



1、新题型2015 训练题:任务型阅读(共 10 小题)Do you love traveli ng? If the an swer is yes, the n have you ever thought about why? You may maintain that traveli ngcan help you expa nd your scope of kno wledge, especially geographical and historical learning. It will provide more chancesfor you to enjoy food and try on

2、 clothes that you otherwise cannot possible have. A famousEnglish author Francis Bacon (1561- 1626) makes a point when he says that, “Travel,in the youn ger sort, is a part of educati on; in theelder, a part of experie nee.Evide nee of leisure travel can be traced as far back as ancient Baby Ion. Th

3、isyear, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council, the 1 billionth tourist will cross an intern ati onal boun dary before theend of this mon th. That means that onein seven people on the planet traveled this year, something that would not have been possible a few decades ago. Around 20year

4、s ago only the rich could travel.While the US and France remai n the two largest dest in ati ons for world travel, experts say much of the explosivegrowth in tourism has been to countries like Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and the Ivory Coast, which weren t evenon the world tourism map a decade

5、 ago. The top five dest in ati ons in the world, accord ingto the United Nations World Tourism Organization,are Paris, London, New York, theMediterra nean, Turkey.Several factors have led to the boom in world travel. The prosperity(富裕)ofpeople in Asia is one factor. People in Asian developingcountri

6、es have liftedthe rapid developme nt of tran sportati on, and competiti on betwee n airli nes to givecustomers the best prices.TopicTravelli ngAdva ntages En rich kno wledge, especially in66and history. Taste differe nt67and buy differe nt clothes.Francis Bacon thinks that travel is a part of educat

7、ion and a part of experieneeDevelopme nt68from ancient Babylo n, travel only really took off after World War II Only the wealthy people could go on a trip about two69ago.The number of people travellingabroad will 70asmany as 1 billionbeforthe end of this mon th. The US and France remain the two most

8、 popular countries for world travel.Tourism has developed 72in countrieslike Guatemala, the DominicaUn it 2 Healthy eatingtheirin comes above middle-classlevelsin the past few years. And a lotof them have usedtheir new wealth to travel. Inaddition,travel costs have beenreduced thanks to2Tourist71Rep

9、ublic, and the Ivory Coast. The top five destinations in the world are Paris, London, NewYork, the Mediterraneaand Turkey.Factors73inthepopularityofglobal tourism Asia n people have get74tha n before. People have 75less money on travel because of convenient transportatioand price competition between

10、 airlines.参考答案:任务型阅读Geographyfood(s)Dat ingdest in atio ns explosively/quickly/rapidly/fastricher/wealthierSpent、单句语法填空1._(2014 辽宁,语法填空)Move slowly , thenbe sure to keep_balanee and dontlet your body shake.2. Its great for women to have their children and jobs_ (combine)3._(2014 重庆,阅读 B)Some people

11、believethat they cant help_(put)onweight as they get older.4. It was by_ (cut)down the cost that the factory made some money and gotout of debt in the end.5._My husband must(gain)weight.The sweater that used to fit him well isnow too tight for him.6.(2015 新课标全国n,阅读C)New students are now aware that t

12、hey are likely toleave university up to 15, 000_debt.7. Mr.Steve nson is great to work for I really could nt ask for a_(good)boss.8. He knew he could get through any emergency by doing _ he could to the bestof his ability.9 . (2014 辽宁,七选五)As part of_ healthy diet, eat more fruits anddecades reachres

13、ulting3vegetables each day.10. They were so frightened that they had the light_(burn)all night.答案bined3.putting4.cutting 5. have 7.better 8.what 9.a 10 . burning二、完形填空Leonardo da Vinci began painting theMonaLisain 1503.He was working _1_ a special pain ti ng for a church at that time,2 th

14、e church pain ti ng was not _3_ well.A nItalia n bus in essma n asked da Vinci to paint a picture of his sec ond _4_ .This is _the woman who _5_ be seen in theMona Lisa.All in all , the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vincis _6_and it satisfiedthe husband.Da Vinci used _7_ and light in a clev

