1、unit 9part 1 word dictation1-5 : fantastic , error , whatsoever , magnificent , remarkable6-10 : outstanding , infinite , accomplish , mission , mysterious11-15 : analysis , excellence , responsibility , entertain , alternative16-20 : irregular , grant , concentration , weird , alter21-25 : performa
2、nce , abortion , database , available , breakthrough26-30 : signigicant , pose , surgery , naval , region31-35 :steadily,nuclear ,disaster,significant, aircraft36-40 :spoonful,navigation , fluent,mechanic,advertise41-44 :enormous,survey , prosperous,involvepart 2 dictation1-5 : predicting,available,
3、 alternative , ease,responsibility6-10 : accomplished , outstanding , strike me as , strike me as , infinite11-15 : devil , grant , prosperous , committed , numberous16-20 : expert , breakthrough , figure out , was banned from , alterpart 3 understanding long conversations1-5 : a c b a dtranscript:m
4、: i'm glad that you could come to this meeting, donna. this may be the most important university event that you ever attend.w: i'm glad to be here, marty. i tried to get my friend, wesley, to come, but he thinks that these university club meetings aren't helpful.m: well, i'm glad tha
5、t you're here, in any case. we're going to discuss power and the environment. do you know much about what our use of oil is doing to our environmentw: i'm not too worried about it, honestly, marty. i learned from a professor that demand for oil is going to go down as soon as it becomes m
6、ore expensive. as it is now, oil supplies are becoming less and less. people are sure to turn to other energy resources. and, then we won't have an environmental problem caused by oil use.m: i sure hope you're right.w: i have no doubts about it.questions1. what does the man think about this
7、university meeting2. who couldn't come to the event3. what topic will be discussed4. what does the woman expect to see increase5. what is the woman sure ofpart 4 understanding passagestranscript:recently, bright, young people were avoiding careers in education, but now they are flooding the fiel
8、d. nowadays, there are many people becoming teachers and majoring in education. this comes as a surprise to many experts who believed that schools would have difficulty getting teachers to meet their needs. so what changedone thing that happened was that college students became aware of the advantag
9、es of taking positions as teachers. for example, teachers often enjoy long holidays during which they can travel. they also get the pleasure of working with young people, teaching the next generation important values. but probably the biggest advantage that people recognize when they become teachers
10、 is that teachers have a great feeling of being safe in their job. not often do teacher have to worry about finding a job. however, if more and more people keep turning to this field as an option, jobs will become increasingly difficult to get.questions1. what is the main topic of this passage2. wha
11、t did experts once believe3. why do people become teachers4. what do teachers get to pass on to students5. what is uncommon for teachersrecording 21-5: a b a c btranscript:do you think that you're having trouble at school certainly your problems aren't halfas great as alexander hardedge'
12、s.hardedge's adventure is retold in the sci-fi thrillerthe time machine .in the film, alexander hardedge is a clever and absent-minded science professor inlate-1800s newyork city. on the day he proposes to his girlfriend, she is killed. then, alexander creates a time machine in the hope that he
13、will be able to return to the past and change his girlfriend's fate.needless to say, things don't end up so simple. one thing leads to another, and the next thing we know alexander is thousands and thousands, and thousands of years in the future, fighting against some strange monsters.like m
14、ost good sci-fi thrillers, much of the fun inthe time machine lies in itsdescription of the future and how hardedge deals with his surprising environment.questions1. what is the main topic of this passage2. who is alexander hardedge in the film3. why does alexander create the time machinethe time ma
