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1、【 2019 最新】精选七年级英语下学期同步练习辅导9(无答案)牛津版单项选择。 CBBCCABADB1.-Look!Is that_UFO in the east?- Of course not.It s just_plane flying over our town.A.a;the B.an ;the C.a;a D.an; aA.Something B.Everything C.Nothing D.Any things 3.-Is_not here today? -Andy Lau is ill at home.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one

2、4.-Did you_a dog outside just now?-No.It was so quiet.A.listen B.listen to C.hear D.hear to5.-How did you feel when you saw Tom?-Well, I was very_.I thought he was in Shanghai.A.interested B.afraid C.surprised D.sad6.-Therearesomethingsonthefloor.Willyou_,Jack?-OK.Mrs Lee.欢迎下载。A.pick them up B.pick

3、it up C.pick up them D.pick up it7.-Your cousin stayed with you all day ,right?-_.My father took him to the museum in the morning.A.Yes,he did B.No,he didn t C.Yes ,he was D.No ,he wasn t 8.-I met my aunt_yesterday. -You must be very happy to see each other.A.on my way home. B.on my way to home C.in

4、 my way home D.in my way to home9.-_did you find the little cat?-Well,I followed the sound she made.She kept miaowing.A.When B.Where C.What D.How 10.-I am afraid that a ghost is behind the tree! -_1There is no ghost in the world.11.Stop_TV allday long.Pleasespend more time on yourstudy.A.watch B.to

5、watch C.watching D.watched12.She wanted_a new pencil-box.A.to buy B.buys C.buy D.bought13.There were_people in the streetat midnight,sohe drove fast.A.a few B.few C.little D.a little14._knows anything about him,because he never tells us【2019最新】精选江苏省七年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版_about himself.A.Anybody;some

6、thingB.Everybody;nothingC.Nobody;somethingD.Nobody;anything15.My mother is ill in bed,and she feels very _.A.happy B.weak C.healthy D.strong16.My sister_herbaginthe room,butshecouldn t_it.A.lookfor;findB.find;lookforC.looked for;findD.found;look for17.The cat often miaows at night.It_a ghost.A.sound

7、 B.sounds C.sounds like D.sound like18.They turned around and found_near the window.A.strange something B.somethingstrange C.strange anythingD.anything strange19._-mecarefully,oryouwont_anything.A.Listento;listenB.Listen;hearC.Listen;listenD.Listento ;hear20.Peterwalked intothe room_becausehs father

8、wassleeping.A.quickly B.quietly C.carefully D.kindly二、用所给词的适当形式填空3/153/151.Thegirlis_(amaze).Shecanspeaksixlanguages( 语言 ).2.Why do you stop_(prepare)for your exam?3.The girls are afraid of _(walk)alone at night.4.The boy is giving his cat a shower_(careful).5.It was very cold at first.Twohours_(lat

9、e),we feltwarm.6.Mygrandpasometimeslikestosaysomethingto_(him).7.There are some_(bush)behind the house.8.Tom_(tell) me the whole story yesterday.9.This book is _(interest)and we all like it.10.My door is always_(open)to visitors.11.Does your father_(real)enjoythetriptoBeijing?12.He looks so _(fun)in

10、 the red cap.13.My _(foot)are longer than my fathers.14.I think we will have a _(wonder)time there.15.My seven-year-old son can look after_(him)now.16.Theradiosays itwillrain_(late)thisafternoon.17.Andyis a clever boy ,but sometimes he doesntdo his【2019最新】精选江苏省七年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版homework_(careful

11、)enough.三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子1. 像往常一样,老奶奶开着门等着儿子。_ _,theoldwoman iswaitingforherson_the door_.2. 老太太自言自语道:“多么神奇的东西啊!”“What_ _!”Theoldwoman_ _.3. 别对你弟弟叫嚷,你自己把它们捡起来。Stop_yourbrotherand_ _by yourself.4. 抢劫犯转身试图逃跑。Therobber_andtriedto_.5. 在上学的路上,我遇见了一位老人。_ _ _ _ _,I met an old man.6. 老师手里拿了一本书进入了教室。The teacher

