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1、By:第四小组中美价值观的差异The Contrast between Chinese and American Value ConceptsNowadays as a Chinese student, I have much to say about the value differences between Chinese and American.vFirst Money wise. Americans spend more than they have, so they are almost always in debt. Chinese spend less or equal to

2、the amount they have, so they always have money left in the bank for emergency. American kids love to make money by themselves. Chinese kids almost always ask money from their parents. 中 美 年 轻 人 American parents think attending an expensive but prestigious college is useless. Chinese parents would d

3、o anything to send their children to good colleges even if it means that they have to sell everything they own.vSecond Relationship wise. Americans girls are usually very straightforward when expressing their love. They dont use wicked tricks to get their boyfriends. Chinese girls are subtler in the

4、ir ways of expressing love. Usually, they wait for the other party involved for signs. Sometimes, Chinese girls would even spread rumors about the girl that the boy likes in order to separate them so that she gets the boy for herself. American girls dont tolerate any mistakes that their boyfriends m

5、ake while Chinese girls always suffer silently. vThird School Wise . American girls are almost always involved in sports, dancing and singing groups while Chinese girls are almost always involved in academic and instrumental groups American students think that B is a gift while Chinese students thin

6、k that B is a death sentence. vForth American parents VS Chinese parents American parents allow their daughters or sons to go out with their boy or girlfriends as long as they come home at the certain curfew. Chinese parents usually dont approve of having relationship in middle or high school. Ameri

7、can parents support and encourage their children at all times while Chinese parents think that criticism is the best love in the world. American parents only look at their childrens good side. Chinese parents seem to only see their childrens bad side. vFifth American Teachers VS Chinese Teachers uAm

8、erican teachers love everyone equally. Actually, they love bad students more than good students.u Chinese teachers always favor the good students. During parents meetinguAmerican teachers will always find good things to say to the parents, even to those with the worst grades.u While Chinese teachers

9、 tell the parents every single mistake that their children made in school. v中美各自的价值观项目中国美国对待个性强调服从,个体在集体中定位,提倡先有整体才有个体个人主义,崇尚能力,提倡先有个体,然后有整体对待竞争追求安定和稳定,尊重秩序竞争意识强,追求效率人际关系和谐,注重人与人之间的关系,“和为贵”思想起主导地位,顺序为情、理、法对立,人情关系淡薄,强调法制,顺序为法、理、情对待忠诚以感情为基础,全身心地忠诚于某一群体以自我为中心,没有稳定的忠诚团体对待工作提倡勤奋,“业精于勤”,但分工不够明确分工明确,对个人范围的工作极为认真,富有成就感对待利益义重于利,强调地位和等级,提倡“舍身而取义”以金钱作为一切衡量的标准,追求社会地位门第观念门弟观念强不看重门弟实用性方面强调声誉、面子实用主义对待教育和功名相联系,“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”追求实用性、可操作性,喜爱能立见功效的教育管理方法较多采用层级管理较多采用个性管理美国的价值体系的核心的“个人本位”,具有强烈的功利主义色彩,金钱是衡量一切的标准,人与人之间强调理性,“唯我独尊”、“能力主义”和“现实主义”贯穿于人力资源管理的全过程。中国是儒家思想的发源地,是强调和谐、秩序和纪律。在经济的现代化过程中,价


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