15、er _8_in the painting.Da Vinci loved scienee and _9_.Right away aperson can see that there is a lot of geometry (几 何形状)in theMonaLisa.The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circlesand _10_shapes like _11_ eve n. Her _12_can be see n as a small part of a large circle.Thewomanin the _13is sittingon

16、 a balcony(卩日台),and14_can be seen behind her.DaVinci loved to study rocks , so these can be seen _15_in his other paintings.Thewoma n is sitt ing with her kn ees _16_the side.Her head is tur ned to look out of thepaintin g.Her hands are _17 together in front of her.This way of _18_is now used_by man

17、y _19 when _2 _.TheMona Lisais a remarkable master.1. A.upB. inC. onD. about答案:C 考查固定搭配,work on 指从事某一件事。2. A.butB. thusC. howeverD. so答案:A 根据 the churchpainting was not_3_well.可知上下文意义有“转折”关系。3. A.doingB. goi ngC. makingD. worki ng答案:B 考查习惯用法。go well 表示进展顺利。4. A.servantB. daughter4C. nurseD. wife5答案:

18、 D 从后面的 the husband 中可以得到足够的启示。答案: D 情态动词 can 表示“能、会”。答案: B the woman 指的就是“画”中的蒙娜丽莎。答案: C 由后面的 rocks 可以联想到 mountains 。5A.mustBshouldCmightDcan6A.worksBjobsCnovelsDphotos答案: A works 意为“作品”。蒙娜丽莎应是达芬奇的作品”之一。7A.heavinessBblackCdarknessDoils答案: C 与 light 相对应的是darkness 。8A.wayBpictureChandDeye答案: A 明暗对比是绘

19、画技巧、 方法之一。9A.chemistryBmathsCgeographyDbiology答案: B 在其画中大量使用几何形状,说明他喜爱“数学”。10 A.squareB roundClongD egg答案: B 和 circles 相当的自然是“ round ” shapes。11A.ballsB sticksCvasesD boxes答案: A 圆形的东西,四个选项中只有 balls 符合。12 A.smileB shoutCcryD anger答案:A 根据常识,B、C、D 三项无法用几何图形来表达。13A.churchBpaintingCsofaDhouse14A.treesBbu

20、ildingsCmountainsDflowers6re and thereC.over and overD. up and down答案:C 在其他的一些画中也能看到rocks ,说明rocks 反复地,再三地”出现在他的画中。16. A.onB. byC. toD. beyond答案:C to the side指侧向一边, 符合画的意境。17. A.caughtC. supported答案:B 保持身体姿势如何用hold。18. A.paintingC. smiling答案:D 前面谈的就是蒙娜丽莎的“坐”姿。19. A.womenC. girls答案:D 仿效这种坐姿的应是艺术“模特”。

21、20. A.they are being pain tedC. being pain ted答案:A 模特应该是在供人们作画时才摆出这种坐姿的。三、阅读理解A【2016 高考训练题】(由 2014 福建卷 C 改编)BLOOD DRIVE & MARROW 骨髓)REGISTRATION“ These patie nts deserve a cha nee at a no rmal, happy future andthey rely on the kindn ess of the stra ngers to make that happe n.Daisy, Isabelle s Mo

22、ther Isabelle isthe daughter of Daisy and Saman Mirzaei. In January 2008 Isabellewas diagnosed (诊断) with a genetic blood disorder , beta thalassemia. Isabelle s body is15. and byB. heldD. hungB. livingD. sittingB. actressesD. modelsB. paintingD. they have pain ted7unable to produce healthy red

23、blood cells. As a result, Isabelle has been receivingblood tran sfusi ons (输血)every 4-6weeks since she was 11 mon ths old. A lifetimeof regular tran sfusi ons can lead to serious medical problems. Her only cha nee ata no rmal, healthy life is to have a marrowtran spla nt. Isabelle isan on ly child,s

