(整理版高中英语)课时作业(十四) (BookⅡUnits56)_第1页
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1、课时作业(十四)(book units 56)(对应学生用书p331).单项填空1not until they had been married for years .adid they have a babybthey had a babychad they a babyda baby they had解析:考查倒装。not until置于句首时,主句使用局部倒装语序,故此处只有a项正确。c项为全部倒装语序,故被排除。答案:a2the shortage of teachers in less­developed areas seems to that teaching there

2、offers chance of advancement or pay increases.ashow;fewbindicate;littlecsuggest;a fewdexpress;a little解析:答案:b3having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains whether they will enjoy it.ato seebto be seencseeingdseen4with no hope for and no way to reduce her pain and sufferin

3、g from the terrible disease,the patient sought her doctor's help to end her life.atreatbcurecachedlove解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:由于没有了治愈疾病的希望,又没有方法减少这种绝症给她带来的痛苦,病人寻求她的医生帮助结束她的生命。cure“治愈,与句意吻合。treat对待;ache疼;love关爱,均与句意不吻合。答案:b5(唐山模拟)my son has been this dream for a long time,and he is very interested in perfo

4、rming.i just want to help him fulfill his dream.aholding upbholding backcholding ondholding on to解析:考查动词词组辨析。句意:我的儿子有很长一段时间都怀揣着这个梦想,他对于表演很感兴趣。我只是想帮助他实现他的梦想。hold on to紧紧抓住;固守;执著于(某事);hold back退缩不前;阻止,阻挡;hold on坚持下去;别挂 ;hold up举起;耽误;使延误。答案:d6at the meeting the students discussed two different to the c

5、ampus travel on may 1.aapproachesbmeanscmethodsdways解析:考查名词辨析。句意:在会上,学生们讨论了五一校园游的两种不同的路线。approach作名词表示“方法(强调思考问题的方法);近路时,后面常接介词to。答案:a7( 模拟)would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?if you make most of the equipment, there will be rise in production.a/;/bthe;ac/;adt

6、he;/解析:考查定冠词的用法。句意:如果你充分利用这项设备,就会在产量有个上升。make the most of“充分利用;there be主语结构中,主语是泛指,故用不定冠词a。答案:b8(模拟)i would appreciate you could give me some advice on learning english.ait whetherbit ifcthat whendthat if解析:考查宾语从句。在英语中,当enjoy,like,love,prefer,appreciate,hate,dislike等表示情绪的动词后接when或if从句时,通常要用it作形式宾语。答

7、案:b9without facts,we can't a correct opinion.our opinion should be based on our knowledge.aformbjudgecpassdallow解析:考查动词辨析。此处表示“形成正确的观点,用动词form表示形成。答案:a10the hat borrowed from the drama company was so dirty that it required thoroughly.awashingbbeing washedcto washdwashed解析:考查非谓语动词。这里用sth. require

8、/need/want doing/to be done表示“某事需要,因此选a,用动名词的主动语态作宾语。答案:a11canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majoity of its population.amaking up of;occupied withbconsisting of;making upcmade up of;consists ofdconsisted of;taking up解析:考查动词短语。从句意看,第一空处用consis

9、t of表示“由组成,第二空处用make up表示组成,构成。答案:b12we should as a whole and try to finish the project on time.amake the mostbstick withctake apartdhold together解析:考查动词短语。语境表示我们应该团结一致,努力按时完成这个工程。用hold together表示“(使)团结一致,(使)连在一起。答案:d13as an old saying goes,a red sky in the evening often fine weather the next day.ao

10、btainsboccurscindicatesdimpresses解析:考查动词辨析。语境表示黄昏霞光满天常说明第二天的好天气。用indicate表示“说明,暗示。答案:c14it was already past midnight and three young men still in the tea house.aleftbremainedcdelayedddeserted解析:考查动词辨析。这里表示三个年轻人仍然留在茶馆里,用remain表示“(继续)待(在某处),逗留;保持不变。答案:b15(模拟) some teenagers don't realize is diffic

11、ult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.awhat;what abthat;howcwhat;howdthat:what解析:考查主语从句和表语从句。分析句子结构知,第一空使用what引导主语从句,what在主语从句中作realize的宾语;第二空选用how引导表语从句。答案:c.完形填空(五校联考)when i was in primary school,i got into a major argument with a boy in my class.i can't 1 what it was about,but i ha

12、ve never forgotten the 2 i learned that day.i was 3 that i was right and he was wrongand he was sure that i was wrong and he was right.the 4 decided to teach us a very important lesson.she 5 both of us up to the 6 of the class and 7 him on one side of her desk and me on 8 .in the middle of her desk

13、was a large,round object.i could 9 see that it was black.she asked the boy what 10 the object was.“white,he answered.i couldn't believe he said the object was white, 11 it was obviously black!another 12 started between my classmate and me,this 13 about the color of the object.the teacher told me

14、 to go to stand where the boy was standing and told him to come to stand where i had been.we changed 14 ,and now she asked me what the color of the object was.i 15 answer,“white.it was an object with two 16 colored sides,and from his side it was white. 17 from my side was the color black.my teacher