12、cameintothe classroom_ _ _ his_.7. 我们的眼睛从出生以来就是一样大的。Our eyes are_ _ _ _ _.8. 是什么在外面发出奇怪的声音?5/155/15What_ _ _ _ _outside?9. 我爷爷说他永远不会停止学习。My grandpa says he will_ _ _.10. 难道你不觉得这很神奇吗?_ _ _it is very _?四、句型转换1.He wondered where you went yesterday.He _ _ _where you went yesterday.2.There is nothing els

13、e in the garden.There_ _ _in the garden.3.Can you show me the pictures on the desk?Canyou_thepicturesonthe_?desk_4.There is somebody in the room.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _in the room?5.I found some new plants in the bushes.( (对画线部分提问) _ _you_in the bushes?五、完型填空: 15: ADDBD610: BDADAMr Smith lived in a village.

14、He had 1 farms and abouttwenty people worked for him. He often told them 2 hard andbe honest (诚实的 ).Oneday he went toa farm and worked withthe workers there.【2019最新】精选江苏省七年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版Soon after that it was time 3 lunch. He put 4 of nice bread on the table and went out. A few minutes later h

15、e cameback again, but 5 find them.“Who ate the bread on the table?”he shouted.Some of the workers answered,“We 6 .”The others said,“We saw nothing.”“Well,” said Mr Smith,“There are7 inthe room, you know.So I put some poison (毒药 ) in the bread. 8 they eat, theymust die. Then I can kill them.”As soon

16、as he finished,four workersbegan to cry, “Oh, dear! ”“ 9 ? ” asked Mr Smith.“We ate thebread when you were out. We are going to die.”One of them cried.“Dont worry, ” Mr Smith said10 .“I only play a trickon you. Use your head.”1.A. a fewB. fewC. littleD. a little2.A. workB. working C. worksD. to work

17、3.A. haveB. atC. withD. for4. A. some piece B. some pieces C. some pieces of D. some piece of5.A.cantB.mustntC.wouldntD.couldn t7/157/156.A. didB. didntC. doD. does7.A. many mousesB. a lot of micesC. lot of miceD. a lot of mice8.A. IfB. Before C. ThatD. And9.A. How are youB. What are you doingC. Did

18、 you have lunch 10. A. with a smile B.D. Whatwith smiless wrong with you C. smiling D.withsmile六、阅读理解: 15: CBBCD610:FTFTT( A )Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot ofthings. So his wife always had to say to him,“Dont forgetthis!”One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he l

19、eft home, hiswife said,“Now you have all these things. They are what youneed for yourtrip.Take careofyour thingsduringthe trip.”He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the trainwith it.About halfan hour later,theconductorbegan tosee the tickets.He came totheoldman and said,“Willyou please

20、show me yourticket? ” The oldman looked forhis ticketin allhispockets,but he could not find it. He was very worried.“I can t findmy ticket.IreallyboughtaticketbeforeIgotonthe【2019最新】精选江苏省七年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版train.”said the old man.“I believeyou bought a ticket.All right, youdont havetobuy another

21、one,”said the conductor kindly.“But how can Iknow where I m going? I cant remember my station!”the oldman said sadly.()1.The old man in the story was veryA. kindB. poorC. forgetfulD. sad()2.Where is the ticket?.A. The old man forgot go buy it. B. The old man could not remember where it was.C. The ol

22、d man showed itto the conductor.D.The old mans wifetook the ticket away.()3.The old man bought the tickethe got on thetrain.(A. after B. before )4.The conductorC. asthe old man.D. whenA. didn t believe B.laughed atfelt sorry for()5.The old man was sad becauseA. he had to buy another ticket.B. he los

