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1、一介词的含义介词是一种虚词,用来表示名词或相当于名词的其它词语与句中其它词的关系, 用。介词可以与名词或相当于名词的其它词构成介词短语。二.表示时间的介词at (表示钟点):at 6 : 30固定搭配:at noon ; at night ; at present /atthe mome ntin (表示年代 / 月份 / 季节):in July; in 2006; in September, 1998 ; in spring固定搭配己:in the mornin g / in the after noon / in the evening on(表示具体日期 : 某月某日 / 星期几): o

2、n Mon day ; on Sun day morning ; on December17before 在- 之前by 在-之前(时间);到-为止since 自从-以来during 在-期间in + 一段时间:-以后(用于将来时) after + 一段时间:-以后(用于过去时)三.表示场所,方向的介词in 在某处(大地方)(in China ; in Beijing ); water)在-里面 (in the classroom ; in theon 在-上面(紧贴着其表面):(on the table;on one s face)near在-附近beside:在-旁边by 在-旁边at 在

3、某处(小地方)(at the cinema ; at school ;at home at the railway不能单独使after 在-之后until / till :直到-(时间)for (接一段时间)from 从-时起within -之内bey ond -之夕卜between 在-禾口 - 之间among 在-(3 者或更多的人或物)当中in front of在-的前面beh ind在- -的后面beside:在-旁边into 进入-里out of从- -中出来near / nest to靠近across 穿过(沿着表面)through穿过(从中间)alo ng沿着from - to

4、-从-到-arou nd在- -周围over 在-的正上方un der在-的正下面/above在-斜上方below 在-斜下方四其他介词in 用(某种语言),穿着(某种颜色的衣服)about 大约;关于from 来自-as 像-(接句子);正如-;like 像-(接单词)with 和-起; 用-without 没有-by 通过(某种方式或手段);乘坐 by bus ( train /plane /ship /bike) on foot五.重要介词辨析(1)on, over 与 aboveOn 在 上面与物体表面有接触面Over 在 上方垂直正上方,表示“跨越,覆盖”Above 在上方在.(偏)

5、上方,表示两者不接触例如:There is a bag on the desk.The lamp is over the table.The heave n is above us.(苍天在上。)(2)in, on 与 toin 用于主语被包含于某一范围之内。on 用于表示两地互相接壤。to 用于主语在某一范围之外。例如:Beiji ng lies in the n orth of China.北京位于中国的北部。Rusia is on the n orth of China.俄罗斯在中国的北面。Japa n is to the east of China.日本在中国的东面。(3)across

6、, over, through 与 pastacross “穿过”强调从物体表面的这一边到另一边over “越过”强调从人或事物的上方经过,越过through “穿过,通过”强调从物体内部穿过;从长形物的一头到另一头。past “经过”只从物体旁边经过例如:If you see the gree n light, you can walk across the street.The train run through the tunnel(隧道).I can jump over the fence(围墙).stati on )We walked past the hospital.(4)exc

7、ept, except for, besides 与 butexcept “除.以外”表示同类事物之间的关系except for “除.以外”,“如果不是”,“若非”表示对局部的否定,不表示同类事物之间的关系besides “除.以外”,“还有.”所指事物包括在叙述范围之内but “除.以外” 多与 n obody, none, no one, nothing, anything, every one, all, who 连用例如:We all went swim ming except Ann.Besides Ann, we all went swim ming.Your compositi

8、 on is good except for some spelli ng mistakes.No one but Peter went there.(5) in front of 与 in the front of 在. 前面”in front of 指一个物体在另一个物体的前方in the fro nt of 指一个物体包含在另一个物体内部的前方There is a big tree in front of the classroom.There is a desk in the front of the classroom.(6) since 与 forsince 自从”后跟时间点或动作

9、初始的句子,用于现在完成时态。 for 达,计”后跟时间段,用于现在完成时态。例如:I have lear ned En glish since 2002.We have known each other since I was a little boy.They have lived here for ten years.介词专项训练1. Mary is flyi ng to Italy. She will arriveParisthe morni ngof July 9.A. at/inB. i n / onC. i n / inD. at/on2. Chi na liesthe east

10、 of Asia andthe north of Australia.A. to / toB. to / inC. in / onD. in / to3. -What time did you get there this morning ?-eight.A. InB. OnC. AtD. From4.thehelp of Liu Tao, I havemade much progressin English recently.A. Un derB. I nC. WithD. On5. Last ni ght I did my homework11 oclcok, so I got up la

