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1、I. Tell me about yourself.What the hiring manager really wants is a quick, two- to three-minute snapshot of whoyou are and why you ' re the best can didate for this positi on.So as you answer this question, talk about what you' ve done to prepare yourself to bethe very best can didate for th

2、e positi on. Use an example or two to back it up. Then ask if they would like more details. If they do, keep giving them example after example of your backgro und and experie nee. Always point back to an example whe n you have the opport uni ty.“ Tell me about yourself ” does not mean tell me everyt

3、hi ng. Just tell me what makes you the best.sample an swer:I have bee n work ing in the field of civil engin eeri ng for the past 6 years. My mostrecent experienee has been with an engineering consulting firm where I' ve worked for thelast 2 years. I enjoy my job because it ' s challe nging

4、and I like in teract ing with a variety of people. In my most rece nt assig nment I was on a project that lasted nine mon ths. I made a sig nifica nt con tributi on to the project because of my expertise in san itary engin eeri ng. One of my stre ngths is my atte nti on to detail. I am known for bei

5、ng extremely thorough and meeti ng or exceed ing deadli nes and goals. My boss knows that I work well un der mini mal supervision, that I am very conscientious and that the job will be done right the first time. Im look ing for a new opport un ity where I can con tribute to the growth of the compa n

6、y by help ing educate customers on the ben efits of using our con suit ing services.My backgro und to date has bee n cen tered on prepari ng myself to become the very bestI can become. Let me tell you specifically howve prepared myself.Tell about your major, what you pla n on doing whe n you get out

7、 of college, whatother jobs you have had.t ramble. Touch on these four areas:An swer in about two mi nutes. Avoid details, donHow many years, doing what functionEducati on crede ntialsMajor responsibility and accomplishmentsPers onal summary of work style (plus career goals if applicable)2. Did you

8、bring your resume?re askedYes. Be prepared with two or three extra copies. Do n ot offer them uni ess youfor one.3. What is your Ion g-ra nge objective?The key is to focus on your achievable objectives and what you are doing to reach those objectives.For example:“ With in five years, I would like to

9、 become the very best acco untant yourcompany has on staff. I want to work toward becoming the expert that others rely upon.And in doing so, I feel I ' II be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities which might be presented in the long term. For example, here is what I' m prese

10、ntly doing toprepare myself .”Then go on to show by your examples what you are doing to reach your goals and objectives.Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know whatdirect ion I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like to become the very best

11、your company has. I would like to become the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be fully prepared to take on any greater resp on sibilities that might be prese nted in the long term.4. Are you a team player?Describe what would be an ideal worki ng en vir onment?Team work is

12、 the key.Almost every one says yes to this questi on. But it is not just a yes/no questi on. Youn eed to provide behavioral examples to back up your an swer.A sample answer:“ Yes, I' m very much a team player. In fact, I' ve had opportunitiesin my work, school and athletics to develop my ski

13、lls as a team player. For example, on arece nt project .”Emphasize teamwork behavioral examples and focus on your ope nn ess to diversity ofbackgro un ds. Talk about the stre ngth of the team above the in dividual. And note that thisquestion may be used as a lead in to questions around how you handl

14、e conflict within ateam, so be preparedYou are, of course, a team player. Be sure to have examples ready. Specifics that showyou ofte n perform for the good of the team rather tha n for yourself are good evide nee ofyour team attitude. Do not brag, just say it in a matter-of-fact tone. This is a key

15、 point.5. What is your greatest weak ness?Most career books tell you to select stre ngth and prese nt it as a weak ness. Such as:“ Iwork too much. I just work and work and work.” Wrong. First of all, using stre ngth andpresenting it as a weakness is deceiving. Second, it misses the point of the ques

16、tion.You should select a weak ness that you have bee n actively work ing to overcome. For example: “ I have had trouble in the past with pla nning and prioritizati on. However, I' m nowtak ing steps to correct this. I just started using a pocket pla nn er . . .” the n show them yourpla nner and

17、how you are using it.Talk about a true weak ness and show what you are doing to overcome it.I would say my greatest weak ness has bee n my lack of proper pla nning in the past. I would overcommit myself with too many variant tasks, then not be able to fully accomplish each as I would like. However,

18、since I've come to recognize that weakness, I've taken steps to correct it. For example, I now carry a planning calendar in my pocket so that I can plan all of my appo in tme nts and "to do" items. Here, let me show you how I have this week pla nned out.6. What is your greatest str

19、e ngth?Numerous answers are good, just stay positive. A few good examples: Your ability to prioritize, Your problem-solving skills, Your ability to work under pressure, Your ability to focus on projects, Your professi onal expertise, Your leadership skills, Your positive attitude.You know that your

20、key strategy is to first un cover your in terviewer's greatest wants andneeds before you answer questions. And from Question 1, you know how to do this.Prior to any in terview, you should have a list men tally prepared of your greatest stre ngths.You should also have, a specific example or two,

