an oldhermit-miner this time.Behrman: Oh, it s you. That s nothing difficult,st Ithe suitablemjumodel. Bythe way, you look sad, little girl, what s wrong?Sue: It s about Johnsy(叹.气) She s

20、beaten down by the Pneumonia, and she believed she will die until the last leaf on the vine fell down.Behrman::Vass! Is there people in the world with their follishness to die becauseleaves they drop off from a confounded vine? I have not heard of such a thing.No I will not pose as a model for your

21、hermit-dunderhead. Why do you allowthat silly business to come in their brain of her? Ach, that poor little Miss Johnsy.(边说边走到窗边, 看着窗外藤叶, 控制人员陆续剪落第四, 第三,第二片叶子)8Sue: She is very ill and weak, and the fever has left her mind morbid and full of strange fancies. Very well. Mr Behrman, if you do not care

22、 to pose for me, you needn t. But I think you are a horrid old-old flibbertigibbet.Behrman: You are just like a woman!(大喊) Who said I will not pose? Go on.For half an hour I have been trying to say that I am ready to pose. Gott! This is not any place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sic

23、k. Some day I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away. Gott! Yes.Sue 与 Behrman 对坐,Behrman 着蓝色矿工衣坐凳子上, Sue 坐在床上开始画像,控制人员剪落最后一片叶子。Linda :Look!The last leaf has fallen.Lucy : ehhow about Johnsy! Will she die ?Linda : Who knows!邻居甲乙退场。幕闭。第三幕:转。(布景:仍同第一幕一样,窗户及窗帘紧闭, Johnsy带被上,仍作沉睡状, Sue 坐床脚椅上,手

24、架在床上打瞌睡。)幕启。窗内包括舞台前部弱光,墙部打强光,渐入风雨之音效。Behrman 着雨衣执调色板与画笔, 提灯上,在墙上常青藤上画一片藤叶, 茎深绿,叶枯黄。9风雨声加大, Behrman 画毕,连声咳嗽,在下台路上倒台上,风雨声渐出。光渐变强以示天明,门卫自右前部执手电上,作巡逻状,突见倒地之人,跑过去扶起。门卫: Oh, it s Old Behrman, what re you doinge?(her用肩膀扛在 Behrman 肋下,从左前部下台。)Johnsy缓缓醒来,先望Sue,后望窗帘。护士: Youwakeup!Howareyoufeelingnow?Johnsy: Pu

25、ll it up! I want to see!Sue 作惊醒状,不情愿的拉开窗帘。Johnsy发现最后一片藤叶,很吃惊。Johnsy: It is the last one, I thought it would surely fall during the night. I heard the wind. It will fall today, and I shall die at the same time.Sue 走到床头,低首靠近枕头。Sue: Dear, dear! Think of me, if you won t think of yourself. What would I

26、do?(情绪激动)幕闭。第四幕:合。(布景:与上一幕大体相同,拉上窗帘,桌上加一锅一勺两碗 ,以及一面小镜子。床上被子里放一织物并针)旁白:Johnsy did not answer. The lonesomest thing in all the world is a soul when it is making ready to go on its mysterious, far journey. The fancy seemed to10possess her more strongly as one by one that bound her to friendship and to

27、earth were loosed.幕启。强光打墙上,余处不给光,风雨声渐入。旁白: The day wore away, and even through the twilight they could see the lone ivy leaf clinging to its stem against the wall. And then, with the coming of the night the north wind was again loosed, while the rain still beat against the windows, and pattered down

28、 from the low Dutch eaves.风雨声渐出,灯渐强打窗内,窗外强光不撤,Sue立桌前,持勺盛汤,Johnsy缓缓醒来 .Johnsy: Dear Sue. Would you please pull the shade up?Sue 放下碗,轻轻拉开窗帘,Johnsy呆住了,痴痴地望着那一片叶子,Sue仍到桌前盛汤。Johnsy: I ve been a bad girl, Sudie. Something has made that last leafay therest to show me how wicked I was. It is a sin to want t

29、o die. You may bring me a little broth now, and some milk with a little port in it, and-no; bring me an hand-mirror first, and then pack some pillows about me, and I will sit up and watch you cook.Sue 递给她镜子,帮她加高枕头,并递给她一碗汤(附勺),Johnsy 缓缓嘘着喝完,把碗递给 Sue。Johnsy: Sudie, some day I hope to paint the Bay of

30、Naples.Sue 回转身子望向 Johnsy,终于笑了。11医生上台,作敲门状, Sue 开门。Sue: Oh, Doctor, thank you for coming so fast.护士: Hows the little girl?(走至床头,摸其额头,作检视状。)Oh, it is reallya miracle!医生: (转身向 Sue)Even chances. With good nursing you ll win. And now I must see another case I have downstairs. Behrman, his name is-some ki

31、nd of an artist, I believe. Pneumonia, too. He is an old, weak man, and the attack is acute.Sue: Do you mean Old Behrman? Did him fall ill seriously?医生: Yes, that s it. There s no hope for him; but he goes to the hospital today to be made more comfortable.Sue: I ll go with you. Oh, Poor Behrman. How could such a strong man get indanger?Sue 与医生下台。( powerpoint 打出时钟从 9:00 转向 4:00)Johnsy缓缓醒来,取


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