15、chine lie in4. what does alexander do with the help of the time machine5. what does the fun of the filmrecording 31-5: d b a a ctranscript:you take a test. maybe the next day, maybe a week later, however long it takes for theteacher to grade your test, you get it back. you feel anxious, your heart b
16、eats faster, and you feel like you are going to burst waiting to see how you did on the test. didyou earn an "a", "b", "c", "d", or did you get the awful "f"grades cause a lot of heartache for students, which is why teachers at some universities have
17、 stopped giving grades. they have stopped giving tests as well. instead, students work toward their own goals, doing what work they want to do and learning at their ownpace. they complete their university studies when they are able to give a good performance in an interview. during this interview, s
18、tudents are asked what they learned during their college years. if it seems that they have benefited from college, they are given a degree.questions1. what is the main topic of this passage2. what causes students to feel anxious3. besides grades, what do some teachers no longer give4. who sets a stu
19、dent's goals5. what does a college interviewer check forrecording 41-5:c d a a btranscript:for good or bad, computers will become even more important in this century. computer lovers talk about howuseful computers can be in business, in education, and in the home.apart from all the games, you ca
20、n do your accounts on them, use them to control yourcentral heating, and in some places even do your shopping with them. computers, theysay, will also bring more free time to relax, as more and more unpleasant jobs are taken over by robots. haters, on the other hand, argue that computers bring unemp
21、loyment, not free time. they worry, too, that people who spend all their time talking to computerswill forget how to talk to each other. and anyway, they ask, what's wrong with goingshopping and learning languages in a classroom with real teachers but their biggest fear is that computers may eve
22、ntually take over for human beings altogether.questions1. what do computer lovers say about computers2. which of the following advantages of computers is mentioned3. what do some people worry about computers doing instead of giving free time4. how might computers affect communication, according to c
23、omputer haters5. what concerns computer haters more than anything elsepart 5 spot dictation1. (1) unusual; (2) fortunately;(3) conditions;(4) rarely;(5)warming; (6) causes; (7) heavily; (8) previous; (9) popular; (10) richly2. (1) prescription;(2) stir;(3) remarkable;(4) amazing;(5)healing;(6) birth
24、;(7) survival;(8) average;(9) memory;(10)effectpart 6 fill in the blanks (with the initial letters provided)1-5: fantastic , error , error , aroused , aroused6-10: mission , mission , investigate , investigated , mysterious11-15: mysterious , concentration , concentration , weird , factor16-20: fact
25、or , accomplish , accomplish , amount , amount21-25: alternative , alternative , profit , profit , alter26-30: altered , performance , performance , outstanding , outstanding31-35: remarkable , ceased , ceased , cease , adapt36-40: adapted , adapted , whatsoever , whatsoever , entertain41-45: grante
26、d , analysis , analysis , ease , ease46-50: ease , responsibility , responsibility , echo , available51-55: available , ban , banned , predict , predicted56-60 : breakthrough , breakthrough , fate , fate , hosted61-65 : host , host , posed , poses , instance66-70 : experts , experts , target , numer
27、ous , numerous71-75 : mechanicmechanic , advertising , advertisingaircraft76-80 : aircraft , wakened, wakened, involved , involved81-85 : awaiting , await , await , fluent , fluent86-87 : survey , surveypart 7 fill in the blanks (with prepositions or adverbs)to , in1-5 : out , instead of , instead o