21、which illustrates each stre ngth, an examplechose n from your most rece nt and most impressive achieveme nts.You should, have this list of your greatest stre ngths and corresp onding examples from yourachievements so well committed to memory that you can recite them cold after being shaken awake at

22、2:30AM.The n, once you un cover your in terviewer's greatest wants and n eeds, you can choose those achieveme nts from your list that best match up.As a general guideline, the 10 most desirable traits that all employers love to see in theiremployees are:1. A proven track record as an

23、pecially if your achievements match up with theemployer's greatest wants and n eeds.2. In tellige nageme nt "savvy".3. Hon esty.i ntegrity.a dece nt huma n being.4. Good fit with corporate culture.someone to feel comfortable with.a team player whomeshes well with in terviewer

24、9;s team.5. Likeability.positive attitude.sense of humor.6. Good com muni cati on skills.7. Dedication.willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellenee.8. Definiteness of purpose.clear goals.9. En thusiasm.high level of motivatio n.10. Con fide nt.healthy.a leader.7.lf you had to live your l

25、ife over aga in, what one thing would you cha nge?Focus on a key turning point in your life or missed opportunity. Yet also tie it forward towhat you are doing to still seek to make that cha nge.For example: “Although I ' m overall very happy with where I ' m at in my life, the one aspectI l

26、ikely would have cha nged would be focus ing earlier on my chose n career. I had a greatintern ship this past year and look forward to more experie nee in the field. I simply wish I would have focused here earlier. For example, I lear ned on my rece nt intern ship” the nprovide examples.Stay focused

27、 on positive directi on in your life and back it up with examples.8. How did you prepare for this in terview?When I found this position posted on the internet () I was immediately in terested. I checked out the compa ny website and missi on stateme nt, looked at the bios of compa nyfoun ders and exe

28、cutives, and was impressed. Once I had the in terviewappointment, I talked with friends and acquaintances in the industry. And, I' m sure I ' II findout a lot more in today ' s meetings. ”9. What kinds of people do you have difficulties work ing with?In my last three jobs I have worked w

29、ith men and wome n from very diverse backgro undsand cultures. The only time I had difficulty was with people who were dish on est about workissues. I worked with one womanwho was taking credit for work that her teamaccomplished. I had an opportunity to talk with her one day and explained how she wa

30、saffecti ng the morale. She became very upset that others saw her that way, and said she wasun aware of her behavior or the reacti ons of others. Her behavior cha nged after our talk.What I lear ned from that experie nee is that sometimes what we perceive about others is notalways the case if we che

31、ck it out.10. How do you handle conflict? (How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict?)On the job, there are many possible sources of conflict. Conflicts with: fellow employees man ageme nt rules, procedures clie nts, customers dema nds of work vs. pers on al life, familyThe best way

32、to approach a good an swer is to look at if from the employers point of viewthey want to be your first priority and they want you to solve problems (not bring them any).“I know everyth ing cannot run smoothly at work all the time. Whe n there is a con flict Iusually try to determine the source of th

33、e problem and see if it can be solved. This mightinvoIve other members of the work team discussing the problem and offering possible solutio ns. I would the n try to pick the soluti on which appears to have the best outcome andput it into acti on. ” A n atural follow-up to this would be: Tell me whe

34、 n you solved a con flictat work. So, have a brief example to illustrateyourapproach. Even if not asked, you can offer your story! If it proves your point and accentuates a skill n eeded for the positi on, go with it.I believe I am quite good at han dli ng con flict. Work ing in retail and in the re

35、side nee hallsrequired that I make many un popular decisi ons at times, whether it was term in at inganassociate or tak ing judicial acti on on a reside nt. Ofte n the pers on in con flict with me would be upset and sometimes physically outraged. I would always make sure that I fully expla ined the

36、situati on, the policies behi nd my decisi on, and why those policies exist. Usually by theend of the conv ersatio n, the pers on could see the other side of the situatio n.11. How do you han dle rejecti on?Rejectio n is part of bus in ess. People don' t always buy what you sell. The tick here i

37、s toseparate rejection of your product from rejection of yourself:“I see rejection as anopport un ity. I lear n from it. When a customer takes a pass, I ask him what we could do to the product, price or service to make it possible for him to say yes. Don' t get me wrong: You 've got to makes

38、 sales. But reject ion is valuable, too. It' s a good teacher. ”12. Tell me about a time whe n you tried and failed?Has this ever happenedto you? No one expects perfection actually, employers are morein terested in your ability to cope, to lear n from mistakes, and to deal with others who are le

39、ss tha n perfect. If you have an example, certa inly pick one that happe ned a while back, was not earth shattering in the results, and one which you learned and applied this kno wledge rece ntly. This is a versi on of damning with faint praise ' by pick ing an in cide nt that was minor in scope