24、o doctors have started a search for an un related marrow donor through The MatchRegistry. The Mirzaei family asks that you consider helping patientslike Isabelleby registeri ng to be a marrow donor and give the gift of life, the gift of blood.Held at Wiley HallWednesday,March 26,2014Beh ind Heathma

25、n Dormitory/Butterfield Rd.12:00 PM - 6 :00 PMDon t forget to bring your driver s license or another form ofiden tificati on whe n you don ate.Visit to make an appo in tme nt, Spon sor Code 3390.FREE Ki ngsto n Pizza ! ! !Marrow Donors:BE THE MATCH be 18 to 44 years old in

26、 good health give a swab( 化验标本 )of your cheek cells for marrow typing FRE sponsored (赞助)by Michael s FundWWW. ribc. org 800-283-8385The Rhode Island Blood Center distributes blood products to hospitals in Rhode Island and Souther nNew En gla nd.1. We can lear n from the passage that_ .A. the blood d

27、rive is orga ni zed by Isabelles motherB. Isabelle receives blood tran sfusi ons regularlyC. Isabelle has bee n ill for 11 mon thsD. doctors will spon sor Isabelles family82. To be a marrow donor, you must_ .A. be a relative of the patie nt B. carry a drivers lice nseC. be at least 18 years old D. a

28、pply to Michaels Fund3 . Those who want to help patients like Isabelle can _.A. come to Wiley Hall every Wednesday B. visit www. ribc. org for an appointmentC. contact their parents at 800-283-8385 D. call at hospitals in Rhode Island文章大意: 本文是一则公益广告, 号召人们为了那些需要进行骨髓移植的人捐献骨髓。 介绍 了与之相关的具体信息。1. B 。细节题。根

29、据文章第一段 3,4 行. As a result, Isabelle has been receiving blood transfusions( 输血 ) every 4-6weeks since she was 11 months old. 可知她自从她 11 个月以来,就一直在接受输血。故 B 正确。2. C。细节题。根据 be 18 to 44 years old可知捐献者必须是在18-44 岁之间。故 C 正确。3. B 。细节题。根据 Visit to make an appointment, Sponsor Code 3390. 可知愿意捐献的人可以访

30、问这个网址进行联系约定。故 B 正确。B2016 高考训练题。 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。Mylast days of my month-Song trip to Guatemala found meself-reflective and grateful.I had rejoined the living after spending two days in bed, thanks to a terrible period of food poisoning thathad me running from both ends.I sp

31、ent 36-plus hours locked up in my hotel room in a cold sweat and grasping my st omach in pain. Theremay have been a bit of crying. There also may have been a few out-loud prayers to God begging him tomake it stop and asking why I had been chosen to go through this. I should mention that I am notreli

32、gious.I didn t have a mobile phone and my hotel room was not equipped with a fixed line,so I had no way to get in contact with my mommyor my loving boyfriend so that I could share mysuffering.9Days later, I had recovered fully. While the bug(虫子) ran its course, I had togive some thanks to the staff

33、at my hotel in Guatemala for being so sweet. They came to check on me ona couple of occasions once they realized I wouldnt/couldnt leavethe room. They offered me tea and to call a doctor. I declined both offers but was moved by theirkindness.I may get sick often when on the road, but I had to say th

34、at the worst thing ever isto get sick while traveling alone. If I am sick, only when people I know and care about are around d oes itmake me feel better. It s not even about them playing FlorenceNightingale -sometimes, just having them there and being able to feel their presence is enough to makeyou

35、 feel stronger.1.What is the best title for the text?A. Being ill while travellingB. The worst part of traveling aloneC. Recovering from the illnessD. Travelling alone while ill2.Why did the author get sick?A. Because she had wrong medicine. B. Because she travelled too much.C. Because she got a sto

36、machache.D. Because she had poisonous food.3.What happened during my illness?A. I had no food.B. No one helped me.C. I suffered a lot.D. I was bitten by a bug.4.What lesson did I get from the experience?A. Dont get sick while travelling or you cant travel with pleasure.B. Rememberto have a mobile phone while


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