1、外贸英语函电主讲教师:王 英Unit 6Letters of PaymentIntroduction支付在国际贸易中非常重要,在出口贸易谈判中要认真选择好支付方式,最关键的是事前对买方的资信通过各种途径进行深入的了解。当然,选择何种支付方式,还要看货货物价值大小和本公司的财务状况物价值大小和本公司的财务状况。此外,对方国家的政治局势是否稳定是否有信用保险,这也是出口方需要考虑的。买卖双方在谈判的过程中会对支付方式提出自己的看法,说服对方接受对自己有利的方式Lead-in Questions: How much do you know about terms of payment? And ca
2、n you classify them? pThe mode of payment includes Remittance (T/T Telegraphic transfer, M/T Mail transfer , D/D Demand draft ), Collection (D/P, D/A) and L/C.pL/C is the most frequently adopted mode of payment in Chinas foreign trade.Brief IntroductionIntroduction 付款方式 汇付 托收 信用证 信汇信汇 票汇票汇 电汇电汇 保兑保兑
3、信用证信用证不可撤消不可撤消信用证信用证 跟单跟单信用证信用证承兑承兑交单交单 付款交单付款交单即期付款即期付款交单交单见票远期见票远期付款交单付款交单Introduction Terms of Payment Remittance Collection L/C Mail transfer Demand draft Telegraphic transfer Confirmed L/C Irrevocable L/C Documentary L/C Documents against Acceptance Documents against PaymentD/P at sight D/P aft
4、er sightRemittanceCollectionL/Cl托收l信用证l汇付lMail transferlD/P at sightlTelegraphic transferlDocumentary L/ClDocuments against AcceptancelDemand draftlD/P after sightlDocuments against Payment跟单信用证跟单信用证电汇电汇票汇票汇信汇信汇承兑交单承兑交单付款交单付款交单即期付款交单即期付款交单见票远期付款交单见票远期付款交单汇票和汇票和信用证的区别信用证的区别1.汇票汇票是由开票人签发的是由开票人签发的,要求要求
5、付款人付款人支付一支付一定金额给收款人的书面支付命令定金额给收款人的书面支付命令.2.信用证信用证是由是由开证银行开证银行应申请人的要求和指应申请人的要求和指示示,向第三方向第三方(信用证受益人信用证受益人)开具的有条件的开具的有条件的书面书面(或电子或电子)付款承诺付款承诺.3.在在信用证信用证结算方式结算方式中中,受益人受益人通常需要开具通常需要开具以以开证银行开证银行为为付款人付款人的的汇票汇票连同其他单据一连同其他单据一起向起向开证银行开证银行索偿索偿.写作要点及要求要求支付方式要求支付方式的要点: 开头:1)提及有关订单或合同,说明写信目的; 正文:2)提出有利的付款条件; 3)说明
6、选择此付款条件的原因; 结尾:4)期望:接受付款条件。汇付对于你方以电汇方式不晚于对于你方以电汇方式不晚于11月月30日预付日预付全全部货款部货款,我方表示感谢。,我方表示感谢。(total amount) 考虑到这笔交易的数额很小,我们打算接受用电汇来支付所运货物。 In view of the amount of this transaction being very small, we are prepared to accept payment by T/T for the goods shipped; 凭单付款CashagainstDocuments,CAD国际贸易现汇结算中使用的一
7、种支付方式。买方凭卖方所提交的单据,将货款付与卖方。 WeregretwecannotacceptCashAgainstDocumentsOnArrivalOfGoodsAtDestination. Enclosed is Sight Draft for the difference of $ 57.29. Please let us have your acknowledgement of receipt.As the amount involved is rather small, we agreed to draw on you by documentary sight draft.托收
8、我们接受付款交单方式支付你方这笔试订货。承兑交单承兑交单Different written forms: 我们接受以后的交易以付款交单方式支付。 我们可以按60天付款交单的方式进行交易。(onbasis)IsupposeD/PorD/Ashouldbeadoptedasthemodeofpaymentthistime. 我建议这次用付款交单或承兑交单方式来付款。 如果您能接受D/P或D/A付款,那可帮了我们大忙。 ItwouldhelpmegreatlyifyouwouldacceptD/AorD/P. 您能否来个例外,接受D/A或D/P付款方式? Couldyoumakeanexceptio
