1、【 2019 最新】精选高考英语一轮复习Unit4Earthquakes精练新人教版必修1(精选) 基础回顾 . 单句语法填空1Whenshe heard about the news thather fatherhad died ,she burst outcrying(cry) 2A number of high buildings have arisen where there wasnothing a year ago butruins(ruin)4As China develops fastand steady ,a number of foreignersare learning(
2、learn) Chinese as a second language.5To make the most of your time,live every moment as ifitwere(be) your last.6A largenumber of soldiers weresent there torescue(rescue) those trapped in the building.7We sent ourcongratulations(congratulate) to herwhen she passed the exam.8 Damagecaused(cause) by th
3、e earthquake disastercan't be ignored.9 Thisfrightened(frighten) boy whose mother waslost in the disaster is looking for her now.10Inthe end ,he chose to go to Australia to study欢迎下载。biology. . 单句改错 ( 每句一错 )1To our relief,up to now the injured in the crash hasbeen carried to the nearby hospital.
4、hashave2The girl was sitting on the bench in the park,buriedher head in the novel.buried burying3 George is organized,easy-going ,hard-working andintelligent.Inaword , Ican'tthinktoohighofhim.highhighly4 She is always talking as though she knows everythingunder the sun.knowsknew5The little girl
5、was so frightening that she burst out crying. frightening frightened . 佳句写作1并不是我们所有人都被允许在晚上独自外出。(not.all)答案: Not all of uswere allowed to go out alone at night.2这就是那台新机器,零件太小而几乎看不见。(too.to.)答案: This is the new machine whose partsare too small tosee.3他站起来好像有话要说。(as if)答案: He stood up as if to say som
6、ething.4他看上去好像知道这个秘密。( 虚拟语气 )答案: It seems as if he knew the secret.5听到那个消息,她突然哭起来。( 分词作伴随状语 )答案: Hearing the news ,she burst into tears/out crying.【2019最新】精选高考英语一轮复习Unit4Earthquakes精练新人教版必修 技能提升 . 阅读理解YoucouldbepartofFinland'sexcellenteducationsystem.The Finnscharge no tuitionand offera numberof
7、 coursespurelyinEnglish.Theywould be happy for you toaddflavor to their school scene.Cost of living there is high.Beprepared for frosty winters that far north,but you will getthat sweet midnight sun in the summer.Many other European nations offercheap or free collegeforforeign students ,but if South
8、 America is more your thing,try Brazil.Mostofthe educationwilltakeplace in Portuguese ,so if thatis inyourplanyou can study near beautifulbeachesand jungles.The University of Sao Paulo and State Universityof Campinas arebothhighlyranked internationally.Yourmoneywill go a long way there,too. 语篇解读 本文主
9、要介绍了出国学习会多方面塑造个人,并介绍了世界各国对于国际生的态度以及部分教育信息。1 GermanuniversitiesarepopularamongUSstudents mainly because_.Athey offer a multicultural landscapeBthey belong to the world's best onesCthe cost of living there is reasonableDthe students can get their degrees easily3/113/11解析:A 细节理 解题 。根 据第二 段中 的Theycr
10、eateamulticulturallandscape thatbenefitsGermanstudentsas well.可知,德国人创设了多元文化让德国学生和国际学生都从中受益。这一情况很受美国学生的欢迎。2The fourth paragraph suggests that_.Astudents can learn to earn some money after classBmany universities are surrounded by beautiful sceneryCBrazil provides excellent education for foreign stude
11、nts Dstudents needn't worry about their expense in Brazil解析: D 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知,在巴西,学费并不高,所以国际生不要过于担心学习的费用问题。本段并未涉及A项内容, B、C两项与本段内容不相符。3Which of the following statements is NOTtrue according to the passage?BStudying abroad wisely can reduceyour expense.CStudents can learnEnglishwell only by lea
12、rningabroad.DCost of living inFinlandis highbecause of itsspecialclimate.解析:C 推理判断题。 本文中作者提出出国学习语言是最好的学习方法,但是并没有说只有出国学习才可以学好英语,C 项犯了绝对化的错误。 4What is the author's attitude in the last paragraph?ACritical.BEncouraging.CDoubtful.DObjective.解析: B 观点态度题。根据本段最后两句可知,作者认为没有【2019最新】精选高考英语一轮复习Unit4Earthqu
13、akes精练新人教版必修比让自己亲身参与更好的学习方式了,虽然开始的时候可能会有困难。但是最后一切都会很好。 这说明作者对于这种学习方法是持鼓励态度的。 . 完形填空(2018 ·山西 3 月卷考前教学质量监测 )The worst problem withourcurrenteconomic crisisis thestrongsense ofworry.Itiseating peoplealive.Worryaffectsour children,ourmarriages ,our_1_,and our sense of security.Wehave chosen to tel
14、lour fourchildren ,aged thirteentothree ,when we do not have enough money,and_2_which billswe have topay withDaddy's paycheck.We letthem know thatit's_3_to geteverything they wantrightnow.They have_4_us.They_5_ask what billswe have topay fora particularweek.We _6_them to actupset or worried.
