1、综合过关检测二第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题每段对话仅读一遍。W:Billy,what s news with you?M:I ve got good news.My photo works have won the national prize.1 .What is the man s good news?A. He has take n
2、many good photos.B. He got a job as a photographer.C. His photo works got a prize.答案:CW:Joh n,this project would not have bee n completed without you.M:I m believed that I ve fin ally put an end to it.W:Sure.You did anexcellent job.As an award,I ll give you a pay raise.2. How will the woman reward t
3、he man s work?A. She will promote the man to a high positi on.B. She will raise the man s pay.C. She will give the man a paid vacati on.答案:BW:Do you ofte n work out?M:Yes,I do.I jog every morning and play tennis every Saturday after noon.3. What sports does the man do every morning?A. Playi ng tenni
4、s.B. Walki ng on foot.C. Running. 答案:CM:Susan,l owe you an apology.I m sorry,I didn t show up yesterday.W:Forget it.I un dersta nd.Someth ing came up in your compa ny.4. What can we draw from the con versati on?A. The man and the woma n has a date yesterday.B. The man forgot the date with the woma n
5、 yesterday.C. The man didn t come yesterday because of his company s affairs. 答案:CW:Kari n,I mpla nning a trip to Hainan Isla nd this win ter.M:Really?I have the same plan.Why don t we keep each other company?5. What does the man mean?A. He suggests they go to Hainan Isla nd together.B. He ll go to
6、Hainan Isla nd with the people of his compa ny.C. He has booked a ticket to Hainan Island through a travel company. 答案:A第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。M:I
7、 d like to book a few tickets downstairs,please.2W:Yes,we have.M:How much are they?W:$3.75 each.M:Are there any for $2.50?W:Yes,there are some but upstairs.How many? M:Four,please.W:For which n ight?M:What about Saturday,October 21st?W:I can give you four tickets for the seats in Row 8.M:How long wi
8、ll the performa nee last?W:Two and a half hours.M:Tha nk you.How much will that be in all? W:$10,please.6. Why doesn t the man book the seats downstairs?A. Too expe nsive.B. Too close to the stage.C. Un comfortable.答案:A7. How much is each upstairs ticket?A.$10.B.$3.75.C.$2.50.答案:C 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题
9、。W:Tom,whe n can we expect you and your daughter for dinn er?Next Saturday? M:Next Saturday?I msorry .I ve promised to go to a Chin ese opera with my daughter.She s been longing for that day.W:How about Sunday the n?M:Yes,Su nday sou nds fin e.What time?W:Does 6:30 suit you?M:It suits me fine,but we
10、 don t know where you live.W:No problem.I ll meet you at the school entrancejust live two blocks away. M:All right.What do you wantus to bring?W:Well,l don t know.That ll be for you to decide.M:Good.I ve got a new dish that I want to try out.W:Fine.l ll see you then.M:Tha nks.Goodbye.8. What is the
11、woma n going to do?A. lnvite the man and his daughter to the dinner.B. Go to a Chin ese opera.C. Go to school.答案:A9. Where are the speakers going to meet each other?A. At the school gate.B. At the woman s house.C. At the man s home.答案:A听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。M:There is a hurrica ne warni ng on .My m
12、other just told me.She heard it on the radio. W:What s a hurricanewarning?M:lt mea ns that a hurrica ne has bee n see n somewhere in the area.W:Really?l n New Berlin?M:No.Not n ecessarily in tow n.But in souther n Wise onsin somewhere.A hurrica ne has bee n spotted.Theyhave two stages here.This is w
13、hat is called a “hurricane watch ” .Thatmeans that the weather con diti ons are perfect for a hurrica ne.W:l un dersta nd.They think a hurrica ne might come.3M:Yes,people should look out,because maybe there will be hurricanes coming.So it scalled“ watch ”.W:And the sec ondstage is called a“ hurrica
14、ne warning ”.M:Yes,lf a hurricane has been spotted,they announce a“hurricane warning ” .So ifthere is a hurricane warning on,it means a hurricane is out there somewhere.W:lt s scary.M:Well.Hurrica ne can be dan gerous,it s true .If we hear someth ing like a loud traincoming,then we have to go in the
15、 basement for safety.10 .Where did the man get the“hurricane warning ” from?A. On TV.B. On the radio.C. From his mother.答案:C11 .Which stage of the follow ing is called the“ hurrica ne warning ”?A. The first stage.B. The sec ond stage.C. The third stage.答案:B12 .Where for safety should people go whe n
16、 hurrica ne comes accord ing to the man?A. Go into the house.B. Go into the baseme nt.C. Go into the train.答案:B听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。M:You re late.W:l know I m late .I m sorry .I tried to call you,but your phone seems to be disc onn ected.M:My pho ne?W:Yes.A n automatic message says your phone is n
17、ot in service.M:Really?I had no idea.Let me check.Yes,it s dead.There s no dial tone.W:So I could n t get through .I knew I d be late because my car would n t start .Itwas too cold I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater.That s why I m late.M:But this is terrible .I m expect ing importa nt c
18、alls.W:About what?M:You know what.The theater associati on is supposed to call me and discuss a con tract for my play.Theyare supposed to call me this evening.lf I don t have apho ne.Oh,what can I do?W:Well,the only thing you can do is to tell the phone company and hope they fix it fast.13 .Why is t