9、nandacceptD/AorD/P? 信用证支付Points for attentionLetters regarding payment often fall into the following types: discussing mode of payment, urging establishment of L/C, amending L/C or asking for extension of L/C.n. 汇票 即期汇票()是指在受款人提示汇票或受款人见到汇票时立即付款的汇票; 远期汇票()是指在一定的期限或一定的日期付款的汇票要求用即期汇票付款。(be made by)Paym
10、ent should be made by sight draft.很遗憾你方拒付(dishonor)汇票。 We regret that you our draft. .开出开出向某人收款向某人收款的汇票的汇票 draw on sb. at 60 days sight 开出见票60天付款的汇票draw at 30 days D/A 开具30天期的承兑交单汇票 drawer n. 出票人,发票人 drawee n. 受票人,(汇票) 付款人常用搭配常用搭配open an L/C covering for the amount of请开立一个20公吨苹果的信用证,金额为2万美元。开立一个信用证,
11、金额为Please open an L/C covering twenty metric tons of apples for the amount of USD 20,000.常用搭配常用搭配Open an L/C in ones favor 开具以为受益人的信用证今早,我们经由花旗银行开立了一个以你方为受益人的信用证。(Citi Bank)We opened an L/C in your favor through the Citi Bank this morning. 很抱歉,贵方订单中规定的付款条件不能为我方所接受。(stipulate)至于付款条件,我们通常用信用证来支付。(as t
12、o)As to the terms of payment, our regular operation is that payment should be made by L/C. L/C 常用搭配常用搭配Open an L/C in ones favor for the amount of covering through the Bank通过通过银行就银行就订单开立以订单开立以为受益人的为受益人的信用证信用证我们今天通过中国银行大连分行就第3422号定单开立了以你方为受益人的不可撤消的信用证,金额为9千美元。Today we have opened an irrevocable L/C i
13、n your favor for the amount of US$ 9000 covering our Order No.3422 with the Bank of China, Dalian. L/C 常用搭配常用搭配For oneFor ones accounts account以为付款人今天,我方收到由美国花旗银行开出的以你方为付款人的金额为3500美元的信用证。 We received an L/C for USD 3,500 for your account by the Citi Bank this morning. 催开信用证的要点催开信用证的要点: 开头:1)谈及有关货物、订
14、单或合同; 正文:2)抱怨未收到信用证; 3)要求开立信用证; 结尾:4)提请对方注意此事; 5)希望早日收到信用证。Urging establishment of L/C, typical expressions such as:你方456号信用证下的货物已备妥有一段时间了,但直到现在为止,我们仍未收到关于信用证的任何消息;The shipment under your Credit No. 456 has been ready for quite some time, but up to the present we havent received any news of L/C;The
15、shipment date is approaching. We must point out that we shall be unable to effect shipment within the stipulated time unless your L/C reaches us before 装运期已临近,我们必须指出,除非你方信用证在之前到达我处,否则我们无法在规定时间内装运;很遗憾,由于你方信用证迟开,我们无法在3月份装运货物。(ship the goods by a March vessel) We regret that we could not ship the goods
16、 by a March vessel only because of the delay of your L/C; 关于(refer to)385号合同,我们没收到任何信用证的有关消息,信用证本应在2004年6月2日前到达我处的。 Referring to our contract No. 385, we have not received any information from you about your letter of credit which should have reached us before June 2, 2004. 修改信用证支付条件修改信用证的要点修改信用证的要点
17、: 开头:1)提及有关的信用证; 正文:2)指出不符点; 3)要求修改信用证; 结尾:4)希望早日修改。 Asking for Amendment to L/C, typical expressions such as:已收到你方有关信用证,但很遗憾,里面有些内容不符(discrepancy),具体如下; We have received your relative L/C, but to our regret that it contains the following discrepancies: 已收到你方2256美元的信用证,但很遗憾地通知你方,信用证提及的与合同内容不符(L/C fo