40、 but, since you are so wise and are always willi ng to lear n, has taught you a valuable less on.13. What are some of the things you find difficult to do?The in terviewer is look ing to determ ine how well you know yourself, how you react to difficult situati on s/tasks and credibility. Look back ov

41、er your work experie nee for examples of challenges speaking in public at a meeting, disagreeing with a managerover animporta nt issue, being asked to use a software program you have not had an opport un ity to learn These ' stories ' should illustrate a less on lear ned, a problemovercome o

42、r aweak ness being dealt with. “ I always seem to n eed a day or two to prepare myself to give a prese ntati on to departme nt heads. When I know I have to give a report on my projects, Iplan out all the details in advanee and rehearse. One time, there was a problem with a supplier and I was asked t

43、o update senior management immediately. The supply chain was crucial to the completi on of an importa nt project we had bee n worki ng on for 5 mon ths and decisi ons had to be made based on the in formati on I had to prepare and prese nt on a moment ' s notice. I gathered the information and pr

44、esented it simply and in detail. It wasmuch easier tha n I thought without the hours of concern and practice. The facts spoke for themselves. Since I understood the situation, I was able to make it clear to management and get a rapid decisi on. I still prefer adva nee no tice but I know I can delive

45、r whe n asked to.”14. What are your short and long term goals?No one can make goals for you. It comes dow n to where you are in your professi on al lifeand what you want to do. Most people have 5-6 careers in their worki ng lifetime somewith 2 careers going at the same time (like us). The best advic

46、e is to be certa in to relate your an swers to the orga ni zati on that in terviews you. Do not make a point of hav ing goals that cannot be realized there (” I want to work in Paris. ” Organization is strictly domestic.) If youdo your research in to the orga ni zati on, and in to what you truly wan

47、t to do in the future, you will be able to come up with reas on able resp on ses. No one is going to come back to you infive years and chastise you for not meeting these goals! You will not be held to themit isonly an in terview and they are in terested in how you see yourself (and they want to see

48、you in the job.)My primary objectives are to learn as much as possible about your company's product offeri ng, orga ni zati onal structure, and professi onal sales tech niq ues so that I may become the most productive member of your sales team.What are your short-term goals?Many executives in a

49、positi on to hire you are stro ng believers in goal-sett ing. (It's one of thereas ons they've achieved so much.) They like to hire in ki nd.If you're vague about your career and personal goals, it could be a big turnoff to many people you will encoun ter in your job search.Be ready to d

50、iscuss your goals for each major area of your life: career, pers onal developme nt and learni ng, family, physical (health), com mun ity service, and (if your in terviewer is clearly a religious pers on) you could very briefly and gen erally allude to your spiritual goals (show ing you are a well-ba

51、la need in dividual with your values in the right order).Be prepared to describe each goal in terms of specific milest ones you wish to accomplish along the way, time periods you're allotting.My short-term objectives are to graduate from the Professional Development Program before the sta ndard

52、two years and begi n develop inga clie ntele. As an in tern, I preparedahead of time by studying for the Series 7 and Series 64 exams that constitute a majority of a beg inning finan cial con sulta nt's time. I'd like to make make the compa ny that hires me won der what it ever did without m

53、e.15. Where do you see yourself in five years?This is the in terviewer tryi ng to see how you are in maki ng long range pla ns and if you have goals that mesh with the organizations. One way to answer this question is to look back on your accomplishments to date: “ I started out in my profession as

54、a junior clerk while I completed my college studies duri ng the eve nin gs. Once I had my degree, I applied for atransfer to a more advaneed position,citing my on-the-job training. This has been mypatter n for my career with my past 2 employers. , I lear n quickly on the joband am willing to take cl

55、asses and workshops to augment my experienee. I have been able to assume greater resp on sibilities and add more value to the orga ni zati on. I do not think in terms of titles I think more in terms of “ How can I solve this problem? Since this has been my career style to date, I do not imagine it t

56、o change. In five years, I feel I will have con ti nued to learn, to grow in to a positi onof more resp on sibility and will have made asig nifica nt con tributi on to the orga ni zati on.”Although it is hard to predict the future, I sin cerely believe that I will become a very good financial consul

57、tant. I believe that my abilities will allow me to excel to the point that I can seek other opportunities as a portfolio manager (the next step) and possibly even higher. My ultimate goal con ti nues to be - and will always be - to be the best at whatever level I am worki ng at within Merrill Lyn ch

58、's corporate structure.16. Where do you want to become ten years from now?Ten years from now I see myself as a successful consultant for a world-class firm like yours. Iwant to have developed a won derful bond with my employer I will have prove n myself a highly compete nt systems an alyst and w

59、ill represe nt my compa ny in help ing others find solutions to their information-systems needs in a professional and timely manner.17. Would you rather work with in formatio n or with people?I like the validity of information and also like the energy that comes with working with people. The best thing about working in a group is combining the great minds fro


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