11、te thismorhi ng.A. un tilB. atC. fromD. i n6. I ll return back to Qingdaoa few daysA. sinceB. i nC. onD. after7 .I prefercoffeetea, and so I oftendrink coffee in steadtea.A. from / toB. with / atC.to / ofD. for / of&We can t liveair or water.A. withB. out ofC. inD. without9. When Li Ming talks t

12、o foreig ners, he always thinksChin ese first,the n he turns her words En glish.A. by / to B. in /in toC. with /in toD. through/ to10. Qingdao is famousQin gdao Beer and Zha nq iao Pier.A. forB. asC. toD. with11. It s impolite to laughsome one who makes mistakes.A. toB. onC. atD. into12. Fin ally I

13、came upa good idea to solve the problem.A. withB. toC. atD. on13. - Is this car yours ?-No, it s not mine. It belongsPeter._A. withB. toC. inD. at14.May 4 Square and Zhanqiao Pier are regardedthesymbol of Qingdao.A. toB. onC. inD. as15.Great changes have taken place in Qingdao2008._A. afterB. before

14、C. si neeD. for16.We always provide the customersA. forB. withC. toC. forD. withthree hours, so I feel a bit tired.C. si neeD. for20.Fruitswatermelon are very popular in summer.A. asB. likeC. forD. with21.I paid 3000 yuanthe computer.A. forB. toC. onD. in22._ d, we decided to go to the zoo together

15、the n ext Sun day.A. AtB. InC. OnD. With23.I always go home Wei Hua school._A. after / at B. to / before C. with / after D. without/ from24._ e I arrived the railway station, the train hadalready left.A. At / to B. In /in to C. After / on D. By / at25.Tom often make some mistakes becausehis careless

16、ness.A. ofB. offC. toD. at26. -Would you like some coffee ?way,do you have any milk ? Iprefer coffee-Yes,please. By themilk.A. fromB. withC. toD. for27. I did n t go to bed last ni ghtI fini shed my homework.A. atB. fromC. inD. un til28. I usuallygo to schoolfootbecause my homeis not farmyschool.a g

17、ood after-sale service.D. from17. My mobile phone is differentyours.A. fromB. toC. atD. in18. This method is not suitableme. Ill think about other ones.A. toB. at19. I have been workingA. afterB. inWhether we will go to the zoo tomorrow depe ndsA. onB. forC. atD. inIan guagethe world.around44. I hav

18、ebeen livinghereB. for more than 20 years.D. before29.A. by / to B. by / awayMr Smith left the officeC. on / fromD. on / forA. withB. withoutsay inganything.C. withinD. after30.A bird flew into the housethe window.31.A. throughtheB. acrossC. fromD. behindnight of August 8,2008, the Opening Ceremony

19、of the 29th OlympicGames was held in Beiji ng.A. InB. OnC. ForD. AtA. forB. i nC. onD.with33. Your backpack is similarmine.A. toB. withC. forD.about34. I will go to Hangzhoutwo weeks.A. forB. i nC. afterD.with35. My father is always busyhis work.A. withB. onC. inD.for32.Linda always spe nds too much

20、 moneyclothes.the n orth of China.36.win terIt is usually coldA. on / at B. at / onC. i n / inD. at / at37.Mr Brow n came to ChinaJuly, 2005.A. onB. inC. atD. since38.ThanksA. toyour help, IB. forC. of39.The buses are always crowdedA. ofB. for40 . Chen Fei is lear ningJapann extyear.A. in /toB. for

21、/ withvemade great progress in En glish.D. Xpeople.C. amongJapaneseC. at / forD. withthe moment. She will leaveD. on / at45. The mantheleft is Jenny.He is41.the weather.42. It s very kind _A. for / of B.you to come to see meof / offC.with/ off D.to / with43.It is very necessaryustolearnEnglish.It is

22、 the most widely-usedA. for / inB. of/ atC.to /onD. with /A. sinceC. aftertalkingPaulover there.A. in / aboutB.to / withC.on / toD.at / about46. Can you swimA. overthe river ?B. throughC. underD. across47. We should standline when we are waitinga bus.A. on / inB. i n / forC. in / onD. on / for48. Ja

23、pan isA. to / ontheeast of China.and India isthewest of China.B. on / inC. in / onD. on / to49. I workedthe problemB.accident.with / atA. up / in50. It is nearly 10 pm, but Tom still didnC.D.out / byt come home, and so his mother is veryin / withworriedhim.A. forB. aboutC. withD. on51.Chin ese people like drinking teaA. withB. innothing in it.C. onD. for52.A new railway was builtA. alo ngB. i nthe two cities.C. betweenD. among53.Che n Mi ng d


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