1、 Weekly Address: This Thanksgiving, Recognizing the Greatness of American GenerosityRemarks of President Barack Obama November 26,2015 Hi, everybody. In 1620,a small band of pilgrims came to this continent, refugees who had fled persecution and violence in their native land. Nearly 400 years later,
2、we remember their part in the American story-and we honor the men and women who helped them in their time of need.大家好。1620年,一小拨朝圣的清教徒来到这片大陆,他们为了逃离故土的迫害和暴力镇压逃难至此。将近400年来的今天,我们依然记得他们在美国历史上的重要位置,我们也崇敬那些在他们最需要帮助的时候伸出援手的人们。 Thanksgiving is a day for food and football, and for hoping the turkey didnt turn
3、 out too dry. But its also a day to count our blessings and give back to others-a reminder that no matter our circumstances, all of us have something to be grateful for. Maybe its good health, a new addition to the family, or a child taking a next step toward college or a career. Maybe its a new job
4、, or long overdue raise. Maybe its something as simple, and as important, as the chance to spend time with the people who matter most. 感恩节是分享美食、观赏球赛的日子,大家都希望火鸡不要烤的太干。这也是我们将祝福和帮助送给他人的日子,无论我们生活在什么环境中,我们都有一些需要感恩的东西。也许是有个好身体、家里有了新居、或者是孩子们在学业或职业上取得了新进展。也许是有了新工作、期待已久的升职。也许是很简单、很重要,与最关心的人一起共度时光的机会。 Of cour
5、se, every American can be thankful for the chance to live in a country founded on the belief that all of us are created equal. And as President, Im thankful that I get to see the best of America every day-the courage of our troops and veterans, the resilience of our families, and the basic goodness
6、of the ordinary people who call this country.当然,每个美国人都会为生活在这样的国家而感动,因为这个国家相信所有人生而平等。作为总统,我感谢每一天我看到的都是最美好的美国,我们有英勇不屈的将士和退伍军人,坚忍不拔的家庭,普通百姓称赞这个国家的一切美好的地方。 On this uniquely American holiday, we also remember that so much of our greatness comes from our generosity. Theres the generosity of Americans who
7、volunteer at food banks and shelters, making sure that no one goes hungry on a day when so many plates are full. Theres the generosity of Americans who take part not just in Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but Giving Tuesday-recognizing that in the holiday season, what you give is as important as wha
8、t you get. 在这个独具美国特色的节日里,我们也感谢慷慨大方的人们。乐善好施的美国人民自发设置食品发放中心和救济站,确保在大部分人都有吃的情况下没有人挨饿。慷慨的美国人民不仅参与黑色星期五和网购星期一的活动中,也参与到分享星期二的活动中,这些在假期里的活动让我们记住,你所给予的与你所得到的一样重要。 And Ive been touched by the generosity of the Americans whove written me letters and emails in recent weeks, offering to open their homes to refu
9、gees fleeing the brutality of ISIL.最近几个星期,很多人给我写信、发邮件,大家敞开家门接纳逃离ISIL魔掌的难民们,我也一直被美国人民的慷慨大方所感动。 Now, people should remember that no refugee can enter our borders until they undergo the highest security checks of anyone traveling to the United States. That was the case before Paris, and its the case no
10、w. And what happened in Paris hasnt stopped Americans from opening their arms anyway.现在,大家应该了解,任何来到美国的人,只要没有通过最高级别的安全检查,是不可能进入我们国家的。巴黎事件之前是这样,之后也是这样。但巴黎事件的发生不会让美国敞开的怀抱关闭。 One woman from Pennsylvania wrote me to say,“ Money is tight for us in my household .But I have a guest room. I have a pantry ful
11、l of food. We can do this. Another woman from Florida told me her familys history dates back to the Mayflower-and she said that welcoming others is part of what it means to be an American.一位来自宾夕法尼亚州的女士写信给我,她说:“我持家过日子,钱很紧张但我腾出了一间客房。我家的食品还算充足。我们可以做到。”另一位来自佛罗里达州的女士告诉我说她家祖上是随五月花号过来的,她说欢迎其他人正是“美国传统”的一部分。
12、 Nearly four centuries after the Mayflower set sail, the world is still full of pilgrims-men and women who want nothing more than the chance for a safer, better future for themselves and their families. What makes America is that we offer that chance. We turn Lady Libertys light to the world, and wi
13、den our circle of concern to say that all Gods children are worthy of our compassion and care. Thats part of what makes this the greatest country on Earth. 距离五月花号启航将近四个世纪了,世界上依然充满了朝圣者,这些男男女女不为别的,就为一份更安宁的生存机会,为自己和家人更争取更美好的未来。美国之所以成为美国,正是因为我们提供的这样的机会。我们将自由女神的光明传递到世界各地,我们将我们的关怀扩大到所有上帝的子民,他们值得我们去同情、关爱。而
14、这也正是我们成为这个星球上最伟大的国家的原因。I hope that you and your family have wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded by loved ones, and full of joy and gratitude. And together, may we all play our own small part in the American story, and write a next chapter that future generations can be thankful for.我希望大家过一个美好的感恩节,与心爱
15、的人团聚,充满欢乐和感激。愿我们共同努力,扮演好我们在美国历史上的角色,写下可以让子孙后代感激的新篇章。From the Obama family to yours, have a great Thanksgiving.最后,我代表奥巴马全家祝大家感恩节快乐! No Cellphone Day With more and more functions added to it, ranging from chatting with friends to shopping and booking, the cellphone seems increasingly Indispensable in
16、our life. Despite its irreplaceablerole, many people complain the lack of privacy, peace in our life-we are always reachable and we dont seem to value face to face communication with our friends any more. So my suggestion is that there should be a cellphone-free day each year when all of us switch off our cellphones and when we dont have to worry anything unexpected might come up and have
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