1、【 教学目标】1 1.知识目标知识目标:1 1)学习并掌握有关音乐的词汇、短语、及)学习并掌握有关音乐的词汇、短语、及句型,如:句型,如:pop,rock,band,must be, pop music,sound pop,rock,band,must be, pop music,sound like,listen to,wake me/him up,the number of like,listen to,wake me/him up,the number of people ,in the band,make sb+adj./make sb do sth.people ,in the ba
2、nd,make sb+adj./make sb do sth.等。等。 2 2)学习并掌握现在完成时的用法。)学习并掌握现在完成时的用法。2 2.能力目标能力目标:能够通过彼此交流了解歌曲、歌手、乐队的能够通过彼此交流了解歌曲、歌手、乐队的信息并能作评论信息并能作评论; ;浏览已知信息,预设听力问题浏览已知信息,预设听力问题, ,从而提从而提高听说读写能力。高听说读写能力。3.3.情感目标情感目标: : To eTo enjoy music and love lifenjoy music and love life. 【教学重难点】【教学重难点】 掌握现在完成时的用法掌握现在完成时的用法; ;
3、学习有关音乐的词汇。学习有关音乐的词汇。1. play pop music _ 2. rock music _ 3. rock band _ 4.in the band_5.must be popular_演奏流行演奏流行音乐音乐摇滚音乐摇滚音乐摇滚乐队摇滚乐队在乐队里在乐队里导学导学一定受欢迎一定受欢迎6.sound more like _ 7. listen to _ 8. wake him up _ 9.the number of people _听起来更像听起来更像听听导学导学叫醒他叫醒他/使他清醒使他清醒人数人数10.what kind of music _ 11. make sb
4、(feel)happy _ 12. feel excited _ 13.be loud and full of energy _14.Listening to the Toms is a good way to wake up ._ 哪种音乐哪种音乐使某人(感到使某人(感到)高兴高兴感到激动感到激动大声并充满活力大声并充满活力听汤姆乐队的音乐是清醒听汤姆乐队的音乐是清醒/振作的一种好方法。振作的一种好方法。导学导学Warming upDo you like music? Listen and sing:We Are The World 2010 完整版完整版 - 附演唱者和歌词附演唱者和歌词_
5、标清标清.flvWhat kind of music is itWhat kind of music is it?-Pop /Rock /Country music./. How does music make you feel?-Happy/Sad/Excited/Relaxed/Peaceful.Interview.What other kind of music do you know?What other kind of music do you know?. dz、庞克 pkcountry music乡村音乐乡村音乐rock摇滚乐摇滚乐 rk r:k ppp:pR&B/Rhy
6、thm and Blues节奏布鲁斯节奏布鲁斯 classical music古典音乐古典音乐Choral合唱 k:rl orchestra管弦乐:kstrClassical musicRockrkOrchestra:kstrRapFolk musicJazzCountry musicChoralk:rl.1.1.What kind of music do you like best?-I like pop music/rock/country music./I like pop music/rock/country music./.2.Why do you like to listen to
7、 it?2.Why do you like to listen to it?- -Because it sounds exciting/happy/Because it sounds exciting/happy/relaxing/.relaxing/.-Because it makes me excited/happy/-Because it makes me excited/happy/relaxed./.relaxed./.Who is your favorite singer or musician? Tell your partner why you like him or her.