15、taught me a very important lesson that day:you must 18 in the other person's shoes and look at the 19 through their eyes in order to 20 understand their view.1a.thinkbsupposecreminddremember解析:从下文的转折but i have never forgotten可知,我记不清为何争吵。答案:d2a.lessonblecturecclassdtext解析:从下文可知,多年前的那天我得到了一个教训,至今铭

16、记在心。答案:a3a.toldbwishedcconvinceddallowed解析:be convincedbe sure,意为“确信,深信。从下文可知,当时我坚信自己是正确的,对方是错误的。答案:c4a.officerbteachercdoctordparent解析:下文提到了the teacher,my teacher,可知应选b项。答案:b5a.toldbcamecbroughtdwoke解析:bring.to some place指“带到某处。其他选项不符合文意。答案:c6a.backbfrontcmiddledside7a.plantedbplacedchaddfixed解析:答案

17、:b8a.the otherbanothercotherdothers解析:从上文on one side of her desk可推知我站到那个同学的对面,即讲桌的另一边,应是the other。答案:a9a.happilybfortunatelycclearlydnearly解析:从下文的obviously和文意可知,从我这边很清晰地看到它是黑色的,应选择clearly。答案:c10a.widthbshapeccolordsize解析:答案:c11a.whenbunlesscuntildif解析:从上下文可知,(我看到)它明明是黑色的,而我的同学却说它是白色的,我难以置信,所以a项when符

18、合文意。答案:a12a.fightbargumentcconversationdgame解析:从文意和第一段提到的argument可知,我们不同意对方的意见,又开始争吵了。答案:b13a.timebyearcmonthdday解析:由又开始了新的争吵可知,这一次是关于这个物体的颜色。其他选项显然与文意不符。答案:a14a.placesbseatscattitudesdglasses解析:由上句的内容可知,我们交换了位置。答案:a15a.needed tobwas able tochoped todhad to解析:根据语境,我们两人互相交换了位置,我看到了事物的另一面,不得不成认是白色的,即我

19、的同学刚刚看到的颜色。答案:d16a.similarlybdifferentlycbeautifullydsurprisingly解析:由下文from his side it was white和from my side was the color black可知,该物体两面的颜色不同,故differently正确。答案:b17a.stillbsinceconlydalso解析:still“仍然;since“自以来;only“可是,不过;also“而且。通过上文可知,从他那面看,物体是白色的,可是从我这面看它是黑色的。只有only符合文意。答案:c18a.seatbstandcliedput解

20、析:stand in the other person's shoes“从别人的角度,站在别人的立场上。stand符合文意。答案:b19a.situationbmovementcconditiondbehaviour解析:situation“局面,情况,局势;movement“动作;condition“状况;behaviour“行为。结合语境可知situation适宜。答案:a20a.unexpectedlybsuddenlycquietlydtruly解析:通过上文可知,只有当你站在别人的立场上,从他们的角度看问题时,你才能真正理解别人的观点。答案:d.阅读理解(湖南适应性测试)pr

21、agueprague is an ancient european city,featuring one of the most magnificent old towns in europe,along with delicious food,inexpensive shopping and friendly people.prague is also famous as being home to one of the most famous 20th century writers,franz kafka.the famous czech beer is also one of the

22、reasons to visit prague.the narrow streets of the older parts of the town are appealing the visitors to take nice long walk and settle in some of the many restaurants,which offer top­quality foods at a low price.the buildings there are mostly towershaped,and so prague is called“city of a hundre

23、d spires.mauritiusalso known as the paradise on earth,mauritius lies about 560 miles east of madagascar in the indian ocean.it is a place of magnificent natural beauty coupled with excellent customer service,which makes for an unforgettable romantic experience at the edge of the world's warmest

24、ocean.there are lots to see and do in mauritius:the coral reefs(珊瑚礁)surrounding the island offer stunning beauty and great underwater adventures to those who want to dive into the precious waters.the nature of mauritius mostly resembles that of paradise,allowing every couple visiting this island to

25、feel like adam and eve.that is an experience nobody would want to miss!cyprusthe very name cyprus,it has been said,glitters with an age­old myth.today,history and hedonism(享乐主义)are comfortably mixed on the island.some five­star resorts within walking distance of well­preserved greek a

26、nd roman ruins offer the convenience the modern traveler has come to expect.cyprus features a romantic history,as it was anthony's gift to his beloved cleopatra during the glorious days of the roman empire.maybe that is why you always feel a little special once you set foot on cyprus.for more in

27、formation about many other most romantic places in the world,just log on at :/ jurgita .1the underlined word“spiresin paragraph 2 means .anarrow streetsbinexpensive restaurantsctop­quality foodsdtower­shaped buildings解析:词义猜想题。根据本句前半句可知spires的含义与塔有关,因此选择d项。答案:d2we learn from the text that m

28、auritius .ais part of madagascarbis an ideal destination for couplescis in the central indian oceandis most famous for its good service解析:细节理解题。根据mauritius局部中的倒数第二句the nature of mauritiusmostly resembles that of paradise,allowing every couple visiting this island to feel like adam and eve.可知,毛里求斯是每一对夫妇的度假胜地,因此选b项。其他选项与文章内容不符。答案:b3what makes cyprus different from the other two places?ait is located on an island.bit offers charming resorts.cit was given as a present.dit has a very long history.解析:细节理解题。根据c


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