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1、苏教版初二英语上册知识点总结MODULE!1 > 女口有 always ,often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, oncea,every用一般现在时,第一、二人称复数后跟动词原形,第三人称单数后跟动词加's'/'es' o2> 如有 now ,look! listen, at the moment.用现在实行时,结构是 be (am, is, are) +v-ing3> 女口有 tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, from now on, in+段时间,some day

2、, next. 用一般将来时,结构:will+ v 原 be going to +v 原(没有动词用be )4、女nW yesterday,ago 9 last.just now用般过去时动词加edgive sb. Sth.=givesth. to sb给某人某物 every day 每天,write down 写下, 记下 write it (them) down everyday每天的,日常的,how about doing sth.=what about doing sth做. 怎么样each other 互相.thanks a lot=thank you very much非常谢谢回答

3、 Thafs all right. =You!re welcome.=ThafOK.= It*s mypleasure.=Not at a 11.Why don*t you+V 原=why not+.V 原为什 么不help sb. with sth.在某方面协助别人 help sb.(to )do sth.协助某人做某事with one*shelp=with the help of sb.在某人的协助 helponeself to sth. 请自用食物watch sb. do sth. 看到某人做了某事,(现在没有做,做过)watch sb. doingsth看到某人正在做某事(正在做)se

4、e, hear 类似remember to dosth. 想起记得要做某事,未做事 remember doing sth.相起记得做过某事forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事forgetdoing sth.忘记做过某事welcome back欢迎回来,newtcnn 新学期this term 这学期,next term 下学学期,last term 上学期,give you some advice给你一些建议why not 为什么不,make a mistake=make mis takes 犯错误correct spelling 准确的拼写,whateIse?=what othe

5、r things? 还有什么a piece of advice一条建议,foliow/take one*s advice采用别人的建议,send sth tosb.=send sb. sth.寄给某人 send for 派人去请 /取send up 发射 all the time 一直enjoy oneself=havea good time=have a great time=have fun, 玩得愉快lots of =a lot of=many( 可数)much(不可数)彳艮多,某人花做某事某人花做某事spend : sb. spend some time on sth.sb. spen

6、d some time (in) doing sth.Sb. spend some money on sth某人花 某物某人花某物做某事花去Sb. spend some money (in) buying sth.某物花去某人某人支付Cost: sth. cost sb. some money pay: sb. pay some money for sth.Take : It takes (took) sb.some time to do sth. 某人向某人要某物ask for 求,要求 ,ask sb. for sth.ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 a piece o

7、f enjoy doing sth 昌 做某事 .finish,practise, mind,miss ,consider,keep, continue, 些 后跟名 形式V-ingplace sth.in =putsth. in把某物放在里面else常修不定代,关系代或副,也可修all,much,little 等,else要位于其后。所有格 else*s.take a deep breath 深呼吸,catchXholdone's breath屏住呼吸,out of breath 上气不接下气,wish sb.to do sth. 希望某人做 某事,the number of 的数目

8、,后跟名 复数,用三,anumber of 二many,大量,很多后跟名复数,用复数形式。a large number of, a small number of,invite sb.to dosth邀 某人做某事find+ it+ adj+to dosth.做某事怎么try to do sth. 尽力做事 try doing sth.做某事try not to do sth. 尽力不做某事try one's best 尽某人的努 力,a group of 一 , 一群,borrow sth from sb.从某人 借入某物,lend sth.tosb=lend sb.sth. 借 某

9、人某物 keep 借一段practice doingsth., 做做某事 come from=be from 来自,look for 找,look after=care fbr=take care of照look up 向上看,look like 看起来像,look at 看着,look on sb. as 把某人看作,look forward todoing sth.盼望,期待做某事 look over ,翻,look out当心,向外看 ,look through 仔 看 ,be ready for =getready for=prepare,be ready 准好 for,be (get

10、) ready todo sth.准做某事,意做某事translate - into 将 成,take a message 捎个信,leave a message留个信,be good for有好,begood at =do well in 擅于be poor at =be badat =do badly in=be weak in不擅 Think of 想起,think about 想出,think over 仔考,else修不定代some thing,everything,anything,nothing,some body,anybody,nobody 和 who, what,when,

11、where 放后,四,1,speak 言, 2.say 内容,3,talk 与, 4,tell告,述,四看,l,watch 看,比和表演,2,see看人,影,医生,景,3,read看,4,look 就看。看 影要用 see,看 用read、比,凡是表演用watch,observe察,一注意用notice.make+ +足(形容)使某人某物怎么。.make+ +do某人做某事make+ + 去分 使某人被怎么 ;make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友,hear of 听, hear from 收到某人的来信,be bad for有害,it is+adj.+of sb +to d

12、o sth.写性格,品 kind, goodnice,right,wrong,cleve r,care less,polite,foolish等。It is+adj+for sb+to do sth 物白勺彳介difficulty as yhard,dangerous,important,等write to 写信,next to在旁,do some concerts 音 会,speak to sb和某人,say hello to sb.某人好,saybye to sb. 向某人再,show sb. aroundsomewhere 某人参 某地,learn sth from sb.向某人学cho

13、ose the correctanswers 准确答案,correct the mis takes 改,match -with把和搭配起来建:1.why don*t you do sth?=why not do sth?2. How about doing sth?=what about doingsth?3. You should /can do sth. 4.Remember to do sth.5.Don*t forget to do sth. 6.can you do sth ?7.Lets do sth. 8.1fsa good idea to do9.would you like

14、to do ? 10.Shall we do11 .You'd better (not )do sth回答:Thafs a good idea.Thanks a lot.Great, OK. Thafs right. All right. Good idea Sure同比except,力D for异心。He's compositionis good,except for somespelling mis takes 他的篇作文写得很好,有几拼写。(非同比用exceptfor)She was all alonein the world except for an old aunt:.除了有一个老姑,她无人。Anna feltdisappointed when she found out they ha


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