8、Pair work1.Who is your favorite singer or 1.Who is your favorite singer or musician?musician?- -My favorite singer /musician -My favorite singer /musician is Xiao Jingteng/Langlang.is Xiao Jingteng/Langlang.2.Why do you like him /her?2.Why do you like him /her?-Because he /she sings very well.Becaus
9、e he /she sings very well.-Because he/she plays music very Because he/she plays music very well.well.3.Do you know any famous bands? List. Beyond Shui Mu Nian HuaS.H.ES.H.EFahrenheit飞轮海飞轮海 (flywheel).EXO少女时代Backstreet boysBackstreet boys后街男孩后街男孩 The BeatlesThe Beatles披头士乐队披头士乐队 西城男孩 .4.Which band do
10、 you like best? Why?-Yuquan.Because their music makes me excited/happy/relaxed./.Look and answer1.How many people are there in the picture?2.Do you know them?3.What is the name of this band ?4.What are they doing?Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave. Write A for Alex or D for Dave next to
11、each opinion._ The Toms must be popular._ The Toms play pop music._ The Toms music sounds more like rock._ Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up.DDADListen again and take notes.Band nameCountryNumber of people in the bandKind of musicThe Tomsthe United StatesFivePop, but sounds more like ro
12、ckWhy Alex and Dave Why Alex and Dave like to listen to like to listen to this bandthis bandAlex:Dave:Their music is loud and full of energy. He feels excited when he listens to their music.He thinks that listening to their music every morning will wake him up and make him happy for the rest of the
13、day.听力材料Dave:What are you listening to, Alex? The song sounds What are you listening to, Alex? The song sounds really good.really good.Alex:Hey, Dave! Im listening to a band called“The Hey, Dave! Im listening to a band called“The T o m s ” . H a v e y o u h e a r d o f t h e m y e t ?T o m s ” . H a
14、 v e y o u h e a r d o f t h e m y e t ?D a v e : N o , I h a v e n t . A r e t h e y a n e w b a n d ?N o , I h a v e n t . A r e t h e y a n e w b a n d ?Alex:Yes, they only started singing earlier this year. Yes, they only started singing earlier this year. B u t t h e y v e a l r e a d y m a d e
15、 t w o C D sB u t t h e y v e a l r e a d y m a d e t w o C D s .Dave:WowWow,they must be really popular. Where are they they must be really popular. Where are they from?from?Alex:Theyre from California, in the United States. Theyre from California, in the United States. There are five people in the
16、 band and theyre all teenage There are five people in the band and theyre all teenage boys.boys.Dave:I guess what theyre playing is pop music, right?I guess what theyre playing is pop music, right?Alex:Yes, but it sounds more like rock. I like their Yes, but it sounds more like rock. I like their mu
17、sic because its loud and full of energy. I feel music because its loud and full of energy. I feel e x c i t e d w h e n I l i s t e n t o i t .e x c i t e d w h e n I l i s t e n t o i t .Dave:Me, too. I think if I listen to their music every Me, too. I think if I listen to their music every morning
18、, it will wake me up and make me happy for the rest morning, it will wake me up and make me happy for the rest of the day!of the day!A l e x : D o y o u w a n t t o b o r r o w m y C D t h e n ?D o y o u w a n t t o b o r r o w m y C D t h e n ?Dave:Sure,thanks! Thatd be great!Sure,thanks! Thatd be
19、great! 听力译文戴夫:你在听什么,亚历克斯?这首歌听起来很好。你在听什么,亚历克斯?这首歌听起来很好。亚历克斯:嘿,戴夫!我在听一个叫嘿,戴夫!我在听一个叫“汤姆汤姆”的乐队(的的乐队(的歌)。你听说过他们吗?歌)。你听说过他们吗?戴夫:不,我没有听说过。他们是一个新乐队吗?不,我没有听说过。他们是一个新乐队吗?亚历克斯:是的,他们今年早些时候才开始唱歌。但是他是的,他们今年早些时候才开始唱歌。但是他们已经制作了两张光盘了。们已经制作了两张光盘了。戴夫:哇 , 他 们 一 定很 受 欢 迎 。 他 们 来 自 哪 里 ?哇 , 他 们 一 定很 受 欢 迎 。 他 们 来 自 哪 里 ?
