1、.GWD-TN-24: Verbal-Q1: PP67. Africas black rhino population in the mid-1970s numbered about 2,000, ten times the estimated population of 2,000 in 1997.A. the estimated populationB. that of their estimated populationC. more than the populations estimated amountD. more black rhinos than their populati
2、on estimateE. more than that of their populations estimated amount-Q2: PP68. The cottontail rabbit population in Orange County, California, has increased unchecked in recent years as a result of the removal of the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding woodlands.A. years as a result o
3、f the removal ofB. years as a result of removingC. years, resulting from the removing ofD. years, which is result of removingE. years, which is a result of the removal of -Q3: TTGWD11-Q19:In Rubaria, excellent health care is available to virtually the entire population, whereas very few people in Te
4、rland receive adequate medical care. Yet, although the death rate for most diseases is higher in Terland than in Rubaria, the percentage of the male population that dies from prostate cancer is significantly higher in Rubaria than in Terland.Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the
5、 disparity between the prostate cancer death rate in Rubaria and Terland?A. Effective treatment of prostate cancer in its early stages generally requires medical techniques available in Rubaria but not in Terland.B. Most men who have prostate cancer are older than the average life expectancy for mal
6、e inhabitants of Terland.C. Being in poor general health does not increase ones risk of developing prostate cancer.D. It is possible to decrease ones risk of getting prostate cancer by eating certain kinds of foods, and such foods are more readily available in Rubaria than in Terland.E. Among men in
7、 Rubaria, the death rate from prostate cancer is significantly higher for those who do not take full advantage of Rubarias health care system than for those who do.-*;Q4Q6: TTGWD11-Q35 to Q37: Citing the fact that the real gross domestic product(GDP) per capita was higher in 1997 than ever before, s
8、ome journalists have argued that the United States economy performed ideally in 1997. However, the real GDP is almost always higher than ever before; it falls only during recessions. One point these journalists overlooked is that in 1997, as in the twenty-four years immediately preceding it, the rea
9、l GDP per capita grew nearly one-half percent a year more slowly than it had on average between 1873 and 1973. Were the 1997 economy as robust as claimed, the growth rate of real GDP per capita in 1997 would have surpassed the average growth rate of real GDP per capita between 1873 and 1973 because
10、over fifty percent of the population worked for wages in 1997 whereas only forty percent worked for wages between 1873 and 1973. If the growth rate of labor productivity (output per hour of goods and services) in 1997 had equaled its average growth rate between 1873 and 1973 of more than two percent
11、, then, given the proportionately larger workforce that existed in 1997, real GDP per capita in 1997 would have been higher than it actually was, since output is a major factor in GDP. However, because labor productivity grew by only one percent in 1997, real GDP per capita grew more slowly in 1997
12、than it had on average between 1873 and 1973.-Q4 - Q35: The passage is primarily concerned withA. comparing various measures used to assess the performance of the United States economy in 1997B. providing evidence that the performance of the United States economy in 1997 was similar to its performan
13、ce between 1873 and 1973C. evaluating an argument concerning the performance of the United States economy in1997D. examining the consequences of a popular misconception about the performance of the United States economy in 1997E. supporting an assertion made by journalists about the performance of t
14、he United States economy in 1997-Q5 - Q36: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the average rate at which real GDP per capita grew in the twenty-four years immediately before 1997?A. It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 because only forty percent of the populatio
15、n worked for wages between 1873 and 1973.B. It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 because labor productivity grew less between 1973 and 1997 than it had between 1873 and 1973.C. It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 as a result of an increase in the percentage of the popula
16、tion earning wages during these years.D. It was less than the average rate at which real GDP per capita grew between 1873 and 1973.E. It was less than the rate at which real GDP per capita grew in 1997.-Q6 - Q37: It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is the reason that the
17、author faults the journalists referred to in line 4?A. They believe that the real GDP per capita in 1997 was higher than the real GDP per capita had ever been before.B. They argue that the rate at which real GDP per capita grew in 1997 was faster than the average rate at which it had grown between 1
18、873 and 1973.C. They overestimate the effect of labor productivity on the real GDP per capita in 1997.D. They overestimate the amount by which real GDP per capita in 1997 surpassed real GDP per capita in earlier years.E. They fail to consider the real GDP per capita in 1997 within an appropriate his
