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1、12 1. electronic 电的(与电有关的) 2. engineering 工程,工程学 3. circuit 电路 4. common-base 共基极part 1: Basic Circuits3 5. common-emitter 共发射极 6. common-collector 共集电极 7. transistor 晶体管,三极管4 8. impedance 阻抗 9. ohm 欧姆 10. megohm 兆欧 11. voltage 电压5 There are three basic ways of connecting transistors in a circuit: c

2、ommon-base, common-emitter, and common-collector. 6 In the common-bas connection, the signal is introduced in to the emitter-base circuit and extracted from the collector-base circuit. Because the input or emitter-base circuit has a low impedance in the order of 0.5 to 50 ohms, and the output or col

3、lector-base circuit has a high impedance in the order of 1000 ohms to one megohm, the voltage or power gain in this type of configuration may be in the order of 1500. 在共基极电路中,信号被引入到发射极基极电路和集电极基极电路提取。由于输入或发射极基极电路具有低阻抗在0.5到50欧姆,和输出或集电极基极电路具有高阻抗为1000欧姆到1兆欧,在这种类型的结构的电压或功率增益可以达到1500。7 12. rectifier整流器 13

4、. diode 二极管 14. current 电流Part 2 : Basic rectifier circuits8 Since current can flow through a diode in one direction, a diode can be used as a rectifier to change alternating current into direct current. 9 15. cycle 周期 During one half of the a.c.cycle the rectifier conducts and current flows through

5、 the rectifier to the load. 10 16. pulsate 博动,波动 17. amplitude 幅度 The current always flows in the same direction but the flow of current is not continuous and is pulsating in amplitude. 11 18. frequency 频率 The frequency of the output pulses is twice that of the half-wave rectifier. 12 19. in series

6、串联 20. in parallel 并联 Another rectifier circuit is known as the full-wave bridge rectifier circuit. In this arrangement, two rectifiers operate in series on each half of the cycle. 13 21. pulse 波,脉冲 22. positive 正的 23. negative 负的 24. baseline 基线Part 3: The pulse14 The pulse is made up of a positive

7、 step and a negative step. (if the step is above the baseline, it is called a positive step, if it is below the baseline it is called negative.) 15 25. waveform波形 26. rectangular矩形的,直角的 27. sawtooth 锯齿 Pulses waveforms used in electronic devices are: rectangular waveform, sawtooth waveform and so on

8、. 16 28. capacitance 电容值,容抗 29. electric 电的(靠电工作的) 30. condenser 电容器,电容 31. capacitor 电容器Part 4: Capacitance17 Electrical energy can be stored in an electric field. The device capable of doing this is called a capacitor or a condenser.18 32. metallic 金属的 33. dielectric 电介质 A simple condenser consist

9、s of two metallic plates separated by a dielectric. 19 34. terminal 电极,终端,套管 35. accumulate 蓄电,储电,积累 36. electron 电子20 A condenser is connected to a battery, the electrons will flow out of the negative terminal of the battery and accumulate on the condenser plate connected to that side. 21 37. poten

10、tial 电势 At the same time, the electrons will leave the plate connected to the positive terminal and flow into the battery to make the potential difference just the same as that of the battery. 22 38. charge 充电,电荷 39. discharge 放电 Thus the condenser is said to be charged. To discharge the condenser,

11、the external circuit of these two plates is completed by joining terminals together with a wire. 23 40. farad 法拉 41. volt 伏特 42. ampere安培 43. microfarad 微法24 It is measured in farads. When a changes of one volt per second across it caused the current of one ampere to flow, the condenser is said to h

12、ave the capacitance of one farad.25 44. gravitation 重力,引力,万有引力 45. mass 质量 46. matter 物质Part 5:Newtons law of universal gravitation26 Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation states that: Every portion of matter attracts or tends to approach every other portion of matter in the universe with a force pro

13、portional to the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance. 27 47. resistance 电阻An ideal diode would have a forward resistance of zero and an infinite back resistance. Part 6: Forward resistance and Back resistance of the Diod28 48. cathode 负极 49. anode 正极 50. short circuit 短路2

14、9 51. open circuit 断路 52. germanium 锗 fall somewhat或多或少 eg:the price would be likely to fall somewhat,because producers labor costs will be lower。30 desirable characteristic 可取的特点eg:In genuine love, where the lover does not regard the beloved as his or her competitor,intelligence is ofen a desirable

15、 characteristic in the beloved。(充满智慧在彼此相爱的人眼中是一个富有魅力的特点)53. crystal 晶体 Crystal diodes often have lower back resistance than the tube diodes. 31What are amps,watts and ohms? Electricity 电力、电流 neat简洁的 Analogy 类比 Plumping垂直 Tank水槽 Pressurized加压的 密封的 Hose软管 32 diameter直径semidiameter radius waterwheel水车,