20、亚历克斯:他们来自美国加利福尼亚州。乐队里有五个人,他们来自美国加利福尼亚州。乐队里有五个人,他们都是十几岁的男孩。他们都是十几岁的男孩。戴 夫 : 我 猜 他 们 演 奏 的 是 流 行 音 乐 , 对 吗 ?我 猜 他 们 演 奏 的 是 流 行 音 乐 , 对 吗 ?亚历克斯:是的,但是听起来更像摇滚乐。我喜欢他们的是的,但是听起来更像摇滚乐。我喜欢他们的音乐,因为声音大,而且充满活力。当我听的时候我感到音乐,因为声音大,而且充满活力。当我听的时候我感到兴奋。兴奋。戴夫:我也是。我认为如果我每天早晨听他们的音乐的话,我也是。我认为如果我每天早晨听他们的音乐的话,它将会使我清醒它将会使我清
21、醒, ,并且使我在这一天里感到高兴!并且使我在这一天里感到高兴!亚 历 克 斯 : 那 么 你 想 借 我 的 光 盘 吗 ?那 么 你 想 借 我 的 光 盘 吗 ?戴夫:是的,谢谢!那将太棒了!是的,谢谢!那将太棒了! 【 1.How does it make them feel? 它使他们感觉如何? make +make +宾语宾语+ +宾语补足语宾语补足语( (不带不带toto的不定式即的不定式即动动词原形、形容词词原形、形容词、名词、名词、过去分词、介词短语、过去分词、介词短语、从句从句) ) 例如例如: :1 1).It .It makesmakes me me feelfeel
22、happy. happy. 它使它使我感到高兴。我感到高兴。 2).It2).It makesmakes meme happyhappy.它使我高兴。.3).Most pop singers3).Most pop singers makemake music music their jobstheir jobs. . 大多数流行歌手把音乐当作他们的职业。大多数流行歌手把音乐当作他们的职业。4).Can you easily4).Can you easily makemake yourself understoodunderstood in English? in English? 你能用英语轻
23、易地表达你的思想吗你能用英语轻易地表达你的思想吗? ? 5).5).MakeMake yourselfyourself at homeat home. . 别客气别客气, , 就像在你自己家一样。就像在你自己家一样。/ /请随意。请随意。6). WhatWhat has made China what she has made China what she is todayis today? 是什么让中国变成今天的样子是什么让中国变成今天的样子? ? .2.2.The TomsThe Toms must be must be popular.popular.汤姆乐队汤姆乐队一定受欢迎。一定受欢
24、迎。1)the +1)the +姓姓/ /名名s s表示某一家人或某一团体。表示某一家人或某一团体。2 2)must be must be 表肯定的推测,表肯定的推测,“一定是一定是”。3.3.Listening to the Toms is a good way to wake up. 听汤姆乐队的音乐是清醒听汤姆乐队的音乐是清醒/振作的振作的一种好方法。一种好方法。动名词短语动名词短语( ( 动词动词ing)ing)做主语,做主语,bebe动词用动词用is.is.4. 4. the number ofthe number of: :指的是指的是.的数量的数量,做主语做主语时,谓语动词用时,
25、谓语动词用单数单数, ,如如be be 动词用动词用isis。 a number ofa number of: :指的是指的是 许多的;大量的许多的;大量的.,.,做做主语时,谓语动词用主语时,谓语动词用复数复数,如,如bebe用用are.are.The number ofThe number of people in the band people in the band isis 5. 5.A number ofA number of people people are are learning English.learning English.5.5.HaveHave you you h
26、eardheard of The Toms of The Toms yetyet? ?你听说过汤你听说过汤姆乐队吗?姆乐队吗?Yes,I Yes,I havehave. .是的,我听说过。是的,我听说过。/No,I /No,I haventhavent. .不,不,我没听说过。我没听说过。have +have +动词的过去分词(动词的过去分词(+ed/+ed/特殊特殊) ) Exercises1. Look, there are many boys and girls playing soccer on the playground. So, I think soccer _be popular here. A. can B. mayC. should D. must2. Jay Chou is a_singer. A. pop B. classical C. rock D. folk3. The number of people in the band_more than five. A. be B. am C. is D. are 4. _ slowly after dinner is a good habit. A. Walk B. Walking C. Walked D. Walks 5. The m
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