23、t all the things his wife gave him.C. he did not know where he was.C.believedD.9/159/15D. He did not know where he should get off.( B )Jimmy likes playing in a small river near his house. But thenhis father goes to work in a big city and Jimmy goes there with his family.Theirnew house has a garden,

24、but the garden isvery small.Jimmyis not very happy.“Isthere a river here?”he asks his mother onthe firstmorning. “No”his mother says,“there isnt. But there isa big park near here, Jimmy, and there is a pool in it. Weregoing there this afternoon.” Then Jimmy is happy.Jimmy and his mother go to the pa

25、rk in the afternoon.Jimmy wantstowalk near the pool,buthe sees a sign there.His mother readsit to him:“WARNING(警告):This pool is dangerous, 367 peoplehavefallen(掉进)intoit.” Jimmylooks intothepoolcarefully. Then he says,“I can t see them”.根据短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写 F。()6. There is a small river near Jimmys

26、new house.()7.There is a big park in the city.()8.Jimmy goes to the park with his father.()9.The pool in the park is dangerous.()10.Thewarningasks people to be careful(小心的 ) near the【2019最新】精选江苏省七年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版pool.七、首字母填空。Mr. Green livesin London, England. He w 1ina hospital.Hiswife , Mrs. G

27、reen t 2English in a school. They have two c3 . One is a son c 4Peter and the other is a daughter. Sheis only four m 5old.Peter loves the baby very much. He oftens 6 her pictures to his friends. He often helps his mother l 7 after the baby.1.w2.t3.c4.c5.m6.s7.l8.f9.t10. r复习题一、单项选择1.- Whats your favo

28、urite fruit?-Apples.You know,_apple a day keeps the doctor away.A.aB.an C.the D.不填2.The eggs smell_.They cant be fresh.Pleasethrowthem away.A.goodB.bad C.wellD.badly3.-Why are you in such a hurry,John?-There_a basketballmatch between Class Three andour class in ten minutes.A.is going to be B.will ha

29、ve C.is going to have D.will hold11/1511/154.We have two foreign teachers here.One is from England ,and_is from America.A.another B.other C.the other D.the others5.My father has a habit of jogging_the Zhongshan Riverfor an hour in the morning.A.between B.along C.over D.through6.- Bob,its getting col

30、d outside._take a jacket withyou?-All right,Mum.A.Why do you B.Why d ont C.Why did you D.Why not7.Every spring ,people plant_treesto make ourcitymore beautiful.A.fivethousands ofB.fivethousandsC.thousandofD.thousands of8.The_is the best place to chat and watch TV.A.kitchenB.living room C.bathroom D.

31、study9.-_is it from the hotel to the coach station?-About 40 minutes on foot.You can go there by No.11 bus.A.When B.What time C.How long D.How far10.In front of the Panda House_the Monkeys Forest.Inthe forest_some monkeys.A.is ;is B.is ;are C.are ;isD.are ;are【2019最新】精选江苏省七年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版11.Cr

32、ossthe road carefully,_you ll keep youself safe.A.so B.orC.butD.and12.Myhome isdifferentfrom_,but I alsohave abedroom of_own.A.his;myB.my;your C.their;mineD.hers;he13.Read the sentence:Daniel sometimes watches TV on Sundaymorning.If I am talking about watching TV,not another activity,whatshould I st

33、ress(重读)?A.Daniel B.sometimes C.watches TV D.Sunday morning14.We say this number "5,043,001"_.A. fivemillions,forty-threethousands and one B. fivemillionand forty-three thousand and oneC. five million, forty-three thousand One D. five million,forty-three thousand and one15.-Shall we have a

34、 cup of coffee?-_.A.Good idea B.Thank you C.That s OK D.Me too二、根据汉语提示填词或所给词的适当形式填空。1.Do you know that Australiais one of the biggest_(国家) in the world?2.Please call me on 88730110 for more _(信息) .13/1513/153.Go _(径直地 ) the road, to the east of the panda House,youll see lions.4.My mother is_ (准备) allthe dishes formy birthdayp


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