



1、Chapter I Invitation to Linguistics I. Why study Ian guage? a. b. c. II. What is Ian guage? huma n speech the ability to com muni cate by this means a system of vocal sounds and comb in ati ons of such sounds to which meaning is attributed, used for the expressi on or com muni cati on of thoughts an

2、d feeli ngs the writte n represe ntatio n of such a system ? any means of express ing or com muni cati ng, as gestures, sin gs, or ani mal sounds ? a special set of symbols, letters. Numerals, rules ets. Used for the transmission of information. As in a computer (Webster s New World Dictionary Ian g

3、uage is a mea ns of verbal com muni cati on in strume ntal social and conven ti onal determined by biological, cognitive, psychosocial, and environmental factors more sophisticated III. Features of Ianguage本质特征 1. Arbitrari ness: Forms of lin guistic sig ns bear no n atural relati on ship to their m

4、eaning (Saussure What is the link between a linguistic sign and its meaning? It?s a matter of conven ti on. 2. Duality: Property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of eleme nts of the sec on dary level and each of the two levels has its own prin cip

5、les of orga ni zati on ” (Ly ons, 1982:20 “ Stratification this organization of levels on levels -is the physical manifestation of tie infinite use of finite mean s?, the trait that most dist in guishes huma n com muni cati on and that provides its treme ndous (Bolinger and Sears, 1981, 3 3. Creativ

6、ity Language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. On the one hand, it can create new meanings; on the other hand, it has great potential to create new meanin gs, and the recursive n ature provides a theoretical basis for this possibility. 4. Displaceme nt: Huma n Ian guages a

7、re stimulus free, which en able their users to symbolize objects, eve nts and con cepts which are not prese nt (in time and space at the mome nt of com muni cati on. Displaceme nt can give huma n beings the power to han dle gen eralizati ons and abstractions and make it possible for us to talk and t

8、hink in abstract terms. IV. Origi n of Ian guage Wow-wow theory Pooh-pooh theory Yo-he-yo theory Lan guage evolves with in specific historical. Social and cultural con texts. V. Functions of Ian guage Jacobson (1960: 21-22, on the basis of 6 key elements of com muni cati on (speaker, addressee, con

9、text, message, code, con tact, established a well-k now framework of Ian guage functions: refere ntial, poetic, emotive, con ative, phatic, resourcef uln metali ngual. Halliday (1994 proposes a theory of metaf un cti ons of Ian guage, that is, la nguage has ideati on al, i nterpers onal and textual

10、fun cti ons. To sum up, the following functions are mentioned: In formative (ideati on al (cf. P12 In terpers onal Performative Emotive Phatic com muni catio n Recreatio nal VI. What is lin guistics? VII. Ma in bran ches of liguistics Phon etics Phono logy Morphology Syn tax Sema ntics Pragmatics VIII. Macroli nguistics Psycholi nguistics Socioli nguistics An thropological li nguistics Computati on al li nguistics IX. I


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