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1、Starter 1-4基础语法知识点整理一1. 26个字母中有5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 2. 分清音标的元音和辅音, 3. a, an 的用法。 a辅 an 元(音标)如:a book an apple an hour an “E”I have _orange bag.二、必背典句 (1)Good morning,Alice! (2)Good afternoon! (3)Good evening! (4)Hi, Bob! (5) Hello, Frank! (6)-How are you ?/How are you doing? (how is your father ?-H

2、e is fine .) -Im fine, thanks. (=And you?) -Im fine, too. /I m OK./ Im very well/Not bad. (7) -Nice to meet you. (= Glad to meet you.) -Nice to meet you, too. /Me, too. (8)-How do you do? - How do you do? 9. What class are you in ? / What grade are you in ? Im in Class One / I m in Grade One.1. How

3、old are you ?-Im twelve.2. Whats your telephone number? My telephone number is 3. Whats this in English? Its an English book.4. Open your book .-Dont open your book 5. Write it on the blackboard.6. How do you spell “pencil”-P-E-N-C-I-L7. Can you help me , please?-Yes, of course. /sorry , I .8. Thank

4、 you / Thanks -You are welcome!9. Can you say it again, please!- Yes, .10. What color is it ? -Its red11. What day is it today? -Its Monday.12. Write it in your book .13. Whats the weather like in summer.-Its hotHow s the weather today ?Its cold14. Whats your favorite sport/color?-Its football15. Le

5、ts play basketball after school.16. Lets play computer games on Sunday .17. I like playing the piano.三、大写字母的用法 句首单词的第一个字母都要大写。 I am a new student.“I ”表示“我”、“OK”(好),在任何位置都要大些。 Im OK! 人名、地名、国名、某国人、某种语言 等专有名词首字母都要大写。 Lucy , LiLei, 表示星期、月份、重要节日的单词首字母 要大写。Monday, January, National Day 电影名、书名、报刊、文章标题等中的每

6、一个实词(名词、动词、形容词、副词、 数词) English Weekly, Titanic, Gone with the Wind 缩略词要大写。PK、WC、SARS、UK、表示职业、头衔、称呼的名词首字母要大写。Mr Zhang , Mrs Green, Doctor Wang, Uncle Lee, Aunt Wu 名词 + 基数词 “表示顺序Class Two,Lesson One ,Room 301四、近义词辨析 1. good/fine/ OK/well/ nice good 对人/物的评价用语。 fine 常用来指“身体好”或“天气晴朗” OK 常用语口语。 well 指限于表示

7、“身体好”。 nice 指“漂亮、美好、质量好” 2. Thats OK=That all right. 不用谢。 Thats right. “那是对的”五人称代词和物主代词的用法 人称单复数主 格宾 格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词第一人称单 数Imemyminemyself复 数weusouroursourselves第二人称单 数youyouyouryoursyourself复 数youyouyouryoursyourselves第三人称单 数hehimhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfitititsitsitself复 数theythemthei

8、rtheirsthemselves主格:用作句子的主语,放在动词前(疑问句式放在特殊动词后);e.gShe lives in Toronto, Canada.Does he speak English?宾格:用作句子的宾语,放在动词或介词后;e.gI like her. I like playing with her.形容词性物主代词:用作句子的定语,之后必须带名词;e.gThis is my book. Thats his book.名词性物主代词:相当于一个名词词组,之后不能带名词(其代换的名词需在前文中出现);e.gHis book is much newer than mine(= m

9、y book).反身代词:一般放在动词后,要求同主语人称一致。e.gShe teaches herself English.练习1.Where does _ friend come from?A. you B. your C. yourselfD. yours2.Mr. Smith teaches _English. A, we B, us C,our D, ours3.This isnt my pen. _ is in my pencil case.A. IB. MeC. My D. Mine六 be 动词的用法( am, is , are )1. You _ a new student.2

10、, I _ 13 years old.3._they your book?4, lucy _here.七 There be 结构表示“某地有某物”(就近原则), 人“有” 用“have 或has”1. I _ a pen .2. He _ a pencil .3. There _ a book and two pens on the desk.4. There _ two books and a pen on the desk.八 认识助动词和情态动词(后接动词原形)1. Do you _(like) apple 2. Does she _(speak ) Chinese?3. Lucy ca

11、n _(swim) very well.九名词的复数,不可数名词一,可数名词的复数变化形式。1  最常见的名词复数就是在单数)名词后边加上一个sboy boys     cat cats   room   rooms   horse horses    tree   trees     rose    roses2如果名词是以sh,ch,s或x结尾的话,那就要在单数的后面加上esbran