28、f6-10 : from , with , as , as, on11-15 : in , in , from , from , out16-20 : out , to , for , for , up21-25 : up , long , long , in , through26-29 : about , about , to , topart 8 reading comprehension (banked cloze)1) (1) score;2) ) tend; (3) enormous; (4) concern;(5) exist;(6)preparing; (7) making;(
29、8) fluent;(9) transfer;(10) enhancing2) (1) secured; (2) provided;absorbing; (6) philosophy;3) ) pleasure;(4) amusement; (5)(7) education;(8) thoughts;(9)faithful;(10) patiently;part 9 cloze (without options)(1) (1) amount;(2) might;(3) alternative;(4) needs;(5) energy;(6)equally;(7) desire;(8) soun
30、ded;(9) strikes;(10) grantingpart 10 cloze (with options)(1) (1) early;(2) what to study;(3) in the future;(4) for threeyears;(5) end;(6) never would be;(7) before;(8) i didn'teither;(9) talked;(10) neither;(11) could;(12) while;(13)anyone;(14) understand;(15) so;(16) to say;(17) a bit;(18) hadb
31、een;(19) offered;(20) but;2. (1) opinion;(2) as;(3) on;(4) accurately;(5) sample;(6)brought;(7) handwriting;(8) to know;(9) for;(10)strangely;(11) relative;(12) tell;(13) frankly;(14) tosay;(15) careless;(16) watched;(17) would;(18) upon;(19)smiling;(20) frompart 11 translation from chinese to engli
32、sh1. should you need any help, you can always phone me.2. should she do well in her exams, she will go to college in october.3. i can't understand why instead of choosing you for the job, they chose him, even though you're better4. instead of making him do everything on his own, all the part
33、icipants are doing their best.5. no matter how much you feel the pull of the past, make a determined effort to lookto the future.6. it is to add the detail of these developments that we shall turn in the followingchapters.7. it is difficult to separate one aim from the other as it is one research pr
34、oject.8. it is hard for an old actor to separate true events from untrue ones.9. five hundred and thirty-one pages is a lot to plow through, particularly when you have come across so many new terms.10. the specialists in child education also focus their attention on the methods andmaterials right fo
35、r children.11. she adapted herself to changed conditions, and became an assistant for the company manager.12. research suggests that children whose parents are separated are more likely to drop out of high school.13. as the police caught him driving over 100 miles an hour for five times in a month,h
36、e was banned from driving for a year.14. i can't figure out why i did it that way at that time, maybe you have too much influence on me.15. he himself believed in freedom, so much so that he would rather die than live without it.16. no one ever thought he could find a job for which he would have
37、 been ideally suited.17. not every idea we have is going to end up as a full research project.18. i haven't really much interest in who wins or loses just as long as it's an exciting match as both players are chinese.19. when you care about someone you can't just look away when they'
38、re in pain.20. more than 750 airliners throughout the world were involved in fatal accidents last year.21. an accident in which five cars were involved caused the death of six people last night.22. try to involve as many children as possible in the game.23. i n the neighborhoods where people read th
39、e economist, for instance, they tend to eat turkey rather than lamb.part 12 translation from english to chinese1. 如果你又感到不适,请告诉医生或我,不要犹豫。2. 如果你也选择申请我们的银行卡,那么这张卡就免费发放。3. 他并未只着眼于学习, 他的目标是拓宽范围, 将法律和律师运行操作的社会环境也包括进来。4. 通常这是一天里唯一的时间秘书们可以专注于打理自己的生活而不是以不同的要求分类整理材料。5. 因此不管你将来如何打算, 你都可以信任你父亲, 让他帮助你充分利用钱财, 建议你
40、如何掌 控资金。6. 我基本上没有从医生那里获得帮助,根本就没得到他们的同情。7. 她得掏出钱包里所有的钱, 她解释道, 因为如果她不上交利润的话, 她的业务经理就会让她 走人。8. 这位教授争论道,把学校的“教育过程”与“管理过程”区分开来从根本上就是个错误。9. 学校的老师正试图帮助学生了解怎样区分思想与情感。10. 另 一种办法是,你可以等着先看看提议,因为她是个非常严肃的人,我觉得她是干这工作的合适人选。11. 这 个新法规让我们有机会将注意力集中在临终护理问题上。12. 在 受雇期间工人应该适应引进的新方法和新技术,这确实是毫无疑问的。13. 迈 尔森说过,半数的人都跟他一样准备退出,而他已经退出了。14. 一 位外科医生因为赶去医院动手术而车速达到每小时104英里,为此被禁止驾车14天,他将向警方上诉。15. 老 师们试图记录并了解孩子们知道些什么,领会了什么,又对什么容易混淆,以及他们已达到何种水平、成绩如何。16. 据 说他更愿意呆在祖国而不愿意出去。17. 如 果我退休了,我会去那些地方,去最能满足我的需求的地方。18. 最 后,这些想法终将变成有用的产品,有些还要出版成论文。19. 你 看看
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