



1、book 9 unit 3 words1. 按要求写出以下词汇。associate n. defence v. tax n. citizen n. celebrate n. tolerate_n. migrantadj. reservation_v. desperate_adv. wind-_(过去式) 2在文中找出以下词汇的同义、近义词。connect-_fence-_booklet-_enough,sufficient-_ self-governing-_allow-_ native land-_ two weeks-_excellent-_ _ match-_ illness-_ sei

2、ze-_ unaware-_3 翻译以下短语。没意识到_ 劝说-做- _渴望做- _ 把-归功于,感谢_与-通信 _ 出于尊敬 _与-联系_ 蜿蜒而去_4. 写出词汇表中的合成词极其含义._ _ _ _ _5. 写出含有相同词缀的词。 association _ _ _ ecology_ _ _ superb_ _ _1. which of the pictures below do you _ _the following places in australia. 你把哪些图片与澳大利亚的以下地方联系起来?ive never associated yo.these problems are

3、_ with cancer treatment.这些问题与治疗癌症有关.2. glimpses of australia 澳大利亚小览glance 与 glimpse 的区别正在类同于look与see; take a glance at (看一看)的结果便是get a glimpse (瞥见了)他匆匆地看了一下她的脸.译_短语连接 gaze at 盯着看, 注视着 stare at 盯着glare at怒视 fit ones eyes on盯着看3. it is a _ dry country with only a few_ areas that have _ _ to support a

4、large population.这是一个干旱为主的国家, 只有少数沿海地区有足够的降雨, 可以维持众多的人口的生存。the money is adequate for the trip. 译_ this is a solution adequate to the problem. 译_短语连接 be fit for 适合胜任 be equal to doing sth. 胜任4. australia is a _ _ with tourists form all over the world who come to experience its _ _.澳大利亚是一个受人欢送的旅游胜地,世界

5、各地的游客来到这里体验它独特的生态环境。 1) who come to experience its unique ecology 是定语从句,和介词短语 from all over the world 并列修饰 tourists。2) popular 意思是“受欢送的, 常跟介词 with 表示 “受的欢送his songs are popular with young people. 译_she is a popular teacher with her students. 译_5. however, australia has a federal government _ _ matte

6、rs that affect people all over the country, such as _, foreign policy and _. 然而, 澳大利亚有一个联邦政府, 它负责管理涉及全国人民的事物, 如国防, 外交政策和税收等.who is _ _the accident?谁对这次事故负责?单词积累responsibly adv. 负责地, 可靠地 responsibility n. 负责, 责任短语连接 have/ take responsibility for 对负责 assume/ accept responsibility for 承当责任 have a respo

7、nsibility to do sth 应有做.义务 be responsible to sb. 对某人负责6. the federal parliament _ _ _canberra. 联邦议会坐落于堪拉.the hospital is to be_ _ your town.医院将坐落在你们城镇。7. on this 4,352-km journey form sydney to perth _ adelaide youll _ some of australias _ _from the _blue mountain to the treeless plains of the nulla

8、rbor.从悉尼经阿德莱德到达佩思长达4352公里的旅途中,你将欣赏到澳洲特有的美景,既有巍峨秀美的蓝山,也有满眼望不见树木的纳勒博平原。via 是介词,意思是“经过;经由;通过。如:this flight is form beijing to sanya via changsha. 译_8. along the way youll _ a _ _of wildlife. 沿着这条路, 你会发现多种多样的奇妙的野生动物. along the way spot a fascinating variety of wildlife 是个省略句,spot和上一句的view 并列,spot之前省略了yo

9、ull。she spotted someone coming out of the building. spotted意思是 _as the only man on the spot, he was in a position to take vital decisions.9. it is also possible to climb the rock, but most people dont do this _ _ _for the aboriginal people who _the rock to be_.爬上岩石也是可能的, 但大多数人出于尊敬那些土著居民而不那样做, 因为他们认为

10、这块岩石是神圣的.out of respect _ out of curiosity _out of kindness _ out of generosity _ 10. ill be back in sydney in a _because ive_ _ _ on the indian pacific train to perth. 两周后我就会回到悉尼, 因为我已经订了去佩思的印度洋-太平洋号的火车票.1)i made a reservation for a table for two. 译_a fortnights vacation译_her daughters birthday is