12、chbranches    match matches    coach coaches 教练 class classes    box boxes     fox foxes3.辅音加加y 结尾的改y为i再加es. 不是辅音加y结尾的直接加y就可以。babybabies       family   families citycities  &#

13、160;     country   countriesplay plays      way ways toy toys       boy boys     4当单数名词的结尾是f或fe时,复数的写法就是将f改为v,再加esthief  thieves     shelf  shelv

14、es    leaf    leaves half halves   wolf  wolves   wife wives   life lives5以O结尾的有生命的加es 没有生活的加s.potato    potatoes    tomato   tomatoes   photo  photos   &#

15、160;   zoo zoos6.名词复数的不规则变化1)child-children      foot-feet      tooth-teethmouse-mice         man-men      woman-women注意:由一个词加 man 或 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women,如an Engli

16、shman,two Englishmen。但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans2) 单复同形,如deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese , 3)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如:peoplepolice等本身就是复数,练习给下列名词加上复数形式 movie      life      knife   fry  leaf    

17、0; photo      radio      piano      zoo       tomato      potato        bus  watch      bo

18、x  book      map cat     film       door       month     horse   picture      class    boy

19、    tooth   woman     eye 十 、like doing sth go+vting Starter1-4复习练习一 单项选择18. What s _name ? _name is Lucy.A. you, I B. you, my C. your, my D, your, mine 19. Whats _ telephone number ?A. she B. her C. hers D. he20. Its time _home.A, go B. go

20、es C. going D. to go 21. Its time _school. A, in B. on C, for D. with 22. A: This is Tom. B:_A. Nice to meet you . B.Fine, thank you C. And you D. OK23. _is my son , Jim. This is Mr Read .A. This B. That C. It D. He 24. _up your hands.A, Put B. Putting C. Puts D. To put 25. A:Are you Jenny ? B: _. I

21、m Kate .A, No, I am not B. No, I am C. yes , I am D, yes, Im 9._Jim play ping-pong after class. A. Can B. Does C. Do D, Let10. _your name?A. How B, What C. Which D. Whats11._is on the desk ? -Its a pen .A. What B. How C. This D. That 12. There _ a desk and two chairs in the room.A. are B. is C. have

22、 D. has13. There _two boys in the classroom.A, are B, is C. have D. has 14. I _ a good friend .A. are B. is C have D, has 15. How _ students are there in the classroom.A. many B. much C. old D. fine 16. She is a teacher and _is Jane.A. she B. her C. he D his 17.Whats that_ _English ?A with B, in C,

23、on D, for18.A:Whats this ? B: _ a pen .A. It B. This is C. Its D. Its19._do you spell “ tree”A. How B. Why C. Where D. What 20. A: Can you help me , please ? B: _, I must go to the hospital to see my grandmother.A. Yes, B. Of course C. Sorry D Sure21.A:Thank you for helping us . B: _A: Thank you , t

24、oo B. No thanks C. Youre welcome D. Here you are 22. A: What color_ your shoes? B:_ black.A. is , Its B. is, Is C. are, Their D. are , Theyre23. Is it_ English dictionary?Aa B , an C. the D. /24.A: What are these ? B:_ handsA. Its B. These is C. Theyre D. Those are 25. This is _ arm, That is _ hand

25、.A. a, a B. an , a C .an, an D, a, an26. Can you write Chinese ? No, I _A. can , B. cant C. am D, dont 27. _the weather _ in Japan?A. Hows , like B, Whats, like C. Hows , / D. B/C28. I dont like _ at night ?A, watching TV B. looking TV C. seeing TV D. watching TV29. My brother doesnt like playing _p

26、iano.A. the B, a C. an D /30. Can you _ a bike ?A, ride B, riding C rideing D. to ride二用词的适当形式填空1. Whats _(you) name ?2. Whats _(he) favorite color?3. _(she) telephone number is 225556674. _(her) is a new student.5. Please write _(they) down, Can you help _(he)6. Miss Li teaches _(we) English.7, How

27、 _(be) you father .8, I _(be ) a girl.9.Lucy and Mike _(be) good friends.10._(be) you a teacher ? yes, I _(be)11.There _(be) a book and a pen on the desk.12.There _(be) two books and a pen on the desk.13.There _(be) some books in my bag.14.There _(be) some water in the bottle(瓶子)15.Its time_(go) home now.16.Nice _(meet) you!17.What are _(this)?18.What are _(that)19.How many _(student) are there in the classroom.20.How _you _(spell ) it ?21.How_ she _(spell) it .22.Can you _ me , please.23.Lets _( play) b


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