16、水轮 grinding磨的,刺耳的 watermill水力磨粉机 light bulb 电灯泡 substitute替代 rearrange重整,重排33 conductive传导的 dramatically戏剧性的,引人注目的 motor发电机 generator发电机 发生器 handle n把手、把柄vt触摸、运用、处理3435Part1: whats a virus fragment 碎片 片段 viral 滤过性病菌的 particle 粒子 burst 爆发 infect 感染36 Computer viruses are called viruses because they s

17、hare some of the traits of biological viruses. A computer cirus passes from computer to computer like a biological virus passes from person to person.37 the analogy between computer and biological viruses stretches things a bit ,but there are enough similarities that the name stick 计算机病毒和生物病毒之间的类比延伸

18、一点,但有足够的相似性,这种相似性叫坚持。38Part2: early cases:executable viruses word processor 文字处理器/程序 bulletin公告 embed 使嵌入 使插入 unsuspect 不怀疑 launch 发射 floppy disk软盘 upload上传39 violently 暴力的 猛烈的 trigger 触发 activate 刺激 激活 eras 擦除40 Early viruses were pieces of code attached to a common program like a popular word proc

19、essor.41Part3: boot sector viruses boot sector viruses 引导扇区病毒 trick 花招 诡计 boot sector 启动区 tiny 微小的 compact disc(CD缩写)压缩盘,光碟 shrinking habitat 收缩的栖息地 niche 壁龛 eliminate 消除 排除42 As virus creators got more sophisticated,they learned new tricks. One important trick was the ability to load viruses into m

20、emory so they could keep running in the background as long as the computer remained on. This gace viruses a much more effective way to replicate themselves. Another trick was 43Part4: e-mail viruses spectacular 惊人的 via 经由 harmless 无害的 无恶意的 corrupting 使恶化 使腐烂 Trojan horse 特洛伊木马 Visual Basic for Appli

21、cations (VBA)应用程序语言 programmed adj 程序化的,按规划的 v 规划、制作 Macro virus protection 宏病毒保护 default 系统默认值 fuel 刺激 加燃料44 The latest thing in the world of computer viruses is the e-mail virus in March 1999 was spectacular. Melissa spread in Microsoft Word documents sent via e-mail, and it worked like this:45Par

22、t5: types of infection spreadsheet program 电子表格程序 wreak 发泄 havoc 破坏 worm 蠕虫 piggyback 背负 在。背上 specific 特定的 明确的46Part6:origins origin 起源 psychology 心理学 心理状态 vandal 蓄意破坏者 arsonist 纵火犯 bust 使爆发 spray-paint 喷漆47 blow up 爆发 扩大 充气 fascination 魅力 explosion 爆炸 爆发 wreck 破坏 失事 gunpowder 火药 involve 包含48 brag 吹

23、牛 everest 珠穆朗玛峰 compell强迫 迫使 exploit 开发 开采 开拓 harsh 严厉的 苛刻的49Part7 history rare 稀有的 Lock away 锁起来 Macintosh 苹果公司生产的一种型号的计算机 Dial up 拨号 precursor 先驱 wipe out 清除 Load off 卸载 卸货 check out检验Page 50What is a computer virus?What do viruses do to computers?Some general tips(秘诀、小窍门)(秘诀、小窍门) on avoiding viru

24、s infectionsHow do viruses spread?Page 51 What is a computer virus?nA computer virus is a program designed to spread itself by first infecting executable files or the system areas of hard and floppy disks and then making copies of itself.Page 52 How do viruses spread?n When you execute program code

25、thats infected by a virus,the virus code will also run and try to infect other programs,either on the same computer or on other computer connected to it over a network.n When you share a copy of an infected file with other computer users,running the file may also infect their computers.Page 53 What

26、do viruses do to computers?n Viruses are software programs,the actual effect of any particular virus depends on how it was programmed by the person who wrote the virus.(creator)n Some viruses are deliberately designed to damage files or otherwise interfere with your computers operation,while others

27、dont do anything but try to spread themselves around.Page 54 Some general tips on avoiding virus infection n Install anti-virus software from a well-known,reputable company,update it regularly,and use it regularly.n In addition to scanning for viruses on a regular basis , configure scanner to start

28、automatically each time you boot your system.Page 55nViruses scan any new programs or other files that may contain executable code before you run or open them.nBe extremely careful about accepting programs or other files during on-line chat sessions.nDo regular backups备份备份.Page 56 Exercises:n If you

29、 want to avoid virus infections,you should install anti-virus software from a well-known,reputable company,update and use it regularly. n When you execute program code thats infected by a virus,the virus code will on the same computer or on other computers connected to it over a network.run and try to infect other programs 57The discovery of electron amidst 在。当中 bold 大胆的 corpuscle 微粒 血球 speculation 推测


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