11、monday fortnight. 译_2) the indian pacific train “印度洋-太平洋号火车,澳大利亚主要的洲际火车之一,其它还有大陆号the overland) 和加恩号 (the ghan)。这趟列车在悉尼临太平洋和佩思临印度洋之间双向对开,全程4352公里,是世界上唯一穿越整个洲的铁路线,沿线上有世界上最长的铁轨478公里, the worlds longest straight stretch of railway track,中途停靠broken hill, adelaide, kalgoorlie, cook等风景点,三天三晚后到达目的地。火车上有淋浴,冷

12、热水,插座等,并有空调、设备齐全的卫生间和酒吧。11. drive 250 km northwestwards from hobart along the a10 _and you'll arrive at the southern end of the _cradle mountain national park and world heritage area.从霍巴特沿a10 号公路朝西北方向行驶250公里,你就来到景色壮观的摇篮山国家公园暨世界遗产保护区的南端。1do sth. and sb. will 是一个固定的结构,省略了从句中的 if you, 意思是“如果,就会。如:

13、去度个假,你会忘掉那些不愉快事情。译_ 和他谈谈,他会帮助你的,译_2cradle mountain national park and world heritage area 摇篮山国家公园暨世界遗产保护区, 其全称是cradle mountain-lake st clair national park (摇篮山圣嘉利湖国家公园)。摇篮山位于国家公园的北端,也是塔斯马尼亚野生生态世界遗产保护区的一局部,因为山形像婴儿摇篮故而得名。圣地嘉利湖位于国家公园南端,是澳大利亚最深的湖,同时也是散步的好去处。塔斯马尼亚野生生态世界遗产保护区保存了澳大利亚大局部珍贵的动植物,内有热带雨林、松树林和原始动

14、植物,很多是地球上其它地方没有的。5. a _for active tourists is 80-km walking _that joins the southern and northern ends of the park.喜爱运动的旅游者还有一个好去处,那就是贯穿 公园南北的一条 公里长的徒步旅行的路线。track 在这里的意思是“路径、路线。丛林徒步旅行(bushwalking)是一项很受欢送的休闲运动,在塔斯马尼亚野生生态世界遗产保护区里,共有1000多公里的步行线路。1. he is a highly _ doctor in the through out the town.a.

15、 respective b. respected c. respectful d. respecting2. the concert has been canceled _ lack of support.a. as b. owing to c. was because of d. lead to3. there are strict limits on _ the country because a lot of social problem could arises and the country cant take in a lot of new blind comers. . a. e

16、migration ito b. immigration into c. emigration out of d. emigration into4. it's not by any means a brilliant salary but it's _for our needs.a. adequate b. abundant c. accurate d. attached5. they are purely _ weapons, not designed for attacks.a. offensive b. defensive c. offence d. defensibl

17、e6. the cancer risks _ smoking have been well documented.a. involved with b. involving with c. associating with d. associated with7. -why do you look so upset?-there are so many troublesome problems _.a. remaining to be settled b. remained settled c. remaining to settle d. remained to be settled 8.

18、_ a vocation, and youll forget unhappy thingsa. going on b. to go on c. go on d. if you go on9. the boss appeared _ the accident and was not surprised at the news.a. to knowb. to have known c. knowing d. having known10. sorry, i havent got enough cash to pay for the bill. i have _ 10 yuan with me. c

19、an i pay for it with my a credit card?a. no less than b. no fewer than c. no more than d. much more than11. _ surprised the family most was _ the girl played basketball very well.a. that; thatb. that; whatc. what; thatd.what; what12. she decides to climb the high mountain _ as she is a _ person.a. a

20、lone , determined b. lonely, determinedc. alone, determining d. lonely, determining13. i remember _ this used to be a very small village.a. whenb. howc. whered. what答案:1association; defend; taxation; citizenship; celebration; tolerance; migrate; rusty; reserve; wound2associate; defence; brochure; ad

21、equate; autonomous; tolerate; homeland; fortnight; superb ; splendid; correspond; sickness; snatch; unconscious3. be unconscious of ;talkinto; be desperate to do; oweto; correspond with; out of respect; associate with; wind ones way4birthplace; homeland; timetable; rainfall; highway5. taxation; reservation; migration; technology; psychology; biology; s


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