19、torical context.-Q7: PP69. In human hearing, subtle differences in how the two ears hear a given sound help the listener determine the qualities of that sound.A. in how the two ears hear a given sound help the listener determineB. in the two ears hearing a given sound help the listener in determinin
20、gC. in how a sound is heard by the two ears helps the listener determineD. between how the two ears hear a given sound helps the listener in determiningE. between how a sound is heard by the two ears help the listener in determining-Q8: PP70. Employment costs rose 2.8 percent in the 12 months that e
21、nded in September, slightly less than they did in the year that ended in the previous quarter.A. less than they did B. less than it did C. less than they were D. lower thanE. lower than they were-Q9: PP71.Simply because they are genetically engineered does not make it any more likely for p
22、lants to become an invasive according to a decade-long study published in the journal Nature.A. because they are genetically engineered does not make it any more likely for plants toB. because it is genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely toC. being genetically engineered does n
23、ot make it any more likely that plants willD. being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely toE. being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely that it will become-Q10:TTGWD11-Q30:Editorial: In Ledland, unemployed adults receive government assistance. To redu
24、ce unemployment, the government proposes to supplement the income of those who accept jobs that pay less than government assistance, thus enabling employers to hire workers cheaply. However, the supplement will not raise any workers income above what government assistance would provide if he or she
25、were not gainfully employed. Therefore, unemployed people will have no financial incentive to accept jobs that would entitle them to the supplement.Which of the following, if true about Ledland, most seriously weakens the argument of the editorial?A. The government collects no taxes on assistance it
26、 provides to unemployed individuals and their families.B. Neighboring countries with laws that mandate the minimum wage an employer must pay an employee have higher unemployment rates than Ledland currently has.C. People who are employed and look for a new job tend to get higher-paying jobs than job
27、 seekers who are unemployed.D. The yearly amount unemployed people receive from government assistance is less than the yearly income that the government defines as the poverty level.E. People sometimes accept jobs that pay relatively little simply because they enjoy the work.-Q11Q14: TTGWD4-Q3 to Q6
28、: Extensive research has shown that the effects of short-term price promotions on sales are themselves short-term. Companies hopes that promotions might have a positive aftereffect have not been borne out for reasons that researchers have been able to identify. A price promotion entices only a brand
29、s long-term or “loyal” customers; people seldom buy an unfamiliar brand merely because the price is reduced. They simply avoid paying more than they have to when one of their customary brands is temporarily available at a reduced price. A price promotion does not increase the number of long-term cus
30、tomers of a brand, as it attracts virtually no new customers in the first place. Nor do price promotions have lingering aftereffects for a brand, even negative ones such as damage to a brands reputation or erosion of customer loyalty, as is often feared. So why do companies spend so much on price pr
31、omotions? Clearly price promotions are generally run at a loss, otherwise there would be more of them. And the bigger the increase in sales at promotion prices, the bigger the loss. While short-term price promotions can have legitimate uses, such as reducing excess inventory, it is the recognizable
32、increase in sales that is their main attraction to management, which is therefore reluctant to abandon this strategy despite its effect on the bottom line.-Q11: The primary purpose of the passage is toA. compare the arguments in favor of a certain strategy with those against itB. attack a certain st
33、rategy by enumerating its negative consequencesC. justify the use of a certain strategy in light of certain criticisms that have been made against itD. advocate a particular strategy by arguing against an alternativeE. explain the effects of a certain strategy and the primary motivations for adoptin
34、g it-Q12: According to the passage, which of the following is the reason why short-term price promotions do not attract new long-term customers to a brand?A. Short-term price promotions do not produce an increase in sales.B. Customers come to regard the promotional price as the fair price and the re
35、gular price as excessive.C. Most customers select among competing products largely on the basis of price and very few are loyal to any particular brand.D. Customers who have not previously bought the promoted brand are almost never persuaded to do so by the short-term price promotions.E. Any custome
