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1、PresuppositionSemantic PresuppositionPresupposition TriggersDefeasibilityPragmatic PresuppositionThe Projection Problem陈陈雪雪梅梅 黄凯睿黄凯睿Semantic Presupposition: Presupposition: what a speaker or writer assumes the receiver of the message already know. (Frege, 1892) Semantic Presupposition: concerns pres

2、upposition on the grammatical structure of sentences. Her husband is a fool. She has a husband.Constancy Under Negation:Constancy Under Negation: Definition: The negation of or query on a sentence will not negate its presupposition. P(The presupposing sentence) Q(The presupposed sentence) T T F TExa

3、mple: P: John lost my bike. Q:I have a bike. P: John didnt lost my bike. Q: I have a bike.Presupposition Triggers: Definition: words and constructions giving rise to the semantic presupposition are called presupposition triggers. 13 types and their application in EFLT/daily life Definite description

4、s Factive verbs Implicative verbs Change of state verbs Iteratives Verbs of judging Temporal clauses Cleft sentences Implicit clefts with stressed constituents Comparisons and contrasts Non-restrictive relative clauses Counter factual conditionals Questions4.Change of state verbs: Tom stopped/didnt

5、stop chasing after Jerry.nowStopped/didnt stopTom had been chasing after Jerry.11. Non-restrictive relative clauses: My house, which I bought last year, has/has not got a lovely garden. I bought my house last year. This novel, which I have read three times, is/is not very touching. I have read the novel three times. My brother, who is 18 years old, is a college student. My brother is 18 years old.12. Counter factual conditionals: If I were a boy, even just for a day, Id roll out of bed in the morning I am not a boy. If they had on


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