19、he woman late?A. The traffic is heavy.B. Her car couldn t start.C. She got an accide nt.答案:B14.Whose telepho ne is broke n?A. The man s.B. The woman s.C. Both A and B. 答案:A15 .Whose call is the man expect ing?A. The woman s call.B. His friend s call.4C. The theater association s call.答案:C16 .What do
20、es the woma n advise the man to do?A. Get some one to repair it.B. Call the phone compa ny.C. Buy a new one asap.答案:B听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。_Well,l feel it is very important for families to have regular meals together.One of my childhood memories wasdinner with my pare nts and two sisters.Because m
21、y husba nd and I both work and our three childre n arebusy with their studies,we seldom have a cha nee to get together.But we thought it would be possible for usto sit dow n and enjoy meals together every week.First,we tried setti ng three fixed dates:M on days,Wednesdays and Fridays.But almost ever
22、y one was un happy.The n my son had the idea that every one told mehis or her most convenient days and I would choose the two best days.For a while,the childre n were still unhappy with the idea.They said they would rather spe nd the time with their friends or play ing sports.Graduallythey bega n to
23、 find these evening get-togethers in teresti ng and helpful.We laughed a lot.We made plans fortrips.We discussed each other s problems.After a couple ofmon ths,a nyone who had to miss a family meal felt sorry.A nd now we all feel that we have bee n able tobuild much stro nger relati on ships with in
24、 the family tha n we had before.17.How many people are there in the speaker s family ?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five. 答案:C18 .What did the childre n think about havi ng dinner together at home?A. They thought it was funny.B. They disliked the idea at first.C. They preferred eati ng with frien ds.答案:B19. H
25、ow ofte n did the family fin ally decide to have meals together?A. Every Sun day.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.答案:B20. Who fin ally set the time for these family dinn ers?A. The childre n.B. The father.C. The woma n speaker.答案:C第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)5第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四
26、个选项(A、B C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AAudrey Hepbur n won an Academy Award as Best Actress for her first major America n movie,RomanHoliday,which was released( 发行)in 1953.But she is remembered as much for her aid work as forher acting.Born in Belgium in 1929,Audrey s father w as British and her mother was Dutch.
27、Audrey was sent to liveat a British school for part of her childhood.DuringWorld Warn,she lived and studied in the Netherlands.Her mother thought it would be safe from Germa nattacks.Audrey studied dance as a tee nager and duri ng college whe n she returned to London after thewar.But she realised sh
28、e wasnt going to be aballerina ( 芭蕾舞女演员 ) .So she began taking acting parts in stage shows.Later she bega n to get small partsin movies.But it was Audrey Hepburn s move to Ame rica that brought her true fame.ln 1951 she played thecharacter “Gigi ” in the Broadway play of the same name to great criti
29、cal ( 关键的,重要的) praise.Two yearslater,RomanHolidaymade her a star at the age of 24.Audrey made more tha n 25 movies.Am ong her most popular roles was Holly Golightly inBreakfast atTiffanysin 1961.Three years later she played Eliza Doolittle inFair Lady.She was married twice and had one son by each hu
30、sband.In 1989,the UN Children sFund named Audrey a goodwill ambassador(亲善大使,特使).She travelled all over theworld in support of UNICEF projects.The UN age ncy said she was a tireless worker.She ofte n gave 15 interviews a day to gain money and support for UNICEF projects.Audrey Hepbur n ofte n said he
31、r loyalty to UNICEF was the result of her experie nces as a child duringWorld Warn.She said she knew what it was like to be starving andto be saved by intern ati onal aid.She was a goodwill ambassador un til her death in 1993 from colon cancer( 结肠癌).21.ln Paragraph 1,“her aid work ” means _.A. wi nn
32、ing an Academy Award as Best ActressB. tak ing acting parts in stage showsC. mak ing moviesD. act ing as a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF提示:推理判断题。此题应根据全文内容来判断。第一段是全文的概括,其重心在后面,即奥黛丽赫本尽管获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,但她担当的援助工作同样使人铭记。再结合文章接下来的叙述可知答案为 D 项。答案:D22.The reas on why Audrey lived and studied in the Netherla nds
33、 was that_ .A. she wan ted to be a balleri naB. her pare nts were from Britai nC. the educati on there was excelle ntD. it was safe there提示:细节理解题。根据第三段中的Her mother thought it would be safe from German attacks. ”和 .shereturned to London after the war.”可知D 项正确。答案:DMy623 .We can infer from the passage
34、that_ .A.Audreys parents lived in Germany duringWorld WarnB. Audrey lived in America in the 1950sC. Audrey was made to give up dancingD. the character“Gigi ” in the Broadway play was her most popular role提示:推理判断题。根据第二段和第三段前半部分可知,A 项错误;根据第三段中“ .she realizedshe wasn t going to be a ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员).”