18、r US$2256, does not agree with); We have received your relative L/C for US$2256, but we regret to inform you that XXX mentioned therein does not agree with the contents in the contract; 请相应修改信用证;(accordingly)Please make the amendment accordingly.请通知你方银行做必要的改证(advise);Please advise your bankers to ma
19、ke the necessary amendment; 请将1123号信用证修改为;(read) Please amend L/C No.1123 to read “”; 请将100号信用证做如下修改: Please amend L/C No. 100 as follows: 金额提高到50,000美元Amount to be increased up to US $50,000 有效期延至11月10日Validity to be extended to 10th November. 删除“不允许转运” The words “Transshipment Not Allowed” are to
20、be deleted. amend .as/to不允许分批装运应改为允许分批装运。Partial shipment is not allowed should be amended as Partial shipment is allowed.请将信用证上的金额改为“2% more or less”。(read)Please amend the amount of the L/C to read “ 2% more or less”amendment 修改,修改书请尽快修改信用证。(rush the amendment to)Please rush the amendment to the L
21、/C.We enclose amendment advice of L/C No. 50.兹附寄第50号信用证的修改通知。(amendment advice) 我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。amend .as/to Please amend the amount of the L/C, which should be 25,000. Please amend the L/C to allow transshipment and partial shipment.请修改信用证金额,金额应为2万5千欧元。 请修改信用证,允许转船和分批装运。 Inordertoconcludethe
22、business,Ihopeyoullmeetmehalfway.Whatabout50%byL/CandthebyD/P? Extension of L/C, typical expressions such as:Owing to we would appreciate your extending the shipment date and the validity of your L/C to (date) respectively; 由于,我们希望你方将装运期和信用证有效期分别展至(天);The validity of the L/C will be extended to (dat
23、e); We have to ask for an extension of 15 days for shipment, to which we trust you will have no objection; 我们不得不要求装运期展延15天,相信你方不会反对;Practice 1 先生:先生: 十二月二十日来函收到,获悉你方有意在贵国十二月二十日来函收到,获悉你方有意在贵国推销我们的汽车推销我们的汽车。对此,我们很感兴趣。对此,我们很感兴趣。 对你们为推销我方汽车所作的努力,我们对你们为推销我方汽车所作的努力,我们甚为甚为感激感激。但对你方要求以见票后六十天内承兑交但对你方要求以见票后六十
24、天内承兑交单付款一事,我们很抱歉不能予以考虑。我们单付款一事,我们很抱歉不能予以考虑。我们通常的做法是要求即期信用证付款。通常的做法是要求即期信用证付款。 然而,为了促进我们的汽车在贵方市场上的销然而,为了促进我们的汽车在贵方市场上的销售,我方准备接受即期交单付款方式,售,我方准备接受即期交单付款方式,以示特以示特别照顾别照顾。 希望你能接受上述付款条件,并盼早日收到回希望你能接受上述付款条件,并盼早日收到回音。音。 Dearsirs: WehavereceivedyourletterofDecember20thandnotedwithinterestthat you haveintentio
25、nofpushingthesaleofourauto-mobilesinyourcountry. Althoughwearemuchappreciativeofyoureffortstohelpsellourautomobiles,weregretbeingunabletoconsideryourrequestforpay-mentbyD/A60dayssight.OurusualpracticeistoaskforsightL/C. However,inordertofacilitatedevelopingthesaleofautomobilesinyourmarket,wearepreparedtoacceptpaymentbyD/Patsight asaspecialaccommodati
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