15、_7_ ,we arelearning from their reaction.Sometimes the child_8_theparents.Nowinsteadoftellingme what they want,theysay ,“ Mom,when we willhave_9_money toget.?” I pulloutchangeand we_10_it to see if we can get Frosties (粟米片 ) atWendy's.Fastfoodwas somethingtheytookforgranted ,but nowitis_11_.They
16、aremakingwishlistsand_12_birthday and Christmas money for toys or games.We spend more time together as a family.We make popcorn,turnoffthelights,and watch movies together,_13_ourevenings.We are happy to see our children are born craftsmen5/115/11( 手艺人 ) and their imaginations are_14_ .Our childrenha
17、vebeensoconditionedto havemasterpiecesat theirfingertips.Boxes are a huge_15_at our house.They turnintoairplanes,Star Wars'figures,and anything elseyou canimagine.Welivepaycheck topaycheck,butsomehowwe_16_thedifficulties.Our children may not have a college_17_,but they will certainly understand
18、what hard work is and getwhat they need.They willtruly understand _18_itmeanstohave a happy family.And_19_ ,at the end of each day,they will know they are_20_, and that doesn't cost athing! 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。经济危机给作者一家带来了烦恼,但是这些烦恼同时也使作者一家人共同克服困难, 并从中感受到了在经济危机以前从未体会到的幸福和快乐。1A.affectionsBcareerCbusines
19、sDfamilies解析: D 考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,空格处应与上文中的孩子、婚姻构成并列关系,且性质一致,通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了作者一家人的事。 D项意为“家庭”,符合语境。 CwarnDdeclare解析: B 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,为了让孩子了解家里的境况,作者决定向孩子们解释父亲的工资必须拿来付哪些账单。B项意为“解释”,符合语境。3A.possibleBvital【2019最新】精选高考英语一轮复习Unit4Earthquakes精练新人教版必修ChardDconvenient解析: C 考查形容词辨析。根据语境可知,由于经济危机,一家人的生计令人担忧, 所以此处应
20、表示作者想让孩子们知道如今的困境,知道他们很难得到他们想要的一切。C项意为“困难的”,符合语境。 4A.frightenedBamazedCentertainedDdelighted解析:B 考查动词辨析。根据下文孩子们的回应“They_5_ask what bills we have to pay for a particular week”可知,孩子们出乎意料的反应使作者吃惊,B项意为“使 吃惊”,符合语境。 5A.yetBstillCeverDeven解析: D 考查副词辨析。根据语境可知,此处与上文“whichbillswe have to pay withDaddys paychec
21、k”相对应,意为“他们甚至问我们必须付什么账单”,表明孩子们的回答让作者感到惊讶。 D项意为“甚至”,符合语境。6A.forbadBgotCexpectedDwished解析: C 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,此处与上文中提到的经济危机会使人担忧相对应, 作者的惊讶表明作者原本预计孩子们会忧虑和不安,但事实并非如此。 C项意为“预计,期待”,符合语境。7A.HoweverBMeanwhileCBesidesDMoreover解析:A 考查副词辨析。 空格前提到作者原本以为孩子们会为7/117/11此担忧;空格后提到孩子们的反应启发了作者。前后构成转折关系,且用逗号隔开,因此副词however(
22、 意为“然而” ) 符合语境。 8A.teachesBrescuesCtrainsDdevelops解析:A考查动词辨析。根据上文中的“we are learningfromtheir reaction”可知,有时孩子们也能教给父母一些东西。A 项意为“教”,与上句中的“learning from”同义复现,符合语境。9A.easyBlittleCenoughDbig解析:C 考查形容词辨析。 A 项意为“容易的”; B 项意为“不多的”; C 项意为“足够的”; D 项意为“大的”。根据语境可知,此处应与第二段中的“ when we do not have enough money”相对应,
23、表示“我们什么时候能有足够的钱去买 ?”10A.countBjudgeCfigureDkeep解析: A考查动词辨析。由上文中的作者把零钱掏出来以及下文中的看是否够买粟米片可知,此处应为数钱。A项意为“数”,符合语境。 11A.usualBregularCunfamiliarDspecial解析: D 考查形容词辨析。根据上文中的“Fast food wassomething they took for granted,but now ”可知,前后存在转折关系,表示之前认为理所当然的东西现在却很特别。A 项意为“寻常的”;B项意为“有规律的”; C项意为“不熟悉的”; D项意为“特别的”。 【
24、2019最新】精选高考英语一轮复习Unit4Earthquakes精练新人教版必修12A.receivingBsavingCborrowingDraising解析: B 考查动词辨析。由上文可知,作者一家现处于经济危机中,所以此处应表示孩子们为买玩具而攒钱。B项意为“攒钱,节省”,符合语境。 13A.spendingBconsumingCenjoyingDwasting解析:C 考查动词辨析。A 项意为“花费”;B 项意为“消费”;C 项意为“享受,过得快乐”;D 项意为“浪费”。句意为:我们做爆米花,关上灯一起看电影,享受着属于我们的美好夜晚。14A.freshBendlessClastingDlimited解析:B 考查形容词辨析。 由下文中孩子们把纸箱变成了各种玩具和任何可以想到的其他东西可知,孩子们的想象力是无穷的。B项意为“无穷的”,符合语境。15A.hitBstyleCobjectDissue解析: A考查名词辨析。A 项意为“很受欢迎的
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