35、可知是她主动放弃的,C 项错误;根据第四段中 “ In 1951 she played the character Gigi in the Broadway play.”及后文可判断,这个角色并不是她扮演的最有名的角色,因此 D 项错误。由文章第四、五两段可知B 项正确。答案:BBFrom e- mail to online shopping,you may think you ve heard everything there toknow about the electronic frontier(新领域).But with hundreds of thousands of Webpage
36、s being added weekly,there are ple nty of surprises out there.Here are some of the most intriguing(有迷惑力的).Put your photo on a greeting card.Here is how:simply take some pictures with a regular( 普通的)camera,and then ask the photo service to develop them digitally(数字化).For a small fee,you ll receive yo
37、ur photos on a desk.Put that into your computerand,with a few clicks(点击)of the mouse( 鼠标),you can view your photos on thescreen(屏幕).With a few more keystrokes( 键击,按键),you can attach( 贴上,附上)the photos to e-mailand send them to friends and relatives worldwide.Sign on to one or sever al greeting card s
38、 Websites(http:/_ isan index( 索弓丨)of more than 1,200 electronic card sites)and create an electronic birthday or holidaycard.Us ing your digital photos,you can paste(粘贴占)your photo ontothe cover.If you don t want to use your own photos,go to browse( 浏览)hun dreds of images in over 30 categories(种类).al
39、l of which you can attach to anelectronic greeting card for free.For a nominal fee(彳艮低的费用 )you can choose from alibrary of 75,000 images athttp:/.Call Australia for free.To have a teleph one con versati on over the Intern et,the pers on you want to talkto no Ion ger n eeds a computer.Now all you n e
40、ed to talk to some one in Sydney is one computer withspeakers,a microph on e,a sound card and some software(available at http:/ orM ).Typically,you ll pay a mon thly fee(usually un der $20)to a service provider,but afterthat,the calls themselves are local.So und quality is the same as that of a cell
41、 phone.Even if you don t hav e a computer,you can still use the Web to reduce your long dista nee phonecosts.Some compa nies offer a service that lets you use an ordinary pho ne to call ano ther ordinary phon e,butcharge only a few cents per minute for US calls,because they send them through the Int
42、ern et.Today more tha n 10 milli on Chin ese people have computers.A nd by the end of the nextdecade,Chinese will likely be spending more time shopping,banking,investing and learning on the Internet than in the real world .If you can t do or findsometh ing onthe Net today,you probably can tomorrow.7
43、24.0ver the Intern et,you _ .A. ca n hear everyth ing thereB. will meet with plenty of surprises which come out every week.C. will hear the things about the electronic frontierD. ca n find some things are very in terest ing提示:细节理解题。由第一段.But with hundreds of thousands of Web pages being added weekly,
44、there areple nty of surprises out there.”可知B 项为正确选项。答案:B25.From the passage we can infer that_.A. fewer people will use the Internet in the following ten yearsB. more people will study in the regular school by the end of the n ext decadeC. fewer people will go to the regular school in the following
45、ten yearsD. more money will be n eeded for a Ion g-dista nee call by the end of the n ext decade 提示:推理判断题。由最后一段“Today more than 10 million Chinese people have computers.A nd by the end of the n extdecade,Chi nese will likely be spe nding more timeshopp in g,ba nkin g,i nvest ing and lear ning on the
46、 Internet tha n in the real world.随着电脑的普及,截止到下一个十年,更多的中国人将利用互联网在虚拟世界中学习 学校。答案:C26.If you want to attach photos to your e-mail,you have toit.”可知,而非到一般的A.digitalize(数字化)B.takeC.pictureD.se nd提示:推理判断题。由第二段可知,必须将普通相机拍得的照片电子化才能导入电脑 邮件通过互联网传送。答案:A,然后利用电子27.Which of the following is NOT true?A. A telepho n
47、e con versati on over the Internet can be carried out without computers.B. Over the Internet,the receiver of the phone conversation doesn t need a computer.C. The phone con versatio ns over the Internet are much cheaper.D. The Ion g-dista nee calls are local themselves.提示:纟田节理解题。由Typically,you ll pa