36、rs that a brand gains by means of a short-term price promotion are liable to be lost when a competing brand has a similar promotion.-Q13: The passage suggests that evidence for price promotions “effect on the bottom line” (line 40) is provided byA. the lack of lingering aftereffects from price promo
37、tionsB. the frequency with which price promotions occurC. price promotions inability to attract new customersD. price promotions recognizable effect on salesE. the legitimate uses to which management can put price promotions- Q14:It can be inferred from the passage that if a company ceased to run sh
38、ort-term price promotions for a particular product, an effect of this change would be toA. reduce excess inventory of the productB. lose some of the products long-term customersC. reduce the products overall salesD. inhibit growth in the number of the products customersE. threaten the products profi
39、tability-Q15: PP72. A recent United States Census Bureau report shows that there are more than three times as many households where the children and grandchildren are living in their grandparents home as compared to households where the grandparents are living in their childrens or grandchildrens ho
40、me.A. as compared to households where theB. as there are households where theC. as those whoseD. than compared to those where theE. than there are whose-Q16: PP73. With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting, wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey
41、 deer population to have grown to exceed 175,000A. With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting, wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey deer population to haveB. With no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that do no
42、t allow hunting, wildlife officials' estimate of the deer population in New Jersey hasC. With no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods where there is no hunting, the deer population in New Jersey, wildlife officials estimate, hasD. Without natural predators and no h
43、unting allowed in expanse of green suburban neighborhoods, New Jersey has a deer population that wildlife officials estimate to haveE. Without natural predators and with expanses of green neighborhoods where there is no hunting, wildlife officials in New Jersey estimate a deer population that has-Q1
44、7: TTGWD11-Q32:(對照GWD10-Q17)Editorial: An arrest made by a Midville police officer is provisional until the officer has taken the suspect to the police station and the watch commander has officially approved the arrest. Such approval is denied if the commander judges that the evidence on which the p
45、rovisional arrest is based is insufficient. A government efficiency expert has observed that almost all provisional arrests meet the standards for adequacy of evidence that the watch commanders enforce. The expert has therefore recommended that because the officers time spent obtaining approval is l
46、argely wasted, the watch commanders approval no longer be required. This recommendation should be rejected as dangerous, however, since there is no assurance that the watch commanders standards will continue to be observed once approval is longer required.In the editorial, the two portions in boldfa
47、ce play which of the following roles?A. The first is a claim, the accuracy of which is disputed by the editorial; the second is a conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the editorial.B. The first is an observation that the editorial disputes; the second is a conclusion that was
48、drawn from that observation.C. The first is a finding that was used in support of a proposal that the editorial opposes; the second is a judgment that was based on that finding and in turn was used to support the proposal.D. The first is a finding introduced to support the main conclusion of the edi
49、torial; the second is that main conclusion.E. The first is a conclusion, the evidence for which the editorial evaluates; the second is part of the evidence cited in favor of that conclusion.-Q18: TTGWD11-Q40:Parlands alligator population has been declining in recent years, primarily because of hunti
50、ng. Alligators prey heavily on a species of freshwater fish that is highly valued as food by Parlanders, who had hoped that the decline in the alligator population would lead to an increase in the numbers of these fish available for human consumption. Yet the population of this fish species has also
51、 declined, even though the annual number caught for human consumption has not increased.Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the decline in the population of the fish species?A. The decline in the alligator population has meant that fishers can work in some parts of lakes and river
52、s that were formerly too dangerous.B. Over the last few years, Parlands commercial fishing enterprises have increased the number of fishing boats they use.C. Many Parlanders who hunt alligators do so because of the high market price of alligator skins, not because of the threat alligators pose to the fish population.D. During Parlands dry season, holes dug by alligators remain filled with water long enough to provide a safe place for the eggs of this fish species to hatch.E. In several neighboring countries through which Parlands rivers also flow, alligators are at risk of extincti
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