



1、六年级下册英语第一次月考试题2012-03-09 班级- 姓名:-成绩:听力部分 30 分)一、听句子从A B C D四个选项中选出所包含的信-餅将字母标号填写在题前括号内.(5 分)()1、A. short B. strongerC. heavier D. smaller()2、A.shorterB. olderC.str on ger D.youn ger()3、A. sad B. madC.bored D. angry()4、A.squid B.shark C.deep D. seal()5、A. ton B.meter C. sizeD. kg二、听音,判断划线部分的发音是否相同,相同

2、的打“不同的打“对。( 分)() 1.pai nbaby()2tail tell()3. know now()4. poi nttoy()5.sad bed听音,选择你所听到的句子,将标号圈起来。分)1. A. My brother is 160 cm tall.B. My brother is 170 cm tall.)2. A. My schoolbag is 50 kg.B. My schoolbag is 15 kg.)3. A. His tail is Ion ger.B. His head is smaller.)4. A. She had a fever last ni ght.

3、B. She had a fever last weeke nd.()5. A. Sperm Whale can dive into the deep cold water.B. Killer Whale can jump out of water.四、听音,根据听到的问句,选择合适的答语。将标号填入提前括号内分)()1.A. Im 164cmtall.B. Im 46 kg.()2.A. Fine, tha nk you.B. Im 11years old.()3.A. Yes,I do.B. Metoo.()4.A. The brown mon key is stronger.B. Yes

4、, it is.()5.A. Im 40 kg.B. I wearsize 17.五、听短文,判断下列句子正误。对的错的“x”0 分)()1. John is 160 cm tall.()2. Miss White is taller than Joh n.()3. Mike is shorter than Joh n.()4. Amy is 165cm.()5. Amy is tallest in our class.笔试部分 90 分)、找出下列划线部分发音与其他不同的单词,将标号填入提前括号分)(()1. A.holeB. loadC. doll()2. A. southB. loadC

5、. loud()3. A. watchB. whoseC. where()4. A. soupB.soapC. coat()5. A. babyB.tailC. tell二、选择填空(15 分)()1._ mon key do you like?A. WhoB. WhatC.Which()6. -How are you, Mike? You look so_ Its raining outside. I cantplay football.A. happy B. excited C. sad()7.-Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him

6、. How tall is Ted?A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm)2. Im_than you.A.strongB.thinC. thi nner(your(long(cm)3. My hands are bigger than_A.youC. yours)4. How_ is your pencil?A.tallC. Ion ger)5.rm 5_ older than you .A.yearsC. YearB.B.B.()8.-Whats the matter?一 My leg_.A. hurts B. sore C. is hurtsdo you go on yo

7、ur holiday?Shan ghai.2.She_(wa nt) to_ (be)_excelle nt goalkeeper.3._ our father_ (teachE n glish? No.He_(teachCh in ese.4.She_(feel) bored .5._ (David) parents_(be) workers.()9.A. What B. Where C. How10.hepictures tomorrow?A.Do take B. Does , takes C. Is , going to take)11.A.Who,yoursruler isIonger

8、,mike s or_Who) snowsoutside.A. heavyB.more heavierC. Heavily)13.Your hands are bigger than_B. our)14.A. myHowC. oursA.are,feelingthey_are,feelC. do,feelsB.few)15.Im _A. mucholder tha n you .B. moreC.三,完形填空。 10分)1.My hobby is(listen) to music.四,补全对话。(10 分)(1) A:Hello,Mike!_?B:l am 14 years old.

9、_ ?A:I am 15 years old._ .B:Yes,you are older tha n me._ ?A:I am 148cm tall.B:Haha,I am 152cm tall._.A:Yes,I am shorter tha n you.(2) A:Hi,Che n Jie._?B:Im fin e,tha nk you._?A:Im not feeling well today.B:_ ?A:I have a headache.B:I see._ .A:Yes,Im very tired.B:You must go home and have a rest.Goodby

10、 (4)there.Theycanbuymanyhings in it .It is (5) warmandsunny.Every seas on (6)like spri often (7) .The pla nts grow (8) .You can seema nyflowers everywhere.There is a flower show in Kunming every year .You can (9) picturesthere.Most people like(10)the city.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8

11、_ 9_ 10_六、阅读理解 40 分)a Mary, JaneandMayare very goodfriends. Maryis shorter than May,Mays heavier thanJane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 yearsold and May is 9 years old. They study at QingLan Primary School. Mary likes En glish,Jane likes math and May l

12、ikes music.They all study hard.A根据短文内容,判断句子正误。对的打“,错的打 F”。(10 分)()1.There are 3 childre n in the story.()2. Mary is shorter than May.()3.Mary is heavier tha n Jane.()4. Jane is the youn gest.()5. They are all good frien ds.B.根据短文内容回答问题。10 分)1.Where do they study?b My name is Jack . I am a pupil of G

13、rade One .Im in No.1 Middle School . On weekdaysDoes Mary like En glish?How old is May?What does Jane like?Are they good frien ds?get up at six o clock . I havebreakfast at sevenandthen I goto school by bike . Wdoeginour class at eight o clock in the morning. Wdiavefour classes in the morni ng and t

14、hree inthe after noon .At noon , I have lunch at home . Classes are over at four fifteen in the after noon .After class , we ofte n play football in the after noon . I go home at about five .I have supper at about six thirty in the evening . I do my homework at seve n thirty .At weekend , I watch TV

15、 . I often go to bed at ten .1 m very happy .根据短文的意思,选择正确的答案。0 分)()1. Jack is a pupil in_ .A. Class OneB. Grade OneC. Class TwoD. Grade Two()2. Jack gets up at_ in the morning .A. five B. six C. seve nD. eight()3. After class they often play_on the playground .A. volleyballB. basketballC. footballD. pin g-p ong()4. Jack often watches TV on_ .A. Mon dayB. ThursdayC. Sun dayD. Tuesday()5. Which is true (真实旳? _.A. Jack is a good boy .B. Jack has his l


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