48、y a monthly fee(usually under $20)to aservice provider,but after that,the calls themselves are local.”可知用户须拥有一定设备然后向服务商申请并付费后才能享受打长途电话付短途话费这一服务。答案:DCThe China Daily Media Group is look ing for En glish-la nguage senior bus in ess editors,se nior copyeditors,copy editors and graphic desig ners to str
49、e ngthe n its intern ati onal team.We offer a competitive salarypackage,accommodati on with utilities paid for,90 percent medical reimbursement(补偿),a seven-daypaid leave,eleven-daypublic holidays and a retur n ticket to the country of reside nee.Senior Bus in ess EditorYou must:(1) Assist the bus in
50、 ess editor in setti ng goals and work ing on achievi ng them;(2) Be an excelle nt team pers on who can gen erate ideas and think creative and be able to rewritetotally if n eeded and men tor junior staff;(3) Ideally have been working or have worked in a position of responsibility and un dersta nd w
51、hatleadership en tails;(4) Have had at least five years editing experienee working on editing the Busin ess Desk and befamiliar with in dustry software.8Senior Copy EditorYou must:(1) Work on shifts in the Busin ess Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;(2) Edit or rew
52、rite copy and give snappy(简洁有趣的 )headlines and captions;(3)Have had at least t wo years editing experienee working on editing desks and be familiar with industry software.Copy editorYou must:(1) Be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing snappy headlines and eaptions;(2) Be able to work on shi
53、fts for different pages and usually have the last word before the page is sent toprint;(3) Have two years of edit ing experie nee worki ng on copy desks and be familiar with in dustry software.Graphic Desig nerYou must:(1) Have excelle nt skills in in formatio n graphics;(2) Be good at illustrati on
54、s and freeha nd draw ings;(3) Be experie need in n ewspaper or magaz ine layouts;(4) Have a good sense of typography(版面设计);(5) Have good n ews judgme nt;(6) Be fluen t in En glish.For enq uiries or to apply,write to28.What is the purpose of this passage?A. To describe the positions of the China Dail
55、y Media Group.B. To advertise for some good employees.C. To describe the working conditions of the China Daily Media Group.D. To tell you how to become a part of this group.提示:本文是一则招聘广告,共登载了中国日报传媒集团四种职位的招聘要求 这则招聘广告自然是为了招聘优秀员工。答案:B29. Which is NOT required about Graphic Desig ner?A. Bei ng well verse
56、d in Photoshop.B. Writ ing sn appy headli nes and capti ons.C. Having excellent skills in information graphics.D. Havi ng a good sense of typography.提示:根据文章内容可知,B 项是对于高级文字编辑和文字编辑的要求,而不是对于平面设计师的要求。答案:B30. Which of the following positions requires professional qualifications?A.Se nior Bus in ess Edito
57、r.B. Se nior Copy Editor.C. Copy Editor.D. Graphic desig ner.提示:根据文章所提至 U 职位 Graphic Designer中的Have exc ellent skills in informationgraphics ”“Be good at illustrations and freehand drawings”和“ Be experieneed innewspaper or magazine layouts”可知 ,选项 D 符合题意。答案:D31 .If you want to get a job in the China
58、Daily Media Group,you should_ .A. have the skills to com muni cate with othersB. have some related work ing experie ncesC. have the good quantity of making a contributionD. have the abilities to orga nize and cooperate with othersjobch in .,中国日报传媒集团打9提示:文中四个职位中提到了 editing experienee”和Be experieneed
59、in.” ,故选项B 符合题意。答案:BDTower BridgeThere are thirty-four bridges on the Thames in London;the following are among the most famous on es.Tower BridgeTower Bridge has stood over the Thames in London since 1894 and is one of the fin est,most recog nizable bridges in the world .It is the bridge in London y
60、ou may see in movies and on advertising writing forLondon.Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge that can be raised .It used to be raised about 50 times aday,but no wadays it is only raised 4 to 5 times a week.London BridgeThe con struct ion of the first stone London Bridge started in 1176 and fini
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